40+ Club



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, you are right about requiring smaller portions. My problem is, my belly and brain want those super-size portions! I also take Glucosamine/ Chondroitin daily. I bought some of the cheap stuff at Wally-world and it seems to work ok. Maybe I should try some of the good stuff as a comparison. Did you order Schiff online?

  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    There is a really inexpensive help for arthritis in the knees that has really helped me since I was 25.
    Knox Gelatin, sold in the grocery store with the Bullion Cubes.
    Mixed in either hot or cold drinks it helps build up the cartilage in joints, helping them feel tremendously better. You need to take it for a few days for it have some good effects, but it has helped me a lot for the past 25 years.
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
    Number one reason why knees and legs hurt when using the treadmill can usually be traced back to shoes. Old or inappropriate or wrong fitting. If they aren't right, working out in them will go right to the knees.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks for the info InTheMoney. I remember years ago that Knox gelitan was advertised to strengthen your fingernails (anyone else remember that tidbit?). I am showing my age here...
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    believe it or not, nails and internal cartlige are very similar in make up. I do remember.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome Stacie....I know that you will not be ignored here. And we are all getting older and having some of the same problems.

    I remember the Knox gelatin for nails. I wanted my mom to buy me some but she wouldn't. I have also heard that vinegar is good for the joints.

    I agree with InTheMoney that you should have good shoes. They can make all the difference in the world.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ok everyone. I am off to see the doctor again.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Morning everybody!

    Swissmiss, I hope everything goes well at the doctor. Keep us posted.

    Welcome StayCee! I understand your frustrations about losing weight. Did you/have you changed your diet significantly or just cut back? Are you drinking plenty of water? I ask because I'm curious that you say you feel bloated, and that could be due to dietary changes or a lack of water, which would be pretty easy to correct.

    One of the reasons I think I might be able to maintain my weight right now is that when I started this current weight loss regime back in January, I didn't significantly alter my diet. I just cut out the crap I shouldn't have been eating in the first place, and then cut back on some things to take the calories down. But what I eat on a day-to-day basis is pretty much what I've always eaten, and I continued to feel fine. For instance, I like a breakfast of peanut butter and jelly on toast. Some would say that isn't the best bang for my buck because PB is so high in calories, but it is what I like in the morning. If I were making egg whites and oatmeal everyday, I know that would be temporary because I really want PB&J toast. So I made the PB&J toast work for me within my calorie allowance. It makes me feel like I'm still eating normally, and I know it is something I can do forever.

    As both singfree and alf indicated, I think the biggest adjustment I've had to make (and continue to make) is realizing that exercise doesn't give me a free pass to eat full portions of anything. I've just really had to learn (and continue to learn) that I don't need nearly as much food as I thought I needed. Yesterday I attended a catered luncheon. On the surface, the lunch seemed pretty harmless. It was a turkey croissant sandwich with a side of pasta salad and some fruit. Well, after doing some careful calculations, I figured that plate of food had over 1000 calories on it (mayo, butter, cheese, etc). I ate half the sandwich and the fruit and had plenty to eat. But if I weren't counting the calories, I probably would have eaten the whole thing because, again, it looked pretty harmless and, quite honestly, not like an over abundance of food. But changing how I look at food and knowing how much I need to eat (only about 500 calories a meal on average) has been the absolute best thing for me. I hate to waste food like I did yesterday, but I also have to remember I'm not the one who asked for a 1000+ calorie lunch to be served to me either.

    So my thoughts are give yourself some time, figure out what you want to eat (within reason of course) and what makes you feel good, and make that work for you within a reasonable calorie allowance.

    The other day I read on a message board forum about The Biggest Loser that a change in lifestyle takes practice, and that is how I look at it now. I'm practicing at my new lifestyle and, eventually, it will become a second habit for me (I hope!). I admit to having good days and bad days (because the realization of how little I need to eat really hits hard when thinking about things like Christmas time!), but, ultimately, I'm coming to realize I'm on the right path and just because most everything around me contradicts that path I'm on (like in food portions and calories in foods served at some places) doesn't mean it isn't the right path.

