Is There Anything You Eat That Don't Record - What and Why?

I record everything I eat, with the exception of sports gels. I have 1 every 3-4 miles on most runs over 6 miles. The reason I don't record them is that I know that I need the carbs they give me on a long run and I know I will try to go without, if i have to go put them in. I'm always way under on cals on my long run day ANYWAY....


  • I usually try to log as much as I can as far as consumption, but sometimes I do not log items that are basically 0-5 calories. For example, I sometimes like to eat a Sugar Free Werthers candy from time to time. That's about it as far as my examples go.
  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    I think the only thing I don't bother with is cracked black pepper! Otherwise I know that I'll start getting slack with logging.
    I also don't log my water intake, though I think I should start. It's just so annoying logging every glass!

    Oh and I never log medicine, because that's something that you just NEED and it'd make me super annoyed if that pushed me over my calorie goal!
  • I pretty much never log spices unless I'm already over my sodium intake for the day. It's too much of a pain to insert every single one when they only count for a few calories, tops.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Skinny water. zero cals, I guess?
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I don't log my veggies. I've heard somewhere that it takes more energy for your body to burn up veg so it's kinda like classed as 0 calories. Whether this is wrong or right I really dunno but I find that not logging my veg isn't really that much of a problem. 12lbs down so I guess it's fine :P
  • rudzud
    rudzud Posts: 24
    If I am cooking with, or preparing something, that has pretty much 0's across what I'm tracking (ie: Lemon Juice from concentrate, Garlic Chili sauce) I won't record it. As far as legitimate food goes though, I record everything.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I don't record Vitamins and gum things like that even hard candy i will have a piece every once in a great while and I don't log that. things like that, that aren't really any calories and something like a piece of gum, your going to work that off just sitting on your butt doing nothing for the amount of cals that is in it.
  • half n half in my coffee
  • amyofftherecord
    amyofftherecord Posts: 64 Member
    So far the only things I haven't recorded are gum and Communion. I have a history of food obsession so I'm trying not to nit-pick. Plus I've given up most of my snacking habits anyway, so all my food comes from proper meals. Sometimes I won't list an ingredient if I know it'll be negligible, though. A couple leaves of spinach chopped into my scrambled eggs? Meh, it won't impact my total that much.
  • I don't log coffee (which I drink black, without cream or sugar.) It's 2-5 calories, so doesn't make a difference.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    sugar free gum, sugar free candy, spices, anything silly like that. or vitamins... most of them are not many calories.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I don't log gum or breath mints. I also don't track water or diet soda- I feel like I probably should but just haven't started it. I only track drinks with calories. For food, I track absolutely everything- even if it was just one piece of candy or a bite of something. It really makes me think twice- is it really worth it to have that dessert sample at the store, etc.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I pretty much never log spices unless I'm already over my sodium intake for the day. It's too much of a pain to insert every single one when they only count for a few calories, tops.

    plus if you look a lot of spices tend to have zero cals anyways!
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    I also don't log my water intake, though I think I should start. It's just so annoying logging every glass!

    I don't log my water either, I always drink a ton of it though so I'm not really concerned that I'm not getting at least 8 a day or whatever MFP thinks I should be getting. I also don't record things like sugar free gum, crystal light/iced tea, or my fish oil supplement.
    If it's less than 10 calories (and I'm not downing an entire pack of gum in one day) then I'm not that concerned. I also try to slightly overestimate on my portions for other food, though, since they say people typically underestimate.
  • I dont log my coffee/creamer/sugar either.
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    I try to log everything but I sometimes forget to log oil that I cook my food in. I use extra virgin olive oil most of the time, but it's hard to estimate how much you actually eat because not all of it is absorbed in the I have no idea.

    I also don't log gum or calorie-free stuff (like tea, sweeteners, diet soda).
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    I definitely don't log spices. I also don't log gum, and I've seen some people that do and I don't log my diet Coke, although I do log water and tea. Not sure why I don't keep track of the pop. No particular reason, I just never have.
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I don't log sugar free gum. Probably should though, since I chew a LOT of it..
  • ViolaEverAfter
    ViolaEverAfter Posts: 36 Member
    I dont track water mix-ins..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't usually log spices or foods used to season that are very low calorie (like garlic, 1/2 jalapeno, 2 T chopped parsley, etc.). But I log everything else that I can.

    I also often don't log meals or dishes that someone else prepared, unless I have a pretty good idea what was in them.

    ETA: I don't log any drinks unless they have calories.