Worst Date Ever



  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    He kept pushing himself against me, and all the sudden I felt something wet plop on top of my foot. I was freaking out, but I didn't want to say anything to embarrass him! I could feel it soaking into the bottom of my pants, totally grossing me out.

    Words. I have no words!!!
  • scoobydoojoe
    scoobydoojoe Posts: 31 Member
    Since you didn't say it had to be a first date, I will share mine.

    My GF at the time, had been dating a little while (married now) was turning 21. I had lost my license, but was eligible to get it back and just hadn't yet. (lost it for speeding a lot). Anyway, on her birthday was trying to take her out to eat at a nice restaurant in my hometown. Took my car, it was a stick, she couldn't drive a stick, so I drove. Got off the highway, and behind us is a town cop. As I pulled in to the restaurant, on came the lights. I was arrested and taken to jail, she was stuck with a car she couldn't drive in a town she wasn't from while I was carted off. She had to call my sister, who took her to the bank, where she had to use her rent money to bail me out of jail. I say had to, she choose to. Once I got out I was able to pay her right back. Then we were stuck in the town until the first week day so I could go before the judge.

    So, I ruined her 21st birthday, caused her all this grief. When she didn't run away, I knew I had the one for me. Happily married just shy of 9 years now. She does remind me often she is allowed to go to jail any time and I have to bail her out, and I am always careful to make every birthday as special as possible. :)

    And FYI, I was able to push the court date out a month at the first time, went and got my license back, then went back and the judge gave me a small fine because I did still have insurance and I hadn't done anything more than speeding in my life, so it all worked out in the end from just about every angle possible.
  • Amptitude
    Some of these are pretty hilarious.

    My first date was what I thought was going to be a simple date to the movies. ONCE the movie started, he CONSTANTLY poked me, not even once, he would come at me with both hands and poke me like 10 times. Every time he poked me, he actually said poke too, which made it that more annoying. -__- He'd see my annoyed face and say sorry stop for a minute, and just when I thought he wasn't going to do it again.. he poked me again, or even better he'd tickle me to death - but the tickling hurt. I barely watched the movie because half the time I spent holding his hand so he wouldn't poke me anymore, and I really wanted to walk out on him but I'd have to walk home since I had no ride so I had to endure a long two hour movie with constant poking and attempted murderous tickling.

    I never thought my first date would be like that. I haven't had one since! hahahah
  • doctor_mike
    That explains it....he was a Vikings fan :)
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I went on a date someone who told me he was a virgin, and he decided it was me that he wanted to have sex with fior the 1st time, on our first date, AFTER he took me "clubbing" b/c That's what people do on first dates, they hit a club. WTF!~ I had to endure him pawing at my like a 14 year old boy for the duration of the date.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

    Did he pull a Justin Timberlake????

    Did he REALLY do what I think he did on your foot?!

    Yes! Ick. And HAHA! to j4nash. :smile:

    Oh my god! Maybe it's just me but I just don't see how other men manage this? I don't think I'd even get started never mind finished with all clothes on O_o

    Really? Can I get your number?! :wink:
  • doctor_mike
    I met up with a guy for a first date at a coffee shop. We spent a couple hours playing board games and having great conversation. I really enjoyed the time.

    Two days later, I got an email from him that said: You seem really nice, but I don't think this will work out because you are a Green Bay Packer fan. Take care.

    I thought it was pretty odd, but quickly moved on with life.

    About 2 months later, I saw him at the grocery store. He was holding hands with another guy!

    That explains it....he was a Vikings fan :)
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    I went on a date someone who told me he was a virgin, and he decided it was me that he wanted to have sex with fior the 1st time, on our first date, AFTER he took me "clubbing" b/c That's what people do on first dates, they hit a club. WTF!~ I had to endure him pawing at my like a 14 year old boy for the duration of the date.
    I met one of those at a rave jdsghksdglskdg. He decided we were soulmates after one Skrillex show. Desperate virgins be cray. :noway:
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I know I posted this before, but I went on a date with a guy once, who spent the entire time trying to sell me on Amway.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Some of these are pretty hilarious.

    My first date was what I thought was going to be a simple date to the movies. ONCE the movie started, he CONSTANTLY poked me, not even once, he would come at me with both hands and poke me like 10 times. Every time he poked me, he actually said poke too, which made it that more annoying. -__- He'd see my annoyed face and say sorry stop for a minute, and just when I thought he wasn't going to do it again.. he poked me again, or even better he'd tickle me to death - but the tickling hurt. I barely watched the movie because half the time I spent holding his hand so he wouldn't poke me anymore, and I really wanted to walk out on him but I'd have to walk home since I had no ride so I had to endure a long two hour movie with constant poking and attempted murderous tickling.

