Curves vs. Skinny



  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I heard somewhere that research has shown that men are biologically more attracted to women with an hour glass shape.. something to do with the bigger hips and birthing babies. LOL So from an evolutionary perspective,go curves!

    I hadn't heard this before but it wouldn't surprise me. Some research found that strippers make more money during times of the month when they are ovulating.
  • itsablondething
    itsablondething Posts: 28 Member
    Well... I actually had a job where I weighed and measured people for their work physicals once upon a time. One of the most attractive women I did... so this stuck out to me... was 5'8" and weighed 135 pounds.

    I am quite certain had she been 20 lb lighter I would have offered her a piece of cake.

    A woman has curves. Not bones. Curves.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I just wanted to throw this out there, and leave the 'looks' part of the equation out... at 5'8" and 100 pounds (even at 5'8" and 115 pounds) you might be putting your health at risk.

    I see that you're 18, so you have lots of years left ahead that you'll want to enjoy your health. Maybe one day you'll want to have baby. Being that thin puts your fertility in jeopardy.

    Being that thin also puts your bone health in serious jeopardy. A friend of mine, who is in her early 50's, spent her life being very proud of her athletic 5'7" 115 pound figure. She thought she was super-healthy, but she's broken three bones this year. Her doctor said the primary causal factor for her osteoporosis was her low body weight - she was a regular exerciser and had no family history.

    There are other health consequences of being too thin, but these are two I've seen first hand.

    135 would be a very healthy (yet still quite thin) weight for someone your height.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I hate to hug a skinny person so curves are best
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    One of my biggest factors in my weight loss/physical wellness journey is... which is more attractive and appealing- a full, curvy voluptious body- or a skinny, thin, little, light and tiny body?
    I've had both, at my lowest I've been 100 lbs and at my highest I've been 135 lbs. I'm five feet and eight inches tall. So I've been rail thin bones and right now I'm back to being fully equiped with curves.
    But I'm not sure which one I want to aspire to have more, the skinny girl bones or the full curves, besides the fact of being healthy either ways! I just want to be wanted and desired and beautiful but while the media says that skinnyskinnyskinny is the way to go and then some outputs say that curves and being fuller is the way to go! I look at photos of me at my lowest and highest weight and I look good both ways I think, but I don't know which way I want to go, right now I'm definately trying to get back to being skinnier, but any thoughts on this?? It confuses me and makes me frustrated, which way I want to keep my body. I just want to be wanted :/

    Personally I prefer a woman that has curves. Women have curves.. You at 5’8’’ and 135 lbs. puts your BMI about 20 (about right) . .. your goal of 115 might be a bit low…100 WAS to low! (IMHO)
    Don’t get me wrong.. I have seen attractive woman that were very thin. But The answer lies within you. If you feed your body the right amount of fuel and stay healthy, then your body will take care of the rest. Many naturally thin women look beautiful and healthy. However, women who are not naturally thin (the thinness is forced) do not look healthy, they look sick. I find that very unattractive (personally).

    I agree with this post, if you are seeing anything you don't like then you will want to start lifting weights to lean-out a bit and sow off leaner curve.

    I have an hourglass figure and I get many complements. I love it!!! Exercise and a healthy diet does wonders to the human body.
  • Oh man, I haven't stepped on a scale since the year began. I'm not even looking at numbers right now, I'd drive myself nuts all over again xc I'm doing a photo progress thing, so I can SEE any physical changes, not let myself be run by numbers. I'm learning the toned side of life, I didn't go that approach before so this time, I am, its just, I don't wanna be curvy and have my stomach stay curvy too, and ab work outs are way too hard man!

    :heart: Love this! That's my approach now, too.

    At first, I didn't care about losing weight because I didn't think I could. Then I did and I liked the thrill of it... the tangible progress of logging weight loss and seeing the number on the scale drop. But since going on maintenance in October, I've gained pounds, but gotten leaner. I'm about the same weight as I was in June... even my measurements are very close, but the way clothes fit, and the way I look out of clothes is so much different.

    Photos are the way to go.

