Where did you meet your wife/husband/bf/gf



  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    We met in Jail…..lol..not what you think! I started working at the local county jail about a month after my husband and we were on the same shift. When we started dating, it was actually just to play a joke on one of the other female officers that would not leave him alone. He had me tell her that me and him were going to go watch a movie. I asked him what movie because I knew she would ask me. Later that day (12 hr shifts) I started thinking if he was really just joking or not so I asked him if he really did want to go see the movie.

    So then it starts…a pool party at my parents house with some of the others on our shift. 2 days later that movie and dinner and now here we are 4.5 yrs later married and have a 7 month old son. Oh and the proposal….that is a much better story than jail.
  • firefighterswife4
    My hubs and I dated 13 yrs ago, broke up both married other ppl and i had a daughter and he a son. We both divorced the same year (and no it was NOT a conspiracy) we ran into each other and started dating again, 6 months later got married and weve been together 6 years and we have a child together! :smile:
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Right out of college and needed a job, so I worked at a warehouse, through a temp agency, til I found a "real" job. There was a cute guy there who was also just a temp and just out of school, and we had started talking and he bought me hashbrowns from the lunch counter. (I LOVE potatoes! LOL) I found a job before he did, and it was my last day and he asked me out...he knew if he didn't, he may never see me again. We've been together 18 yrs, married for almost 15, 3 kids and still in love!:love:
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    I met my boyfriend at the grocery store where I used to work. We had met when he was checking out groceries long before we started dating, he confesses that he had a huge crush on me. *blush* :)

    Then one day we actually talked for a few minutes and we found out we both love photography and then we exchanged Flickr account info, and then Facebook, and then we went and spent the day in Wilmington, NC and took pictures and drank smoothies. We sat by the waterway at sunset and held hands, and that was the moment.

    We have now been together for 1.5 years, and live together with our puppy. :)
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    I don't know where I'll meet him, but it better be soon :laugh:

    :) Good luck!!
  • Des0528
    Des0528 Posts: 81 Member
    This is sooo interesting to hear about everyone's love stories <3 Here's mine!~

    I met my boyfriend through a mutual friend who lived in the same housing development as him. I lived about 2 minutes down the road so I hung out with the mutual friend quite often. One day, my friend asked if I would like to go fourwheeling with them. I said sure, thinking I would just be riding by myself. When I got there, I saw this quite handsome fellow standing in their garage, and that's when my friend told me I would be riding with the fellow.. I was nervous and didn't really want to ride with someone else, but went ahead and did. He promised to take care of me on the ride :) So after that day, we began talking on the phone and computer. The only problem was, we both were in relationships for about a year or so. I finally broke up with my bf at the time, but Matthew (my current bf) was still in a relationship. His gf eventually found out we had been talking, and long story short, Matthew called me one day and told me he could never speak to me again and for me to stop calling/texting him. So that was that. I went on my way and we didn't talk for about a month or so. Then one day out of the blue, he called me and asked if I wanted to go out to the pool hall on a date... I agreed even though I was skeptical. We talked the whole night and realized we had to be together. So0o0o0o.... ever since that first date we have been inseperable, and having been dating for 5 yrs now! :)
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    My fiancée and I met at work (not our current jobs)
    He was a prep guy and I was a waitress. When we were first introduced I had this overwhelming feeling that he would be the one, but being my rational self I told myself I was being crazy and new job jitters were making me look for security. I didn't believe in love at first sight back then. Not to mention I wasn't even sure at the time if I was on the market- I had had a boyfriend for over a year and for the two weeks before I got the job where I met my future fiancée, I hadn't been able to get intouch with said boyfriend. Then I caught boyfriend screwing a minor in the back of the minor's boyfriend's car. All the while my future fiancee and another coworker were fighting for my attention (and making me very unpopular w/other waitresses) by doing all my busy work. They both kept asking me out and finally I said to hell with it all and decided to go on a date with my future fiancée. I didn't believe in love at first sight but I couldn't deny my attraction to him, lol. He was supposed to just be a little fling... Now, five years later, I no longer think my initial reaction to him was insane. I think we were meant to be :) maybe love at first sight isn't such a fairy tale afterall?
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    I work with my boyfriend.

    In a very small office (11 people) of a small company (40-ish people)

    No-body at work knows we're in a relationship.

    We've been doing it for 15 months.

    I probably shouldn't write this at work

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,791 Member
    Jan was face down on my massage table.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    I met my husband on a local phone dating service here in MN back around 1996. We talked and got to know eachother only to find out that we went to the same high school together. I was one grade ahead of him. I then find out shortly after that he and I grew up together less then two miles from eachother. The phone dating service was called The People Store. People are usually amazed with our story. Not too often you come across your soul mate on a random phone dating service only to find out you know eachother!! We call it our "Made For Hollywood Movie Story." :heart:
  • loobie1805
    I met my husband on the infamous match.com
    He is American and I am English, although when we met he had been living and working in the UK for 15 years.
    I remember reading his first email and thinking my god this guy is some kind of genius type because of the language and words he used - I got out a dictionary and thesaurus to help me write a suitably eloquent reply (not that I am thick or stupid because I'm not at all, I just don't see the point in using words no-one ever uses).

