Nobody has noticed



  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    It's hard feeling like no one noticed. Truth be told, though, it is less apparent to people you see every day. YOU notice because a lot of the changes are how you FEEL - you FEEL better, you KNOW the change is there, it is obvious to you because it is your body.

    Be proud of your progress, and keep it up. Eventually people WILL notice.

    ( And no one noticed when I put on THIRTY POUNDS - it just kinda snuck up on me and was there one day! )
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Just because they didn't say something, doesn't mean they haven't noticed!
  • patheticgit
    And to be fair thats why were all here to look after you and make sure you keep going. Don't worry about other people sometimes when your doing well they can try to tempt you.
    So if the've said nothing think of it as a quiet victory.
    And screw them.

    Brilliant news, inspiring and keep going. My weights up and downm like a bloomoin yo yo!!!
    Keep going onwards with your downward weight and succeed!!!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    When I lose-or gain-I do it in proportion. If you are like that I think its much harder to tell b/c you're losing a little bit from everywhere, not a significant loss in 1 area
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Hang in there. They will notice, but it's different on everybody. I didn't have anyone say anything unitl about 5 months in and I was down 30lbs. I don't know if they were just holding back to be sure, or if because the weather started getting warmer I was wearing less clothes, so you could see it more.

    It will happen.
  • Karaya41
    My dear friend, Do not feel discouraged because of this I understand it is very sad that after all the hard work and the effort you have been put to your goal that no one has even acknowledge the fact you have nicer clothes! but you know like the others here say the most important person that has to know and has to notice is YOU and as long you know you are rocking this and that you feel and look great imagine in two more months!!...
    Make a promise to you that when you hit 20lbs less you are going to pamper yourself..go do girly stuff and get dollied up...that is a gift From YOU to the most important player: YOU..
    People will notice no doubt and sooner than you think someone will come to you and ask you "what is your secret" :happy:
    No worries dearest and Keep it UP !!!! you doing GREAT!
  • smiles4support
    I've lost around 20ish, but it's more noticeable in the inches as far as clothes and my husband HAS NEVER said a word until recently. That hurt, sure BUT I AM DOING THIS FOR ME NOW & NOT FOR EVERYONE else! GOOD LUCK on your goals u will get there!
  • mroger801
    People noticed my weight loss in my face because it was one of the first places I lost. What I've noticed is that people say something either when I wear older clothes that are noticeably too big or new clothes that are appropriately fitting. Don't let this get you discouraged because it could be that next pound or two that makes people start noticing. And if nothing else, you're doing this for yourself first! Way to go!
  • CLotfy
    CLotfy Posts: 31
    I'm down about 13lbs since November. The only person who has noticed is my husband...and he really only just said so the other day while we were in bed together. I think clothes hide a lot...and if you haven't bought new clothes for yourself yet then your awesomeness is hiding behind baggy clothes. Does anyone know you're actively trying to lose weight? My best friend and I are two very different sizes, we're doing MFP together, and we congratulate each other on every pound lost. I doubt she physically notices that I lost 1.4lbs last week...but just sharing that with someone and hearing "awesome work" helps.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    We want pics!!! we will notice the difference and tell you all you need to hear :flowerforyou:
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    I'm sry no one has noticed hon but you have noticed, you feel better and thats GREAT!

    I've lost 10.2 lbs (which I know isnt a lot) since the 6th of this month, so 2 weeks ago and I do not feel different, I do not think I look different and my clothes feel exactly the same. My husband and step son both said they can see a difference but they know I am trying to lose weight so I think they are trying to encourage me and don't actually see any difference. My younger son is 10 and he said I look just the same to him. The honesty of younguns. lol

    Who knows why no one has noticed but I think the fact that YOU feel better is all that matters anyway. Are you doing it for them or for yourself? Keep up the great work! Soon enough it will be impossible for everyone NOT to notice the sexy new you!!!!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    It's true that when you see someone every day its harder to tell weight changes (their mind has time to adjust its view of you as you get thinner), which sucks because I know how gratifying it is to hear someone else recognise your hard work.

    Although, my recognition has been mediocre. I've gotten "eh. 20 lbs what's that a pant size?", and "you're not so fat anymore," so I'm not sure what's worse: people not noticing, or peoples bad comments when they do.
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    It is hard now a days, i know as a bigger girl i ware clothes that hide every thing, i have lost 10 lbs and only two of my close friends that i don't see very often has noticed. My bot friend just styarted to notice( go figure leave it to a man lol) but people i see every day at work and family have not noticed, i still ware big baggy clothes, I really does not bother me, i would rather them notice when i start buying smaller clothes, just put it towards your motivation and push your self. You are taking the right steps toward getting healthy do you really need some one to tell you , you look good? You should do it for your self, if you feel good you think you look good then that is al that matters. Keep upo pthe good work, it will come.
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    People are noticing - I guarantee it. They're not saying anything because in today's hyper sensitive environment where everyone's offended by everything they're afraid of making a comment about your body appearance. Keep up the good work and know that you have silent admirers and approvals!
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    As long as you notice. Get yourself a new fitted outfit. :flowerforyou:

    AGREE..go buy yourself something special as a gift to you because YOU notice! I'm in the same boat..I've lost 15 pounds within about a month and nobody has said anything! Don't worry about it..feeling healthy is WAY more important!
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    I've noticed that there's a certain weight that people notice on me. It's 179 pounds. When I weighed 181 and lost 2 pounds people oooohed and ahhhhed over my big loss. When I started at 196 no one noticed until I lost 17 pounds. My guess is that one day, you will wake up a pound lighter and suddenly everyone will notice. Good luck!

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Give it time.
    And let's see what somebody has to say once that 16lbs becomes 30lbs?

    Further, run into somebody who does not see you every day.

    You are ON YOUR WAY!

    Keep Punching -- All Is Possible!
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    Where do you live? It is winter so maybe the bulky clothes are hiding your gorgeous new form. When spring comes, put on that sundress and watch jaws drop...
  • AlanaViau
    Coworkers, Friends, Family... they see you on a daily basis, they see you often... they wont notice. Too small of a change between the 1-16lb drop transition sincei t's a day to day basis views from them.

    Go on a month long vacation, work your buns off and return!! They'll notice =P
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    that's a bummer. but at least you noticed. For me I'm not looking for someone to notice or to praise my weight loss, I'm doing it for my satisfaction and for me to approve and praise myself. I hope though that maybe someone will say something so you don't feel too bad. Congratulations on the 16 pounds though :)