Worst Date Ever

slay0r Posts: 669 Member
Hey Guys,

There's a thread in a group I'm in which has brought up some pretty funny replies so I thought I'd open it up to everyone!

Met up with someone a few months ago, we barely spoke because she was texting her mates so much. I kept buying her drinks hoping she was just nervous and she'd settle down but she text even more and even took a 10 minute phone call! That's when I was almost praying someone would ring me so I could get out of there! Surprisingly she looked annoyed when I only kissed her on the cheek at the end, how?! Complete lack of chemistry and conversation are killers!

There's gotta be way worse than mine..


  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I met a guy at a party back in college. He walked me home and kissed me. It was the worst kiss ever. It was almost violent the way he smashed my mouth. I not only felt no chemistry I just wanted a drink to numb my sore mouth. He then proceeded to stalk me for the next 6 years.

    2nd worst was after college I was working for a small company and a co-worker wanted to set me up on a blind date with a friend of his. After saying no a bunch of times I finally said OK. We decided that co worker and I would drive to a restaurant together where we would have dinner with his wife and their frined (my blind date.) As we were leaving work co-worker told me it would really be a blind date because his friend was blind. I was stunned. I wouldn't have minded if that little fact had been disclosed earlier but I didn't like that he waited until I was in the car on the way to the restaurant with no other option before he told me. It made for an extremely awkward evening. His wife called me at work the next day to apologize. What made it even worse was that the guy was really nice, a successful professional, educated, intelligent, and nice looking. If I hadn't been stunned and angry at being blitzed like that I think we might have hit it off.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Aww that second one sucks, just be honest with these things! It's harsh on the guy as well he was probably dead excited and his mates effectively not been honest with you to get a date for him. Bet he was well bummed!
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    My first date with my bf sucked and I avoided him for ages before he finally convinced Me to hang out again.. been together a year now and he still annoys me and makes me cranky regularly but it's because we're both stubborn he wanted to pay for everything and I was miss independent wanting to do things my way! ;)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I once went out with a guy whose opening line was, "I know how to say 'blow me' in 26 languages". That was my cue to leave.
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    I once went out with a guy whose opening line was, "I know how to say 'blow me' in 26 languages". That was my cue to leave.

    0_o I would of left too
  • azarazar
    Must say I never had a really bad date. Only ever dated my wife and we have been married for 32 years since.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I once went out with a guy whose opening line was, "I know how to say 'blow me' in 26 languages". That was my cue to leave.

    Haha sorry to laugh at your misfortune but that's amazing on a new scale. What kind of legend has the balls to do that?!

    I say legend, just got balls so big he couldn't sit down! Kind of a lead balloon kind of moment though, I'd be cringing if I heard anyone say that. Anyone else got any? :D
  • Renee0608
    Renee0608 Posts: 138
    Got set up on a date by a good friend...........he picked me up and on our way to eat his mom called complaining about this, that, and the other.......we ended up having to take her to the hospital and spent our date sitting in the hospital waiting room.....for 5 hours.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I had a date once I picked up and she looked like Larry the cable guy woman version, reaked of booze and wanted to bring a 32 ounce big gulp with on the date. Sorry man, stuff happens lol
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    I met up with a guy for a first date at a coffee shop. We spent a couple hours playing board games and having great conversation. I really enjoyed the time.

    Two days later, I got an email from him that said: You seem really nice, but I don't think this will work out because you are a Green Bay Packer fan. Take care.

    I thought it was pretty odd, but quickly moved on with life.

    About 2 months later, I saw him at the grocery store. He was holding hands with another guy!
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    I have way too many awful dates to pick just one but they've given me some great stories to entertain my friends with.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Ive been on several, all with my girl, its a miracle shes stayed with me through them all.

    Lets put it this way, on our first date, we went to see Balls of Fury
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I once went out with a guy whose opening line was, "I know how to say 'blow me' in 26 languages". That was my cue to leave.
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I went out with this guy a few times. He was signicfantly older and had a daughter. We were out to dinner and his daughter came with us. His daughter informed me that he had been married 3 times, and had 2 other kids. Not to mention a grandchild on the way. That would have been FINE but he had lied to me about the number of times he was married. Also told me that his daughter was the only one. He backtracked of course and was like um um...the first two really didn't count they were only married for a year or so. Not an hour later on the way back from the place..we told me he was looking for wife #4 and a step momma for his daughter. I told him...I just separated from my hubsand please don't push.

    OH it gets more strange...two weeks later...

    The girl's mother came into town for a visit. She stayed in the bedroom with the girl..I got it..Well he invited me over for dinner and said that it wouldn't be to strange. SO I went over for dinner. He told her that she may be looking at wife #4. Also he expected his daughter and her mother to wait on him hand and foot. He didn't even want to get up and get a drink of water. His house was a wreck, and had way to much stuff. So at that point I told myself that it wasn't going to get better, I excused myself and asked him to talk to me outside. I told him it is over. He texted me and emailed me several times but I never went out with him again.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    I went out with a guy once and thought he was a little strange, but figured he was just a bit awkward since it was our first date. We went to a restaurant and on the way back he asked if we could stop at his moms house real quick. So when we did he asked me to come in and we spent like 2 hours there and his mom kept showing me baby pictures and things. After leaving she said "you'd make a great daughter in law," my jaw dropped. Also, after the date I awoke to a text message that said "I am falling in love with you," TALK ABOUT CRAZY! I think it runs in the family.
  • andreacord
    I dated a coworker casually for a few months a couple summers ago. One night we went down to the ocean to have a campfire and pretty much all was good up until that point, when I decided to walk around in the sand with no sandals. BIG mistake! I stepped on a piece of glass and got it embedded in the bottom of my foot so we had to end the date to go to ER so I could get the glass taken out because it was a pretty big chunk. What's worse is his truck wouldn't start when we went to leave, so my Mom ended up having to come and get us to take us. I felt bad because he was so embarrassed. Not even two weeks later we went to a friend's cabin and the cut had just healed and when we were diving off the dock it was pretty shallow and I managed to scrape nearly the same spot on a gigantic rock. :grumble:
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I got fixed up by a (then) friend with a guy who told me he loved me before the date was over. I was like, "Ummm, I love you too??" and got out of the car. It was the first and last date! Ewwwww. :noway:
  • csklebar
    I went out on a date with a guy and we hit it off really well, but then when it came to the kiss, it was so bad, he actually hoovered my entire mouth and I had to wipe my face three times with the back of my hand to get the saliva off. What a turn off!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I guess I will consider myself lucky lol. Before my husband i only went out with one guy and I was 17 and he was 19.. I think the only downside was he was divorced with a 2 year old and a 1 year old at age 19! Yes that is the worst that happened lol. We broke up just before I turned 18 and my husband and I met 6 months later.
  • kellyhogg
    kellyhogg Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think I've had really any BAD dates. Just awkward, no chemistry type things.