40+ Club



  • StayCeeLynne
    StringWendel and Duffyzmom:

    Thanks for your comments. It's always nice to know others feel the same as you and that you are not alone. I'm VERY impressed StringWendel in weighing in at 116.9......I haven't seen those numbers since High School, and realistically, I know I never will again. But, getting closer to that than what I am now is my goal.

    I've lost two pounds these past couple of days, but this has happened before and then I stop and don't lose anymore and that's when I get frustrated.

    DuffyzMom, I'm also impressed with you for running a marathon and really working hard on your weight loss. I too am trying to make some minor changes in what I choose to eat and find it hard sometimes. Like I'm stuck and bored with thinking what to eat for lunch. Also, an afternoon snack is hard because I tend to want something carb really bad. I crave carbs a lot. Any ideas?

    Thanks again for your replys!!! Best of luck over the weekend and holiday!

    Happy Easter!!!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I haven't been online lately. Have too much going on at my house. Hope all of you are having a wonderful Good Friday.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hi gang, check-in day and I'm down one pound, 157 now. :bigsmile:
    I did an aerobic workout to kick start my Easter weekend this morning and it felt great!!! :wink:

    Stacie, have you tried non-food things as a reward when you're happy: a bubble bath, a new magazine...
    ...and when you're mad/sad/stressed can you catch yourself as you're opening the fridge/cupboard and say yourself 'Yes the ice cream/chocolate/whatever will make me feel good while I'm eating it BUT will I feel good about myself after I eat it?'
    Much of what we're doing in getting fit & losing weight is changing our behavior (what's not working for us)
    and replacing that behavior with something that moves us in the direction of our goal...so going for a walk or calling a fried when you're sad/mad/stressed.
    Changes doesn't happen overnight and sometimes it'll be one step forward two steps back until the changes you make start to seem more natural and not so much of a conscious effort.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    StayCee - I'm a carb person as well. Have you checked out hungrygirl.com - She also has several good cookbooks out. When I'm craving a sweet carb snack - I do her 2 graham crackers with 2tbs. of fat free coolwhip in the freezer. It is a nice sweet treat and reminds you of an ice cream sandwich. Another afternoon snack for me is apple with smart balance peanut butter. I think the carb/fat combo really holds off hunger for a longer period before dinner.
  • psilva78227
    psilva78227 Posts: 40 Member
    Check in day...

    For the week. I actually gained 1 lb. But... I weighed and measured with my trainer today for the month (actually three weeks of exercise). I am down 3lbs (he said that is good because I would drop inches and not weight) and I dropped 7.25 inches, 3 inches alone being in my waist. Yea!!! :drinker:

    On another note, thanks for all the positive comments about the medical tests (my liver). I have gotten all tests back and everything appears to be normal. :flowerforyou: Makes me wonder why all my levels were so high just two weeks ago... :huh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Congrats to all the "losers"!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: I lost a pound myself. :drinker:

    Stacy, hang in there!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I understand your frustration but it takes time to make changes and see changes so you cannot give up so easily. Try to focus on one things at a time. Also it helps me to keep junk food that I splurge on away from my house.

    Swissmiss and Duffy, I hope everything turns out ok with your ailments. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to see my daughter and grandbaby this weekend. It is sooooo hard to eat well when I go to see her, she stocks her pantry with a lot of tempting junk foods and I am also an emotional eater. I eat more mainly when I am happy and sorrounded my friends and family...:noway: I am planning on exercising so it should not be so bad.

    Stiring, I forgot, thank you for all the good info you provide. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well its been almost a week sense I bought the Wii fit and I've only missed one day of exercise. Not too bad. The best part is that my 15 year old son is doing it with me... (its is after all a video game, hehe) The game has a scale that tracks your weight and so far I am down 2 lbs. Pretty happy about that. I am managing to keep within my calorie intake I think I just need to work on keeping the food I do eat healthy. Its easy to say, ahhh I have x amount of calories left I can have this snickers... (mini size of course) And I have a hard time drinking water. Never have been a big water drinker. So hopefully if I can make those few tweeks I'll be even happier. One step at a time right!!!:wink:
  • phetzgetfit
    hi everyone.
    no weight loss for me again this week, but no weight gain either. Am noticing a major change in how my clothes are fitting (i think from 90-minute bikram yoga classes every day). so that's good.

    Took my bike in for a tune up today as the weather should change anyday now. hoping to kick my exercise level up a couple of notches by getting on my bike more.

    good work everyone.
  • StayCeeLynne
    Happy Easter to everyone!!!!

    Allf1163......thanks for the words of encouragement! I have lost two (actually 3 because I didn't weight in right). Anyway, I'm feeling a "little" better about that. Your pep talk really helps. Hard for me to keep junk food out of the house as I have a child with Russell-Silver Syndrome (RSS) and they have a hard time gaining weight so I have to have a lot of high calories foods in the house. THAT is hard!!! I'm pretty good at saying no to his stuff and have my own low fat versions in the house, but sometimes it kills me to cook the tasty high calorie stuff for him and not get any so I cave every once in a while. But I'll keep hanging in there with support online like you and the others!

    DUFFYZMOM.....Thank you also for your advice. I will try that website you suggested as well as the snacks. I have a hard time with lunch ideas too. Glad to have supporters like you!!!

    I'm so glad I'm down 3 pounds, but this is when my body seems to STOP. I've GOT to keep hanging in there.

    Stacie :smile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy Easter to everyone!!!!

    Allf1163......thanks for the words of encouragement! I have lost two (actually 3 because I didn't weight in right). Anyway, I'm feeling a "little" better about that. Your pep talk really helps. Hard for me to keep junk food out of the house as I have a child with Russell-Silver Syndrome (RSS) and they have a hard time gaining weight so I have to have a lot of high calories foods in the house. THAT is hard!!! I'm pretty good at saying no to his stuff and have my own low fat versions in the house, but sometimes it kills me to cook the tasty high calorie stuff for him and not get any so I cave every once in a while. But I'll keep hanging in there with support online like you and the others!

    DUFFYZMOM.....Thank you also for your advice. I will try that website you suggested as well as the snacks. I have a hard time with lunch ideas too. Glad to have supporters like you!!!

    I'm so glad I'm down 3 pounds, but this is when my body seems to STOP. I've GOT to keep hanging in there.

    Stacy, sorry to hear about your child's condition. I have never heard of that syndrome. I am sure it is challenging. My son has autism and mild mental retardation. I understand having to feed your child high calorie foods maybe just try to control the portions for yourself as much as possible and avoid them at times. Another thing that can help is change your workouts, do a variety of exercises and increase the intensity!!! That really helps kick it up a notch. You will see a big difference. And drink lots of water!!!!!!

    Happy Easter!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Stacie :smile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Well its been almost a week sense I bought the Wii fit and I've only missed one day of exercise. Not too bad. The best part is that my 15 year old son is doing it with me... (its is after all a video game, hehe) The game has a scale that tracks your weight and so far I am down 2 lbs. Pretty happy about that. I am managing to keep within my calorie intake I think I just need to work on keeping the food I do eat healthy. Its easy to say, ahhh I have x amount of calories left I can have this snickers... (mini size of course) And I have a hard time drinking water. Never have been a big water drinker. So hopefully if I can make those few tweeks I'll be even happier. One step at a time right!!!:wink:

    I keep forgetting to reply to your Wii Fit post. I did the workouts regularly last year for a couple of months but then I got "bored" with it which I usually do. I did like the motivation it gives you. Have you tried the regular boxing? It is a workout!!!!! I am glad that you like it. I hardly use it anymore. I don't seem to have the time for it anymore :grumble: :grumble: Take care!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Boy, I've been out of the loop since Thursday. We had so many obligations with Church that I was not able to check in. I hope you all will forgive me for that!

    I got some exercise over the weekend, mostly on my bike. No strength training, either. Actually, I've been pushing the weights pretty hard of late, so I feel that my body needed some time to mend. Today i was back to the gym with weights and cardio.

    Eating well during a holiday period doesn't always work as well as I plan...too much junk food. OK, today is a new start and I hope every one of you will give me a virtual "kick in the butt"...I need it. I have until June 1 to get in good shape and lose the last few lbs of fat around my midsection. We leave on that day for California to see my bro-in-law.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Morning all. I had a good weekend this weekend. I'm still trying to work my way into full maintenance mode, but I think I'm finally getting a handle on it. My HRM is helping (which I've been using since Friday afternoon).

    Yesterday, because my husband's birthday is Tuesday, I even had some carrot cake!! It was 450 calories, and I worked it in to my calorie allowance for the day, so I don't feel even slightly bad about having it. We grilled salmon for our Easter dinner, which was delicious AND healthy, so that helped as well. So I think I'm starting it get my arms wrapped around how I need to approach this and how this can work for me in the long run. I hope.

    I've got a challenging food week ahead with another luncheon tomorrow and then dinner out with my husband on Thursday (our anniversary is next week, but he won't be in town). But I really feel like I am in control of the situation now and can do this without suddenly gaining the 25lbs back!

