Exercise when you have your period



  • kaligrl1
    I would force myself to go to the gym, just do a super light workout and maybe some lite yoga. At least this way you dont get out of the routine completely
  • MrsLythgoe
    I'm sorry to put a downer on everyone who has period pains & find it hard to motivate in that week..... But since starting my periods, I have never had a period pain & only las a few days (about 3 to be precise) I have 2 really light days & 1 heavy day/night. I crave choc & then can only eat a small amount cos it makes me feel sick. Am I weird??
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I am really not trying to be mean but suck it up and go to the gym. We are women in the 21st century and we aren't sent to the red tent. It's just a little annoyance once a month. It will actually help you feel better.
    Hey....not trying ti hi-jack the post, but did you ever read that book called "The Red Tent"? Its a great book about women written in the late 90's (set in Biblical times)...a worthy one if you're a big reader...
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I think the trick is to exercise through the period. Exercise, walking..can actually relieve some of the pain from menstral cramps. It may not be the same quality of exercise but you might not lose all of the momentum you have.
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    Mine are BAD BAD... but I try to do something. It really does help in the long run, and then I don't get completely out of my workout routine.

    I won't run, but I'll walk fast. I probably won't do strength-training, but I'll do lots of stretching! It's amazing what stretching your lower abs can do for cramps. I also like to swim, I know it sounds counterintuitive, but as long as you're comfortable with tampons it's fine.

    I make sure that I'm EXTRA hydrated, and try to get plenty of rest. I still workout, but I give myself grace... and I try SO hard to avoid the craving trap foods.

    (and I really hate it when people just say "suck-it up")
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    painkillers. healthy eating. gym.

    that combination has lessened my "unable to operate" time to maybe half a day (at my worst it would be a day or two, ugh).

    it really does help to exercise.

    also, if you are having extended pains you should go see a doctor.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    To be honest, you just have to push through it. I was the same way when I started, but once I actually pushed through the laziness and just kept on working out, it's so much easier. I don't feel as tired as I used to, I hardly have any cramps, and it's not a crappy week for me, and the working out helps me keep my cravings under control for the most part. It will be tough the first couple of times, but so worth it.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I've found that when its that time of the month, it actually helps any cramping if I exercise, even if its a very long walk. Plus, it relieves bloating, at least for me it does. Anyway, good luck!
  • luckybunny84
    I have endometeriosis so before I got my IUD there were time when I could not move at all. Now that I have it I workout but I stop if I start to feel dizzy and sick. If you dont do anything else go for a walk to get yourself moving it does help. And if you are having serious pain please go see your doctor.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's so much easier to stay on track if you don't allow yourself to stop what you're doing. Try to stick to your calories as well as you can but since it is TOM, a little chocolate now and then is ok. Exercise is the same, maybe skip a day or two but don't take the whole week off. At least get out there and do something - just make it lower impact and lower intensity. Nothing wrong with a nice walk!
  • Carrie95128
    I actually agree with the post about sucking it up and going to the gym anyway. It sounds harsh, but we're usually the only ones really holding ourselves back from anything. I have large, uterine fibroids that make my life miserable for a full week every month. And, I'm not gonna lie, while I don't binge eat by any means, I do allow myself a few feel good snacks during that week.

    BUT, I still get up and go to the gym. And it really does help me feel better. This morning, I felt terrible, but after 10 minutes on the eliptical, I started feeling better and was in a great mood by the time I left the gym. I was able to keep my pace and do 45 minutes on the eliptical.

    There's usually one day when the pain is so bad I feel lightheadeded and sometimes I'll take a break on that day. However, I've found I can deal with the pain using over the counter ibuprofen and you have to stay hydrated! Drink lots of water during that week. I also double up and take extra Vitamin D and Super B complex to help with energy and mood swings. It really does work wonders!

    This way you won't torture yourself by having to get back into the swing of working out. You can keep your momentum. And the exercise really will help your pain, keep you upbeat and help you get to your goals faster.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I am really not trying to be mean but suck it up and go to the gym. We are women in the 21st century and we aren't sent to the red tent. It's just a little annoyance once a month. It will actually help you feel better.

    I actually agree with this. I get intense cramps during my period and quite honestly getting out of bed and going to work is an aboslute chore, but I do it. If it is HORRIBLE, take something for the cramps and get moving.

    Honestly if you get out of bed to go to work... or school or what ever you have to do there is no reason you cannot go for a 30 minute walk. I find the cramps are less when I do work out than they are if I sit on my *kitten*.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I have found that high intensity exercise has pretty much eliminated most of the unwanted symptoms that I used to experience (cramps was the biggest problem for me and they hardly bother me at all). If I stop exercising my cramps are worse.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Try a tablespoon or two of black strap molasses for a month. Seriously helps with the energy level due to the iron content. You may just be lacking iron.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you're having that tough of a time, see your doctor about it. I know a lot of women don't like to take anything with hormones, but I wouldn't be without it! I never got terrible cramps, but I would spend two days feeling like my uterus was falling out and my flow was so heavy I couldn't stand it.

    The pill and now Mirena are the best things that ever happened to me!
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    It sucks, but its a part of life. i am on the pill and I have Endometriosis, so the doctors gave me pills to help ease the pain.. mind you it still sucks, but you have to push yourself to workout, you will feel better after the workout, PLUS since working out my pains have gotten a bit better. =) ..... good luck ladies.

    ps. just remind yourself....HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT... if you really want it, you'll find a way. If you dont, you'll find an excuse!!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I find that I feel much better when I exercise during my period. I hate it before I actually begin - I'm achy, cramping, and have a headache. But once I start, it makes me feel so much better.

    I would say that unless you have massive medical issues during your period, you should try to exercise. It won't hurt you, and will probably help.
    I agree with this I start hurting every where a week before my period but after i work out that hurt is all but gone!!!!!!!!!!
  • KeegansMomma
    I force myself to do some kind of exercise while on my period. Most of the time it's just walking around the neighborhood or mall. I find that doing so makes me feel better and less crampy. And then I don't feel as guilty when I eat badly all week cause I've given into my cravings. :P
  • BellydanceBliss
    It was so funny to see this post as I have been talking about my agony all day. LOL I have never ever in all my life exercised during my period. This time I just made the decision to do it. After I might be in the fetal position sucking my thumb after under my trust electric blanket but in 30 min im better and I feel better for doing it. I can so relate to this, but even if you are walking to keep your body moving walk.
  • retm
    retm Posts: 2
    No. I do know the feeling, but I was a little worst I coldn't even walk without being pain. Cramps started 2 days before the first and lasted 2 days after it stop. Tell your doctor how bad your pain is I know that there is a test your doctor can do because I have had it done just as I was going into menopause