Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't know any guys who'd say, "I like short, pale girls with small boobs and a big bum. Bonus points for bad eyesight and crooked teeth!"

    But I've known plenty of guys who liked me.

    It's a lot more satisfying to find someone who appreciates who you are than to try to mold yourself into what you think the stereotypical "they" might like.
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member

    Here is a PG-13 -ish link with an example of my ah-ha moment regarding my weight, my college obsession with supermodels, my lifelong desire to be skinny... in one of the photos, the two (nude) females stand in close proximity (the photo is over the top un-necessary in the way they are posed, by my standards, but I'm not choosing to think of it the way I think it's meant, if you look you will know what I mean. Believe me it's nude women in a suggestive pose and if you get offended by stuff like that don't click!

    My point is, I never before saw the contrast between a size 0 person and a size regular-female shape. The "plus size model" is what I consider to be a regular, normal, attractive body shape, and then there's the opposite extreme, the chicken bones stick twig figure commonly looked upon as the desirable haute couture model, mainly I guess because she is shaped like a clothes hanger, her body doesn't bulge out enough to influence the lines of the clothing or change the way the cut drapes?

    It really hit home for me that wow, what "they" consider plus sized (in contrast to the size 0 girl which may be some people's goal unless they realize what that looks like!) is a way more attractive body type. Maybe that's just me. The magazine has lots of comments regarding encouraging plus sized people to stay an unhealthy weight etc. but geez, a person has to wear clothes and I don't see anything extrinsically motivating me to be anything, really. I'm intrinsically motivated to get healthy, for myself.
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    Guys, what EXACTLY is the kind of preferred body type? What features do you tend to like and dislike?
    Seriously? This is horses for courses, girl. Everybody is different. Flip it and think about it - are we all attracted to the same body type in guys? Have you ever had a crush on someone who didn't fit the body type you THOUGHT you were solely attracted to? I know personally I'm attracted to all sorts of shapes and sizes.

    There's no perfect mould we all have to strive to fit into. Do it for yourself if you feel like you need to do it, and stop when you're happy with where you've gotten. If you're not happy with yourself then your boyfriend will have to deal with you striving for happiness, but losing the weight for someone other than yourself because you think it's what he wants? Really silly.

    I've been a lurker on the community for a few weeks now (signed up to MFP ages ago but haven't used it until now) and my mind boggles at some of these threads.

    Well, I'm not asking so I can conform my body into some random group of strangers' ideal. Also I understand that people have different tastes. I'm just interested in getting a sense of what the norm is.
    That said, most people tend to have a "type". I know what my type is, it's scruffy skinny alternative guys. Also funny enough, the guys that I've dated tended to date people who looked a bit like me in the past. Not to say it's a science, but there are preferences.

    OF COURSE I'm losing weight for myself. I have high cholesterol and have a BMI of 25.7. And it's silly to pretend that looking good to the opposite sex isn't a motivating factor for ANYONE losing weight.
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member

    ok, I don't know that I believe either these stats, nor these women's sizes. Or could it be the magic of airbrushing at work? ;)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I agree ^^^ I am a size 5 and don't look any where close to that model lol!
  • thebigbige
    thebigbige Posts: 109 Member
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Those models are also probably 6' tall.
  • Klynn63
    Klynn63 Posts: 66
    My husband loves curves, big butts, hips... my exact body shape-- hourglass. He doesn't like thin/skinny women-- which is obvious as to why he married me. lol.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Those models are also probably 6' tall.

    Okay I dunno how why i didn't think of that xD

  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.

    wow... really? tell me how..
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm not curvy enough I suppose. I use to be really thin with a somewhat figure. I dont want to go back to stick thin again. I just want to be right with curves. I have an "hour glass" figure though, but would like to be a bit more curvy! I will definitely feel attractive. :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.

    wow... really? tell me how..

    When you lose your boobs you grow a penis......
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Those who have followed my recent postings will not be surprised by my answer. I prefer them well endowed with curves and massive sex appeal. A little vanity about oneself doesn't hurt either. There, however, is no one size fits all answer here though. Different strokes for different folks.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.

  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    I think most men are attracted to curves.

    I personally like veins :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Curves - yes, rolls of fat, NO!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    my husband is a chubby chaser... any girl i know that he was dating at some point in time or whatever was at the very least curvy - if not overweight/obese. he has told me he likes my curves - but he continually tells me how gorgeous and beautiful i am - inside and out... i personally am not aiming to be super thin - i want to keep my curves - but lose my blobby belly and ginormous behind LOL
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    there is a type for everyone, after working in a Gentlmans club for 4 years, I have seen it all. there are tall guys who like tiny women , short guys who like tall women, men who like overweight women, some like toned muscular, and some like anorexic looking ones, there are men who prefer tiny breasts, men who like big ones. Its all in who you talk to. And for the most part the very thin girl made less money than the curvy ones, as long as it was a sexy curvy and not a fat dimpled, cellulite curvy. My husband likes me how i am but i want a six pack, so he will just have to deal for a while lol .

    I don't have the gentleman's club experience to back up my position, but I agree completely. I know it's a lighthearted question, and I'm glad you discovered that your body type is the one your life partner prefers, but asking "what do guys like" is like asking "humans, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?" (well, peanut butter, obviously, but you get my point.)
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    Truthfully, I'm at 180 (around a size 8-ish?) and I have A LOT of boys who have asked me out. One of the reasons I want to get thinner is to lose the attention of so many boys. They don't like me in a "I want to bang you and leave" way (like a lot of the more *kitten*-ish and skinny girls in my school), but in a legit loving way. I wore a swimsuit at bandcamp, and the entire night, not one boy talked to me looking at my face! xDDDDDD Always my chest! I have a friend who's skinny as a rail, 5'8" and a size 2. She's always complaining how "no one finds her attractive" (besides me :blushing: )

    So yeah. I consider myself to be really enormous, but apparently, a lot of boys (and a good number of girls.....) think that I have an awesome body. Now if only I can see it :laugh: