40+ Club



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Yes, I did notice that you were absent singfree. 25 miles? I would die.

    Has anyone here done the abs diet? It is supposed to be a healthy life style way of losing weight. I have the book and am finding it hard to understand.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Hey All !! Back from our weekend away and just wanted to check-in.

    Stiring: So glad to hear your week in Colorado was a success! I knew you could handle it.

    I had an excellent 10K the weather was really nice (northern nice about 40 degrees) and the run was along the Lake Ontario waterfront. I'm taking this entire week off of calorie counting due to our hectic spring break schedule. It is kind of a recession vacation with miny trips and company. The good news is the Neurosurgeon can get me in next week so hopefully one way or another I can resolve some of my neck problems. ALF: This is sort of a progressive problem I've always had what I called my crunchy neck it would give me stiffness problems but after this fall (not sure if the heavy mileage for the full marathon had anything to do with it) It has become a constant problem.

    Welcome to the Newbies - I'll definitely be checking in on Friday to set myself some goals for next week. I'm really interested in Alf's views of ChaLEAN Extreme. I'm almost done with the Power 90 and need something new. Although running is my cardio so I'm looking for a program more focused on muscle toning.
  • happy2bscrappin
    Hi I am new to the group. Start this wonderful website yesterday and started counting my calories yesterday. I went to the doctors on Saturday and had a reality check. Weighing in at 400 lbs. Gained 200 in the past 7 years. A little about my self. I will be married for 10 years next month and we have a beautiful daughter who will be 7 this year. I am a SAHM. I don't do much with my time except run a small ebay business which keeps me busy while my daughter is in school. I have a small group of friends who I met when my daughter started school but no one whom I can sit have a open conversation about my life.

    I am 40 years old and I don't want my daughter seeing me fat anymore. She tells me all the time I am not fat just big and beautiful. I use to be so active like going to the park, taking my daughter to the zoo, and even to the mall shopping. I find that my activities are limited now since my back and knees hurt so much from walking. Now I just shop in Target when I want to get out since everything is in one store or I won't walk that extra few steps into the park area because I am in pain. We even got season passes to Great Adventure this year and my daughter and husband are talking about getting me a wheel chair so I get around the park (I don't do rides, I enjoy watching them).

    Since I am SAHM our funds and activities are limited too. I am glad to found this website and I hope I will have great support team behind my every step to a healthy life.
    Thanks for letting me share!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome, happy2bscrappin! Today is the first day of your journey. In our group you will find friendship and encouragement. We all have different weight and fitness goals, but we are all in this thing TOGETHER!

    Take small steps, and don't become discouraged. Let us know how you are doing from time to time and we will be very happy to offer any assistance and advice that we have. Indeed , this is a journey where good health awaits you down the road...it won't be long...happy travels!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome Happy2Bscrappin! Being a SAHM can be very isolating. If at all possible try and find a group to interact with in your community. I'm also a SAHM and it seemed liked it was easy to connect when the kids were little but as they enter school it is harder and harder to make adult connections.

    I hope that you are in contact with your doctor in regard to your weight loss and exercise program. I'm confident that as you begin losing weight your mobility will increase and your pain will decrease. Walking is a great option for you. Even if it is just pacing around your house for now. Keep moving. We'll provide as much support as we can.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, glad to hear that you are going to the Neurosurgeon. Hopefully you will finally get some relief from the "pain in the neck", so to speak!! The run along Lake MI sounds nice, but the 40 degree weather doesn't. Today it's cold here, upper 30s and breezy...c'mon Spring!!

