Nobody has noticed



  • jeffarthur
    jeffarthur Posts: 123 Member
    have to agree with monkeyfeet...when people see you everyday it's not noticable. it'll long as YOU fell better. Keep it a long road
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    I've put on over 30lbs and my flatmates haven't noticed. But when I went home for Christmas my entire family commented.
  • Pkiddy
    Pkiddy Posts: 145 Member
    It wasn't until i lost 25 pounds before my co-workers started noticing. And just last night my best friend made the first comment ever on my loss. (my coworkers don't know i'm trying to lose). Perhaps it is because they see me everyday? I feel good and that's all that matters!
  • laurashapiro
    laurashapiro Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there. I was feeling the same way, and then, one day, people started saying things. Now, let me ask you... have you started pulling out your skinny clothes again yet? I think that its harder for other people to notice our weight loss when we wear the same old stuff, even if it is fitting much looser.

    Now, all of THAT said... who cares if they notice! YOU know youre doing a great job and soon enough everyone else will too! Keep up the good work and dont get discouraged!
  • AzLo85
    AzLo85 Posts: 1
    Sometimes people are hesitant to comment on a person's weight loss because they don't want to seem like they are making a negative comment about how the person looked prior to losing the weight. Perhaps they notice and they are just trying to be polite? Sixteen pounds is significant weight loss - I'm sure you look great!
  • deliak2010
    I was actually just thinking the same thing the other day about nobody noticing my weight loss when out of no where a coworker asked me about it. I had been pretty crabby about the issue all month because nobody else (not even my husband or family!) had mentioned anything about it but don't worry, like many of the other posters on here said, people that see you every day may not notice weight loss/gain so don't let it discourage you and just keep up the great work! God Bless :)
  • 7xgrandma
    7xgrandma Posts: 1 Member
    Just yesterday I heard someone quote that when you lose weight, it takes you 4 weeks to notice, it takes 8 weeks for your friends to start noticing and it takes 12 weeks for the world to notice. I lost nearly 30 pounds before people started commenting on how great I was looking, even though I feel like I still need to lose another 30 pounds. My sister-in-law said she's always hesitant to mention it because she's afraid to offend anyone by suggesting that they had it to lose, especially if their weight has fluctuated before. Don't be discouraged. Just keep at it and eventually you'll be getting lots of compliments!
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    It's always nice when someone else notices, but who cares?? When people see you every day, they don't notice. It's probably like when a man has a mustache or a beard and then shaves it, and you think, "what's the matter with him?" LOL Just keep at it, you're doing it for yourself, not others! Good luck.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    The people you see everyday won't notice. I don't even notice the weight I've lost, and I've lost 14 pounds. The only person who complimented me was the gym owner who I had not seen in nearly a month because she is working another job.
  • monkeymouse74
    I've enrolled the support of my friends and family. So even though I've only lost 15lbs, they notice because they have a vested interest in my success and are looking for the change. I'm almost evangelical about mfp and getting healthy. I think because I'm so open about it, it give's people around me the freedom to ask questions without fear of being misunderstood. Also My success becomes their success, because they get involved with helping me reach my goal. I have a friend who walks with me everyday and has now asked if I'd like to arrange a liftclub to gym in the mornings. Another is going swimming with me on Sundays, and they all call me on weigh in day to see how I've done. Not everyone feels comfortable with going the way I have, and that's fine. As long as you're doing it the way that helps you reach your goal. But if you dont talk about your journey with people, I can understand why they might not be to comfortable commenting on your success.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    the people you see everyday are usually that last to notice, but if you run into someone who hasn't seen you in a while they will notice right away...:flowerforyou:


    Keep working hard -- and the most important thing is to remember you are doing this for YOU!!! Soo as long as you feel great, try not to let it get you down!!! I know it feels good to hear - but it'll come!!!!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    For me, it would be really awkward to ask a female co-worker if she's lost weight. In this day and age, it can be misconstrued as sexual harassment.

    The line between complimentary and creepy is rather vague....
  • jrussoalesi
    jrussoalesi Posts: 18 Member
    The only person that needs to notice is you! It actually deters me when people start commenting. I yo yo a lot. People never say, "
    hey Jennifer you must be putting on weight, but they are quick to ask when I lose. I think folks just don't want to hurt people's feelings by mentioning it in your case. Remember 15 lbs is one dress size, so the next 5 your friends and coworkers will be FOOLS not to notice it. Check yourself out tonight in the mirror and BE PROUD! 16 lbs is awesome - Congrats from the ATL! Keep up the good work!
  • katherinemm31
    Sometimes people give subtle compliments instead of saying things like, "Hey, you've lost weight! You look great!" because they don't want to offend you by implying you looked bad before. Has anyone told you, "You look really good today!" or, "That outfit looks nice on you"? If so, they might be noticing more than you think. Just a thought.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Have to remember who you are doing this for...YOU!!!! The praise from others feels good but putting on jeans several sizes smaller is better than any compliment someone could pay me!! Keep it up they WILL notice :) Good Luck!!!

  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    Not true babe......YOU'VE noticed. While we all look for outside affirmation, you're recognizing of your progress is most important. During the times that you maybe felt guilty for eating this or that, or maybe felt miserable in your own skin because your clothes don't feel the same, it was YOU dealing with and feeling that anguish. You need to embrace your success thus far and keep doing what you're doing.....the outside recognition will come. :)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    It could be that they have noticed, but don't know how to bring it up nicely. It's one of the things that make people uncomfortable. A simple, "WOW, you look great!" could be construed as, "Man, you looked terrible before!"

    If you're brave, maybe hop into the office one day, grinning, and say, "I JUST HIT MY 15 POUND LOST MARK!!!!!!" I guarantee a little tooting of your horn will open up the lines of communication.

    AND - if that's not your style - wrap yourself in how good you are feeling, keep going, and enjoy all the benefits you listed.

    Oh, and another note - my fiance never says a word when I lose. But he never says a word when I gain - so it's win-win. I'd have to kill him if he said, "Hmm... have you been putting on a few pounds lately?"
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    If people haven't noticed, it's probably because they see you every day. I always find that if I've lost weight and bump into someone I haven't seen in a while, it's one of the first things they comment on.

    They also might have noticed, but feel like it would be impolite to say so. Some people don't like saying 'Have you lost weight?' because it infers they thought you were fat before and people can be really overly sensitive, even when it's a compliment. Don't be disheartened. You've said yourself that you look and feel better and I'm sure the further you go along, the more people will HAVE to say something. :)
  • snkojoian
    I am one of those people who don't notice until someone has lost a lot of weight. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I never pay attention to people's bodies, it is their faces that I look at. Also, I'm hesitant to comment on weight because I know how touchy people are about their weight. Don't waste another minute thinking about it. Enjoy looking and feeling good for yourself!!