Nobody has noticed

So I am down 16+ pounds in less than 2 months. I know it has not been that long or that much weight, but I feel drastically different. Better outlook, wearing nicer clothes, happier. Even my hair looks better.

Meanwhile, not one person has said a word. Coworkers, friends, nothing.

In the past, I have lost less weight and had people ask if I had been losing weight. I know I have much more to go, but I would have thought I would have someone notice. Ugh. :(


  • monkeyfeetx2
    It is hard when people see you on a regular basis to notice. A good friend of mine lost 75 pounds over the course of a year and our other friends didn't really notice!!
  • horsiegall
    when i started no one noticed till th thirty pound mark i had overgrown the clothes i had , as a heavy person we dress to hide our bodies. Even now I still try to hide myself, its a mind set that is hard to change. keep up the good work it wont be long before your shopping at good will for smaller clothes. i was loosing at a nice rate it was pointless to buy brand new clothes.
  • llpace671
    llpace671 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this - I am just starting my journey and this is how I feel already. Keep up the great work - 2 months is a relatively short period of time considering the rest of your life - think how you will look and feel in another two months!
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Thats too bad that nobody has spoken up, perhaps they have noticed but dont want to or are afraid to say anything. Pepole can be very self aware and sometimes when a person sees someone losing weight it makes them feel bad about themselves(they may not even be fuly aware) not doing the same and they feel shamed and dont want to say anything nice. Dont worry about what others do or dont think, worry about what you think and feel. Eventually when you keep losing others will have no choice but to comment out of pure admiration! when I started, at 10 lbs not too many noticed, at 15 still some but not too many then 20, a bit more noticed, 25 a few more noticed, I kept kinda hidden in my baggy clothes for the next bit and then at 37lbs lost everyone started commenting, I also started wearing clothes that fit better and ditched the baggy oversized stuff.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    As long as you notice. Get yourself a new fitted outfit. :flowerforyou:
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Didn't have any notice until about 30 pounds lost and mainly with people who I hadn't seen for a long period of time. But like someone above said as long as you notice =]
  • Pamela259
    Pamela259 Posts: 74 Member
    when i had 40 lb to lose i was losing weight fast no-one was commenting then spring came and i stopped wearing my coat then everyone was like wow how much weight have you lost i had lost 20 lb is nice when people notice i hope they say something soon :0)
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    the people you see everyday are usually that last to notice, but if you run into someone who hasn't seen you in a while they will notice right away...:flowerforyou:
  • gorgeouss9
    No one has noticed my progress, either. I guess we need to remember that we're doing this for ourselves and not for others "to notice". Still, it's always nice when someone says SOMETHING nice regarding it. In another way, in the past when I'd lose weight, and people say something (nice), it would actually derail me and make me eat more.. donno why, it just does. So, see it as a blessing. :flowerforyou: And, you look awesome!! Keep doing what you're doing.. for you :heart:
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    If they are not noticing now, It'll just make their reaction that much better when they finally do!

    remember you are doing this for you, not them!

    (I am one of those people that doesn't say anything even when i notice, cause I don't like it when people notice mine!)
  • patheticgit
    Screw them.
    You're doing it for you.
    But keep going and very well done indeed.
    Bravo I say, Bravo!!
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I felt the same for a good while. Not one person (apart from my mum, who is legally obliged to do so!) had said a word, until one day my boss told me how good I looked and a couple of people said "we didn't really want to say anything in case you got offended!"
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    It'll come. I've lost just over 20 and no one said a word until this week.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Often people HAVE noticed but are afraid to comment, because they're worried it might come across as rude or inappropriate...especially in the workplace when it comes to vocalizing something about your body.

    I work in a really large office (over 250 people), and one of the HR girls asked me the other day how much I lost, and said a couple of people have made comments that they've noticed I lost a lot., and thought I looked good. I've had a few awkward compliments from some people too...who were clearly trying to word it correctly so as not to offend! point is that they probably HAVE noticed, so don't take it personally that they aren't commenting yet.
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I have lost 31lbs and no one has noticed on me either. I can barely tell except in my face it no longer looks like I'm growing an extra set of cheeks. THANK GOD. lol

    A lot of people say it takes 30-50lbs before people will comment and then when they do, be prepared for, "did you do something to your hair?" rather than "Did you lose weight?"

    As long as you continue to lose, forget others. This is for YOU. As long as you know what you're doing, feel proud and be happy!
  • brianblinn
    brianblinn Posts: 70 Member
    I've noticied & you look wonderful. Keep up the awesome work. We're all proud of you. :)
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I once had a friend who lost 60 lbs and none of us noticed. I felt awful! Sometimes we lose it in less obvious ways (her face, which was the most visible, really hadn't changed that much, and her clothes hid the rest).

    Also, people may be uncomfortable asking, since by asking it implies that you maybe needed to lose weight in the first place.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    That's weird, because the only people who do notice are the people who are around you all the time. So someone younger will care before an older person. For example, ALL the kids at my church comment on me losing weight, and will ask me questions out loud, they're bold, and I don't mind. While the older people notice but rarely EVER say anything. I know they know because my cousin said this "my dad was right, you did lose a lot of weight" but he's never told me that himself. regardless, weight loss is for you, don't worry or look for compliments, you may not get them.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    How tall are you, and how big were you to start? I didn't really start getting any notice until I had lost over 40 lb. But then again, I'm tall and was over 300 to start. And I continued wearing my old clothes for too long, too, so under the bagginess no one could see the difference. Wasn't until I dug some smaller sizes out of the back of my closet that people started to notice I was getting thinner.
  • mlwatts2
    mlwatts2 Posts: 247
    Have to remember who you are doing this for...YOU!!!! The praise from others feels good but putting on jeans several sizes smaller is better than any compliment someone could pay me!! Keep it up they WILL notice :) Good Luck!!!