    Anyway, we emailed for a while, then I gave him my mobile number and he called and we chatted for over an hour. He said I was the first person he had spoken to via match that hadn't bored him stupid within the first 2 minutes. He was keen for us to meet but I put him off for a while but then eventually though 'what the heck'.

    On our first date he took me to meet some good friends of his, and minor English celebrities, because Rosa was his surrogate Mum in the UK and he wanted her approval - she hadn't had much time for his first wife and it turned out to be a disaster, so he wanted her approval over me (I didn't know this at the time - he told me at a later date). Anyway he picked me up around 11ish I think and we drove over to his friends house, from there we walked to their village pub where I nervously drank my spritzer or 2 a little too quickly and got a bit tipsy. We then walked back to their house where Rosa, a proper Italian Momma had cooked us a wonderful Italian dinner. I drank a little more wine and got a little bit more tipsy, but thankfully didn't embarrass myself, and was having so much fun with these great people.

    I fell asleep in the car on the journey home - and the rest as they say is history...I am amazed that he even wanted to see me again, but he moved in with me and my children a month later and we couldn't be happier. Now we have moved to Southern California, gotten married and are looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together.
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    In middle school. I was a misfit and kept to myself. He was one of the "jocky" types. I knew who he was since it was small town/small school but we'd never really talked or anything. We were still at that age that boys were kinda icky. He got dared to pinch the butt of the next girl who stopped at the water fountain. It was his misfortune that tush belonged to me. I blacked his eye and we both spent the next week in detention.

    He thought it was hilarious that I punched him and we ended up being great friends. Fast forward 4 years to high school. He asked me out and I turned him down. Made our friendship a little awkward. Fast forward another year. Awkward stage had been fixed and we were inseparable bff's again. His g/f dumped him a few weeks before Valentines and I was boyfriend less so I invited him over to watch dorky movies and toss popcorn at the screen. Somewhere in there he kissed me and the rest was history.

    20 years as bff's, 15 years as a couple, Married 11 years come July. We've had some ups and downs but he's still my bff things get much better after you learn to not get pissed when they borrow your toothbrush lol.
  • cleoleigh
    cleoleigh Posts: 76 Member
    My boyfriend and I met 10 years ago at a co-ed volleyball league. I remember thinking he was very cute... and he did ask me to play on his team once...but didn't ask me out. Today he says he was too intimidated! LOL I was kind of a flighty social girl LOL

    For all these years (with a few breaks here and there) we have seen each other one or two nights per week at volleyball.

    I had a couple 1.5-3 year relationships and he got married. Over the past 3-4 years we all hung out more frequently out side of volleyball.

    He and the wife started having some issues that they were "working on" about two years ago. Meanwhile, my relationship ended. Just over a year ago, they called it quits too. I was there for him after their split as he was there for me after mine.

    One night he came to pick me up for dinner and it just felt different. It felt like a date...and we both knew it. Been together since, about 10 months now. Hopefully 10months will turn into 10 years and 10 more and 10 more. :)
  • ShortayBaybay
    I met my husband through my ex boyfrend [of the time], started hanging out, and talking more, then I ended up breaking up with my boyfriend of the time, and dating my now husband! =]
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    I met my ex wife when i saw her sex tape.... but thank god i left her... i mean she had a big *kitten* and was very good looking but she had no talent and her family are just a bunch of hacks...
  • DeeKay2169
    DeeKay2169 Posts: 72 Member
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I was invited to tag along at a company Pig Roast put on by one of my roomate's client's (banking relationship) since he had lots of single guys in his company and he wanted some extra women around. I was watching a badminton game and noticing a tall blonde hunk with great legs and a sweet smile. He noticed me and asked if I wanted to join the game. We hooked up and became an instant couple. Sudden, fast and unexpected! I still like his legs and smile. :love:
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    he was a gas station attendant in a dry county. I thought he had to be 21 as I am used to wet counties but no, he was merely 18 to my 27. He flirted with me in such an awesome way I remember thinking "the guy I am dating better step up his game or I may run off with that gas station boy."

    Sure enough, I did. Then I realized he was 18 to my 27 but he convinced me that it did not matter, We will celebrating 8 years since out first kiss April 30th and 7 years of marriage August 18th.

    (he still thinks I am the coolest chick ever!)
  • Barbie1125
    When I was in Grade 8
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i met both my ex husbands in bars lol didnt work out so i have met all the guys ive dated in the past 12 years at political and nonprofit organization events.. that has been successful for me..im never getting married again and have no intentions to live with anyone but have found that meeting folks at places where we have common interests helps