Were you ever bullied in school for being overweight? How di



  • I wasnt bullied about my weight until I moved to West Virginia in the 6th grade. "If your'e from Boston, why are you so fat? Boston people are not fat!" I got that for a few years till all those kids went to different schools and I went to high school. Then I would only get the occasional popular girl wondering how someone would let themselves get that big. Other than that, everyone kept to themselves cause you all know, WV is one of the fattest states. Now that Im graduated and trying to lose weight everyone keeps telling me Im beautiful the way I am...even the ones that made fun of me before!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    I was bullied all my life. From the time I was 9 to a couple of years ago. I cut out people from my life and since have been afraid to post in chatrooms, or on social networking sites [like Myspace and Facebook] because of the pain I get when I think about all I went through. I recall cutting myself when I was around 13 and crying myself to sleep every night wanting to die. I hated my life.

    Today, I don't associate myself with a lot of people - I literally have ONE best friend and that is it apart from my family, and the pain and depression is one of the reasons why I am here trying to make my life better.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I was bullied by classmates and family from about third grade through well...now. I was in fourth grade when my mom put me on my first "diet". I was probably only 20 pounds bigger than my classmates at that time. I know she was overweight and unhappy and didn't want to see me travel down the same path. From that point on there was a constant stream of diets every year that we would do for a few days until her will power lost out. My mom and I have a very close relationship and I purposely didn't share with her about this journey I am on right now for fear of criticism. She will notice when she sees the change in me.

    School was always horrible. I hated to go and my freshman year of high school we were required to take 6 weeks of swimming. I dreaded every day putting on a swim suit and having coed PE in a swimming pool. The kids were mean and would make comments about the water level in the pool. I wasn't more than 40 pounds heavier then most of them at that point.

    Also my freshman year a friend of mine who was also overweight at the time and myself were standing at a locker and Senior boys came by and threw dog food at us and told us that we were nothing but dogs. That one stuck with me for a long time and honestly still does.

    I didn't go to any high school dances with dates after my sophomore year. So when prom rolled around my junior year I didn't go at all. My senior year I had planned on not going as well because who wants to show up without a date and not have anyone to dance with for the night? Well a week before prom a guy asked who I was going with. I said no one and he told me that he would have asked me had he known but now it was too late. So my hopes were up for a few short moments before they were dashed. He said he wasn't going to prom and then went anyway. I know that all sounds very trivial when I type it out here but it wasn't at the time.

    Today I am a successful person who just started the battle of weight again. I am treated differently at work. I am treated differently when I go to events and conferences. Mostly I am treated differently by the parents at my oldest son's school. When he plays sports all the other parents sit and talk and it is obvious that I am not to be a part of that group. If I sit near them I am not included in any conversation. When their children have sleep overs my son is omitted. I won't let my own problem become an issue for my children which is why I am on this journey. I feel stronger for what I have been through but I feel more down on myself because of it all.

    Great to hear this!! stay inspired you are doing great and sorry for such a horrible life growing up.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    people can be so cruel! i was never anymore than a bit chunky in school so no one said anything to my face. i was very outgoing/well liked by most so that probably had a lot to do with it..
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I was called "Beast" or "The Beast" in 7-9th grade... At the end of 7th grade I hit a growth spurt and gained about 25lbs and probably 4 inches... none of my clothes fit right because I was suddenly a "woman" and had gained bo.obs and height. My pants were high waters and I got teased for that a tiny bit, but for the most part during 8th grade I was called "The Beast" because I towered over all the girls and some of the boys and I was probably the "fattest" kid in school... I also didn't do well in P.E. and the bullies saw that.
    One day, in middle school inbetween classes, one of my regular bullies said in a deep voice "Watch out, it's the beast!" and I was having a cra.ppy day so I was having none of his B.S. I started to chase him through the busy hall... I don't think he expected me to be so fast... but hey what can I say? I was mad. I chased him into a classroom where there was no teacher and yelled at him to "Knock this sh.it off!" and he said "what if we don't?" (we being him and avout 3 other boys) I told him I'd shoot him with my .22 and he laughed and I told him I was dead serious and started after him again and that's when a teacher walked in, told us to go to where we were supposed to be.
    I went to the councler after that and basically tattled on them, but nothing happened. they may have been called down to talk to the councler, but they still bullied and bothered me.
    On the bus one of the bullies started to poke fun at me but luckily one of the older girls (a high schooler who had my back) asked him if he thinks I liked that name... He was like "sure she does, if she didn't she'd change how she looks!" When he said this I was sitting two seats in front of him so I turned around and screamed at him, tears streaming down my face, "I can't, I can't change how I am!" And the older girl grabbed him and told him to knock off the bullying or next time there'd be a big fight.
    Eventually I went to the high school councler and told him what had happened... all of it, from 7th grade till then, the middle of 9th grade. I told him I had tried to ignore them, I had tried confronting them, I had tried changing, but nothing was getting through to them. The best councler in the world told me I'd never have to worry about this again. He assured me that since we were in high school now and should be acting like adults that the whole situation would be taken care of and it was.

