40+ Club



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member

    Is today Duffy's surgery? I think so. If so, Duffy, get well soon!!!

    Thanks! I'm going stir crazy but other than that the surgery went well. I actually woke up in recovery with remarkable improvement in my arm pain. I was able to convince my surgeon to release me that evening so that I didn't have to spend a night in the hospital. Now the biggest obstacle is tryng to take it easy. Not at all easy when spring has finally arrived in Michigan. But I'm going to try and be on my best behaviour and just relax.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy! I'm very glad to hear about the surgery going well. You'll be back to normal in no time! :happy:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks to Alf for creating this thread (and to singfree for telling me that). It's really been helping to see what everyone is doing and the progress they are making.

    Singfree, I'm glad the concert went well. Hope you had packed houses for the performances.

    I'm almost afraid to type this, cause I might jinx it, but since coming to MFP and upping my cal intake to include my exercise cals, I've lost a pound YAY!!! Feels so good to say that.

    Today, my trainer had me do burpees and boxing burnouts, mountain climbers and pushups and I don't know what it was, but I was really hard pressed to keep up. Phew! I think the humidity was getting to me or something. Sometimes the workout energizes me and sometimes it just destroys me (but in a good way I guess.)

    I made the most awesome salad for dinner last night, with red leaf and bibb lettuce, baby spinach, bananas, oranges, strawberries, almonds, and seared bay scallops! I made a vinaigrette with apple cider vinegar and grated ginger and olive oil. It was really a good salad. I love summer.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    cardigirl, your vinaigrette sounds delicious!!!!!!!!!!!

    Duffy, welcome back!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I am glad the surgery went well. Just take it easy, get well, and you will be able to workout soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am enjoying ChaLean. I have been increasing the weights this week. No soreness so far...I've changed the order of the workouts a little bit to accomodate 2-3 days of running or other cardio on alternate days. I am also giving myself a rest day a week. That will be tomorrow but I am thinking about doing her recharge dvd, flexibility/yoga dvd, in the morning. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Annaliza..You are so lucky to be able to come to this site while at work. I wouldn't dare do that. The way thinks are at this time companies are looking for any reason to fire people and I know that I would get the boot if I were caught doing anything not work related.

    I went to the gym tonight. Didn't do a lot but it is a start.

    Have you noticed that the database is down?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I read on another thread that someone lost 12 lbs in a short time on South Beach Diet. I have the book (and others), but was never very serious about using it. Has anyone here tried SB Diet and your impressions. I'm afraid that there might not be enough carb for me.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    I read on another thread that someone lost 12 lbs in a short time on South Beach Diet. I have the book (and others), but was never very serious about using it. Has anyone here tried SB Diet and your impressions. I'm afraid that there might not be enough carb for me.

    I've done South Beach on several occasions. You can lose massive amounts in the the first phase but I think it depends on what your initial diet is like. Since my eating habits have gotten healthy in the last 5 years, when i try phase 1 now I don't notice a huge weight loss. I think that is because I already make good carb choices. If you are a whole grain/brown rice type of carb eater, you are not going to see big numbers. The carb level is a little low for high cardio people. Last year when I was training for a half marathon I called South Beach to cancel my internet subscription and the representative didn't even put up a hard sell. They seemed to understand that I was not a good candidate for South Beach anymore. Hope that helps.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    cardigirl, your vinaigrette sounds delicious!!!!!!!!!!!