    Becky, I heard of the Abs Diet, but I don't know much about it.. A lot of the diets out there are similar. The main point about most of these are the ratios of carb/ protein/ fat. I found that if I keep the carbs slightly lower and up the protein a bit, I don't feel bloated and it helps me to shed a bit more fat. The 25 mile bike ride was great, except for my butt...I have to get used to the new saddle. PS-- I still didn't wear the HRM to bed yet:wink:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    singfree...From what I have read about The Abs Diet it is healthy. Most foods are allowed. We are to eat carbs which I am glad for. I don't think that cutting out any foods all together is good. It stresses a lot of protein through nuts, lean meats, whey powder smoothies. I hate smoothies, though. It has me eating six meals a day. I like that because I have lost weight be eating more meals. I am so of confused by the diet. The author spends a lot of time telling why we eat some things and why we don't other things. I just want to know what to eat and how it works. I haven't set up my HRM yet. But then I am not allowed to exercise yet.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning all
    this morning 40 leg lift extensions 50lb
    40 seated leg curls 50lb
    40 pulldowns 110 lb
    40 15lb dumbell curls
    100 situps
    100 pushups
    40 leglifts w 10lb ball
    40 laying down knee lifts w 10 lb ball done :glasses:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Swissmiss, my husband was on the Abs Diet about three years ago, and he really thought it was the best thing for him. He talks about pulling out the books again just to remind himself of how he is supposed to be eating. While I never fully read the books, he shared quite a bit with me, and I think the whole premise of the diet is just to get people to know what they should be eating (as you indicated, more lean protein, etc) and what they shouldn't be eating (highly processed food, etc). In other words, there are no radical changes to the diet as with other diets, and, in my opinion, it seems like a plan that would be easy to follow forever if a person wanted to.

    I still use the recipes included in the program, and have found them all easy to use and quite tasty. In making these recipes, I never really thought 'I'm making diet food', and that's a good thing. I know my husband's books came with a workout DVD--I think there were three ten minute strength workouts and three abs routines--that he enjoyed if for no other reason that it got him thinking about doing weight lifting (he has a tendency to focus more on cardio in the time he has to work out).

    I say you could do far worse than going the Abs Diet route.

    duffy, I'm so happy to hear your run went well. Enjoy spring break!

    Welcome to the newcomers!

    I'm still working on my maintenance plan. I've gained some weight from being in Colorado, but I know it isn't fat I'm gaining since I've not changed my diet. I think it is water retention from starting the second cycle of STS (Alf, that's the Cathe Friedrich program I've talked about). This cycle is really focusing on pushing heavier weights, and I always seem to swell up initially when I start a program like that. So I'm not going to worry about how much I weigh right now as long as I'm holding true to a clean diet, and I am. I've settled my calories at about the 1500 point (which is eating my AMR calories and about 100 exercise calories right now). I'm going to hold it there until I get my HRM monitor in (I ordered one the other day) so I can more accurately assess what I burn in my workouts.

    Today is kickboxing day! Yay! Hope everybody has a good day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Becky, I was snooping around looking for info on the Abs Diet. It does look promising. I see that it is published by Rodale (Prevention, Men's Health, et al...), a good company. As I suspected, it is a higher protein diet, limiting processed stuff, which is not a bad thing. If I upped my protein a bit more, my diet would roughly resemble the Abs Diet. Give it a try and see if you like it. I'm sure you will have success, even without exercise.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Biggest problem with diet.....SMOOTHIES. I don't like them. But I am determined to lose this weight and this diet is said to get it off in a healthy way. So, I will give it more time.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Try using whey protein in a small glass of skim milk or even ice cold water and drink it down quickly. You will be ingesting the protein without enduring a large smoothie. Consider some high protein alternatives such as egg beaters, tuna or chicken breast. Really, it is a matter of getting enough protein in your diet, no matter where it comes from. Let me know how it goes. Also whatever you decide to eat & drink, log it in MFP. It will give you a good breakdown of your daily intake.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have been logging in here. I think that this diet is going to put me over my allowance of calories. I realize that I am not eating enough protein. I have the whey protein. What all can I put it in?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    If you follow the Abs Diet plan, they should give you a good idea on how many cals you are eating daily. Use the ingredients they recommend to plug into MFP, which should match up reasonably with the Abs Diet. Tweak the portions so that you are not going over your normal daily calories.

    Whey Protein-- is it flavored? Maybe you can put it in Vanilla or Chololate Soy Milk, or you could add some peanut butter or strawberries and blend it. You don't necessarily have to add ice like a smoothie, just do whatever might appeal to you. Do a bit of experimenting to find the right combinations to suit your taste. Good luck, Becky!

