Diabetes Support Group~~~Part 1



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am sorry mrsyca---these quotes is what thrre me. I need to pay closer attention, But this old menory is not what it used to be. And I did enjoy you stopping by and hope with all your activeaty you never get this disease. Best of luck in your adventures. I still have hope for me. Thanks for setting me streight.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I went to the doc today and she said as long I have had diabetic. I would probaley not get off of insulin but will be able to cut down. She gave me some free insulin today. That will help the old pocket book.
    I got me a new hanbag and been getting it all arrange.. Now I wont know where nothing is.Just so I can find my debit card and cars keys. I'm all set.

    See you later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Had a wonderul day and My blood sugar is well under control. It is an on going thing. My husband is having pizza tonight and it smells so good.. Got to figure out a way to have some one day. Maybe just a slice of it. Better than nothing. any ideals?

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Calie and all that follow. Good reading in the post here. Lots of hopefilled information that is good for the souls, those of us diabetic that is. I have discovered that stress was playing a big part in my #'s being high. Once I sort of removed myself from the situation I was in with a friend it seemed things improved. I knew I was making healthy choices and logging my foods and I even went so far to compare my choices to some diabetic diets I found online and that only reassured me that I was on the right track. So I began to access when the #'s went up and looking through my journal as to what was the culprit. Seems it was stress. Worrying over some things a good friend shared with me, and I was much to close to deal with it I guess. She is young enough to be my daughter and she and her husband I am terribly fond of. Anyway, I simply had to put things into perspective and once I did I saw an overall change and 2 lbs. lost that I had gained.
    Have been getting exercise in much through working around the house. We got the rest of our boxes and totes out of storage the other day so alot of lifting and lugging and then mowed grass (push) the other day and haven't had to do that in 2 yrs. so that was a work out for the old body let me tell ya. LOL
    I am so glad for all the support I have received here and clearly I think I will get this all figured out and hopefully kick this diabetes one day.
    It is 88 here today and terribly hot. Got the dinner over, center cut pork chops, pork and beans and baked potato for dinner and cold ice tea. Suppose to rain later this evening so maybe it will help out with our humidity that is terrible at the moment. My garden is sprouting with the rain from the other day, the cabbage and broccoli have started so that makes me happy, going to water the garden tonight once the sun goes down.
    Have a glorious day everyone!!!!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Calie (just for you my dear)

    This pizza suitable for diabetics uses a boboli crust or frozen bread dough, topped with a healthy spaghetti sauce, mozzarella cheese, vegetables and Canadian bacon or turkey sausage.

    1 large boboli-type crust or 1 loaf frozen Bread Dough, thawed and rolled to a 12- to 14-inch circle
    Healthy Spaghetti Sauce recipe(don't add water so sauce will be thick) or purchased 1 pouch of Boboli Traditional Pizza Sauce
    Vegetables--sliced tomatoes, sliced bell pepper, mushrooms, onions, etc. Meats--Canadian bacon (if you are not on a low-salt diet) or turkey sausage, cooked and drained.
    1 cup part-skim mozzzarella, grated

    Spread the sauce on the boboli crust or bread dough crust. Top with the Toppings of vegetables and/or meat and cheese. Bake at 400 degrees about 15 minutes or until the crust is done and the cheese is melted. Cut pizza into 10 slices, each slice will be about 20 to 25 grams carbohydrate and 1 to 2 oz. protein. Much lower in fat than commercial pizza and faster, too!

    Notes: Bon Appetite!
    Number of Servings: 3 to 5 people

    For more delicious recipes for diabetics go to : Better Recipes.Com
    I love italian food and pizza is a must have:blushing:
    Debbie :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Debbie
    so nice to hear from you.Thanks for the recipe for pizza and the web site. All sounds good. Wish they have their food value included. I had a 2 lb gain this morning. I was at my doc. this week and she said I was retaining fluid. So maybe it will drop down again. Still watching my food. My blood sugar is just fine. ood hearing from you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Howdy all.

    A nice morning to all. I am thinking about making my husband a chocolate cake. Just hope I can stay out of it.Its time for lunch now, will have a nice peanut butter sandwich and glass of skim milk. Have a roast going for supper.

    Hope you all have a pleasant Sunday.

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Morning calie and all that follow. Warm here today, and I am under the weather. Think I caught what my daughter had, so taking it easy today. We are due to get some much needed rain later today. DD is back at school today, but sent a note with her excusing her from gym as if she runs and gets overheated I know it will make her sick and she can't take her antibiotics til she comes home as they make her drowsy. The DH stopped by the school office and they said that was fine to keep her out of gym class the next 2 days. They do alot of running and that is the last thing she needs at this time.

    Fixing a stew today for dinner, something care-free and simple yet heart healthy. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Here's a quote I'd like to share: "Learn from yesterday, Live for today, and Hope for tomorrow"

    Question of the Day: what spices do you like best and how do you use them?
    Mine is garlic, used mainly in sauces and love to add to potatoes roasting, or meats, and its good for fighting cancer and infections.