    Duffy, welcome back!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I am glad the surgery went well. Just take it easy, get well, and you will be able to workout soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am enjoying ChaLean. I have been increasing the weights this week. No soreness so far...I've changed the order of the workouts a little bit to accomodate 2-3 days of running or other cardio on alternate days. I am also giving myself a rest day a week. That will be tomorrow but I am thinking about doing her recharge dvd, flexibility/yoga dvd, in the morning. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Alf - I'm going to get the DVDs out today and just think happy thoughts. I'm at day 5 so I may do some light curls. I'm most bummed about 6 weeks without push-ups - I honestly believe that those have made the biggest difference in my upper body tone. I may also check out the beach body site because I'm still considering the bands and wondering if they may be a little more gentle as I ease my way back into lifting.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Unfortunately I think that I will bonk if I dare to do South Beach, even for a few days at a time. I will do a strength workout at noon, and bike 20-25 miles this evening. Maybe I will use some SB recipes just for some healthy meals. My wife and I really like many of the choices in the book. As a self-professed carboholic, I need to cut back on the junk carbs (pretzels) and choose something that will actually do my body some good! Thanks Duffy for your input on this.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    I took a break from exercising today. This will be the 2nd day I've missed in 3 weeks. I'm trying to train myself to exercise 5 days a week and let my body rest for 2 days, but it's hard. I am an obsessive person....so when I get into something, it's easy for me to dive in head first. I went from doing nothing to exercising everyday. I've done this before and lost 30lbs (of course, I gained it all back with my last pregnancy). I really love the exercising. I think it's because it's about the only "free" time I have to do something for myself....

    One good thing that I'm really excited about....my husband is now trying to quit smoking!!!!!!! I'm so excited for him. He started gettting into the exercising because we had an agreement - we could get a Wii (and the Wii fit) if he at least tried the workouts. Well, he's been exercising consistanly for 3 weeks now too (he loves the wii fit) and, hopefully, he will quit smoking, too.

    Duffy, I'm glad your surgery went well and I hope you recover quickly.

    Cardi, what's a burpee? Your salad sounds yummy, too!

    Swiss, I guess I am lucky and just take it for granted. I couldn't work for a company like that.

    Sing, I've never done the South Beach diet. I hear that it works but I don't think I could restrict my carbs. I tried the Atkins diet once and yea, I lost weight, but I felt terrible and foggy all the time because of the lack of carbs.

    Alf, how long are your workout sessions?

    Well, back to work for me. People are starting to ask me for stuff :)
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    annaliza, I didn't know what a burpee was either, til my trainer had me do them. He LOVES to make me do them. :cry:

    The exercise is that you do a squat thrust, once you're down there, you do a push up and as you come back up you jump as high as you can. No rest between. Right now he has me do 10 in a row, and I'm really puffing by the end of them.

    I guess a more extreme version would be to do the squat thrust, push up, jump up and then grab a bar and do a pull up(chin up). So far, he hasn't mentioned those. I fear the time may be coming though.

    If you google burpees, you can find a bunch of videos of how to do them.
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Hi Everyone,

    We had a wonderful weekend, very productive. I decided instead of buying new furniture for the family room I'd try to "renew" what I had. So I replaced all the foam and cushy batting in the cushions and backing, cleaned all the material and it feels like new furniture. :bigsmile: The fabric is a bit weathered from 9 years of wear but it's clean again. Whoohooo!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. Support and accountability are the 2 things that always keep me on track.

    Alf - that must have been some vacation in Puerto Rico. I have a girl friend form there and she has shown me pictures that are breath taking. We live in Round Rock, just up that nasty I35 mess from you. :wink:

    Annaliza - I'm proud of you, cooking for the family. I actually got scolded Saturday when I suggested we get delivery because I had worked so long on the furniture already. That was a good feeling, to know they really appreciate my 'healthy cooking'.

    Cardigirl - That salad sounds awesome. I was just trying to figure out what I was going to do with scallops tonight. You've given me a great idea. THANKS!!!!

    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. See you in threads.

    Many Blessings,
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all............. it's a beautiful sunny and NOT windy day in Kansas...... it's not often we get sunshine without wind:tongue::tongue:
    I'm looking for suggestions for a decent but not outrageously expensive heart rate monitor:heart::heart: . My pedometer can be calibrated by stride length for walk, jog and run, but I think it's still not an accurate way to count calories burned. I did my hilly 2.56 miles walk in 40 minutes on Saturday (3.67mph) and my pedometer said I only burned 193 calories:frown: :frown: I think it's got to be more than that, which is why I'm looking into heart rate monitors. :heart:
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing...from what I have heard about the South Beach diet you lose quickly and then put it back just as quick. A well balanced diet is better. Maybe a bit slower but the weight will stay off better.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!! It was rest day for me today so I just did the recharge (flexibility/yoga) dvd from CX this morning. It felt good to just stretch for 20 mins. I start the third round of the burn circuits tomorrow. Since increasing my calories I do not feel ravenous anymore. Chalene mentions that in one of her dvds, that metabolism speeds up on days that you lift.

