40+ Club



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome all Newbies! Friday reporting day -

    I have meet my goal for the week of no alcohol on weeknights and no eating after 7pm. Weigh in today was 1 lb up from last but I'm not really surprised. I increased my calories up to 1600 and have been eating a high carb diet this week to make sure I have enough energy for my 10K on Sunday.

    My neck has been pretty bad this week (I could barely look down well enough to read the scale this morning) and the MRI showed a herniated disc so my doctor wants me to see a neurosurgeon before she will let me do PT. I'm still nervous that the verdict is going to be no running and I'm scared that maintaining my weight loss will be so much more difficult if I can't run. I cut back on my strength training to 2 times this week due to my level of pain and replaced my 3rd with yoga.

    I'm taking next week off from setting goals. It is our spring break and we'll be traveling for the first part and having company toward the end for Easter and my birthday. Plus, I think I need a little break from thinking so much about food and exercise. I'll be making healthy decisions but not tracking calories.
  • phetzgetfit
    happy friday

    I lost the lb i put on last week so i'm back in my month-long holding pattern (plateau) of 158.
    It's okay, i'm getting much fitter and stronger and eating way better. I KNOW the weight will keep coming down as I focus on eating clean and get plenty of exercise.

    Singfree, congrats on your new bike. I have a very heavy trek (made even heaver by some baskets i use to carry painting gear around to plein air paint with) and I live in an old apt that has an 18 step staircase of very deep steps. i have to carry my bike up each day i use it because it's just not safe locked up downstairs.
    Everyday i do it, I think "I've either got to get a lighter bike or I've got to get stronger." So far, I've been getting stronger but it's still a real challenge for me. But i so love the stability of that bike and I'm not sure a lighter bike would work for carrying my painting gear. any suggestions?

    good luck this week everyone.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hello everyone.

    My weight stayed the same this week. I know it is because I haven't been doing much cardio since I hurt my knee skiing in February. I was a bit leary of upping it as a yoga class a week and a half ago made for some not nice pain.

    I actually weigh in on Wednesdays. So when I looked at the scale this week I said to myself cardio here I come. :laugh: So I did a half hour aerobic session and as my knee wasn't smarting too much, I did it again yesterday and today. I also did a short (10 min) leg routine yesterday too since my session on Wednesday went ok and I'm very happy to say it didn't hurt my knee too much.

    Hopefully I will see the scale move next week and in the meantime it's nice to be feeling a bit sore from using muscles I haven't used in awhile.

    Good luck everyone.

    phetzgetfit I love your new picture!!! It looks like a painting.
  • BOOPIS67
    BOOPIS67 Posts: 19
    Hello Everyone,

    I will be 42 in Nov and want to lose 42lbs by then. Do you think it's possible? I did not lose a pound this week. I am going to put the scale up for a month. It is torturing me. My caloric intake should be 1333 but I've increased it because I burn about 300 calories in the gym. If I keep my calories to 1333 do you think that will help me to lose at least 2 lbs a week. Please give suggestions
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Phetzgetfit, my suggestion for a bike that would carry some weight would be a "touring" bike. They are made to carry the weight of a lot of gear for bikers who go on multi-day rides (food, water, camping gear, etc...). Most of the well-known bike manufacturers sell them. Not cheap, but lighter and will last a long time.

    wanttobe more active, just keep up the good work. Listen to your body, esp. the knee, don't overdo it too much.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok, according to the scale I lost 2.5lbs :noway: :noway: I am not so sure about that...I do feel lighter and look smaller:laugh: but I am skeptical when it comes to weighing myself. I took my measurements and lost inches off the thighs, hip and arms. Everything else stayed the same. I ate pretty clean this week and exercised every day except for Wed. I feel great!! :drinker:

    Boopis, please see previous posts when I replied to your first post. Not weighing yourself for a month is a good idea. Focus on eating well and exercising. You don't have to eat all your exercise calories but don't starve yourself either.

    Duffy, I am so sorry to hear about your injury. How did that happen??? Are you still running on Sunday? Good luck with that!!! Congrats on meeting your goal and Happy Easter!!!

    Phetzgetfit, maybe tweak your exercise some or your diet. That might help you get out of your plateau. But I am glad you are having a positive attitude about it. Being healthy and feeling great is what counts the most :flowerforyou:
  • PamKay
    PamKay Posts: 19
    Good morning 40+ club,
    Well I finally did it, I made an appointment in a couple of weeks for a complete check -up with my Dr. I've been putting it off for a long time now. I'm afraid at age 51 things might start going wrong, i've always been pretty healthy, knock on wood, so far. I'm also afraid of the dreaded colonoscopy , (not sure if I spelled that right) my Dr. wanted me to do one last time I was in there and I put it off. Anyway, I just want to get this stuff over with.
    On another note,,, I went to Germany, France, and England, when I was 17 yrs old, "BEAUTIFUL" place. My boyfriend travels overseas often for work and I hope that someday I will be able to tag along with him. I would love to go back to Germany.
    Well the weekend is coming up. Weekends are hard for me to stick to my exercise & diet plan, as I've read it is for a lot of us in here.
    Have a Great weekend,
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all and Happy Friday!:wink::glasses: Sunshine here today, yeah!
    I FINALLY broke the 130lb barrier this week - 129.5 for the 3rd day in a row - YEAH!!!!! :bigsmile: It feels SO GOOD to finally see "12" as the first 2 digits on the scale again. I didn't get to work out at Curves Mon or Tues; they were closed to move into to a new club location. Much bigger - and AWESOME looking!!! Didn't get my walks in either; hard to walk in 25-30mph winds and rain :ohwell: But...... the weight is headed in the right direction! I haven't had the courage to try on any of my old clothes that fit before I gained the weight back last fall; I think I'll wait a couple more pounds.