    To this day I still feel like people are laughing at me or judging me... I see my bullies sometimes around my hometown but I don't think they recognize me, I'm not taller or fatter but I have glasses now... I'd love to walk up to them and show them how I have changed, but I'm not a boasty type of person. Also I never really want to talk to them again... let them live their sad little lives and I'll live my happy healthy life without them in it.

    Have you changed at all? how has your personality been affected in this?
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    These stories have made me kinda sad :( I cant actually believe that people / kids can be so nasty. I was always quite lucky in school, never got bullied as my mouth was as big as my *kitten*, but i was always the funny fat girl. NEVER AGAIN!

    People can be cruel. not just kids.
  • m1shootr
    m1shootr Posts: 22 Member
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I was bullied big time. I wasn't fat, but I have always had a double chin. So they called me "DC" or what's up double chin. I was bullied incessantly all through middle and high school for one thing or another. Made me a stronger person. It is so hurtful now that I see it happening to my son.

    Your natural reaction to this would be compassion, you dont want to see your son go through what you went through. im glad you turned out a stronger person for it. Just be sure to keep tabs on your son, unfortunately if you involve teachers it will just get worse, im sure you know that. the bully will get yelled at and know why he is being yelled at.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Wasn't bullied too badly- only by a couple specific people, but i was an outcast until the summer before senior year.
    Freshman year: got a skateboard swung at my face because i was "already ugly anyways and it might fix me"
    sophmore: got my braces- god that was fun
    junior: ditched by my date as a joke on homecoming
    summer between junior and senior year: got cut (lost 35 pounds), grew my hair out long(i'd had it cut like a "rockers" short in back, long up front and dyed red purple- went blonde), braces off, lost the acne, changed how i dressed and held myself
    senior year and beyond: hottie-with-a-body who has a complete hatered of bullies (completely the one to call people out on being an *kitten*)
    Now? 3 years later? I haven't been to my hometown for more than a week since I graduated. Usually people don't recognize me
    ***all of these are the reasons for my obsession with the poem invictus***

    What an awful expirience, has this changed you at all? your mind how you think? Do you have compassion for others are you sensitive towards it?
  • Oh my God, that's a horrible story. :( But it's true, those experiences will make you a stronger person by 100 times. :)

    I used to get bullied a lot during early high school. I wasn't remotely confident, I'd never stand up for myself and just let every little or not-so-little comment slide by - no matter how much it hurt. I used to get called every name under the sun - fat, lardass, tubster, obesity, "roller", ugly, man, bigfoot, elephant, and all the other childish names ranging to the rude ones I won't write here. There were two particular boys who found it hilarious to throw hardbacks and rulers at the back of my head during every RE and maths class, and on a residential trip they decided it would be funny to spray all my deodorant and perfumes onto my pillow despite knowing I was an asthmatic, as well as soaking all my towels and dumping them on the mattress and under my duvet every night. When they were eventually spoken to, they actually said to the tutor that "monster girls shouldn't sleep, they should be out reaping", not that that makes any sense whatsoever. I'm not even entirely sure what I did to deserve all that grief besides being myself, but then some people are just nut jobs I guess.

    But out of all that, I'm still here, I still have loads of friends and my family, so why focus on the negative past, when I've got such a bright future ahead? Childish people always get their comeuppance in the end anyway, right? :)
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I've been bullied for as long as I can remember. I've always been a chunky kid, it runs in my family, and also being abnormally smart and into books makes you a target. It was even subversive from certain family members and teachers who only made it worse. I however, also have a temper, and due to being bullied - if you push me too far, I tend to push back.

    Examples, you ask?
    - I put a kid in a headlock in 2nd grade and made him pass out because he called me fat.
    - I threw a pencil at a kid in 4th grade because he called me a whale.

    - Junior high was bad - that awkward time when you're not grown into your body yet and your greasy, with bad hair and bad clothes. I was seriously depressed and never smiled. I barely spoke.

    Examples from high school:
    - I was sexually harassed and bullied by an upperclassmen in 9th grade. I took it up the chain of command, because I wasn't the only one, and they refused to do anything about it because he was an athlete. I told them that if he did it again and I felt threatened I would take action to protect myself and if they tried to punish me, I would sue. This kid got up in my face, spit in my face, and called me a fat B and asked me if I wanted to get F'd in the A. I shoved him through two rows of desks in to a wall so hard I knocked the wind out of him and gave him a knot in the back of his head. I told him if he spoke to me again, I'd cut off his member and shove it done his throat. I also got him fired from his place of employment.
    - When I was a Junior, a Senior in my class walked up behind me with a wad of masking tape and stuck it in my hair. After I sat there and pulled it out, I got duct tape, walked up behind him and slapped him in the back of the head so hard, I slammed his face into his desk. I then smeared the duct tape in his hair. He had glue in his hair the rest of the day.
    - Finally when I was a Senior, a guy who was a wrestler in the heaviest weight division (at least 380) called me Fatty McMitchell (my maiden name) when I was leaving a class and he was coming into it. Never mind the fact that we both couldn't fit through the door. I looked at the kid and said, in front of a teacher "Shut the F up Lou." That's the Fat a** pot calling the F'n kettle black" Now sit down in a desk, if you can fit." The teacher laughed.

    I'll be honest, I look back on these situations and while I know my actions are really no better than theirs, I'm proud that I was able to stand up for myself. But those scars never heal, and no matter how skinny I get, how fit I get - I'll always be the fat little girl on the playground no one wanted to play with. I just wish people knew the damage they do to others....

    I am glad you were able to stand up for yourself! And you seem to be doing amazing with your weight loss journey! Keep it up.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Not bullied at school, but I took some blows from dance. My company teacher would stop the music and tell me to suck in my stomach before we began again. Some of the other girls said they were mad we couldn't wear mid drift tops because of me and a few other girls. Lastly, I heard whispering how I looked pregnant in my leotard.

    Hated it.

    How has it affected you today? What kind of person are you?
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    One of my first moments of being bullied happened in kindergarten. An older child (2nd or 3rd grade) who was BIG sat on me because "I was fat". I rememeber going home bawling to my Mom because first of all this really heavy child SAT on me and he tore my picture I'd made for her, and I was being called mean names by all the boys in the back of the bus.

    I used to get "thunder thighs" "Free Willy" "fatty" "Fatso" all that ****. It got a little better in HS, a lot of the boys were too busy chasing after cute girls to bother too much. But it still happened enough that I never did let my guard down.

    I used to skip lunch every day until my senior year because I didn't want anyone making fun of me for eating. Even though we all have to eat, I felt like I wasn't allowed because I KNEW someone would say/think something mean.

    How has this affected you to this date? What kind of person are you now?
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I was bullied all my life. From the time I was 9 to a couple of years ago. I cut out people from my life and since have been afraid to post in chatrooms, or on social networking sites [like Myspace and Facebook] because of the pain I get when I think about all I went through. I recall cutting myself when I was around 13 and crying myself to sleep every night wanting to die. I hated my life.

    Today, I don't associate myself with a lot of people - I literally have ONE best friend and that is it apart from my family, and the pain and depression is one of the reasons why I am here trying to make my life better.

    Dont give up! theres a light at the end of the tunnel i promise you. your story touches me.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I was sexually harassed endlessly in middle school. I developed early, boys in middle school are starting to develop as well, which was a bad combo. It was 3 years of hell. High school more girls caught up with me, and boys started to have some self control, which allowed me to blend in with the crowd.

    I thought that sucked, but reading some of these stories I feel lucky. I have no idea how or why bullying like this happens. Makes me scared for my unborn baby.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Oh my God, that's a horrible story. :( But it's true, those experiences will make you a stronger person by 100 times. :)

    I used to get bullied a lot during early high school. I wasn't remotely confident, I'd never stand up for myself and just let every little or not-so-little comment slide by - no matter how much it hurt. I used to get called every name under the sun - fat, lardass, tubster, obesity, "roller", ugly, man, bigfoot, elephant, and all the other childish names ranging to the rude ones I won't write here. There were two particular boys who found it hilarious to throw hardbacks and rulers at the back of my head during every RE and maths class, and on a residential trip they decided it would be funny to spray all my deodorant and perfumes onto my pillow despite knowing I was an asthmatic, as well as soaking all my towels and dumping them on the mattress and under my duvet every night. When they were eventually spoken to, they actually said to the tutor that "monster girls shouldn't sleep, they should be out reaping", not that that makes any sense whatsoever. I'm not even entirely sure what I did to deserve all that grief besides being myself, but then some people are just nut jobs I guess.

    But out of all that, I'm still here, I still have loads of friends and my family, so why focus on the negative past, when I've got such a bright future ahead? Childish people always get their comeuppance in the end anyway, right? :)

    Amazing! and great weight loss so far =)
  • KaraH425
    KaraH425 Posts: 18 Member
    Im curious to see how many out there share my same story,

    Were you overweight in Elementary school? High school? Were you the target for bullying? How did you overcome it and how does it affect your life today?

    For me it was Bulling grade 2-12 and until i was about 21 or so. the height of it being in grade 9, cornered in the boys lockerroom and surrounded by 6 guys with basketballs. "We are about to do this to you because you are fat, you are ugly, you will never get a girlfriend, and you should kill yourself" They then proceeded to throw basketballs at my head until i bled out of my ears..

    I know it got bad, but I kind of thank God for my crappy life. because its the things in life that form you into who you are today.

    Most people who got bullied (Or at least the ones I know) turn out to be Sweet Compassionate Loving Sensitive people.

    So my question is, Have you ever been bullied and how have you overcome?

    Oh wow, this reminds me of me! Except I was in 4th grade, surrounded by a group of 8 or so girls in the school's gym, all holding basketballs - the ringleader would yell "1....2....3....Blubberball!" and they'd all whip their basketball at me, all gleefully chanting "ugly ugly Blubberball!!!" Went on for about 10 minutes until the gym teacher came back (they had a lookout so they didn't get caught). One of the more horrifying moments of my life. I never told anyone about it - a few years ago, I was talking to my mom about various stuff, this instance included, that had happened to me growing up, and she was horrified, asked why I didn't tell her about it. In my head at the time, I had figured I'd just get in trouble - that it was my fault for being fat and I'd get yelled at again. And I didn't want my parents to be disappointed that their kid was a loser. Silly now, but that was my logic 20 years ago, lol.

    How I overcame? Just waited it out. When I got to be an upperclassmen in HS, people just left me alone, and in college it was much better. I don't think I've ever really overcome all of it though, it kind of shaped parts of my personality - always feel awkward in social settings where I don't know many people, incredibly self-conscious, convinced everyone is noticing the extra weight, etc. I try to ignore it as best I can, but it's always in the back of my head.

    All of that aside, I have a great group of friends whom I absolutely adore now and things haven't turned out all that badly for me!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    No, I wasn't. My best friend was. The good news is she took it, used it to get really fit, and is now one of the strongest & fittest people I know.

    Me, on the other hand.... I was JUST out running (at an 11 minute pace) when some redneck with a Confederate flag on his truck yelled from a PA system installed on his truck "Hey fat *kitten* get off my road" then proceeded to go around the block so he could do it again, this time with even more "descriptive" words.

    They're all douche bags and we're stronger and smarter than they'll ever be.
  • Oh, definitely. Boys always told me I was fat, and I never got any positive attention because of it. Girls would pinch at my fat changing for gym and laugh at me so much I just started changing in the toilet stalls and never stopped. In I think 9th grade, some girls behind me in the hall going to lunch told me to get my fatass out of the way. I didn't eat lunch that day. Or for months afterward. I can't say it was the only thing that triggered my ED initially, but it was definitely the moment of truth, so to speak. I still haven't gotten over that properly. It's just a ping pong match between binging for months and then starving to lose it all again. I hate it so much.
  • Bullied, treated like complete crap, however you want to put it, yup.
    I was hospitalized in grade 7 and came back with quite a bit of weight gain due to lack of exercise and just in general being depressed. I was to ill to go to school but when I returned in grade 8, I was bullied a lot. I felt I had no friends but I took the bullying because, in my opinion, they were right. 5'4'' and 195 pounds, I was the heaviest girl in my class. I also got various insults such as that my nose makes me look like a witch, and that even if I lost weight I'd still be an ugly pig.
    By grade 10, the "teasing" as my councillor called it got worse. People physically attacked me more than once, and while I wanted to tell someone about it, my parents intimidated me. I felt (and still do) like if I told them what went on, they'd call me a failure and compare me to my sister who they say is dead to them, and that was the last thing I needed to hear. So I went through all of it on my own, my councillor's only encouragement being, "they're doing it to make you stronger. Its a lesson from God."
    When a rumour started going out that I was pregnant - which, being a virgin, I obviously wasn't! - I couldn't take it anymore. People started calling me obscene names and some boys took it far enough to throw pennies at me and say that's all I was worth.
    I dropped out. But I'm finishing my last year at home now [a bit late], though its hard with all the little encouragement that I get.

    Not that it really matters. No one has ever cared in the past or will care in the future but I may as well vent a little on MFP. Life has, and will always, suck.
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