Nobody has noticed



  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Often people HAVE noticed but are afraid to comment, because they're worried it might come across as rude or inappropriate...especially in the workplace when it comes to vocalizing something about your body.

    I work in a really large office (over 250 people), and one of the HR girls asked me the other day how much I lost, and said a couple of people have made comments that they've noticed I lost a lot., and thought I looked good. I've had a few awkward compliments from some people too...who were clearly trying to word it correctly so as not to offend! point is that they probably HAVE noticed, so don't take it personally that they aren't commenting yet.

    This! I have only had a couple of comments from people and I was thinking "really you haven't noticed I've lost over 30lbs in 3 months!!" They had but they waiting until the subject came up naturally before the commented! It seems people are frightened of offending by saying you look better!
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I think you have to lose at least 10% of your body weight before it's enough for people to notice. When you figure how much our weight can fluctuate from day to day, and as much as 5lbs or so over the course of a week, 16 lbs usually isn't going to be enough for other people to notice when we're walking around with clothes on unless you weighed 160 to begin with.

    That shouldn't discourage you! You're doing it for you, not them, and every pound will get you that much closer to people noticing. Until then, it's like our own little secret - and when the "unveiling" occurs, everyone will say "Wow!" :)
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    Thats too bad that nobody has spoken up, perhaps they have noticed but dont want to or are afraid to say anything. Pepole can be very self aware and sometimes when a person sees someone losing weight it makes them feel bad about themselves(they may not even be fuly aware) not doing the same and they feel shamed and dont want to say anything nice. Dont worry about what others do or dont think, worry about what you think and feel. Eventually when you keep losing others will have no choice but to comment out of pure admiration! when I started, at 10 lbs not too many noticed, at 15 still some but not too many then 20, a bit more noticed, 25 a few more noticed, I kept kinda hidden in my baggy clothes for the next bit and then at 37lbs lost everyone started commenting, I also started wearing clothes that fit better and ditched the baggy oversized stuff.

    I agree....I bet people have noticed but not said anything yet. It wasn't until all of my clothes were falling off of me and I had to buy new clothes that anyone mentioned that I looked thinner. I even went for tighter clothes that showed off my new body because I felt so good. But a lot of people have acted resentful of me for being able to loose weight...even my best friends. But you just have to not worry about other peoples issues and do what is right for you. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    My Mom felt really bad because no one noticed until she hit the 30 pound mark. The close family know she was dieting so we always told her she looked really good - but just to keep her spirits up. We couldn't really tell until she hit the 30 pound mark. Stick with it - as long as you are feeling better and happier that is all that really counts.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    well y:wink: ou are doing a wonderful job! keep up the good work, and as long as you know and feel better, they will notice with time.
  • Idbigjohn63
    Don't let it get you down. Just keep up the good work. I'm sure you feel a lot better and thats what really counts. And i'm sure people will notice soon.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    It stinks when you put in so much work and no one notices. But honestly I am at 53lbs, a total of 61 since having my daughter may 2010 and i think probably just a month ago people at work and stuff started saying stuff. Plus people may notice and just not say anything because they arent sure. Keep your head up.Couple more pounds and im sure people will notice
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    How many of you who feel discouraged that no one has noticed your improvements, have noticed improvements on someone else.....and not said anything? Chances are people have noticed. They're just afraid of a socially awkward situation.
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    Last summer I lost 21 pounds and no one said anything except the 2 people who knew I was dieting! I was very frustrated. Ironically I started back up January 3 and have lost 5 pounds and a couple people have asked if I was losing weight! Go figure! Hang in there, you're doing great!!
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    Often people HAVE noticed but are afraid to comment, because they're worried it might come across as rude or inappropriate...especially in the workplace when it comes to vocalizing something about your body.

    I work in a really large office (over 250 people), and one of the HR girls asked me the other day how much I lost, and said a couple of people have made comments that they've noticed I lost a lot., and thought I looked good. I've had a few awkward compliments from some people too...who were clearly trying to word it correctly so as not to offend! point is that they probably HAVE noticed, so don't take it personally that they aren't commenting yet.

