Turbo Jammers 3/30-4/5



  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Janet sorry you are having internet troubles I hope it's fixed soon.
    Amanda welcome back. I understand the loss/gain cycle ,that's what I've been doing for weeks. I hope you get your TJ in today.
    Megan-WTG girl 8 lb weights WOOHOO! You'll be ready kick butt with Chalean!

    Today's plan...get my workout in, watch Live with Regis and Kelly cuz Vin Diesel is going to be on and he makes me drool :love: and then take the kids to Chuck E Cheese. Oh what a lovely day it will be. Planning salmon and asparagus for dinner. After a week of eating out I'm planning on eating in all weekend! Tomorrow if the weather is nice we will be grilling flat iron steak and having spaghetti squash with it.

    Oh I have to share a little story...I was so excited about my size 14s yesterday right. Well on another website I posted that I was happy about my new size and some other girl posted her "in progress" pics saying that she is currently 194 lbs in a size 14. I hate the way our bodies are all different. Here I am at 172 in a size 14 and she outweighs me by 20 lbs and she's in a 14 :huh: It put my excitement in check really quick. But I'm proud of myself. I don't even remember the last time I weighed 172. I have 3 weeks until my original goal date and I still have 7 lbs to lose....is it possible, yes...am I gonna be upset if I don't make it, no...not at all. In fact when my goal date gets here I'm going to change my goals because I've decided I have at least another 10 lbs to lose but they will probably come off very slowly. When the day comes I will post my new goals here for all of you to see :smile:

    I hope you all have a great day. I noticed we are missing a few people this week, but also gain a few. I hope everyone is still Jammin!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Been a while since I've checked in--I was sick early this week. The good news is that the scale has budged! Three more pounds down. Woot! I'm finding out that having a third baby at 40 makes the weight come off that much slower. :grumble: But at least it's coming off. I've been recovering the last couple of days and I'm hoping to get back to my TJ this weekend. PK&J baby!
    Everyone have a great weekend!

    Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Congrats on the weight loss. Take it easy on your first workout back. Listen to your body!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Turbo Kick + 15 min. on elliptical is fantastic. :smooched: I love my Friday calorie burn. :laugh:

    I just wanted to say that i'm going to be MIA until probably Wed. My husband's grandma died & since he's home & we have all the "funeral" stuff to do, the computer is staying shut for the most part.

    Gonna miss my jammers! :heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :frown: You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Checking in with FB and 20 minute (without cooldown/warm up)....500 cals not too shabby!

    Gotta run...regis and kelly is on :)
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Aw Sara, sorry to hear the bad news :flowerforyou: Hope the family are doing ok..

    My CP2&3 arrived today, and I''m dying to try them out.. I cant decide which one to start off with, so guys, which CP is the toughest?!:tongue:

    Didnt manage a workout in today but it's the start of the weekend so I will have NO excuse not to use the time to my advantage!

    How is everyone else getting on today?
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Internet is up finally!! Yea!! Went to the drs for ye old annual exam and I have some good news to report - last time I saw him (sept08) I was 5lbs heavier and was taking blood pressure med b/c he had diagnosed me as "borderline" HBP. We'll, I believe that some medical conditions can be treated w/ diet and exercise and that drs have a tendency to want to put everyone on some type of medication(this is just my opinion, ok:wink: ) I wanted to try an experiment - I quit taking the meds, upped my exercise .. even more dramatically since discovering TJ, re-examined eating habits and made changes there - my blood pressure today was 116/80!!! Even he was amazed after he got over being a little pissed about my self- treatment of my "borderline" HBP. He told me I can officially come off the medication (a diuretic) but i have to monitor my pressure - which I had been charting anyway. YEA!! I wasn't looking forward to taking medication for the rest of my life like my parents. I know this work out regime is a big part of why this is going on in my life - exercise really does have benefits aside from helping (assisting, LOL!) my vanity!!
    I got in 20min TJ and AB jam before my appt - and I'm sure will get something else in tonight. I've been on PK & J like a bandit this week - like everynite!! Will probably try to do something different tonight. I am supposed to be sculpting!!!! (Thanks Megan:heart: !!)
    Beans- I have a funeral tomorrow as well (one of my co-worker died at the office this week) I am sorry for your loss:flowerforyou:
    Drevans- Congrats on the size 14's WOO HOO!! I'm very proud of you!!!