    I ended up working out more than I had planned this weekend, but that is more because my body felt like working out than anything. I had planned on taking Saturday off, but about 4:00 that afternoon, I just wanted to do something to get my blood flowing, so I ended up doing an hour of cardio. I guess it's okay to just listen to my body in these cases. Yesterday I did both strength and cardio, and it was such a beautiful day here in Southern California that my husband and I went for along walk by the ocean. So, yeah, I felt okay about the carrot cake!

    singfree, I don't know that I can help with motivation. But just think about all the sunshine and open water! I really think moving from a cold climate (Alaska) to this wonderful warmer climate is a big reason I'm so committed to getting healthy. There's just something about being able to do something outside everyday that feels so good. :glasses:
  • psilva78227
    psilva78227 Posts: 40 Member
    It was a tough weekend -- it was a double whammie for me. Saturday was birthday and anniversary then Easter on Sunday. I went over by less than 200 calories on Saturday, even with a celebratory brownie/ice cream (that I shared with my sons). Sunday on the other hand was not too good. Unfortunately, lots of candy around my house and not a healthy dinner (we had enchiladas). But... I will be at it full force today. I am adding an extra 30 mins of cardio everyday on top of what I usually do anyway. My trainer wants me to lose 12 lbs over the next month, YIKES! But I will do it!!! :)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Sometimes I think that PA is colder than AK (just kidding, but I am sick of the cold weather). At any rate, the weather will be taking a turn for the better later this week witha high near 70. I've been riding my bike with a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and windbreaker...not to mention gloves! C'mon Lotto!

    I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. We got to see our 17 month old grandson in his Easter outfit, what a handsome little guy.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Boy, I've been out of the loop since Thursday. We had so many obligations with Church that I was not able to check in. I hope you all will forgive me for that!

    I got some exercise over the weekend, mostly on my bike. No strength training, either. Actually, I've been pushing the weights pretty hard of late, so I feel that my body needed some time to mend. Today i was back to the gym with weights and cardio.

    Eating well during a holiday period doesn't always work as well as I plan...too much junk food. OK, today is a new start and I hope every one of you will give me a virtual "kick in the butt"...I need it. I have until June 1 to get in good shape and lose the last few lbs of fat around my midsection. We leave on that day for California to see my bro-in-law.

    :mad: KICK:mad: I hope that helps!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    I had my visit with the neurosurgeon today and am scheduled for surgery next Thursday. The good news is she really doesn't feel like running played any part in my arthritis or the herniated disk. She is very confident that I'll feel much better almost immediately after the surgery. Plus, she said I could ease back into running within a week of having it done.:drinker: I'm not sure about my brand new ChaLean I just ordered but we'll discuss that at my pre-op visit. I think I'll be able to go back full force within a month. Although she only is restricting me to 15lbs for the first month so I may be able to work some strength training in before the month is over. So now I have even more incentive to be good during the next couple of weeks so that the post-op recovery doesn't cause my weight to increase too much.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks for the "kick", Duffy. Not so hard next time! Although you need to have surgury, I'm glad that you will finally have some closure. Good news, too that you can start running soon. You'll be in great shape when the warm weather finally arrives.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf1163.... I am sure that I will get bored with the Wii after awhile but I really wanted something to get me excited for exercise and off the couch and something new always seems to do that for a while. I'm hoping that when I do start to get bored they sell different exercise games that help to keep me motivated for a little bit longer too.... No, I haven't tried any boxing. Do you go to a gym or doing it at home? It seems like it would be fun and my son might enjoy it also.:smile:

    duffyzmom..... Have you tried going to a chiropractor to see if they are able to help with your herniated disk? I really believe in working with your regular doctor along with a chiropractor to get the best possible help to avoid things like surgery. :tongue:

    psilva78227.... Dont worry too much about your off week. Everyone deserves too have one every once in a while. What really counts is that you getting back on track right?!!! Good luck on losing the 12 lbs this month.:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Thanks Sing for the kind words - Sorry the kick was so hard -Runners have really strong legs:wink:

    tron: Welcome to the group and I'm a fan of the Wii but like Alf get bored easily. As far as the chiropractor goes I'm afraid I'm a nonbeliever I visited one once and was totally turned off because he wouldn't even touch me until I signed a contract for weekly treatments:mad: I know there are good ones out there but it just seems to me that the practice isn't regulated as well as it should be.

    Alf: Have you received your ChaLean? Mine shipped yesterday so I'm sure I'll be tracking it daily until it gets here.