    I never thought my first date would be like that. I haven't had one since! hahahah

    Oh my..that's up there.

    Although his persistence paid off because you held his hand after hahaha
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I have never been on a date - so no experiences to share, lol
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member

    Did he pull a Justin Timberlake????

    Did he REALLY do what I think he did on your foot?!

    Yes! Ick. And HAHA! to j4nash. :smile:

    Oh my god! Maybe it's just me but I just don't see how other men manage this? I don't think I'd even get started never mind finished with all clothes on O_o

    Really? Can I get your number?! :wink:

    Haha Cheeky ;) It's a valid question though I just don't get it?!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    On a first date with a guy... blind date... in the parking lot after a movie, he asked me to pull his finger. :indifferent:

    (If anyone doesn't know what that means-- when you pull their finger, they fart.)
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    Went out with a guy who expected to have a reward for going on a date..If he paid for anything he expected something in return( Im sure I dont have to explain) We watched a movie at his house..that I rented.. He kept trying to kiss me with stupid line..He said" look into my eyes..I want to see your eyes...He tried to kiss me and shove his tounge down my throat( This was my first date ..EVER) He got mad that I pulled away and he said I was a bad kisser..I told him I had homework to do or needed to go home and wash my hair...ugh, he was nasty!
  • athearenee
    Would have to be the one where they guy made a huge deal about me giving him the time of day and he wanted to show me just how special I was...

    He told me we were going to eat crab legs...yum, then took me to the two for one night at the Chinese Buffet and when the check came, he asked if he could borrow $10...

  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Worst date ever...... Oh wow I have one......

    Lets start from the beginning..... So it was a few years ago at my cousins wedding and at one point during the wedding some of us COUSINS got bored so we went out to the parking lot and *SMOKED* (mind you I dont do this anymore) and when we came in we were all very happy and not bored. My aunt the wanna be match maker of the family decided at that moment she wanted to play match maker with me. So she calls me over to her table and introduced me to this guy... I sat I talked and got up and left, went home..

    The next day I get a phone call and its this guy named Pat... no clue who pat is since I have no friends named Pat... Only to find out my aunt gave him my number... he asked me out to dinner and I thought what the hell I cant remember what he looks like or much about him maybe he was funny and cute.....
    Well he comes to pick me up and he was no of the above... he had on a jersey and shorts and long sucks and all i can think is omg im going out to dinner with this guy.... ekkkkk... So we go out to eat and half way through all I can think is how am I gonna get out of this, you know since he drove and alll... so finally I played the sick card.. he drove me home walked me to the door and TRIED TO KISS ME!! lets just say i said goodnight before his lips got near and shut the door.... NEVER EVER LET YOUR AUNT PLAY MATCH MAKER... specially when shes had a few drinks lol
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I once went on a first date with a guy who said that "eyes are the window to the soul...let me look in your window" then went on to stare at me with the most instense stare i've ever seen for about 4 1/2 minutes. Mind you this 4 minutes felt like an eternity! Every once in awhile i'd look away then look back. Still loooooking atttt meeee.... Then he said after the date he didn't want to go out again because i didn't want to show myself to him....okaaay! Good riddens :)
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    He kept pushing himself against me, and all the sudden I felt something wet plop on top of my foot. I was freaking out, but I didn't want to say anything to embarrass him! I could feel it soaking into the bottom of my pants, totally grossing me out.

    Wait, I don't get why you wouldn't say something about something that creeped you out in an effort to not embarrass this guy who did such a really creepy thing?
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I have 2 and I can not decide which is worse!
    1. I had met a guy online and we had been chit chatting via email and text. We lived in the same neighborhood so decided to meet for drinks one night. While talking he asked me what I did again, not a good sign that he can't remember my profile or basic conversations we have already had. I told him I was a teacher and he was like, "Oh, that right. Yeah, I really don't respect teachers." I was more confused then mad...who doesn't respect teachers??? He explained that it was an easy way out...not much thinking required, etc.
    2. It was not a first date but probably 3rd or 4th. I was supposed to get picked up by a guy I had been dating for dinner. No call no show. I texted and called a few times and nothing. TWO weeks went by and he finally called me...well he was in jail (I guess its a pretty good reason for a no call no show date). He was arrested for grand theft auto....although he assured me he was only riding shot gun and not driving. It was over after that...