Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    i just realized something! we are not trying to lose are butts and guts for guys at all! we are trying to be smaller for those girls that look at us and think omg she is fat! We want to be accepted by other girls because we want them to envy us instead of judging us! I don't know if this is true for everyone but that seems to be the case. I'm a 34 dd and a size eight paint. I think other girls think size weight is to big for my height of 5ft 1inch but I shouldn't care what other girls think of my jean size. My shoulders and hands and feet are way petite though girls get really jealous of that for some reason. I think as a girl we should do are best to put aside our jealousness and think about what guys think of our curves instead...cause it's almost impossible to get another girls total approval cause there is always that jealous thing going on.... i'm I on track?

    I'm not changing my body for anyone but me. I just want to look and feel fitter and healthier personally :)
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    ... I don't think i have ever met a guy who doesn't like curves... it is def. on the more sensual side. You can still be fit and have curves, there are more than enough exercises which can help you slim down without loosing your natural curve and others to enhance it...
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    i just realized something! we are not trying to lose are butts and guts for guys at all! we are trying to be smaller for those girls that look at us and think omg she is fat! We want to be accepted by other girls because we want them to envy us instead of judging us! I don't know if this is true for everyone but that seems to be the case. I'm a 34 dd and a size eight paint. I think other girls think size weight is to big for my height of 5ft 1inch but I shouldn't care what other girls think of my jean size. My shoulders and hands and feet are way petite though girls get really jealous of that for some reason. I think as a girl we should do are best to put aside our jealousness and think about what guys think of our curves instead...cause it's almost impossible to get another girls total approval cause there is always that jealous thing going on.... i'm I on track?

    I have several girl "friends" that absolutely do this. Doesn't matter if guys think they are too skinny, if they could look like a pencil they would be ecstatic! I'm talking about knockout curvy women who are very jealous of much less attractive women's small shape :(
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    I love a curvy girl!
    Skin and bones?
    No thanx!
    I feel that 15-20% body fat on a woman is perfection!

    Personality is 100% though.

    Do you know what 15-20% BF on a woman looks like? I'm not saying it doesn't look good, but it's very lean and athletic.

    I was just thinking that too! The lowest BF I would want is 18% and that's the LOWEST. Healthy range for a woman is 18-26% I think or something like that. Measured with calipers at 7 points I am 18%, but that only measures my skinny parts and 1 thigh measurement. I am small frame up top and probably a medium frame hips down. I'm probably more in the 22% range and it's not bad at all. I'm curvy and while I'm not a hard body I'm not soft either. I think I'm a happy medium of toned and curved.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    Its all about how YOU feel about yourself. if youre with someone who loves you whole heartedly they arent going to care if you lose the weight to make yourself feel better. and they arent going to care if you pack a little on. it all comes down to how you feel about yourself. ive had guys tell me they love me just the way i am..and they like a thicker woman..but i still dont feel comfortable and id like to tone up. (REAL women have Curves!!) but id just like to make mine a little tighter than flabby :b so no matter what anyone says it all comes down to how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I think women are often the ones that are harder on themselves and other women.

    Men love all kinds of women. They really do... They don't just like the women in the magazines...some men like women who have curves and meat on them. I mean, who wants to cuddle up with a skeleton?? Not many people....

    Sure, some men like thin slender tall women, but a lot more like curves I think.

    My fiance often surprises me with the kind of women he likes. He'll point out a woman and ask me if I think she is chubby and most of the time I will say 'Yes' and he'll say "you're crazy!".... It is funny that you mention Christina fiance really liked her too...back when she had some meat on her and she had a rounder face.

    We all have different ideas of what is beautiful...and most men aren't as particular as women.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member

    Marilyn's measurements:

    Height: 5 feet, 5½ inches 167-8 cm's
    Weight: 118-140 pounds 53-63kg
    Bust: 35-37 inches
    Waist: 22-23 inches
    Hips: 35-36 inches
    Bra size: 36D

    Nuff Said.

    Although I find these threads interesting to read, I also find it strange that us women seem to think all men like a certain type. Men are just like us!!!! We are all different, and like different things.

    Sometimes I find chubby guys hot, sometimes I find skinnier guys hot!

    Wow, I just realized that the only thing smaller on me than Marilyn is my boobs. I'm not big or small, but I always thought I would be smaller than her. I don't even know how a waist that small is possible. If I cut out carbs and ran my *kitten* off I could possibly get mine to 25, but I don't know. My hips are like a 38 and I could possibly get them to 37 MAYBE 36, but it definitely wouldn't be easy. Pretty sure some of my muscle would get in the way, lol. I'm just under 5'4 and I weigh about 135. I've seen some of her movies and I think she looks amazing, but there's some pictures that make her look bigger and she looks good there too. Sorry about the rant, but everyone refers to Marilyn as a plus size and how curvy she is, and I just realized I'm bigger than she was (except for the boobs, which hopefully will come after I have kids. lol) and I'm a size 4.
  • JenGrape
    JenGrape Posts: 32 Member
    My hubby definitely prefers curvy and on the softer side. He tells me to get to where I'm happy with what I see but to please not lose down where I don't have any curves. I'm 174 right now at 5 ft 5.5 inches.... and have a goal to get down to 145 and see where I feel best. I'm in a size 10 jeans now.... haven't been in a size 8 since my Freshman year of high school (and I'm 39 now!) It's funny I'm more tone and in better cardio shape of my life... when I was in a size 10 before I was 30 lbs lighter!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I am dating a guy right now and when things first started progressing I was terrified for several reasons...

