Diabetes Support Group~~~Part 1



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Caliecat and all that follow........well picked up my daughter from school and we got our walk in early, did 2, 630 steps, just over a mile with my stride and it had been about 2 hrs. after I had lunch and checked and my blood sugar was 165, so not bad, doc said to keep it below 180 so we're on track.

    How is everyone doing today? Anyone got big plans for this weekend? Tomorrow it is suppose to rain here about all day. Guess we need the rain for the grass to grow and the flowers and all that good stuff. Hubby said he dreads beginning the mowing season, but the yard here is rather flat and its good exercise, I really don't mind doing it. We are going to try to get a space tilled up to do some gardening. Mostly commonly used veggies that I fear will be out of sight is $$$ this summer, so be nice to have them on hand right in my own backyard. Want to get some flowers planted but I always wait til memorial day weekend, less threat of a frost. I can not believe this month is almost gone, and Easter will be here before we know it.

    Well hope you all have a wonderful nite, its family fun night at our house, we pop some popcorn, watch movies and play cards or board games!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sounds like you have a nice family night planned. My husband and i will just watch TV and off to bed early.

    I had a really good eating day today. I don't do much exercise on account of bad legs and a bad back.. tomorrow is my WI day Or should I say my recoded WI. I have to wiegh every monrning and night on my heart monitor scales so they can keep an eye on my fluild retentions. Which last week end I gain 6 lbs. But I have lost all of it + 2 lbs more. but who knows what it will be tomorrow. I just do what my doc tells me. As I lose more maybe I will be up to some exercise. I do some chair exercise sbut I feel that is not enough I guess anything is better than nothing

    Sweet dream all:heart: caliecat
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well I did it. I lost all that water weight plus 3 more lbs. I am so happy I could:explode:
    Looking forward to another good week. Will cut my water pills back today.:happy: :happy: :happy: :
    It turn quite chilly here in Texas this morning. But will warm up later this week. I imagine we will have a long hot summer here as usally. I'm glad we didn;t get our tomatoes in yet for it is surpose to get close to freezing tonight.

    Have a good day everybody.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: Way To Go CalieCAT, Great Job on the weight loss!!!!! You Rock!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I am so proud of you. I got on the scales this morning and I am down another pound!!! Went ahead and updated my ticker, actual weigh in day is monday's but I think the last time I noted anything was thursday, what the heck I'll take it anyway and anyday I can .....we are losers here and getting healthy!!!

    Rain here today in the buckeye state, not doing anything right now so might get that walk in early and if its nice try again for a walk this evening.

    Glad your having a great Positive Day Calie :heart: Debbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    And off we go.
    I had a wonderful breakfast o 1 c greek yogurt,1 cup fresh strawberries, sl. of whole wheat toast

    On the news last night they said greek yogurt was really a good food. Low in carbs, areally good protein and I didn't pay any attention to calcium but it should be good. Will go back and check my food chart and see about that. Be Back calicum is not listed on my food chart. This is what the container say.
    1 cup oikos greek yougurt
    Calories ----80
    sugar----6 g
    protein 15 g

    no fiber but the bread and strawberries gave me plentyy of fiber for one meal.
    I would indeed say it is a miracle food.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning. Off to a oood start this morning, I am still 9 lbs down this morning. I am so happy for usally I go up and down.2 mornings in a row.My blood sugar was 119. Life is good. Now just to keep it up. My daughter Alice is coming out and we will go out to eat. Hopeful we can find some decent food. I would love to have Mexican food today being that it is rather chilly down here in Texas.

    Have a wonderful day everybody

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi CalieCat, hope you and Alice have a wonderful time going out to eat today. It is a lazy day for me and mine. We are just taking it easy doing as we please, as its been raining much of the day off and on.
    Just took my sugar after eating an hour ago and it was 185, guess okay as long as its under 200, but I think they prefer it be under 180. Didn't get my walking in today, so will get some stationary bike in yet tonight for a bit of exercise though that thing really gets the better of me, LOL

    Well hope everyone is having a good sunday, and looking forward to the new week ahead as we roll into April. Easter is just around the corner, how is everyone anticipating the holiday and can we keep it healthy? Something to plan an give thought to soon.