    Moving on...today I'm doing 55 minutes of back and biceps. Yikes! I'm still sore from my chest/shoulder/tricep workout on Saturday, so this should be interesting. But I'm looking forward to it. If I have time, I might do a short (20 minute) session of HIIT after the weights because I feel like I want to get my blood flowing today. I'm pretty low on energy right now, but I go through this every 90 days or so, usually close to changes in the season so it is hardly surprising. I think a little high impact will be the best thing for me. I'm scheduled to get my HRM on Friday (yay!), and then I can figure out how much I'm burning during these workouts, and maybe I'll feel comfortable getting my calories up to the 1600-1800 range (where I think they will ultimately fall for maintenance). I'm looking forward to that.

    Hope everybody has a good day.
  • psilva78227
    psilva78227 Posts: 40 Member
    Okay guys... I am in a bad way here! I have had two days in a row of bad eating :cry: This is jeapordizing my goal for this weekand, my birthday

    I know it is because I am stressed :explode: I am very much an emotional eater. Try to use exercise to combat that, but have had restricted exercise due to medical stuff going on right now. Apparently there is some kind of problem with my liver, they are not sure what right now. Could be high iron levels that I have, diabetes, meds that I take, we just don't know right now. The testing continues!

    Sorry... just verbalizing my struggles right now. Thanks for listening!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    psilva, we are here for you! The liver performs many, many functions. Any number of things could be affecting your liver's performance in terms of metabolizing fat. Just try to take it easy, and stay with your eating and exercising plan as much as possible. When you get the liver under control, I'm sure things will turn around quickly for you. Best of luck!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Psilva, I hope everything turns out well. Breathe in, relax, and move on...don't let a couple of days ruin all your hard work. Tomorrow is a new day. :flowerforyou:

    I have to look for that gelatin but so far the chondroitin/glucosamine is helping out. I bought them at the military store. The bottle was on sale for $10.49 - $1 coupon and no tax. So a pretty good deal...plus I found a couple of bottles that had extra tablets.

    Stiring, your AMR is 1800? I calculated mine using two different formulas and to lose a pound a week I should stay around 1500. To maintain it would be around 1800. I am 5'5", 45 yrs old. I did not see anything about AMR, I keep seeing RMR, is that the same? Lately I have been "struggling" determining how much I should be eating. I am no longer concerned about "losing" anymore weight. I want to make sure I am nourishing my body.

    A question for all of you, how much protein do you eat?? I usually don't meet my protein requirements or at least the one I set for myself, 30%.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    StiringWendel...at least you are having the higher calorie peanut butter in the morning. That is better than in the evening. I am trying to get my biggest meal in the morning.

    psilva...You will be alright. Just try to remember that if you have an event coming up where you will be eating more to plan for it. Happy birthday, in advance. The liver does have a large job when it comes to burning fat. If you are having trouble with it then you may have trouble losing. Let's hope that the test will help get it straightened out.

    Bad news..I am having surgery again on May18. The doctor has to fix what wasn't done quite right the first time. I am having an ultrasound done before that to see why I am having pain.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Stiring, your AMR is 1800? I calculated mine using two different formulas and to lose a pound a week I should stay around 1500. To maintain it would be around 1800. I am 5'5", 45 yrs old. I did not see anything about AMR, I keep seeing RMR, is that the same? Lately I have been "struggling" determining how much I should be eating. I am no longer concerned about "losing" anymore weight. I want to make sure I am nourishing my body.

    No, my AMR is only about 1400 calories. I've probably calculated my BMR/RMR and AMR on every website known to mankind lately, trying to get the best answers possible. And some say my BMR/RMR (which I consider pretty much the same thing, though that would probably make some doctors/nutritionist want to spit nails at me) is anywhere between 1150 and 1300 calories. My AMR is pretty consistently between 1300 (the lowest I saw for my AMR was like 1298 and I said 'No way!') and 1500 (and that 1500 being on the very high end). MFP says I need about 1420 calories to maintain my weight, so that is what it calculates my AMR as being.