    See you all later today,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Debbie---
    glad your dd is feeling better and back in school

    Everything here is fine. My back is given me problems and had to get my back brace out. You meal sounds great. I am having grilled chiocken , green beans and SF jello for lunch. For dinner I am having grilled fish chop veggie salad Will have a couple 100 snacks in between. I had gain 2 lbs last week but a lb came off this morning.. My doc said I was tetaining water. My bllod sugar is under control.

    I like your quotes this morning. Thanks

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi CalieCat and all that follow. Well daughter is better and I think I caught what she had. So with that said, its suppose to rain today, and I am just going to take some meds and rest today.

    Want to share this poem with you all this morning, this is near and dear to my heart>
    An Old Irish Blessing

    May the road rise up to meet you
    May the wind always be at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    make it a good day everyone and I will see you tomorrow.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Debbie.

    I go to the heart doctor today to get my circulations check out in my feet.

    You take it easy and get yourself well.

    Love your quote.

    Nice hearing from you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Say what a great morning it is. Just love it.

    Debbie, hope you are feeling better by now.

    I cook me a pot of homemade chili and beans and had them over some shredded letuce/ It was so good. with a bowl of Jello and 2 big glass of lemonaid. Good meal.

    Bood sugar is till under control and I am happy over that.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Thanks for the link, Marie.
    Hope your circ is up to par.'
    I'm just on metformin and so far the blood sugars are mostly in the proper range in the mornings so that's good. Still seem to have other problems though.
    Day 4 logging. See if day 7 brings a drop, hopefully. but if not, keep on keeping on, right?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So glad you found us. My blood sugar is on target Every once in while It does get too low. And have to eat extra food. Just mess up my plans for the day.Not to mention my weight. But I will keep working on it. How do you like the food chart here. great huh!

    Glad you are here. I didn't know they had sunflowers in Canada, I thought they just grew down here in the southern part . Where sbout in Canada do you live? I have a very nice friend that live in.Sask. she post on the senior golden sneakers name is Gayla.

    Gald to have you.here. Maybe we can help one another.

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    I"m in the Okanagan Valley, BC. We have sunflowers, a wild variety that grow on the mountain sides, very bright and lovely this time of year. Sask. has a later spring than us. My husband grew up there; the winters are very cold.
    Glad your blood sugar is OK. How's the circulation?
    Ellen J
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Hi Ellen,
    I did add you as a friend.
    I don't have diabetes but my very good friend does and so I like to check into this site and see how everyone is doing. Good luck on your journey.
    I have been blowing it with the food lately and my ticker shows it. I had lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks but have just been blowing it for one reason or another, (I know everyone knows all the excuses that we use) but I still log in all the extra calories that I shouldn't be eating because I want to be honest with myself. I almost didn't log in my correct weight this morning but who am I kidding?? Anyhow things have slowed down for me at work and so I plan to look back on those days of good eating to see what I ate and start taking the weight off again. yup, anyhow I should probably just be quiet because I have been bad lately and so not a very good influence. :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Chowhound,
    I am tickle to see you post here again. Just keep coming on and vent all you want to. We are your friends. How is your friend?

    Ellen--- I will know more after the doctor run all of these test. Which will take awhile. Our sunflowers is not even up yet. Lots of buttercups tho. All of our floers are in bloom. Our tulips , Iris and daffodil have long come and gone. Roses and other flowers are in full bloom. And our little garden is coming along just fine.

    Both of you have a good night.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am on to a new adventure today. Leaving off all artifally sweeten sugar and of course sugar. Other wise NO SWEETS. lETS SEE iF i AM CLIMBING THE WALLS BY TONIGHT.


  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Hi Ellen,
    I did add you as a friend.
    I don't have diabetes but my very good friend does and so I like to check into this site and see how everyone is doing. Good luck on your journey.
    I have been blowing it with the food lately and my ticker shows it. I had lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks but have just been blowing it for one reason or another, (I know everyone knows all the excuses that we use) but I still log in all the extra calories that I shouldn't be eating because I want to be honest with myself. I almost didn't log in my correct weight this morning but who am I kidding?? Anyhow things have slowed down for me at work and so I plan to look back on those days of good eating to see what I ate and start taking the weight off again. yup, anyhow I should probably just be quiet because I have been bad lately and so not a very good influence. :smile:

    Hey it's the next day and my ticker is down again.
    this is not hard at all. Just takes a bit of control.
    Of course it's still morning. haha
    love my ticker. most days.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Chowhound. Congrats on the the ticker drop. Don't that make you feel good. So glad to have you here. What a dear fiend you must be .
    I am trying something new this week. cutting out all splenda, and all that other bad stuff from my diet. I think My body will like that. I don't know if I will but we shall see. Will keep you posted on how I do.

