40+ Club



  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Thanks Alf, April & Singfree for the advice. :flowerforyou:
    I have a hard time sometimes with my 'all or nothing' attititude and so I think somewhere inside I feel I should be exercising hard every day. I know in my head this doesn't make sense & I'd be the first one to tell someone else this but I seem to have these CRAZY expectations for me sometimes that are out of this world :noway: One of my goals is to find balance in my life....in all areas...exercise, eating, drinking...
    but it doesn't come easy to me...as you can see :laugh:

    I also think I have to look at my protein intake...so thanks cardigirl for asking your quesstion about protein.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    WantToBe, I think that balance in life is especially important as we get older. I would like that very much. For me, its not all or nothing... it's more like full steam ahead! I put myself on a very fast merry-go-round and sometimes forget how to slow it down. It wasn't until our grandson was born that I began to look at life differently and realize that I needed to set different priorities in life (says the 54 year old patriarch). Really, though, I need to be around for those I love and set a good example for them. At least having a sound body is a good start!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    alf, I'm really sorry to hear about your husband's reaction to your weight loss. I agree with singfree that you should probably emphasize that this isn't a 100% selfish pursuit on your part, and that, in the long run, you taking care of you is perhaps the absolute best way for you to be able to take care of your family.

    My husband has had the opposite reaction to my weight loss, and it has meant all the difference in the world to me. I hope your husband can eventually come to understand what a great thing you are doing.

    WantToBeMoreActive, you remind me alot of me. I'm kind of an all-or-nothing gal myself. But, oddly enough, now that I feel I've taken control of the basic things in life like exercise and nutrition, I feel more in balance today than I have in years. Part of balance is simply listening to your body. It can't be emphasized enough how important that is.

    Today is my 19th wedding anniversary (when did I get this old?), but my dear husband is thousands of miles away. But I plan to celebrate a little tonight on my own with some dark chocolate (but keeping it in my calorie allowance, of course). Of course, I'll be enjoying that while watching The Biggest Loser! Oh, well. But I had a great workout this morning since it cooled off a little here right around the time I started working out this morning (we were at 100 yesterday in LA which just isn't any fun, especially without AC).

    cardigirl, I wish I could answer your question about protein. I've read a bit about lean proteins which are things like turkey. In fact, I believe one of the reasons turkey is recommended for things like burgers versus beef is because of the high saturated fat content in beef. But you can get a similar amount amount of protein in turkey without all the fat, making turkey a 'better' protein than beef. Nuts and peanut butter and eggs all are high in protein, but they have alot of fat. Since I'm more concerned with the number of calories I'm eating right now than with my fat intake specifically, I simply try to eat a balanced diet that sometimes contains food higher in fat than may be recommended by some (like eggs) so I don't have much more knowledge on the matter unfortunately. But that's my take on the matter--that the 'quality' of the protein is somewhat dependent on the amount of fat in the food and such.

    Glad you are feeling better, singfree!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Thanks Stiring Wendel, and Happy Anniversay!

    I think you're probably right, that low fat may mean I can eat more of it. It's quality protein vs less quality or something.

    Here's another question. If I have calories left over from one day, can I use them the next? Like carry them over or something?
  • grandbinga
    Hi! I am new to this site and I would like some help in losing about 50 lbs. I know thats alot and I am not into exercise, except for walking, because of a bad back. This is not going to be easy for me and the Doctor told me to go to this page and keep track of what I eat. How do I tell the contents of what I eat to be able to post it to my food diary? Anyone have any help out there for me to do this? Thanks for anything you can do to help.

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hello to you, Grandbinga! Welcome to the group! Not to worry even if you can only walk. Just have some determination and say to yourself, I WILL do this!

    Your food diary:

    Click on the "FOOD" tab at the top of the page

    Click on "ADD FOOD" under the appropriate meal time

    Search for your desired food in the database. For example, type "oatmeal" and click the search button

    You will then see a great number of choices. Find the one that you like and add it to your meal

    Repeat the process

    (If you have any problems, please post your questions) Good luck and Good health!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, thanks for your note, yes, I'm feeling much better today. Happy Anniversary!

    Cardigirl, for some reason the body (mine in particular) adapts to the amount of cals you take in daily and makes the adjustment accordingly. So, I don't really think there is a carryover effect. In other words "use 'em or lose 'em". In the same way, you can't starve yourself all week and pig out on the weekend. Boy, wouldn't that be great? Again, this is just my observation based on my body. Hope this makes sense...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thank you so much for all your kind words!!! :heart: I truly think he is feeling a little threatened by my determination of losing weight and feeling better about myself. I don't know why he feels this way, we have been together for 22 yrs!!! He does need to lose weight. Before he retired from the military he swore he was going to continue exercising and taking care of himself and he did not do that. He has gained a lot of weight. Since the beginning of this year he is exercising more and trying to eat better. He is on the treadmill right now. He does make nice comments such as how great I look and that he admires my determination but then he throws those little punches out of the blue...don't get it...I guess time will tell. And I definitely want to be healthy to continue enjoying life with him and my family.

