

  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    People that say relevant instead of relative... or I could care less ... or, people who write are when it should be our, or the wrong form of to/too/two, your/you're, the're/there/their. or the girl at work that toots her own horn every two seconds...

    That is hilarious because it ticks me off when people give a damn about the above. Does it have any dramatic affect on your lifestyle? Or shall I say, does it have any effect on you're lifestyle?

    It does when you're a teacher. Perhaps if you're an editor, proof-reader, or any type of "quality assurance" for papers. "I could care less" is indeed one of my pet peeves as well. It violates simple logic which the person stating the phrase is attempting to portray in the first place.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    haters on imdb
    people in the turning lane without the damn signal on
    people who honk at you while you are yielding and there is still traffic coming!
    people who post crap all over facebook about other people they hate, just for attention or just posting a status about someone directly or indirectly aimed at them
    people who take grammar WAY too seriously. Enough already, we get it you're the grammar police.
    people who clearly need anger management yet never get it or seek help in anyway
    people who think they are NEVER wrong!!
    lazy idiots
    when others leave little messes for you to clean up
    computer viruses
    bad drivers in general
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    People who leave their cell phones on when they are in the theater.

    People who text at the table in a fine dining restaurant and ignore their dining companion.

    People who walk slowly or stop on a busy sidewalk.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    The absolute biggest thing that people do that pisses me off to no end is daytime lights. It's amazing how many people actually think they will save you from a wreck and there NO statistical data anywhere that says they anymore effective than "statistically insignificant". Yep, that's how they are classified by the NHTSA.
  • Elizadolots
    Staff at check out talking to their friends who were in front of you in the line. And talk and talk..
    Chewing gum, really freaks me out, don't know why.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I do want to send an internet slap to the grammar police... We find them lurking behind every internet corner... I find most grammar police use improper speech when they speak and it boggles my mind when they do not connect that same concept to the casual nature of the internet...
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Smokers. It's a dirty and disgusting habit that is harmful to anyone that doesn't have the opportunity to get away from them, and their cigarette butts litter every corner of the world. At least alcoholics are only poisoning themselves.

    Excuse me??? You think alcoholics only hurt themselves? You have no business complaining about anyone then!!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Pilots taking a deconfliction service on a busy day where there are many not taking a service BECAUSE ITS VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS so they COULD fly VFR! Grrrr...
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I decided I need to add to my list of pet peeves........

    people who post underwear shots of their concave stomachs while simultaneously complaining about how fat they are. I will gladly trade you my bat wings, apron (no - not the kind you cook with, the kind that is flesh and hangs down and covers your privates), or my sagging whateverthe**** I have on my body for your concave "fat" whateverthe**** it is that is fat)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Bad drivers in general, mainly the type that are driving like they are evading the police and then you roll right next to them at the red light.... I frequently ask them if they are proud they beat every one else to the red light....

    People on cell phones, people that make multiple lane changes, people that honk at people for a split second of being at a red...

    On more than one occasion I have had idiots sit and honk at me while I am watching a bigger idiot come barreling down the road running a red light... The look on the person behind me is usually pretty priceless...

    People that make right turns while people are using cross walk and or making u turns when it is their right of way and the same people making those right turns for honking at me while I am waiting for said people to make their u turns or cross the street...

    I applied to have that 50 cal mounted to my truck but the local police did not like my idea.

    You would die of a heart attack in Miami... worst in America:

    If you turn on your signal to change lanes, people cut you off to prevent you from doing so.
  • lurkette
    lurkette Posts: 25 Member
    Coworkers who glare letcherously at me, make innapropriate wolf-whistles and comments about taking me up against the wall in the camera's blind spot, then ask me when I plan on inviting them over my house for dinner and more. WTF? Almost makes me wish I had kept the weight on.

  • rtaddlowe
    Bullies, Intolerant people, Unkindness, Selfishness,
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Bullies, Intolerant people, Unkindness, Selfishness,

    Wow - I did a double look like my Dad
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    People who complain about being fat whilst sitting on the couch eating cake.
  • shazzam05

    Your Dad & Stepmom lying on a beach in Mexico while you wonder where next month's rent/next groceries are coming from.

    They should give you the money instead? Is it their fault you don't have a job?

    No, but you don't know her parents, they may be totally unwilling to help. Good parents help their children out when they are in need, point, blank, period.
  • shazzam05

    Your Dad & Stepmom lying on a beach in Mexico while you wonder where next month's rent/next groceries are coming from.

    They should give you the money instead? Is it their fault you don't have a job?

    No, but you don't know her parents, they may be totally unwilling to help. Good parents help their children out when they are in need, point, blank, period.

    Good parents reach a limit for helping adult children. We (good parents) do not have to come to the financial aid of our children for all of their lives.
  • kattydid65
    kattydid65 Posts: 65 Member
    EXCUSES! :explode:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member

    Your Dad & Stepmom lying on a beach in Mexico while you wonder where next month's rent/next groceries are coming from.

    They should give you the money instead? Is it their fault you don't have a job?

    No, but you don't know her parents, they may be totally unwilling to help. Good parents help their children out when they are in need, point, blank, period.

    Good parents reach a limit for helping adult children. We (good parents) do not have to come to the financial aid of our children for all of their lives.

  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    People who don't work have never paid a bit of tax and still get a better life than me in a nicer house, that I pay for with MY TAX
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    - When American people say somebody is from Europe, or that they are going to Europe.. there are 50 countries in Europe you know!
    - When people take ages to reverse into a carpark space in a busy carpark... just get in and don't bother reversing in!
    - When you pay someone at a cash register in a shop and you put your hand out for your change and they put it on the counter
    - When walking in a busy shopping centre and the person/people in front of you stop dead or walk reeeeally slow