    Thats real true, how muscles weigh more collectively than fat, and another reason why I'm nixxing the scale. And I knooow what you meeeaaan, the thrill. thats what it was! I'm excited right now the most to get myself down a little bit, see where I am in March, thats when I figure I should be where I want to be, I want to be on a maintenance level too c:
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    Curves, for sure! My husband would wholeheartedly agree!:wink:
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    it all depends on the girl, some look better curvy and some look better skinny. people should change thier bodies to make themselves happy, not others
  • tagben
    tagben Posts: 72
    Sofia Vergara or Mary Kate Olsen?!

    Its also depends were do you carry your weight?! Im 5'8 too BUT I carry my weight on my top half, so if I work on building muscle on my butt and leg I look much better when im on the skinner side ( my waist and collarbone finally appear)!
    My best friend is 5'6 and is the same weight as me now, and she looks great bc she is a little more bottom heavy, so if she ever dropped to my GW she will lose her hips, butt and she will be shapeless!

    So i think it depends on bdy type, and also muscle tone is super important!
  • I wouldn't agree with "guys like a skinny chick"... you'll find out everyone has a preference! And they're all different.
  • I personally would love to ditch the curves. I am 5.3 inches....and 64.60kilos. I once got down to 52 kilos and loved it..I still had curves but looked more realistic not Barbiyish or Bar maidish if you know what I mean. does anyone have a recommendation for exercises that would help reduce the bust.....
  • helpmepls905
    helpmepls905 Posts: 14 Member
    I know you posted this awhile ago... but I have to say. I am a female at 5'8 as well and I would prefer curves before bone thin.... That being said I am at 171 right now and looking to get down to 135 as my skinny. So maybe it's better not to focus on the curvy or the skinny but on what made you feel better and how your clothes look when you wear them. If they hang off you then maybe go towards curvy, if they are too tight then maybe lose alittle more.
  • helpmepls905
    helpmepls905 Posts: 14 Member
    Agreed, from my experience most guys need some meat on the bones.
  • Adobogirl
    Adobogirl Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks a lot for all the feed back everybody c: It really means a whole lot to me. When I first ever decided I was going to lose weight, I was motivated by a community online where eating was concerned with "the skinny girl diet," "the russian gymnist diet," diets where in a day one would consume 600 calories or less and girls would label themselves "pro-anorexic" and the thing to look like is skin and bones, that being my first look at weight loss, its what I inspired to look like at first, and all the rave was the bonier you look the more people will want to be with you and be your friend and the more successful you'll look and feel and be. My ideas on weight loss are absoultely far from that and I honestly wish the girls on that site who carry those views don't hurt themselves, its just a shame :c And so, even though I don't think like that anymore, sometimes.... its hard to shake that idea completely off my mind after thats what I was aiming for at first, its sort of embarrasing.

    This takes guts to be honest and say this. I applaud you. And yes, it's hard to shake off an idea, esp when it's carried and valued by so many people. I think what it boils down to is what YOU decide is right for you.

    Personally, I'd rather have the curves. I have family members who are rail thin and although they look "normal" in pictures, they look sickly in real life. I wish sickly didn't translate to "normal" in media. I guess that's how our society works, make an impossible ideal so people will buy products. I swear, unhappiness is the engine of industry.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I just want to be 'smaller' but athletic & fit looking. Toned body. Rail thin is super unattractive in my eyes. I always feel sorry for girls that are that skinny as I feel it's gone way past normal & it's a mental health & eating condition.
  • Verbalcody
    Verbalcody Posts: 24 Member
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I totally agree. My ideas of what my "perfect body" are have changed so much in the past few years (I'm 23). As soon as you get of of those teenage years and get a chance to interact with MEN instead of boys, you realize that they are pretty much programmed to love a nice full hour glass figure. Actually, on that note, I would be really interested to hear what some of the guys have to say...

    THIS. I had a completely skewed idea of what was attractive when I was younger (18 - 20) I dieted down, worked my butt off (literally), and now looking at photos from that time, was a rack of bones.

