You're SO's Parents (aka in-laws)



  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    His dad is AWESOME and we get along really well. His mom and I have had an interesting relationship... We're working on trying to get along but its still pretty awkward.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I love her while she's living in another state. Daily doses might cause me to drink. A lot.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I love my husband's parents. :)
  • melcpia
    melcpia Posts: 123 Member
    My parents-in-law are just the best. I love them to bits and would be lost without them. When my hubby and I got together I already had 2 kids, there was no issue with that from them. THey took on my kids without even meeting them as THIER grandkids. They are both elderly (him 83 and her 89) and dad's not in great shape. But he and I have a special relationship, everytime I go over to visit I walk in and ask " Gday grumble guts, haven't you kicked off yet??" He loves the fact I have a banter with him. In 2006 he got really really sick and wasn't expected to live, but he did and we've had 5 more years.

    My own parents tho...hmmm lets say my mum deliberately keep my father from me and I didn't find out till well after his death who he was... and she tried the same caper to keep my brother and I apart. I no longer have anything to do with my mum and both my brother and I have said we refuse to pay for anything to do with her funeral....he body can go to science for all I care.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    My husband's parents are wonderful. I come from a broken family with less than caring parents. His mother is like the mother I always wanted. I love them very much and feel like they love me more than my own family. I count myself very blessed.
  • I love his mom! She is the cutest and sweetest thing. She always texts me and tells me she misses me whenever I don't see her! I love her because she doesn't judge me and is so hilarious.
  • Mine called me a filthy disgusting pig.. So yeah.. no love lost there.. Considering we live together and are paying all her bills so she can stay in her house.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I love my in-laws. We get along perfectly. Well almost.

    But my hubby's dad is completely anti technology and old fashioned to the T and ALWAYS working so I never really get to interact with him. They used to drive me to school back and forth before I got my license. And have even helped us financially without any second thought. He absolutely loves books and religion.

    My mother in law is totally like my sister... she is basically a full time ice skater/stay at home mom and loves everything super girly. She is also very supportive, friendly, and religious. She loves to talk but knows a lot. She's addicted to lottery tickets and always talks about the new big home she will purchase. Also she plays World of Warcraft casually.

    I love both my husband's parents. They are super kind and my husband most likely picked up his gentleness from them as well. They can be really wacky or dramatic sometimes but it's NEVER dragged out and you just have to let them vent to you about it then they let it drop.