    God Bless you all,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Debbie, I used to test my sugar 2 hours after I ate when I was on oral medications but now that I am on insulin I have to check it before I eat so I will know how much insulin to take.
    Alice and I had a good lunch. We went to Texas Roadhouse and I had a sirlion chopped steak with grilled onions, Sweet potatoes and no honey butter. on it. They are so moist and sweet you really don't need anything else on it. I only had 1/2 of my lunch and box the rest of it up for my supper toniht.
    Kind od ansious to get on the scales in the morning to see the damage control.

    Sound like you had a enjoyable day. Talk to you later. Caliecat
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    CalieCat you did so well at the Roadhouse and I am so proud of you. Nice selections and smart putting some of it in a box for another meal. Seems in today's society and at all our restaurants these days the larger the meal the better. And that is why too we avoid buffets as much as possible. They really do encourage people to overeat, and the majority of the people that go to them do. My folks when they were alive went to one that advertised having over 200 items to choice from, and you would literally be there 2 hours, eating time, and people would go back to the selections 5-6 times and I would think to myself, where are they putting it. The place would let you eat all you wanted only policy was you could not share with another, and you could not take anything home with you.

    We are very picky about where we go when we dine out, the hubby is sure to take me where I can eat guilt free and have control over my choices and no buffets to tempt the overeating. I like to go places where their are steamed or broiled or grilled selections as I personally think they are better for us. I love the roadhouse, applebees, tumbleweed, bob evans, to name a few. I have no problem being assertive when ordering will ask for a to go box before the meal arrives, take out the oversized portions and put them out of sight to take home later, and I will ask for butter on the side, no bread basket or chips while waiting on the food, no salt, (as people are more into healthy eating, places are use to it), so I feel no need to explain. So we can be in control and enjoy the atmosphere and time out with the family.

    Have a great night, see you tomorrow,
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Ladies, so sorry I have not posted. I just got caught on some of the great advice and feedback here and I think this group is great. I must say, I just had one of those "I give up" weekends, as I weighed in on Friday morning and had crept up to 197 lbs. WAH! I was so totally frustrated as I had just started going to the gym and trying to beef up my walking. I thought for five days of doing it, it would show, but not yet.

    But it's Monday now. So, even though I gave up, I must had subconsciously kept up with my regime of eating right over the weekend, even though I did not exercise. I weighed in this morning and I was down to 196.5. My body is weird! But this morning, my mindset was better and I will go to the gym this afternoon and for the rest of the week too. I know it helps my glucose readings overall.

    I'll see where I'll be by the time Friday rolls around, and I'll also watch my diet. I'm doing this from work right now- was peaking on the site. I have a couple of great recipes that I'll share with you all later. Keep up the fantastic job you are doing, with your weight loss and sticking to your regime. It's hard. We got to stay motivated as much as we can and with each other's support here, I know we can do well. Have a great Monday!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Calie, and eveyone, just reading over the posts here and I see that
    Caliecat, you have done it again!! This is a wonderful thread, with so many voices giving great advice and being honest about the struggles living with the big D..

    just marking my spot so I can find it easily next time..
    have a great week..

    oh yes, the diabetes counselor told me to have 2-3 servings of carbs per meal,, assuming each serving is around 15g. I'm in that pre- whatchamacallit diabetes group. I have a lot of issues with hypoglycemia, so I am learning to always have protein and carbs together, and not a whole lot of either one:angry: LOL.. time for me to get back on track and weigh myself :blushing: but I don't want to.. on the other hand.. a gain will make me get back on track faster than a loss.. so I've got nothing to lose.. so to speak..
    take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe. so very glad you drop by. and please join us often. I know you keep an good eye on Jim. who is a diabetic Hey guys this is Phoebe from http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/47415-seniors-golden-sneakers-club-3-30. Also I have known her a long time before that on another web site group. We also had the pleasure of another friend to post on Golden sneaker yesterday.It is so nice to have my friends with me. She is not a diabetic. And I love meeting new friends.

    I thought I did pretty good on my eating yesterday. but I ain 1 lb. this morning. I am not sweating it Tho. I' am sure I had more sodium and fat than I needed So much for eating out yesterday. But now I am in control of what I eat.