    So now the real question is how much I burn during exercise. But I've decided on days that I don't exercise, I can safely eat about 1400 calories. If there ever was an incentive to workout, it's right there. :bigsmile: I find it hard to believe, unfortunately, that I'm burning much more than 300-400 calories working out a day, even during my most difficult cardio sessions. Most of that has to do with the fact that at the lower weight, I'm just not burning as much. So in my heart, I know I'm going to need to settle on a diet that has me at between 1600-1700 most days that I exercise and between 1300-1500 on days that I'm not. That isn't much, and somedays it kind of depresses me, especially knowing that number will just keep getting lower as I get older.

    If you are having difficulty finding an AMR calculator, one easy way to find it is to multiply your BMR by one of the following:

    1.1 if you are sedentary (outside of exercise)
    1.2 if you are lightly active
    1.3 if you are moderately active
    1.4 if you are highly active

    Again, all of those factors don't include exercise but more your general lifestyle. So, for me, if my BMR is 1300, I would time that by 1.1, and that would give me my AMR, which would be 1430.

    Swissmiss, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I hope they fix whatever the problem is this time. But how frustrating it must be for you to have to wait another six weeks for surgery, and then go through the recovery again. Please know I'm thinking about you. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, I try (not usually successful) to shoot for 40% protein, but for me that takes a lot of effort and planning. That requires whey protein or I will never make 40%. If I am doing a lot of endurance type exercises, I feel comfortable with 50% carb on those days. It really is something you have to play around with, because when I exercise moderately, I up the protein, and when I do heavy exercise, I like more carb.

    My goal is to have a more lean body. Right now i am 5'8" and 155 lbs. I lift weights for definition and overall strength, but at my size I need to keep the fat low so I don't look bulky. If I don't gain any more muscle weight, I would like to lose 5-7 lbs of fat before summer.

    I really have not setteled in on how many cals I need to do this, because day to day my requirements change. This is really tough honing in on what I need to keep a good nutritional balance.

    Oh yeah, I found Schiff Brand at Wal-Mart for about $12 per bottle, pretty good deal.
  • becomingv
    I just wanted to say hello everyone. My name is Victoria or V for short. I'm 41 and just found myfitnesspal. My ticker says no weight loss because I put in how much I weighed when I discovered this site but I've actually lost 3.5 pounds so far doing a low carb eating plan with Yoga Booty Ballet for exercise. I hope to be supported and supportive within the group. Ciao for now!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    welcome V, we're very glad to have you with us. Keep up the good work, we're here to help in any way we can. Have a great evening and post as much as you like. We are a great support group, here for you all the way!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good morning all!!! 128lbs on the scale this morning..... Yippee!!!
    Consistently burning 450+ calories each Curves workout, which is great, but I HATE getting increased - yesterday it jumped me up 18 points!!!! My quads are still sore this morning, but everything else feels good.

    My next goal is to maintain this weight for the next 2 weeks - my sister is having a mastectomy :frown: :cry: :frown: next Monday, so I'll be traveling to MN to be with her and her family to help out. I don't know if I'll have time to hit their local Curves, if they even have one! April in MN- yuk!! I don't think there's still snow on the ground, but is certainly won't be the 60's-70's we've had here in Kansas, so I don't know how much walking I'll get in. Maybe I can con my 15-year old nieces into walking with me; that'd help with the motivation and distraction.

  • StayCeeLynne
    Thanks for the welcome!!! :happy: I am still feeling a little frustrated, but am putting my anger about my weight into trying to make better food choices. Sort of like, "Okay, body, I'll show YOU who's boss!"

    So, I'm taking baby steps in making these changes. My downfall is my emotions. I tend to eat for different reasons:

    Stress: ("oh, I'll just grab this and eat it because I don't have time to deal with figuring out a good
    food choice").

    Sad/Mad: ("I deserve to eat bad today because I'm upset anyway and it will make me feel better")

    Happy: ("Wow! It's a GREAT day....let's get something fun to eat to celebrate!!")

    I know I need to do other things to deal with these emotions, but it's hard. I'm also an at home mom, so it's easy to be bad when you are alone and food is within reach. ESPECIALLY when I'm out running errands and running around that it seems I'll grab fast food.

    I also "justify" why I can eat something bad. Like I'll say, "Oh, I'll eat Taco Bell for lunch and not eat much for dinner". I get REAL good at justification!