    All you Beauties, keep up the great work!!!! Y'all Rock!!:flowerforyou:drinker:

  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Sara, so sorry for your family's loss. Take care and we'll look forward to seeing you in a few days. :heart:

    Janet, Congratulations! That is awesome news...I'm so happy for you!

    I'm a little rushed tonight, so I'll check out the rest of the posts in the morning. Had my 7 y/o's birthday party tonight...which meant I spent the whole day getting ready for it, so no workout. Although my daughter (12 y/o) and I just did a quick 30 min jog, so it was something.

    See ya all tomorrow!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara, I'm so sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))

    Janet, that is awesome news!!!!! Keep up the good work!

    Deedun...enjoy your new dvd's!!!!

    Lyn...woohoo for 14's! That rocks!

    Hi, Megan and all of your Turbo Jammers!!!!

    Checking in with 30 min of pilates, TJ 20 min, Ab Jam, and BL Cardio Max (Levels 1 and 2).

    Have a great weekend!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Morning everyone!

    The sun is shinning here in Ireland and it's gorgeous outside!

    I've just finished CP2 and I love it! It's sooooo much "nicer" than CP1 !!

    I plan on doing a toning dvd later so more calorie burn for me!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Checking back in with Booty Scupt +Abs. That's a total of 600 cals for me today! YAY!!

    I created a TJ Scedule to keep me going throughout the week, now whether I stick to it or not is a different story all together!

    Does anyone else have a TJ schedule or am I just a slight bit obsessive :laugh:

    P.S. If you want me to post it up just let me know!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hello all you JamQueens and a King!!

    Congrats to Janet, Megan and Lyn for being an auntie ( i am jealous!! still waiting!) Sorry for your loss Sara .. take care sunshine!

    Well I am checking in with Ab Jam and took a nice long walk this morning!! I just took the little one so was actually able to get a workout!

    Hope everyone is have a beautiful day too!

    Talk to you later .. Happy Jamming!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :smooched:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Family,
    it was a rough day today - i was kind of anticipating it, funerals can be extremely emotional. I started my day off w/ PK and J before I went (didn't know how I would feel later on:cry: ) By the time I got home I was so exhausted I took a nap. My body and spirit needed it. Had dinner date w/ friends on a much cheerier note and that was good as well ~ to be around people you love, just apreciate them and laugh. We went for Italian ~ uh oh! But I did pretty good - I had no bread, now that's a miracle, and had an awesome greek salad. After that I went to walmart to get the grocery shoppong done that I was too tired to do earlier and finshed off with 20min TJ and Ab Jam. So the day that started off rough ended up kinda nice. Waiting on DH to get home from work and some us time.
    Thinking about all of you and how wonderful you are.

    Beans ~ you and your family are in my prayers; hang in there!

    Deedun~ congrats on trying out CP2. I love 2 and 3 but it seems like after I haven't done 1 in a while it REALLY kicks my behind. I think the difficulty depends on where I am in my head most of the time. I have a rotation that I try to stick to: CP 1,2,3 M,W F in the AM and 20min + Ab Jam in the PM, 20min + Sculpt or some kind of strength Tue/Thurs/ Sun - Saturday is usually PK & J +++. At least that's what I attempt to do:wink:
    Gottaluv ~ nice to hear from you and great job keeping up with your workout!! you had an awesome day!!

    Megan~ Thinking of you and hope you are doing okay :heart:

    Beeks ~ Keep on jamming and good job making time for yourself.

    Take care my friends,

  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    He Everyone!
    Checking in with CP3 and the dreaded Turbo Sculpt :laugh: Hope everyone's having a good weekend...we're finally seeing some sunshine here!
    Janet, I hope you have a much calmer and more relaxing day today than yesterday. You're such an inspiration getting in your workouts while having so many other commitments! :heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member