    Sing, why are you looking into the SB diet? :noway: You are doing really well with your clean diet...SB is less strict than Atkins but those diets are not really worth it in the long run.

    Texasmom, my daughter lives in Killeen. She is in the ARMY, Ft Hood. She likes to go shopping to Round Rock. We are all excited, her hubby leaves Irak this Thursday!!! :drinker: He should be in Ft Hood by mid May, has to go to Kuwait and Germany first. Please pray for his safe return.

    mkwood, I have the Polar F4. I think it is the least expensive. I paid about $65 for it but it was at the military store (AAFES). It works great for me. I cannot workout without it!!!

    Annalyza, good habits are contagious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: It is great that your husband wants to quit smoking and exercise. You are a good role model to him and I'm sure to your children!! I workout 6 days a week. My workout sessions last anywhere from 40mins to over an hr on weekends. I used to workout everyday but now that I am lifting heavier and running more often I am giving myself one day a week to rest, a weekday (today). I don't like to rest on weekends because I tend to eat more on weekends plus I have more time for a longer workout session or a longer run.

    swiss, how are you doing? Going back to your food diary, just do the best you can. I know you had medical issues and have started working out again and that is a good thing. Give yourself time and try different things to make it easier to log in your foods and workout. I think you are doing great considering your surgery and the complications you had.

    Oh and I like burpees, isnt that what you drink at DQ? Oh no slurpees...:laugh: :laugh: Just a silly joke :tongue: Now seriously, I do like to do burpees, killer exercise

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    My wife and I experience this in the summer when we walk or hike. I'm not sure how to explain it, but we are healthy with no medical issues. April, maybe you could help us with this.

    Sorry, all, for being MIA for a while! My daughter's 7th birthday this past weekend kept me busy!

    The reason your hands and feet swell when you get hot- whether from exercise or just being hot, is that your small blood vessel in your skin dilate to allow greater circulation to your skin. This allows for greater heat loss through your skin. The reason we feel this more in our hands and feet is that there is not enough room for the expansion. I hope this makes sense!:smile: Basically, it's pretty normal. I'd be concerned, however, if it doesn't resolve when you cool off.

    Back to getting caught up in the thread! It's moved fast over the weekend!!:smile:
  • sunny2
    sunny2 Posts: 8
    Hello All. Is this where the over 40 crowd discusses the issues particular to the challenges assiciated with losing weight? Is there a general consensus that a glass of wine prior to bed is BAD or increases stomach fat. Ladies I need to know, cause I drink water all day now have 2 teenage boys and a husband(very loving), and sometimes I need a drink.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Sunny- welcome to the club!!!

    As for the wine, red wine, especially, has some good health benefits!:drinker: I think as long as you are accountable for the calories, a reasonable glass of wine(4-5oz) occasionally is fine. In fact, I work out extra hard on the weekend days when I'm going to have a glass or 2 of wine!!!!:bigsmile: It will not increase stomach fat as long as the rest of your diet is under control and not too high in carbs in general!:smile:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome sunny2.. I dont know about the alcohol but its nice having you here:flowerforyou:

    Has anyone tried the 30 day shred? I just ordered it, it was inexpensive so I figured what the heck.
    Also when it comes to eating clean, are you supposed to give up red meat? So many BBQ's lately. For the most part I stay under my calorie intake, I need to stay ontop of that but I was just curious on if you would lose more weight eating chicken and fish rather than a steak. Or does it just matter that you are under on your calories
  • sunny2
    sunny2 Posts: 8
    Thanks guys. I have given up tea, sodas, starbucks, etc. for water and occassionally a drink of wine helps me stay sleep. I stopped drinking wine for a while thinking it caused bloating. I do recall that a glass of wine was fine.