Girly dating question



  • voliim
    voliim Posts: 13
    My .02 is that you should ask him.

    Nobody on this forum has any idea what has happened to him in the past, previous relationships etc. and maybe even you don't know, so why would you assume things? Simply asking him can give you a definite answer.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    i am sorry this is happening.

    to be very honest (and i am a lot older), i wouldn't have the patience for this. ok, well at least bring it up with him soon -- let him know essentially what you are asking us, but in a more subtle way.

    most - not all- guys want sex...and most --again, not all -- would love sex more than a few times a week.

    try not to take it personal -- this is his thing!

    the thing that is really bothering me with this scenario is that he is already seeming to make you feel bad for initiating sex... NOT a good thing for the long term. you want to be you and you should be able to express your sexual attraction/sexuality to him without feeling self-conscious.

    been there....and it didn't end well.

    good luck with this.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I found out by conversation the other day that he watches porn 4x a week. So I'm guessing that means its more like 7x week. Being that most humans downplay most things that they aren't forthcoming with. Porn in the problem and I don't see us lasting. Trust me I don't mind watching the occasional porn flick but everyday is not what I am into. Thank you to everyone for your input. Hope we all continue to be healthy and fit and amen to the internet for the great suggestions for why this isn't quite working, so many of you were right.

    i'm sorry... there will be another guy who will see whats in front of him and appreciate it!!! you're a beautiful gal.. don't settle.