    PS- If you are saying "no way to whey", think about the other protein sources I mentioned earlier.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My whey is vanilla. I don't mind it and may even put some in fat free milk for a snack. I put all the meals in here and I still have 188 calories left. I was worried because all the meals in the book are more calories than I usually consume but today went well. I figured I would eat smaller portions to keep with in my calories. Did you bike today?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Becky, I think you have the right idea with using whey/ milk as a snack. Adjust your portions until you are comfortable with it. You should not feel any differently on a higher protein diet, so if you become hungry, eat a little something. I read that you should eat some protein & carb together at each meal, so you have a steady stream of both throughout the day so you don't get insulin spikes.

    No, I did not get out on my bike since Sunday. Today was in the upper 30s and very windy. Such is early April in PA!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have been logging in here. I think that this diet is going to put me over my allowance of calories. I realize that I am not eating enough protein. I have the whey protein. What all can I put it in?

    Hello all!!! Swissmiss, you can get very creative with the protein powder. You can make smoothies with any fruit you want (kiwi with skin, pears, apples, mangos, pineapple, bananas, you name it) with milk or water. I also add half a scoop of protein powder (vanilla) to my oatmeal. I bought some chocolate designer whey and vanilla today. I will use the chocolate one to make some yummy smoothies.

    I've looked into the abs diet myself and it sounds pretty good. It is actually pretty much like the way I eat now. I reordered from the library again to go over it one more time.

    I am still waiting for ChaLean Extreme. It is supposed to come with nutrition suggestions and I think it is also high in protein. I will let you know when I get it. I can't wait!!!

    Good night!! :flowerforyou:
  • StayCeeLynne
    Okay, I'm totally new to this. I first joined and went to a general message board. Was all gun-ho and then I didn't get much feedback from people and sort of felt "left out". So, now I'm going to try again,but this time joining a group more my age! I'm 42, married, two kids (15 & 12) and stay-at-home mom.

    I'm feeling REALLY bad about myself today and am so sick and tired of my weight not budging. Yes, I know of some areas that I can fix such as poor food choices. But seems like when I do try really, really hard for a few days, exercise and stay focused, the weight doesn't come off and I get frustrated and give up.

    My stomach is feeling very bloated and hips seem bigger. I truly need some support, ideas and a kick in the butt!! Also, I go to the knee doctor next week as my knees are REALLY bothering me and so I've had to scale back my exercising to just using the treadmill, which is bumming me out because I feel I can't really get a good sweaty workout in until I see the doctor. I feel like just using the treadmill and I'm not really sweating is wasting my time and it's not doing any good. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    Thanks for listening to me whine and cry on a shoulder. ....... Now for the kick in the pants!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    StayCeeLynne, welcome to the 40+Club!!! You will never feel left out here. We are a group of like-minded youngsters with a common goal, that is, good health and fitness.

    Thanks for letting us know a little something about yourself. Yes, this weight loss thing can be very frustrating, to say the least. In our group we discuss what works and what doesn't. Sharing information about our weight loss/ fitness journey is what helps us through our struggles.

    If you have a moment, please tell us the types of food you are currently eating, calories per day, exercise, etc.. I'm sure that we can help!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome StayCee!!! :drinker: :drinker: Sorry about your knees :cry: It is a "pain" to get older right? :laugh: :laugh: My knees make all kinds of noises and they hurt sometimes, on and off. I asked my doctor last year and she said I might be getting arthritis and she recommended Chondroitin and glucosamine. I have been taking them daily for a few months now and I have felt an improvement. Depending on what you have talk to your doctor about it. I buy the brand Schiff Move Free advanced. They are pricey, try to get them when they are on sale and they include $1 off coupon inside.

    Ok, you admitted that you make poor food choices. You said it...:laugh: I can tell you from my own experience that what you eat is what is going to make a huge difference. I used to be the type to say "hey I exercise so I can eat anything I want" That might have worked for me when I was younger but as you get older that does not work at all. Try to eat healthier foods most of the time, less processed foods and monitor your calories, do not go overboard. As we get older and smaller we need less food, unfortunately.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: