Were you ever bullied in school for being overweight? How di



  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I was bullied for being thin. The big girls in high school hated me cause I was tiny in high school. They threatened to kick my @$$ at every turn, in the bathroom, in the parking lot, on the bus, it seemed everywhere I went, there was a big girl who hated me for no reason! I didn't do anything to them and I wasn't even a flirt or a tease or anything like that! I was shy and kept to myself! It finally stopped when I had enough and agreed to fight the toughest one, even if she kicked my @$$, I wasn't going down without a fight! The bus driver broke it up before it got started, but the mere fact that I didn't turn away was enough to make them all leave me alone. It left me with a life-long feeling of steering clear of bigger girls because they intimidate me and I automatically think they don't like me, but I've been found to be wrong about that in my adult life.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I was bullied for being overweight even though I wasn't. How about that?
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    Yes, not only verbally, but in horribly nasty notes shoved into my locker. Then I got beat up after that!! I did not go after people, either. I minded my own business.

    One of the most frightening bully incidents I have had to endure was one time in a Kmart parking lot, as I was walking into the small mall to the store, I had a group of HS/college KIDS start chanting horrible things at me, they all came running at me, yelling and chanting that they were gonna kill me. They were pushing a cart towards me as they ran at me.
    I was terrified bc it was a fairly good sized group. I ran for my life. All I had done was step out of my car and walk toward the store. I had NOT antagonized them or had contact with them in any way. I'll never forget that fear!!

    I think it has def. made me stronger and more compassionate. I am a survivor--of CA 4X over!! And much, much 'bigger,' on the inside, than any one of those brainless idiots will EVER be!!
  • Cathnger
    I was bullied my entire school life - I've always been a BIG Girl and I was bullied even when at nursery and Junior school so from as young as 3/4 years old. A lot of my child hood has been blocked out due to other scars of childhood. I remember once where I was only about 7/8 years old and I got attacked by 4 girls that were 2 years older than me when I was walking home from school. Name calling was the biggest thing mainly - me being such a sensative and emotional person it really took it's toll on me. When I was 11 years old and went up to high school - I had to wear Womens size 12 (UK) skirts. It was very embarassing and I had no self esteem - I hated gym/games not because I didn't like to play sports but because of the looks I'd get and comments that would be made and also I was scared and ashamed of how fat and unfit I was so I would lie any way I could to get out of doing it. Throughout my childhood I was very very unhappy and in my teenage years I was suicidal (unsucessfully of course hense I'm writing this now lol) I even had name calling from my morbidely obese father - he never meant them in a nasty way but he didn't ever think about how it may sound to an obese child. I even used to get bullied because my father was so big.

    People wanting to be my friends didn't flock to me, in fact I only ever had 1 or 2 friends at a time and they never lasted - I would get really close to 1 and we would be best friends and I loved it BUT every time their 'old'' friends would always cause trouble and break us up and stop us from spending time together every chance they could. So when I was 14 upto right now of 28 I dont have any friends, I don't have phone of my own because I don't have anyone that would contact me. So life can get very hard at times. So what I will say is to every one of that has even 1 friend - be so thankful that you have them and appreciate them because unlike me and others we don't have anyone we can pick up the phone to.
  • annanoel21
    annanoel21 Posts: 87 Member
    I got bullied from k-10. When I got in high school I didnt care anymore about what people said. I tried to fit in the best I could. Stopped eating and lost 100 lbs. Very unhealthy. Got to a weight of 190 maintained at 200 for 3 years. I got to if anyone picked on me I would let them know they had an @$$ beating coming to them. Then it finally stopped after I let them know I wasnt gonna take their stuff.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Im curious to see how many out there share my same story,

    Were you overweight in Elementary school? High school? Were you the target for bullying? How did you overcome it and how does it affect your life today?

    For me it was Bulling grade 2-12 and until i was about 21 or so. the height of it being in grade 9, cornered in the boys lockerroom and surrounded by 6 guys with basketballs. "We are about to do this to you because you are fat, you are ugly, you will never get a girlfriend, and you should kill yourself" They then proceeded to throw basketballs at my head until i bled out of my ears..

    I know it got bad, but I kind of thank God for my crappy life. because its the things in life that form you into who you are today.

    Most people who got bullied (Or at least the ones I know) turn out to be Sweet Compassionate Loving Sensitive people.

    So my question is, Have you ever been bullied and how have you overcome?

    Oh wow, this reminds me of me! Except I was in 4th grade, surrounded by a group of 8 or so girls in the school's gym, all holding basketballs - the ringleader would yell "1....2....3....Blubberball!" and they'd all whip their basketball at me, all gleefully chanting "ugly ugly Blubberball!!!" Went on for about 10 minutes until the gym teacher came back (they had a lookout so they didn't get caught). One of the more horrifying moments of my life. I never told anyone about it - a few years ago, I was talking to my mom about various stuff, this instance included, that had happened to me growing up, and she was horrified, asked why I didn't tell her about it. In my head at the time, I had figured I'd just get in trouble - that it was my fault for being fat and I'd get yelled at again. And I didn't want my parents to be disappointed that their kid was a loser. Silly now, but that was my logic 20 years ago, lol.

    How I overcame? Just waited it out. When I got to be an upperclassmen in HS, people just left me alone, and in college it was much better. I don't think I've ever really overcome all of it though, it kind of shaped parts of my personality - always feel awkward in social settings where I don't know many people, incredibly self-conscious, convinced everyone is noticing the extra weight, etc. I try to ignore it as best I can, but it's always in the back of my head.

    All of that aside, I have a great group of friends whom I absolutely adore now and things haven't turned out all that badly for me!

    Im glad you have such good friends in your life!
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Oh, definitely. Boys always told me I was fat, and I never got any positive attention because of it. Girls would pinch at my fat changing for gym and laugh at me so much I just started changing in the toilet stalls and never stopped. In I think 9th grade, some girls behind me in the hall going to lunch told me to get my fatass out of the way. I didn't eat lunch that day. Or for months afterward. I can't say it was the only thing that triggered my ED initially, but it was definitely the moment of truth, so to speak. I still haven't gotten over that properly. It's just a ping pong match between binging for months and then starving to lose it all again. I hate it so much.

    How has this affected your personality? your beautiful by the way, no joke.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Yes, not only verbally, but in horribly nasty notes shoved into my locker. Then I got beat up after that!! I did not go after people, either. I minded my own business.

    One of the most frightening bully incidents I have had to endure was one time in a Kmart parking lot, as I was walking into the small mall to the store, I had a group of HS/college KIDS start chanting horrible things at me, they all came running at me, yelling and chanting that they were gonna kill me. They were pushing a cart towards me as they ran at me.
    I was terrified bc it was a fairly good sized group. I ran for my life. All I had done was step out of my car and walk toward the store. I had NOT antagonized them or had contact with them in any way. I'll never forget that fear!!

    I think it has def. made me stronger and more compassionate. I am a survivor--of CA 4X over!! And much, much 'bigger,' on the inside, than any one of those brainless idiots will EVER be!!

    Thats right!! wow, great story thanks!
  • eatmeingo
    Oh, definitely. Boys always told me I was fat, and I never got any positive attention because of it. Girls would pinch at my fat changing for gym and laugh at me so much I just started changing in the toilet stalls and never stopped. In I think 9th grade, some girls behind me in the hall going to lunch told me to get my fatass out of the way. I didn't eat lunch that day. Or for months afterward. I can't say it was the only thing that triggered my ED initially, but it was definitely the moment of truth, so to speak. I still haven't gotten over that properly. It's just a ping pong match between binging for months and then starving to lose it all again. I hate it so much.

    How has this affected your personality? your beautiful by the way, no joke.

    I'm so shy now, and no matter how much weight I lose I don't feel good enough. /: Thank you, though.
  • Leanne_fat2fab
    Leanne_fat2fab Posts: 73 Member
    I was bullied from second grade up until I was about 19-20 years old. When I was a kid growing up it was extremely hard for me, especially since I developed an eating problem so early and I never knew why.. I was the tallest, and the biggest girl in most of my elementary classes. When I was 9 that's when it all went down hill. I was at the public pool with some kids and I was wearing a bathing suit.. I was starting to get stretchmarkes on my legs and the kids pointed, laughed the whole shabang. When I was 10 I started to wear bigger clothes just to hide it all. Middle school is when it got WAY worst. There was this ONE guy who punked me alllllllll thru middle and high school.. He even tried after high school.. He called me ugly, every fat name in the book... He threw breadsticks in my face telling me "I know you want it", he had a group of friend who weren't shy to jump in and talk crap. Once I was with one of my old friends and we were in the mall and these boys were standing there looking at us (her). They waved for me to come over... When I was walking over they ALL (like 5 or 6 guys) started laughing in my face and walked away. From that moment on I was determined I was everything everyone said I was. To make matters worse my mom was the the leader of the "put Leanne down" train so I was getting it at home, in public, at school and at that point I was VERY suicidal. I wore 3xl-6xl shirts everyday, I would wear HUGE jackets just for comfort.. During P.E. I never ever dressed in front of people, and i never wore shorts, only sweat pants..I never had a boyfriend in middle school let alone someone who liked me. When high school rolled around things didn't get any better. 9th grade was THEE worst year of high school. I was about 200lbs then.. In every class someone had something to say about me and my weight. It was terrible.. :-/ one guy said I looked like a man, another guy sounded like a man.. Kids are just as cruel as teenagers. Luckily I never really had issues with girls like some people did. The same guy that bullied me in middle school was at the same high school and we had a class together. At first I forgave him because he apologized to me so the nice person I was I accepted. Then he decided to Verbally attack me on the bus.. I don't think ive ever been so embarrassed.. That was my last straw!! I told the principal because It was getting out of hand and it stopped...high school got a little easier but I still was severly depressed. I made it thru high school only to go back to High school Aka my former job.. Working at Disneyland I was bullied as well. One guy told me that a shirt I was wearing looked like a curtain. I wasn't that pretty and crap like that. Now I don't really care what people have to say. Of course hurtful comments can sting but I don't let it take me over like it used to. EVERYTHING I've been thru has made me a tougher person. I'm starting to accept myself little by little. It is extremely difficult most days but im working on it. I will never allow someone to speak to me that way again. I can laugh at everything and everyone who ridiculed me because I better then ALL of that :-D
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    yes i was! my nick name was Mickey Moose, and on halloween i was called a fat ugly cow with make up. took a very long time to stop crying over those comments; on the flip side, i think of the people who said this to me noticed them later in life..as we all grow up and wiser, i am successful and they are total loosers. With both careers, life and looks. Don't hold on to the negative feelings, let it go, and I promise you will grow strong from it.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I was bullied from second grade up until I was about 19-20 years old. When I was a kid growing up it was extremely hard for me, especially since I developed an eating problem so early and I never knew why.. I was the tallest, and the biggest girl in most of my elementary classes. When I was 9 that's when it all went down hill. I was at the public pool with some kids and I was wearing a bathing suit.. I was starting to get stretchmarkes on my legs and the kids pointed, laughed the whole shabang. When I was 10 I started to wear bigger clothes just to hide it all. Middle school is when it got WAY worst. There was this ONE guy who punked me alllllllll thru middle and high school.. He even tried after high school.. He called me ugly, every fat name in the book... He threw breadsticks in my face telling me "I know you want it", he had a group of friend who weren't shy to jump in and talk crap. Once I was with one of my old friends and we were in the mall and these boys were standing there looking at us (her). They waved for me to come over... When I was walking over they ALL (like 5 or 6 guys) started laughing in my face and walked away. From that moment on I was determined I was everything everyone said I was. To make matters worse my mom was the the leader of the "put Leanne down" train so I was getting it at home, in public, at school and at that point I was VERY suicidal. I wore 3xl-6xl shirts everyday, I would wear HUGE jackets just for comfort.. During P.E. I never ever dressed in front of people, and i never wore shorts, only sweat pants..I never had a boyfriend in middle school let alone someone who liked me. When high school rolled around things didn't get any better. 9th grade was THEE worst year of high school. I was about 200lbs then.. In every class someone had something to say about me and my weight. It was terrible.. :-/ one guy said I looked like a man, another guy sounded like a man.. Kids are just as cruel as teenagers. Luckily I never really had issues with girls like some people did. The same guy that bullied me in middle school was at the same high school and we had a class together. At first I forgave him because he apologized to me so the nice person I was I accepted. Then he decided to Verbally attack me on the bus.. I don't think ive ever been so embarrassed.. That was my last straw!! I told the principal because It was getting out of hand and it stopped...high school got a little easier but I still was severly depressed. I made it thru high school only to go back to High school Aka my former job.. Working at Disneyland I was bullied as well. One guy told me that a shirt I was wearing looked like a curtain. I wasn't that pretty and crap like that. Now I don't really care what people have to say. Of course hurtful comments can sting but I don't let it take me over like it used to. EVERYTHING I've been thru has made me a tougher person. I'm starting to accept myself little by little. It is extremely difficult most days but im working on it. I will never allow someone to speak to me that way again. I can laugh at everything and everyone who ridiculed me because I better then ALL of that :-D