    Had a metabolic test done on Wed; was pleasantly surprised to find out that 1200 calories a day is too few for me - I should be eating around 1400-1450 and still losing weight. Maybe that explains why I was stuck above 130....... body went into starvation mode?? I don't intend to overdue the calories, but it is nice to not feel guilty about eating 1400 calories most days. The daily calorie zig zag may also be helping, but hard to tell, as I've only been doing it a week.

    Have a great weekend all.......... keep drinking that water!!:drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    mkwood, where did you do the metabolic test? I would love to do something like that. Were you exercising when you were eating 1200cals? If so, then that explains your plateau. It is great when you get to eat more especially after a hard workout. As long as you eat healthy at least 80% of the time you will not have any problems and you will see results.

    I am going out with my husband tomorrow night. We are going out to dinner and then dancing. I know I will be drinking as well. I hope I dont overdo it. :laugh: :laugh: But we need time for ourselves. We were together in Puerto Rico but with the family and all I feel I did not have time for my hubby. We are thinking about going away to Vegas late April mid May...

    Talk to you later...I am at work, on break :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, I was wondering the same thing myself. I was going to wear my HRM for 24 Hrs to see what the cals burned were, but I might get freaked out at the total (probably over 3000). Haha, my wife might get the wrong idea if I wear it to bed!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Alf: Thanks for your concern - Yes, I'm still running my 10K on Sunday. I've decided for now that it doesn't make much difference. I'm in pain no matter what so might as well chug ahead. There really was no "Injury" so to speak of - sad to see it is more likely just a part of aging and years of wear and tear on my spine.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Alf: Thanks for your concern - Yes, I'm still running my 10K on Sunday. I've decided for now that it doesn't make much difference. I'm in pain no matter what so might as well chug ahead. There really was no "Injury" so to speak of - sad to see it is more likely just a part of aging and years of wear and tear on my spine.

    Did you get the pain suddenly or gradually? I hope you get better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    mkwood, where did you do the metabolic test? I would love to do something like that. Were you exercising when you were eating 1200cals? If so, then that explains your plateau. It is great when you get to eat more especially after a hard workout. As long as you eat healthy at least 80% of the time you will not have any problems and you will see results.

    I am going out with my husband tomorrow night. We are going out to dinner and then dancing. I know I will be drinking as well. I hope I dont overdo it. :laugh: :laugh: But we need time for ourselves. We were together in Puerto Rico but with the family and all I feel I did not have time for my hubby. We are thinking about going away to Vegas late April mid May...

    Talk to you later...I am at work, on break :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    I work at a state university, and the student health center now offers testing to employees also for a $25 fee. My daughter, who works at the university rec center, suggested I get one done when I was expressing my plateau frustration to her awhile back. I'm very glad I did. I'm hoping that knowing now what my normal calorie intake should be will help with the weight loss. The actual name of the test is MedGem by microlife. It measures your resting metabolic rate (RMR), then figures out your daily calorie use based on your lifestyle (work job activity level). You then subtract a set number of calories based on the rate of weight loss you want to achieve. That gives you the daily calorie budget you should be eating each day. Any additional calories burned thru exercise are a bonus. We'll see how things progress..................
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I know that the Y offers quite a few physical condition test. I wonder if they do them for metabolisms.

    singfree...Several things came to mind when you wondered what your wife would do if you wore you HM to bed.

    mkwood...at least you will be dancing afterwards. Burn up some of those calories. I wish I could get my husband to dance with me.:ohwell:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Swissmiss, you've got me mixed up with somebody else:noway: ........ my husband and I danced all the time until we'd been married about 5 years, then he promptly forgot how to! Married 27 years last month and if I'm REALLY LUCKY I can get him to slow dance once at a wedding, etc. He claims it's because his knees are so bad, but I just think he's a fuddy duddy. I'd LOVE to have someone to go dancing with!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    opps, I am sorry. It is alf who is the lucky lady who is going dancing
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Yeah, Alf is the lucky lady whose husband still knows how to dance........ I'm jealous :grumble: :grumble:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You ladies crack me up :laugh: :laugh: I have to threaten my husband so he would dance :noway: :noway: :laugh: You dance with me or ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: I LOVE dancing!!!! He takes lots of breaks but he does pretty well. I go out dancing with my girlfriends, girl's night out, once a month and I dance for hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am like the energizer bunny, going going going....:laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am thinking to myself "Why not go dancing alone?" If he won't join me then I should. No, I won't do that. I would feel funny.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    I feel the same way; it just wouldn't feel right going out dancing without him, plus it's not worth the jealousy. Married 27 years and he still acts like an idiot if I dance with another guy!!