    For breakfast : 1/2 c. egg beaters. 2 sl. whole wheat toast/butter spray. Coffee/ 1 t. creamer
    Lunch: Bean Salad, Will make my own Salsa sauce to go over it for the jar kind is just too high in sodium. And a fruit
    Supper: grilled shicken,Salad, Fruit . 1/2 c corn. 1/2 c spinach
    Snacks furing the day : yogurt and fruit
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ladies, so sorry I have not posted. I just got caught on some of the great advice and feedback here and I think this group is great. I must say, I just had one of those "I give up" weekends, as I weighed in on Friday morning and had crept up to 197 lbs. WAH! I was so totally frustrated as I had just started going to the gym and trying to beef up my walking. I thought for five days of doing it, it would show, but not yet.

    But it's Monday now. So, even though I gave up, I must had subconsciously kept up with my regime of eating right over the weekend, even though I did not exercise. I weighed in this morning and I was down to 196.5. My body is weird! But this morning, my mindset was better and I will go to the gym this afternoon and for the rest of the week too. I know it helps my glucose readings overall.

    I'll see where I'll be by the time Friday rolls around, and I'll also watch my diet. I'm doing this from work right now- was peaking on the site. I have a couple of great recipes that I'll share with you all later. Keep up the fantastic job you are doing, with your weight loss and sticking to your regime. It's hard. We got to stay motivated as much as we can and with each other's support here, I know we can do well. Have a great Monday!

    So good to hear from you this morning. Seems like the weekend can really throw us, but look like you come thru fwith flyin colors. Looking forward to your recipes. And have a good day---- Cali
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is something that was in my e-mail this morning thought I would share
    Controlling Carbs
    Research Spotlight: Go Nuts (and Beans)!

    If you have diabetes, it may be wise to get the bulk of your fiber from low-glycemic foods high in fiber such as beans, lentils, nuts, pumpernickel bread, and oats. Although experts have long emphasized the importance of a diet rich in fiber and cereal grains for people with diabetes, recent research has shown that it’s the low-glycemic foods high in fiber that help the most with blood sugar control.

    Low-glycemic foods are those that have the least impact on blood glucose levels. Only a small percentage of foods have been tested, but you can find these lists in books on the glycemic index or on the official website, www.glycemicindex.com. The very best way to find out the glycemic impact of a food on your own metabolism, however, is to eat the food and test your blood sugar.

    The six-month study followed over 200 patients with type 2 diabetes, who were were randomly assigned to either a low-glycemic, high-fiber diet or a conventional, high-fiber diet. Participants were provided a checklist of recommended foods. The low-glycemic diet checklist included:

    • pumpernickel, quinoa, and flaxseed breads;
    • rye pitas;
    • bulgur and flax cereal;
    • large-flake oatmeal;
    • oat bran;
    • wheat bran;
    • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, and nuts);
    • pasta;
    • parboiled rice;
    • apples;
    • pears;
    • oranges;
    • peaches; and
    • cherries.

    Both diets were low in white flour and called for nonfat milk, yogurt, and cheese, and participants were instructed to eat five servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each day. Both groups were strongly advised against nutrient-empty, high-carbohydrate foods such as pancakes, muffins, donuts, bagels, cookies, cakes, french fries, and potato chips.

    Participants in the group eating conventional foods high in fiber saw a decrease of about 0.18% in their A1C levels. Members of the low-glycemic group, however, saw a drop averaging about 0.50%. In addition, HDL, or “good cholesterol” increased an average of 1.7 mg/dL in the low-glycemic group. HDL is associated with a lowered risk of heart disease.

    Jenkins, David A., Cyril W. C. Kendall, Gail KcKeown-Eyssen et. al. 2008. Effect of a Low Glycemic Index or a High Cereal Fiber Diet on Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Trial. JAMA 300(23): 2742–2753.

    Harvard Health Publications. Glycemic index and glycemic load for 100+ foods. (Accessed 3/230/09.)