    Cardigirl, I try to eat lean proteins, chicken breast, turkey, lean beef (round), lean pork (tenderloin), legumes (lentils, great source of protein), fish. Peanut butter and nuts also have protein but not very much, they do have higher fat but it is the good fat, mono and polyunsaturated. Eggs are not bad either, one or two a day but 100% egg whites would be much better. I also supplement sometimes with whey protein shakes, I even add some to my oatmeal in the morning. I hope this helps.

    Tron, some chocolate will not set you back. The hula hoop can definitely help you tone your waist but continue doing some intense cardio. The hula is a killer!!! Gosh I have to play with my wii fit more often. I think the last time I used it was in dec!!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Good night guys!!!! Talk to you tomorrow!!! :flowerforyou:
  • psilva78227
    psilva78227 Posts: 40 Member
    Tron... I am impressed. 10 mins on the hoola hoop. I can't even do 10 seconds! :laugh: I guess I need to work on it a little more (okay a lot more), I never considered a hoola hoop to be an abs exercise, just fun!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Cardigirl, sorry I missed your question about "good" protein. Technically speaking, protein is protein. But...some foods with high protein come with additional baggage that you might not want or need. I agree with Alf that sources such as peanut butter, turkey, chicken, eggs (and egg beaters) plus whey protein are about your best bets without getting extra fat & cals. Even when you do consider one of these, remember:

    Turkey BREAST is the leanest of all. (remember the quiz last night on BL?)

    READ LABELS. I am amazed at the bad stuff in "good" foods!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Life started for me, at 40, with a return to ballet and to fitness. I have lost over 40 pounds since hitting that age, with about 10 or so more to go - and those are NOT going quickly. I'd like them off by June at the earliest, August at the latest (yes, I have reasons for this), but it's not coming easy.

    It doesn't help that just as I am hitting my stride, I was hit with a horrible cold which has kept me out of commission for the past week. :-(
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome Slieber to the group! For most of us here, the final few lbs (of fat) are the most stubborn to shed. With your goal of getting in shape by summer, you need to concentrate on eating well and getting fit, don't worry about scale weight at this point. After a while, the scale becomes a meaningless tool and a source of frustration. Get a good fitness program like those offered by Beachbody.com. P90X or Chalean X is working wonders for some of us. As a dancer, you will need to continue to get stronger as you become leaner. (Alf, maybe you could comment on the Chalean program). Best of health to you in your fitness journey!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Thanks Alf and singfree, for answering my question about protein. I kind of figured that was what was meant. I eat a lot of beans, nuts, eggs and meat...I'll try to adapt turkey breast into the rotation. I've been trying to eat whole foods, less processing, etc, for awhile now, but don't always have turkey in the house.

    Welcome to this group, slieber...wow a return to ballet is wonderful! Congrats on your progress so far. This is a great group of people here to encourage you with that last bit of weight loss.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I rarely have turkey at the house either. My husband does not like it...:noway: :grumble: I am going to need some good turkey recipes so I can disguise it a little bit. :laugh:

    Slieber, I have read your posts on other threads and know about your success. Welcome!! Yes, those last 10lbs are really hard to lose, especially at our age:grumble: :grumble: The only way to lose them by June or Aug IMO would be to change your workouts some, increase intensity and really monitor your food intake.

    Today is my rest day therefore a low calorie day. I already logged in all my meals and packed my snacks and lunch. Off to work soon... Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I'm new to this site but so far I love it!! Everyone here is so nice and encouraging. I'm 41, have 4 kids (2 adult children and 2 in diapers) and am trying to lose weight and get fit. I have an office job in IT so I'm sendentary most of the day and over time really gained the weight - especially after my last child a year and a half ago.

    I'm so pleased that there are so many 40+ers out there....some gorgeous ones, to boot, too! It gives me hope :)
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Welcome, annaliza, to MFP...lots of people here willing to share what has worked for them and to encourage you in your journey to fitness.

    Wow, two in diapers!!! That'll keep you moving regardless of gym time..:wink:

    And you look gorgeous, already, BTW. Just sayin'. :smile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome Annaliza! Glad you like our group. Let us know a liitle bit about your goals, and what your current situation is concerning diet and exercise. We'll be most happy to help!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hey all......... it's good to be back home. My sister's surgery went well - the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes - AWESOME NEWS!!!

    I only gained 1 pound in the last 2 weeks, which I consider a success in itself, as I haven't worked out in 2 weeks and only got to walk 3 times (total of 6 miles). I'm headed to work out after work, and am sure I'll be feeling it tonight..........
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    mkwood, glad your sister is doing well. Welcome back!!!!

    Annaliza, welcome!! :drinker: And you can include yourself in the gorgeous crowd!!! We are here to help...

    Any of you use something to measure distance ran? A pedometer or some kind of garmin, GPS device? I am looking for something to measure distance when I go out running. :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, everyone! Another rainy day outside Philly.:grumble: But looking forward to beautiful weather this weekend for my daughter's 7th birthday!:happy:

    Cardigirl- proteins are not all created equal. People have addressed the difference in fat content; however, animal proteins are "complete" proteins, whereas, plant based proteins are not complete. This means that animal proteins contain all of our essential amino acids- the ones our bodies cannot make. Because of this, animal protein is the ideal source. You can get all of your essential amino acids without animal protein, but you have to really know how to balance them out to get all of your amino acids.

    Hope this helps!

    Annaliza- welcome to the group!!!:flowerforyou: