ever been told you werent good looking?



  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    One of my brother's friends told me that I had went from someone he wouldn't do ever, to someone he would do after 10 beers ;)

    Yeah, rude!! (I met him drunk at a party a few years ago, he then couldn't stop talking about what a MILF I was)...

    No wonder I'm lesbian :)
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND!

    There's no way you are the "ugly friend", you're beautiful.

    Thanks, it takes a lot for me to look like I do in my photo lol. 3-4 days of sitting on my butt in front of my mother while she braids my hair (she's slow but it's free). Buying new eyeliners once a month, taking just the right angle of a shot with my iPod Touch

    For Horrorchix, I do not believe there is a camera angle that could make you ugly--you are an absolutely gorgeous woman. The words you say to yourself have power, so if you can't quite get to "I am beautiful" at this moment, at least quit with the "I am ugly." You're adorable.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I was told by my ex husband after I had his baby that I was fat..(Iwas 117 pounds when we married) gained a lot during pregnancy and that im ugly and that he was doing me a favor because no one else would want me...to this day I still think about that and it still bothers me..
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    I remember being in a club when I was younger and just starting to go out. Me and my bestie had been up on the poles dancing, really having a laugh. I was already conscious of my weight as she was a lot skinnier than me but hey I had boobs lol... (and we were only 8stone or so then anyway, mad in hindsight!) Anyway, as I was walking back from a loo break, I held a door open for these people walking down to the toilets, and as the last guy walked past he came right up close and said, "YOU, are a minger!" and then just walked off.
    I was like, what a knob, here I am holding the door open being polite and I get that chucked in my face. I think that did make me a lot more self conscious about being out and how I was perceived.
    I'm sure he was one of those guys who loved himself simply because no one else would and is still probably single lol :laugh:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    The only person ever to tell me this was my S-I-L. She is a piece of work. She would make comments about everything.
    dark circles under my eyes
    pock marks on my skin
    the fat i have..went on and on.

    Dark circles--cause of havying hypothyroid..not getting sleep..now..they are gone..love my meds
    pock marks...well i had chicken pox at 25...they are almost gone..very few now..and the fact that i had very bad acne cause of IR and PCOS
    the fat..well thats all gone..she can barely stand looking at me..cause she has nothing to pick on...
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member

    Sounds to me like she is trying to hurt your self esteem. Because if your self esteem sucks maybe you will lower your standards enough to actually date her. At least that's what she thinks.

    Being that I've been on the internet since I was 12 I've been told numerous times that I'm ugly / fat. Most of the time it's from strangers that don't even know me so I don't really care.

    I personally have my days where I feel like I'm totally smokin hot and other days where I feel like I should be walking around in a burka to cover up the ugly.
  • Serenavictoria
    Serenavictoria Posts: 37 Member
    Of course I've been told this. And you can try to not let it bother you, but after awhile, it wears on you.

    Of course I love me for me, but I still want to feel pretty.

    I'm sorry anyone has called anyone ugly. Its a mean thing to say. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone is beautiful in some way. I hate the way the media makes us all feel.
  • SuzQ20
    SuzQ20 Posts: 21 Member
    I have a few... I was always the ugly friend people would drag along to make themselves look better. I was told by my one friend that I was lucky I had a decent personality or else I would never have a chance at dating, one girl in high school told me I was lucky that I would never had to deal with guys ever wanting to date me, my grandma used to poke at my fat all of the time and tell me that the least thing I could do was to lose weight and have a good body or else I'd never find anyone, and everyone at my old workplace would ask me how in the world did I manage to get my current boyfriend because he's good looking... I don't know why people are so hurtful to each other.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I can't remember anyone ever telling me I was ugly or not attractive. I wouldn't believe them anyway.
  • neat0
    neat0 Posts: 16
    Yes I have.

    Yes, it hurts. If you get told something enough. you start to believe it. I still don't really date because of confidence issues.
  • sarahemily72
    My doctor told me it was a shame that I gained weight because I was such a pretty teenager. That hurt!
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    My own family used to refer to me as the "smart " sister and my little sister as the "pretty" sister

    Needless to say I dont have contact w/ them.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Apart from school playground bullying, not really. A couple of controlling, abusive boyfriends, but I can see them for what they were. Most people say exactly the opposite, but I really just think they are being nice. I have some lovely friends that work hard to raise my confidence!

    I don't get the people on here that say they have no self esteem and all that, but still have their pic on here. I'm not criticising. I just couldn't do that. I'm not for public scrutiny!

    Oh well, maybe a bit more work to do on my thinking!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    I dated a guy for a while that was extremely fit... he told me I was lucky to have him because guys that looked like he did didn't normally go for girls like me.

    He also nicked named me "butterball", which he actually called his pregnant pug on occassion too...

    We didn't date for very long. I think he was confused when I ended it... :noway:

    LOL thank God I have so much more confidence now than I use to, not necessarily in my looks as in myself in general!!
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    Yes, I have. Mostly on the internet though, so I've learned not to take any of that to heart. A bit of peer bullying a few years back when I was in middle school, for sure.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    My own family used to refer to me as the "smart " sister and my little sister as the "pretty" sister

    Needless to say I dont have contact w/ them.

    Now you've said that, my tall, willowy, cute as a button, blonde cousin was always a bridemaid in our big family and I never was.....I'd never noticed before... Bah..... hello complex!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    When I was in my 20's, my boyfriend of 2 years, said he had something important to ask me. I thought he was going to propose since his lip was quivering and hands a little shaky. Instead he asked, "Are you always going to be heavy, or will you lose the weight and keep it off for good?" He said it was important since he couldn't see himself married to a fat person. He said he could handle a lot of other problems, but didn't want to deal with a fat wife. Apparently, his therapist suggested he ask me.

    I had no idea he thought I was fat. I felt very ugly and undesirable. He even went on to say when he walked behind me on the beach he couldn't help but think what a shame it was that my thighs were so unattractive, since he liked "me" so much.

    I am grateful to him. If he hadn't revealed that, I may have married him and not known he felt that way. Turns out I ended up marrying someone who is a much better match.
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND! Same thing happened when I was a little younger and with my cousins. I was the ugly duckling of the group :( Guys say I'm "hot" just to see how far I would go. I just laugh and tell them "yeah I'm more like luke warm"

    I'm sad now all over again

    That is so horrible! Your picture looks beautiful!
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Yep, when I was in grade school and I believe it for a while, also. Then I got older and grew into my own and by high school I was more comfortable with who I was and started to be more confident of who I was and how I looked. Since then, I've had some rough patches but have grown up even more and have started to not care what others say or think about me.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    ...every single person is beautiful. Maybe not to your's or my standards, but someone in the world is going to look at them and think, "OMG that person is absolutely stunning."


    Its true!