    Last Modified Date: March 30, 2009

    All content on dLife.com

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I like low glycemic coz it seems you get more to eat, or more variety, I mean. that is a good idea, to be in control enough to test how different foods affect your sugar reading..

    I had one slice of bacon this morning, and one homemade biscuit. I can't believe it is 1pm edt already, better get some lunch, I've got lots of lc and smart ones meals, I love the pasta ones.
    bye for now, take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good day, ~~~~~~~~waving to you.~~~~~~~~~~~

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :heart: Nice day outside today.
    :heart: :heart: been to get blood work done
    :heart: been grocery buying mostlty from the drug dept.
    :heart: had a nice lunch of a big salad with shredded lettuce, Chop green and Red pepper, onions , cucumbers1/2 c of chili beaans w/ salsa, light ranch dressing. Coffee. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will have an orange later. Between now and supper.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:heart: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Hope this fine you all well and happy And Happy April Fool Day.

    :laugh: :noway: :explode: :sad: :sad: :yawn: :brokenheart: :huh: :love: :laugh: :noway:

    See you later alligator---Caliecat
  • Wolf843
    Wolf843 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Diabetes support group! I just wanted to offer my support and advice. I have been a Type I Diabetic for 25 years and I am a Physician. I can offer a different view from many other doctors because I have had to live with the disease for almost my entire life, and I know it is not easy.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh please join us. For I really don't Know very much about this terrible disease And don't know how to make this interesting for the people. I would really like your support Our diet is such an important part of our lives and Mfp has really been a big help. Will look forward to hearing more from you.

    I look at your profile and you really have a good outlook on life.

    Wow A Doctor in the house.

    thanks so much
    :heart: :heart: Caliecat
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: Good morning,
    What a nice day we are having down here in Texas.:heart: Love it just Love it.

    Well another day to plan my daily chores. And get my meals all plan out. I will start out with my meals.

    :heart: For breakfast ---Egg., 1 piece of whole wheat toast,yourt,

    :heart: mid morning--- Orange

    :heart: lunch-- big salad with tuna and lot of shedded lettuce and veggies. 1 sl. whiole wheat toast,. apple

    :heart: Mid aftenoon----Yogurt

    :heart: supper--grilled chicken. steam veggies, 1/2 c bulgar.Fruit bowl

    :heart: Yogurt

    :heart: Have a nice day. and Wolf843 Looking forward to your posting:heart::heart:
  • Wolf843
    Wolf843 Posts: 16 Member
    With knowledge comes power. Therefore, the more knowledge we have about our disease, the more power we have to overcome it.

    There are many different kinds of Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus Type I, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, and Diabetes insipidus to name a few) all with many different mechanisms, or ways that the disease actually works. Diabetes Mellitus is essentially a problem with the hormone insulin. In type I diabetics there is a hitch with insulin production and in type II diabetics there is trouble with how the body reacts to insulin.

    So let’s start with the common thread, insulin. Insulin is a protein that is synthesized, or made, in certain cells located in the pancreas. These cells are given the special name “beta cells of the islets of Langerhans.” Because that is quite a mouthful to say often, it is usually shortened to just “beta cells.” The beta cells have an elegant way in which they can sense how much glucose is floating around in the blood. As the glucose level goes up, so does insulin production. And conversely, if glucose levels go down, so does insulin production.

    So what does insulin do? And why do we need it? Insulin’s main function is to allow the transport of glucose from the blood into our cells. Glucose is the chief fuel the body uses for energy to function. So while cells can make do without glucose for a short while, it is imperative to maintain the supply of glucose inside the cell to prevent the breakdown of much more important molecules for energy. Insulin is also often hailed as one of the only truly anabolic hormones. Which means that it stimulates the body to build molecules. You may have heard of other anabolic hormones, such as anabolic steroids, which some athletes use to build more muscle. However, unlike insulin, these other hormones will also stimulate the body to break down other molecules in the body. The two types of tissues that are most strongly influenced by insulin are muscle cells (myocytes) and fat cells (adipocytes). And since we know that insulin is an anabolic hormone, it causes adipose tissue to make more fat and myocytes to absorb more amino acids, the building blocks for protein and thus ‘muscle.’

    To be continued…questions in the mean time are welcome and encouraged!