Exercise when you have your period



  • mariodispenza
    mariodispenza Posts: 28 Member
    I'm a man, so I'll assume that I'll have daggers thrown at me and just deal with it. But, as an objective observer, it seems to me that there has to be a significant portion of attitude and environment involved. If not, women's college sports teams all across the country would never get anywhere. A significant portion of the military would be indisposed a good part of the time, too.

    I think that no matter who you are, if you've been in an environment where you learned to "suck it up" no matter what, it's what you learn to do. Conversely, if you've been in an environment where you can make excuses for yourself, it's what you do.

    Watch "Making Marines." In week one, half those kids are crying because they've never been talked to, berated, stressed like that in their lives. By week 10, they'e shrugging it off and confident because they learn that when you think you've done all you can, you're almost always wrong. You can do anything.
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    I know for me, I tend to use it as an excuse......Not saying others do this, but I know I do.

    I feel like I am in labor my cramps are so bad.....and sorry, I know TMI, but a super plus, plus a pad and I may have to change both every hour for the first day......so gross.

    But, like I said that is for only a day, usually the second day is bad too, but not quite that bad.....by day 3 it is definatley tolerable, but again, I use it as an excuse. LAME!! lame for me that is
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I'm a man, so I'll assume that I'll have daggers thrown at me and just deal with it. But, as an objective observer, it seems to me that there has to be a significant portion of attitude and environment involved. If not, women's college sports teams all across the country would never get anywhere. A significant portion of the military would be indisposed a good part of the time, too.

    I think that no matter who you are, if you've been in an environment where you learned to "suck it up" no matter what, it's what you learn to do. Conversely, if you've been in an environment where you can make excuses for yourself, it's what you do.

    Watch "Making Marines." In week one, half those kids are crying because they've never been talked to, berated, stressed like that in their lives. By week 10, they'e shrugging it off and confident because they learn that when you think you've done all you can, you're almost always wrong. You can do anything.

    Everyone is different. I get sick if I physically exert myself during this time - like vomit. Been that way since my preteens. Yes I could suck it up and vomit a few days once a month OR I could do lighter exercise like walk instead of run and lighter strength training during these days. I choose the latter. And there isn't anything wrong with me. That's just how my body responds and always has.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I'm a man, so I'll assume that I'll have daggers thrown at me and just deal with it. But, as an objective observer, it seems to me that there has to be a significant portion of attitude and environment involved. If not, women's college sports teams all across the country would never get anywhere. A significant portion of the military would be indisposed a good part of the time, too.

    I think that no matter who you are, if you've been in an environment where you learned to "suck it up" no matter what, it's what you learn to do. Conversely, if you've been in an environment where you can make excuses for yourself, it's what you do.

    Or could be that people who are that debilitated each month don't sign up for any of that. I have not signed up for any sports teams because I would not be able to compete. My home environment was a "suck it up" environment when my mum married a useless waste of oxygen (married to a lovely man now thankfully) and he constantly screamed that I was faking, dragged me out of bed, threw my hot water bottle away, hid the painkillers, etc. If anybody should have learnt to pretend there was nothing happening it was me, if only so I could take the painkillers since they were not hidden normally, I'd end up hunched over and almost crawling to the kitchen to get them. It just hurts so badly that there's nothing I can do, I can barely speak without grimacing when it gets bad, it's like I've been repeatedly kicked in my stomach and lower back and the pain is the immediate after effect of that only it doesn't lessen. The combination of cramps in both stomach and back combine to force my GI tract to get rid of everything from both sides and I spend a lot of time either in the bathroom or carrying a bucket around and brushing my teeth.

    I've been to the doctor, like other people have said. I don't have anything wrong with me, hormones normal, no cysts, system looks normal on an ultrasound, not tilted. If they can't find anything wrong, there's nothing they can do for me really.

    I'm not throwing daggers at you, I know that it's physically impossible for you to know what periods can be like and that's really lucky for you :laugh: Some people just have really sucky cycles while others are lucky and barely feel a thing.
  • TayaKrasikova
    Just for general knowledge. a lot of the ladies out there who are practicing sports at a highly competitive levels ( Including myself at a point in my life) they dont have their period. When you have no body fat you dont really have your period( look at gymnasts)
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    Like someone else said, it's not just the cramping or headaches, it could be an issue with a very heavy flow. I do go to the gym during my TOM however if I feel the flow is heavy enough that it could result in leaking, I won't risk that embarrassment. No need for a repeat of an embarrassing high school memory! :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • jigglypuff
    jigglypuff Posts: 5 Member
    Mariodispenza, many of those sports players and women that get stuff done no matter what, have access to many medical solutions for their problems. My doctor and I are currently working together on figuring out a birth control that can help me. You have no idea what it's been like for me or women like me. So please, keep ignorant comments to yourself. Unless you've walked a mile in an other person's shoes, you have no clue. You can assume all you want but truth is, that is your reality, not ours. It would also help for some people such as yourself here to learn a little thing called Empathy. You wouldn't want to end up with something debilitating and have someone tell you to simply "Suck it up". People like that need to stfu.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I am really not trying to be mean but suck it up and go to the gym. We are women in the 21st century and we aren't sent to the red tent. It's just a little annoyance once a month. It will actually help you feel better.