    Absolutely amazing. I am so happy you came out of that a better person. You are doing great! inspirational!
  • SerenityRabit
    I was bullied from day one, till about 7th grade.
    by that time, the way I dressed and acted scared people away from me : 3.
    I remember one instant in 3rd grade, where a boy was making fun of my weight, then pushed me so hard that I knocked the desk over.
    The teacher did nothing.
    I would come home covered in bruises.
    And i wasn't that over weight, maybe 20 pounds.
    I was bullied for other things which I won't go into detail, but some days I could be surrounded by up to 8 guys.
    Im a girl ,for some reason, this always bothered me and effected me more than when girls would say something.
    I ended up getting a ED in 6th grade and other issues, which I have over come.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    When I was 11 years old, I got fat was was teased unmercifully by others, including my father and brothers,
    That was enough!
    I was like Rocky [play the music], and I worked out - lost the fat.
    And I was fit - peak condition as a teen on up to age 39 where I ballooned up for the first time after a back injury.
    I worked off the fat - peak condition again, then - BANG - age 46 - head injury with severe brain trauma.
    I bloated up to my highest weight: 265 lbs - OUCH!

    I did what has always worked, and today, I am 194 heading back to 185 - peak condition.

    I can still hear and feel every old would inflicted on me as a fat child.
    That is a large part of my motivation.
    It still hurts.
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    you have overcome a lot! good job!
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    When I was 11 years old, I got fat was was teased unmercifully by others, including my father and brothers,
    That was enough!
    I was like Rocky [play the music], and I worked out - lost the fat.
    And I was fit - peak condition as a teen on up to age 39 where I ballooned up for the first time after a back injury.
    I worked off the fat - peak condition again, then - BANG - age 46 - head injury with severe brain trauma.
    I bloated up to my highest weight: 265 lbs - OUCH!

    I did what has always worked, and today, I am 194 heading back to 185 - peak condition.

    I can still hear and feel every old would inflicted on me as a fat child.
    That is a large part of my motivation.
    It still hurts.

    im sorry you had to go through that =(
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    I had an uncle that started calling me Chubs when I was in second grade. In my eyes, he was a grown up and I believed him, even when others told me different. I mean why would he keep telling me that if it wasn't true. Well in second grade I was not chubby. In fact, I was not chubby until sometime in high school. However, I always felt fat and self-conscious. I am by nature an introverted person. This probably worsened that a bit.

    I was very bitter towards this uncle for a long time, thinking why would an adult do that to a child, because even when I cried he didn't stop. Then one day it hit me. My uncle, the one I thought was so grown up, was 13-14 years old when I was in second grade. I had let the comments of some punk *kitten* kid bother me my whole life!

    I am still very self conscious but I am working on it.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    No, I was very thin as a child and teen. And I've bullied myself in my head far more than anyone else ever could as an adult.
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    Some girls in middle school used to call me Shamu. Then the guy I lost my virginity to told people really rude things concerning my weight (after the fact, of course.) I'm not sure I ever got over that stuff. It doesn't sting like it used to, but one of those girls sent me a friend request on FB. I laughed heartily and ignored the request. You would think after all these years (15 to be exact) I would assume those girls had said those things just because they were young and heartless and let bygones be bygones, but no, that *kitten* can kiss my *kitten*.
  • InvictusPhoenix
    Wasn't bullied too badly- only by a couple specific people, but i was an outcast until the summer before senior year.
    Freshman year: got a skateboard swung at my face because i was "already ugly anyways and it might fix me"
    sophmore: got my braces- god that was fun
    junior: ditched by my date as a joke on homecoming
    summer between junior and senior year: got cut (lost 35 pounds), grew my hair out long(i'd had it cut like a "rockers" short in back, long up front and dyed red purple- went blonde), braces off, lost the acne, changed how i dressed and held myself
    senior year and beyond: hottie-with-a-body who has a complete hatered of bullies (completely the one to call people out on being an *kitten*)
    Now? 3 years later? I haven't been to my hometown for more than a week since I graduated. Usually people don't recognize me
    ***all of these are the reasons for my obsession with the poem invictus***

    What an awful expirience, has this changed you at all? your mind how you think? Do you have compassion for others are you sensitive towards it?

    I'm now EXTREMELY guarded when first meeting people. I can even come off as abrasive or just really quiet- i honestly had never even had a boyfriend until 4 months ago (took me along time to get over that people weren't talking to me or saying things in a secretly teasing way like the homecoming experience). It definitely left some wounds. My boyfriend says trying to get me on a date was like coaxing an baby animal (yeah- not a fan of the comparison) because he had to be so careful.

    I'm also very very very defensive of people, especially girls, who talk badly about themselves or each other- i am always complimenting (sincerely) my friends and the people i'm closest to
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