    Your friend caliecat
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    I have a real problem giving up Splenda also. I now miss the taste. I bought some liquid Stevia, which is a herbal product from the health food store, but I still can't get too used to the taste in my coffee although it's not really all that bad I guess. The powdered stevia is great in plain yoghurt or hot cereal, porridge etc. but not so good in coffee and tea.
    Yes I love that ticker sometimes. It's a love/hate thing.
    You sound like a good friend to have also.
    My sister is borderline diabetic also so I really like this site and of course you know that my very best friend is injecting insulin. Anyhow....off to rid myself of a few inches of grey roots.
    Have a great day Caliecat
    sure love the picture of your dog
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Is there a problem with using Splenda? It's been my sweetest friend for several years now and I haven't been aware of it hurting anything.'
    ps Callie - our wild sunflowers are only about a foot high. The planted ones that grown several feet aren't started yet.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi ellen----Splenda is a fake sugar. It is better than some of the others but they still don't know what long term effect it has on our body. A lot of added addictive to it. And I am addictrve to it.. I am not willing to give up stevia yet tho. But will cut way down on it and just used it as a specalial treat. I have been having some unexplain headaches here latly. So what the heck I thought I will give it a try.B ut this is everybody personel goal. If you are confortable using Splenda then by all means enjoy it. I was just using way to much.

    Your friend
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning guys,
    Good news this morning. I lost 3 lbs this week. and I am proud of that. I am drinking a bi glass of ice water this morning instead of coffee. Now It is time for a big breakfast.
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Good for you Caliecat - 3 lbs. Step by step we win the race.
    Chowhound - You are leaving off with the Splenda too? For the same reasons?
    We had company for dinner last night and dessert was with Splenda, without it would have many more calories. As it was I stayed under my max calorie goal for the day, Yeh!
    Have a good day all.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ellen, Good for you havin company an staying wihin you max. I had a good day also, No fake sugar. Just some Stevia., in my yogurt.

    I have started posting on another thread by leanlioness And its all about carbs.. It is helping me a lot. Things I did not know. Here is the link if you or anyone else would like to check it out.


    I like what they have to say.

    Hello Chowhound. How are you doing, my friend.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning everybody

    I have join this group and they are amazing for keepin their blood sugar in control Here is the site if you would like to take a look.

    I have found it to be very informationals It has open up my eyes to a new way of thinking.

  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    I still have Splenda in my cupboard. If you are making desserts with it, sounds wonderful to me. I just used to think it was derived from sugar and was natural and then after years found out it wasn't much better than twin sugar, if at all. So I am weaning off of it and do use powdered stevia in my yoghurts and hot cereal but I still can't get used to liquid stevia in my coffee. I force myself though. I wouldn't really worry about it too much, just cut down and maybe try out some stevia, powdered and liquid. I think losing weight while keeping ourselves happy is the main thing.
    Now I will have to check out that other website or thread, CalieCat.
    We have a rainy day here and I am getting suitcases of summer clothes out in all different sizes. I never know what size I am going to be from season to season. My husband wonders why I have so many clothes. That's the reason. Always a different size. sigh!! I think I will donate all the really big sizes though and hope for the best.
    Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Chowhound. So good to see you this morning. I quit using Splenda after I quit using coffee creamer in my cofee; And found out it wasn't coffee I wanted but the rich taste of creamer and sweetness of splenda that I was was craving. Ater a week off of both I now craved the goodness pure taste of ice water. I would never believe it. I will add hot tea Plain next. So far water is all I have been drinking. And I was the world worst about getting my water in.

    It just go to prove you are never too old to learn new tricks.

    For breakfast this morning;
    Ice water first thing in the morning.
    egg cook in 1 t. of olive oil
    1 slice tomato
    1/2 avocada
    More water.

    For my exercise I had a 15 minutes walk around the block with Sammy, he loves it. We are both on a diet. He is too fat at least 5 lb to 7 lbs over. Jerry, my hubby weigh him every Monday morning. He lost 1/4 lb last week. Hope he does better tomorrow.

    Have a good day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Chowhound. So good to see you this morning. I quit using Splenda after I quit using coffee creamer in my cofee; And found out it wasn't coffee I wanted but the rich taste of creamer and sweetness of splenda that I was was craving. Ater a week off of both I now craved the goodness pure taste of ice water. I would never believe it. I will add hot tea Plain next. So far water is all I have been drinking. And I was the world worst about getting my water in.

    It just go to prove you are never too old to learn new tricks.

    For breakfast this morning;
    Ice water first thing in the morning.
    egg cook in 1 t. of olive oil
    1 slice tomato
    1/2 avocada
    More water.

    For my exercise I had a 15 minutes walk around the block with Sammy, he loves it. We are both on a diet. He is too fat at least 5 lb to 7 lbs over. Jerry, my hubby weigh him every Monday morning. He lost 1/4 lb last week. Hope he does better tomorrow.

    We had a bunch of rain yesterday. on our walk I seen where it had left junk all across the roads. So it was ove curb deep. But we sure did need it.

    You live in Canada dont you? really enjoy you keeping in touch. How is your friend doing.? hoping to see her here one day.

    Have a good day
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