    This! I have only had a couple of comments from people and I was thinking "really you haven't noticed I've lost over 30lbs in 3 months!!" They had but they waiting until the subject came up naturally before the commented! It seems people are frightened of offending by saying you look better!

    This is also true. One of the Directors where I used to work had no filter on his mouth - which could be a good thing in this case :) One day he turned and said to me "Hey, what's going on here? You've lost weight - you look great!" Of course, he does this in the middle of the foyer in front of people who then say "Yeah, you have been looking good! What are you doing?" Weight can be a touchy thing and a lot of people dont want to say anything.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    bump for later
  • lawson305
    lawson305 Posts: 103
    Ahh...the "nobody is noticing me" thread....I guess it used to bother me, but then I finally had a discussion with myself about why I am losing weight. I want to be around, and I want to be healthier. Now, I must say I get sick of people commenting about my loss, as I typically have to listen to their version of the best way to lose weight.

    In fact, the other day I had a very skinny coworker ask me if I ever tried Overeaters Anonymous. I wanted to punch her in the face but instead use that for motivation for w8/d1 of c25k tomorrow, the much anticipated 28 minute run. I bet she couldn't run 28 seconds....ok, i'll stop!

    People are noticing, probably just uncomfortable saying anything! Keep up the good work....
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    People might notice but do not want to offend you by saying so. I have a friend who has lost a lot of weight and I am on the small side, so I feel like if I say something to her, she might take it that I was saying she was fat before. It's one of those catch-22 things. Congratulations on your weight loss, but mostly on feeling better! That is what it should be about in the first place. :)

    P.S. I am one of those crazy people who weighs myself everyday. I gained one lb yesterday and I know it is probably just bloat or muscle, but it is aggravating me because I have been exercising and staying under my calorie goal. So I know what it feels like to get bummed out when you are trying really hard. Keep going girly!!!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I experienced the same thing. When I was down 20 pounds (10% of original body weight) I expected people to notice...but no one did. Once I got to 40 pounds (20% original)...people started noticing more frequently. What I have found though is now that I am to 30% lost people comment daily. Give it time and don't get discouraged.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    As long as you feel good and know the difference that's what matters. Don't let the fact that you think people don't notice bring you down. You are working hard for your goals. Enjoy it.
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    I saw my boyfriend's mom the other day for the first time since I started losing. A day later, the two of them were talking about something and he mentioned that I had lost a little bit of weight. She said that she had noticed that my face looked a little slimmer, but she wasn't sure what to say about it. Sometimes people just aren't comfortable bringing it up!
  • elstadj
    I've been using myfitnesspal for 10 days. To me the support I've seen has been enough motivation. I've been fortunate that people have acknowledged my weight loss.

    I started my journey the beginning of May 2011. I struggled for a month and finally went to a nutritionist. I've hit plateaus, haven't always met my goal, but I've never lost sight of the fact that I've now lost 66 pounds in 8 months.

    Sometimes we have to self-motivate ourselves when others don't (either out of ignorance, or not knowing what to say for fear of offending you).

    Hang in there. You'll meet your goal.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I did not read through all the posts yet but I have friends who say I lost too much weight because they are jealous...maybe people are jealous so they don't say anything. Keep at is worth it and you are worth it

    I am experiencing this as well. I am 5'2" and currently 127, hardly anorexic but have been told that's how I look. I flab on my arms and belly and my collarbone is only beginning to show. Jealousy can be an ugly thing. I have worked hard to get where I am and will continue to do so. The comments only fuel my desire to keep going.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I agree with the above posters - some people don't say anything for assorted reasons (implying you needed to lose it in the firstplace, workplace harrassment, etc.) Honestly I NEVER notice when someone has lost weight and I feel horrible about it because they did work hard to do it. On the plus side, I also NEVER notice when someone gains weight! ;-) Good luck on your continuing journey!
  • WIldMonica
    don't give up! people are so self-focused and seeing a person on a daily basis makes it a little less noticeable, but one day it will hit them! You are doing this for you, not for anyone else - keep up the good work! when they finally notice, just smile proudly and say "thanks for noticing!"