Never eating Mickey D's again...



  • dolphingrl2481
    dolphingrl2481 Posts: 60 Member

    Here you go!
    I hate fast food for this very reason.

    I find that looking on the main/help thread on the Message Boards helps with many questions I have.

    where did you get that pic?
  • rayleansout
    I have not eaten at McDcdonalds or any fast food Chain in over 5 years!
    I consider fast food anywhere there is a drive thru, anywhere you do not have a waiter or waitress, restaurant food is almost as bad but you can carefully plan out options like plain spinanch with vinegar, unseasoned lean meats, and grilled or steamed veggies.
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    This stuff hasn't been used for years....
  • MandeeSue
    MandeeSue Posts: 153
    When I seen the pictures of the non decomposed food that was left out for like 1-2 years that really turned my stomach..then I felt awful for letting my 2 year old eat the chicken nuggets :\ Really turns your stomach to think about it. I never was a huge fan of MDonalds..but there was some things I enjoyed. Don't know if I would now though !!
  • hajjcomb
    hajjcomb Posts: 118 Member

    Thank you. I have seen this all over Facebook as well. The picture and accompanying story is somewhat true, but also misleading. I love Snopes.

    Another good one is the PLU codes on food indicating if an item is a GMO. More examples of "I read it on the interwebs so it must be true!"
  • mtppatrick
    I mean I know McDonald (and other fast foods for that matter) is crap, not nutritious, provides little to no nourishment, and I never feel good after eating it, but I didnt think it was THAT bad...
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    It shocks me that

    - anyone is shocked by this, it's fast food, what did you expect?
    - you are just realising it's not healthy

    Stop being a food snob, eat it don't eat it, whatever.

    Now who is up for a McChicken Sandwhich?
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Ohh yummm!! My favorite! :P Buttt, its fast food...what were you expecting?
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    When I seen the pictures of the non decomposed food that was left out for like 1-2 years that really turned my stomach..then I felt awful for letting my 2 year old eat the chicken nuggets :\ Really turns your stomach to think about it. I never was a huge fan of MDonalds..but there was some things I enjoyed. Don't know if I would now though !!
    this is what happens when you give a 2 year old chicken nuggets.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Except McDonald's doesn't use mechanically separated chicken for their nuggest. FYI. They use all white meat chicken breast for their nuggets. Still, frying them isn't the greatest, but it's no different than you breading and frying your own at home, really.

    They POSSIBLY do for the McChicken. However, the sandwiches that are not on the value menu are premium quality and contain chicken breast meat. And a lot of salt...
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Yes I stopped eating them after the television show with the English guy trying to change our school diets. He showed the kids how they were made and our American kids chose to eat it anyway. Gross! They are talking about changing the school milks to 1% fat but they didn't say anything about the chocolate and strawberry flavoring and sugar.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Also, I really do appreciate those who are turned off by fast food and never ever going again .........

    makes my wait in the drive through shorter. Thanks.
  • frugalmomsrock
    upon further review... since their ingredients do not list it as mechanically separated, it isn't. They HAVE to list whether the meat is mechanically separated...
  • teresab46970
    teresab46970 Posts: 35 Member
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Yes I stopped eating them after the television show with the English guy trying to change our school diets. He showed the kids how they were made and our American kids chose to eat it anyway. Gross! They are talking about changing the school milks to 1% fat but they didn't say anything about the chocolate and strawberry flavoring and sugar.

    Oh Jamie Oliver? I hate that guy, he ruined school dinners over here in UK, *everyone* in the UK hates him haha.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i wonder how many times this pic and story will be posted here - i think this is the 4th ive seen.
    and its still incorrect as the others
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I can't remember if Chicken McNuggets actually tasted better before they used all white meat.....I actually think they did!! I'll probably get flack or even shunned for this but here's the thing for me, chemical additives aside, I eat the cartlidge of chicken wings, I eat the fat and gristle off of beef and pork, Marrow I'm not to keen on, but lets be realistic WASTE NOT WANT NOT. A lot of peaople enjoy sausage as well, is that much different? What the heck is wrong with eating mush that as a bare minimum tastes good, (as I said chemicals and varying nutirional benefits aside, and though McDonalds does a seasaw for me, Good one time, bland and flavorless the next ) when it's going to be turned right back into mush just a few hours after eating it? If it's edible and the body can digest it and use it as energy what's the problem??? I for one am in favor of using every scrap as long as it's not life threatening. Just my two cents
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Also, I really do appreciate those who are turned off by fast food and never ever going again .........

    makes my wait in the drive through shorter. Thanks.

    All the Fast Food haters be walking by & we'll be like tumblr_lyiu8ujnsC1r8md3yo1_500.gif
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I will eat the occasional Egg McMuffin - those are great!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
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