    So mostly, I'm an emotional eater and need to get that in check. I also need to work on two other things. I tend to look at other women wishing I was shaped like them or remember being thinner and shaped like them. Then when I knock myself back into reality I see that they are probably in their 20's or early 30's. I am really bad at comparing myself to other women. An acquaintance of mine was about the same size as me. Maybe a little heavier. Well, she just had gall bladder surgery a year ago and has gotten really thin (not gross thin...a nice weight) and I get SO jealous I can't do that. The second thing I'm bad at is weighing every morning and not seeing my weight budge after cutting back on calories and then I give up. Get angry. And beat myself up for it.

    Am I talking too much??? I just have so much pent up inside. Thanks for listening......WHEW! :sad:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good Morning! Friday Check-in

    I did not weigh myself this morning. My week away from calorie counting has been enjoyable and relaxing. Sometimes I fear becoming too obsessed with my weight. Monday I will be jumping back on the wagon with healthy choices and more exercise. My goal for next week is to detox from all the junk I've been enjoying this week. I will be doing no alcohol on weeknights, no eating after 7pm and I'm going to select low glycemic choices for my carbs. Hopefully that will help with my weigh in next week. I wouldn't be surprised if it still shows a gain because I've been enjoying ice cream (although it is light) this week.

    I see the neurosurgeon on Monday so I'm hoping to find out what exercise I should be doing right now. I've taken a week off strength training to see if I see any improvement but so far no real change. My son and I are still doing the couch to 5K (we are in week 3) and I think I've found a race to train for in August so that will make my runs a little more challenging. If I do the one I'm considering I'll need to start training in earnest in the next few weeks.

    Welcome all you Newbies! Swiss - I'm glad the surgery is now scheduled I'm sure you are frustrated but just keep taking care of yourself. StayCee - I know what you mean I'm very similiar in my emotional eating habits and I can add. I don't feel well maybe a big bowl of ice cream will make me feel better. I've been known to eat to feel better even with strep throat? Strange Huh?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Morning all. I've lost a bit of weight this week.....after gaining 2 lbs of what I thought was water weight earlier this week. I'm down to 116.9, three pounds below my goal. I feel good, so I'm happy right now. I'm anxious to get my HRM today so I feel more comfortable in this maintenance mode I'm supposed to be in right now.

    I'm starting my second week of my second STS cycle today be re-doing the chest/shoulder/tricep workout I did last Saturday. It's a killer 65 minute workout. Each of the workouts I did this week from this new cycle made me sore, so I guess Cathe Friedrich was right when she said this plan would 'shock' my body. I was also incredibly tired and hungry after doing the first three workouts, but I felt better yesterday. I'm curious how I feel after today's workout.

    StayCee, I so hear you about emotional eating. I've been doing alot of reading and listening to audiobooks since I started this last round of weight loss in January, trying very hard to change the way I view food (I want to look at it as fuel for my body, not fuel for my soul). I've come to the decision that the reason I am an emotional eater is that I've fallen prey to marketers and advertisers. Seriously. There are so many images of food associated with emotions (people having fun eating pizza or in restaurants like TGIFs, chocolate shown as a decadent indulgence designed to reward or spoil a person, etc) that it is no wonder that so many people eat emotionally because those images, more than the images of food as nutrition, are the one most people come to associate with their food choices. I finally feel like I'm able to turn off most of those images in my head now (and my associated thinking like 'I deserve chocolate today because today has sucked') because I'm beginning to recognize them for what they are.

    But what I'm left with...still....are the cravings. Those have nothing to do with my emotions that I can tell. I can be sitting there, very happily and peacefully reading a book that has no mention of food, and I'll suddenly be craving a piece of pizza like crazy. I don't get it. What I don't know is if, over time, those cravings will diminish or not. In other words, I don't know if the odd indulgence into some of those foods I crave but probably should never eat (like french fries) would cure the craving or would actually create more cravings. Any ideas from anybody?

    duffy, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed your week. Keep us posted on what the neurosurgeon says. I hope you can continue to run.

    Hope everybody has a good day and enjoys their weekend!