    In fairness, some women have what is considerably more than "a little annoyance" monthly and it's pretty obnoxious to suggest someone in severe pain "suck it up." Exercise may or may not help, it really depends, and women whose menstrual pain is severe should work with their gynecologists to ease that pain as much as possible. I always know when someone starts a comment with "I'm not trying to be mean" or "I don't mean to offend you" they're about to be mean and/or offensive.

    Lucky for you your periods are merely " a little annoyance!" Be appropriately thankful, and understand it's not universally the case.
  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    Do situps and crunches help stop bloading?
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I used to have no problem periods. No pain. Nothing. They were a little long but nothing serious. In the past 2 years my periods have gradually turned evil. Ridiculously heavy. So much so, that it feels like I need to run to the restroom and change my protection every hour. At the beginning I'd have one day like that, but in recent months one day turned into 5-8 of them and a 2 week period in November. One of the impetuses for my weight loss was to get my period back on track, it was debilitating to not be able to be far from the bathroom all day.

    I got on the pill, and I am 6 weeks in. The first period on was the heavy side, but much more tolerable. I only had 2 evil days, and the rest were do able. I was able to be fairly active.

    My sister has horrible periods with nausea, cramping and exhaustion. The only thinkg that keeps her from being out of commission every month is going on the pill.

    I know it seems horrible, but exercise, even light exercise helps. There are also some period friendly yoga poses, but I forgot which ones.
  • salevine12
    Maybe try just scaling back your exercise plan that week. Instead of running, just walk. You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel if you make yourself get up and move around some. Also, 12-hour Aleve is my miracle drug.
  • MartaKwiatek
    I, too, have very bad periods, but do my best to get to the gym. If I am in so much pain I actually would try Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) or something completely different to keep me moving to get my mind off of it and focus on something new.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    For those who say to just 'suck it up" (I posted on here but don't see it so some of this might be a touch repetitive if it does pop up). When it comes to pain its based of from individuals more then just an excuses. One of my friends who was athletic and was in track and field would get pains so bad she did have to stay home and she had the 'suck it' attitude. Myself use to get them bad off and on until my D&C, the pain one time got so bad I was barely able to walk (no way could I had exercise even if I wanted too or tried to make myself, the pain was down my back and legs and I could barely move). While I have one friend who never had a cramp before. I understand that many people and even other women won't understand since many times all we got are our own experiences to go off so can only think "well, I get it and got through it, why can't she?" but the pain is different for everyone.

    Okay, done ranting now on to advice! If its horrible pain stopping you then try to find something over the counter that'll help the pain or talk with your doc about managing it. If you have an idea how long the pain last (is it normally just one day or not, or at intervals) try to get your work out around that, like if you know the first day of your period wont be so bad then work out. If its just the awful tired bloaty feeling then try to push through a work out but a lower intensity one and take something like Midol that has a diuretic in it which will help relieve some of that.
  • Bombbombgo
    I go to the gym anyway and just have an "easy on myself" attitude those days... Ie the plan is 20 minutes of easy cardio. Even if ALL I do is that, it's still 20 minutes more then the NOTHING I feel like doing. And it keeps your momentum up through the week. Inevtably thougj, I start feeling better about 15 mins into the workout and end up being able to actually do a normal workout. Hope this helps!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I only have one day out of the four "on" that it's like the goddamn Shining, so I go to the gym on the other three days.
    Yes it's painful, but drinking loads of water helps, as do the endorphins released during exercise.
    Plus, if my legs/arms hurt, I forget about how much my womb hurts ;)
  • courtneyrae427
    When you exercise on your period, you release endorphin's, which help you feel good about yourself. And I don't know if you're anything like me, but I feel down and depressed when I'm on mine. I know it sucks, but you'll appreciate it a lot more, especially since you'll keep your rhythm going. Just try to keep yourself motivated, give yourself small incentives to make that week a little more bearable.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194

    I say talk to your doc about how you are feeling and see what she says.. Period's should be bad but not debilitating as I found out.

    Yes, this is true. I used to be in terrible pain and then had laparascopy for endometriosis. I'm nearly pain-free now. This is how I know that periods shouldn't be hardly painful at all. If everything is right with you and you are endometriosis-free, you shouldn't be laid up in bed or skipping out on activities you'd ordinarily do.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Just got mine today, still went to the gym. Cramps and everything.

  • stablesong
    I take an extra rest day or two that week. I have really bad fatigue. With my last period, last week, I checked out of school and went to the gym hoping it would make me feel better (and I wanted to go home and sleep) and after just a few minutes, the fatigue hit me like a tidal wave and I thought I was going to pass out or fall off the elliptical. i managed to work out a few times, but I took it easy.

    Next time, I'll try to do less beast moding and more light exercise and activity and just keep moving instead of trying to work out and then just sleeping forever.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I sooooooooooooooooo wish I could have an easy period like some of you ladies. When advil, pain killers, morphine, BC pills, and a heating pad don't help....I'm sure going to the gym and pounding out 20 squats and running 4 miles won't either.

    I've been to the Dr. for my symptoms and they've all said I just have to deal with it, nothing is wrong and that it's normal. Yeah ok.....

    And working out on my period only aggravates my symptoms, leaving me walking out of the gym in terrible pain that I can hardly walk. So no, never again.

    Isn't it maddening how doctors don't listen to their patients? I had endometriosis, and your symptoms sound like mine did. I would seek out a different doctor. Exploratory laparascopy was scary, but it worked for me!