    1. He's about 5 1/2 years younger than me, I'm 27.
    2. He's into bodybuilding and fitness big time.
    3. I was the first woman he'd gotten intimate with (talk about pressure!)

    I'm close to my goal weight but still have a fair bit of work to do when it comes to toning (my stomach especially), I carry stretch marks from two pregnancies, and a c-section scar.

    He has done a great job of making sure I know he finds me attractive as I am. He supports my desire to continue to lose weight and get into shape, because he knows it's important to me and since he's really into fitness he likes the idea that we can do things together from working out to hiking.

    I think guys want healthy, curves seem to be a good thing but they are relative to each guy. If you're happy with your body you will have confidence and that is sexy!
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    i just realized something! we are not trying to lose are butts and guts for guys at all! we are trying to be smaller for those girls that look at us and think omg she is fat! We want to be accepted by other girls because we want them to envy us instead of judging us! I don't know if this is true for everyone but that seems to be the case. I'm a 34 dd and a size eight paint. I think other girls think size weight is to big for my height of 5ft 1inch but I shouldn't care what other girls think of my jean size. My shoulders and hands and feet are way petite though girls get really jealous of that for some reason. I think as a girl we should do are best to put aside our jealousness and think about what guys think of our curves instead...cause it's almost impossible to get another girls total approval cause there is always that jealous thing going on.... i'm I on track?

    I agree 100% It's sad. I'm trying to do this for ME but there is definite mean girl pressure out there. I'm grateful I grew up in a home with brothers who were cool about helping me keep my head was on straight with what a guy likes for vs. what we women think we should be like. If I followed my mom and sisters' leads, I would be a neurotic beanpole. For me, the happy medium is truly in the middle!
  • rodneypierce
    rodneypierce Posts: 10 Member
    I love curvy girls! My wife is very curvy, and it drives me wild. Sure, she is also trying to lose a few pounds, but I in no way would want her curves to disappear, nor will they. She will always have plenty in the hip area, and that is how I like her!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I love a curvy girl!
    Skin and bones?
    No thanx!
    I feel that 15-20% body fat on a woman is perfection!

    Personality is 100% though.

    15-20% body fat on a woman.... is probably not going to be that curvy...depending on height. It'll probably be pretty slim.
  • tanyar32
    my partner prefers me with a bit of weight on me if you look at my profile pic which is the weight i like, compared to my facial features in the widget thing at the bottom which is about a stone and half difference my hubby prefers me like that.. Isnt it about personality too tho, i definately am not shallow enough to get with sum1 for looks alone the first thing that attracts me is eyes:)
  • tanyar32
    Oh and just read the comment about marilyn monroe, i watched a documentary on her not so long ago and even tho she was very curvy with a fantastic figure she was actually very petite in sizes, especially her waist n not so much in her boobies lol, pictures can be deceptive but they had a few of her dresses that she wore and many people who saw them were suprised by how small she actually was goes to show its not so much about weight but more about how the individual carries it......
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I find a woman who is confident, secure in herself, sexually aware and open more attractive than one who is not.

    Curvy or skinny? Meh, not really that important (within reason though. I rarely find women on the opposing ends of the spectrum - anorexic / obese all that attractive if I am being completely honest).
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I find a woman who is confident, secure in herself, sexually aware and open more attractive than one who is not.

    Curvy or skinny? Meh, not really that important (within reason though. I rarely find women on the opposing ends of the spectrum - anorexic / obese all that attractive if I am being completely honest).

    What about confident but obese (but working on it)? :wink:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I find a woman who is confident, secure in herself, sexually aware and open more attractive than one who is not.

    Curvy or skinny? Meh, not really that important (within reason though. I rarely find women on the opposing ends of the spectrum - anorexic / obese all that attractive if I am being completely honest).

    What about confident but obese (but working on it)? :wink:

    Well obviously there are some truly exceptional women who make me re evaluate my thinking ;)
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I feel so shallow . . . I find curves very, very, sexy. But I think it's just how a lot of us (guys) are and a lot of it has to do with biology and brain sex. Curves mean fertility, etc, which at the end of the day is what drives us all to find a mate if we want kids or not. It's always lurking in the background.

    I would say he's with you because of a mix of how you look and who you are. Afterall, I bet he saw you before he talked to you. It doesn't make you any less valuable inside. You're, well, you're just attractive weight loss or no weight loss.

    Loose what weight you feel you have to if you like for you, feel good. Please feel good about yourself.
    I'm on here becaue I don't think curves are sexy on a guy, namely me. I want more confidence and energy.

    Loved this comment also. I've been a little paranoid because I have just a little pooch of a tummy and some definate curves and I thought I needed to lose that, but when the gals at work were talking about it all the guys were like "OMG NO! You are perfect." I was amazed.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I am curveless....but happy with in my own skin.
  • artcaro1972
    I'd say some people look good with an extra 20 pounds and some don't. Hardly anyone is physically attracted to an "apple" even if they have big boobs and skinny legs. Gotta have a waist of some sort! This is also healthier, I might add -- smaller waist and big butt. It's human nature/genetics.

    FWIW -- I prefer my husband 10-15 pounds heavier than he likes to be.