    Now that I'm older and wiser, I've come to appreciate that muscles and strength are sexy, being fit and happy in your body is attractive, and CONFIDENCE is the best accessory you can own.

    I would suggest to focus more on being healthy and working on toning, since you're already at a great weight for your height (I'm 5'9" and 135 is the low end of my "ideal" weight) and focus less on a #. Go by how you feel, how your clothes fit, and how you look! :)
  • I totally agree. My ideas of what my "perfect body" are have changed so much in the past few years (I'm 23). As soon as you get of of those teenage years and get a chance to interact with MEN instead of boys, you realize that they are pretty much programmed to love a nice full hour glass figure. Actually, on that note, I would be really interested to hear what some of the guys have to say...

    THIS. I had a completely skewed idea of what was attractive when I was younger (18 - 20) I dieted down, worked my butt off (literally), and now looking at photos from that time, was a rack of bones.

    Now that I'm older and wiser, I've come to appreciate that muscles and strength are sexy, being fit and happy in your body is attractive, and CONFIDENCE is the best accessory you can own.

    I would suggest to focus more on being healthy and working on toning, since you're already at a great weight for your height (I'm 5'9" and 135 is the low end of my "ideal" weight) and focus less on a #. Go by how you feel, how your clothes fit, and how you look! :)

    Thank you so much cx I know I'm comfortable in my clothes when I can button my skinny jeans/pair of shorts and not be sucking anything in, and when I can wear a cut off shirt and not be self concious of my tummy lookling pooshy. I have a question, when I work on toning and definition- do I do like... use a 60 lb weight and do it 3 times, OR should I use like a 40 lb weight and use it 5 times, I forget all the terms, less weight more reps, or more weight less reps, yeah, what should I be going for? c:
  • Thanks a lot for all the feed back everybody c: It really means a whole lot to me. When I first ever decided I was going to lose weight, I was motivated by a community online where eating was concerned with "the skinny girl diet," "the russian gymnist diet," diets where in a day one would consume 600 calories or less and girls would label themselves "pro-anorexic" and the thing to look like is skin and bones, that being my first look at weight loss, its what I inspired to look like at first, and all the rave was the bonier you look the more people will want to be with you and be your friend and the more successful you'll look and feel and be. My ideas on weight loss are absoultely far from that and I honestly wish the girls on that site who carry those views don't hurt themselves, its just a shame :c And so, even though I don't think like that anymore, sometimes.... its hard to shake that idea completely off my mind after thats what I was aiming for at first, its sort of embarrasing.

    This takes guts to be honest and say this. I applaud you. And yes, it's hard to shake off an idea, esp when it's carried and valued by so many people. I think what it boils down to is what YOU decide is right for you.

    Personally, I'd rather have the curves. I have family members who are rail thin and although they look "normal" in pictures, they look sickly in real life. I wish sickly didn't translate to "normal" in media. I guess that's how our society works, make an impossible ideal so people will buy products. I swear, unhappiness is the engine of industry.

    Yeah, I really don't like that skinnyskinny is all on the magazine covers and the lady singer stars and the big name actresses, it sets expectations of what a guy is looking for in a girl and what a girl should aim to be, its frustrating, and I don't like how it is SO EASY to get processed, crappy, bad for you food, its CHEAP and its EVERYWHERE, but if you eat it you get unhealthy and unhappy and people eat this stuff alllll theeee tiiiime, its the REGULAR! But it shouldnt' be a regular! Healthy food ought to be more available and more standardized, so it becomes the regular for people to eat healthy and feel better and not worry about all the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. Its a shame when a person brings in a yogurt cup with fruit and skips the soda and they're the ones that get looked at for being "weird" but its not WEIRD that all around us people are eating fillers and processed things, when in reality... that is pretty weird...
  • Curves are amazing! Some people are naturally very skinny and without many curves. If you sat down and talked with anyone with that body type, the majority would tell you that they would do almost anything to get some curves! I am enjoying, since I carry most of my extra weight in my stomach for the right curves to be accentuated again! =)