Stereotypes are awesome...



  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member

    People just joke with me about it now too, but I moved to Alabama from Alaska in High School and it was miserable. People teased me mercilessly for not being from the south and I was called a yankee in a negative manner on a daily basis. It was quite the culture shock.

    They called you a YANKEE because you were from ALASKA?! LOL That doesn't even make sense...Alaska wasn't even part of the United States during the Civil War...

    Exactly, I can't tell you how many times I have said that to people! People around here call everyone who is not from the south a yankee!

    Isn't everyone who is from North of the Mason Dixon line a Yankee? And really, is it a real did they go out there with spray paint and mark the spot? I have family in the south, and I swear they talk about the Mason Dixon line as though it is some form of religious icon!

    Hm...that's interesting. Personally, I always thought that Yankee referred to those that fought against the North, which is why I wouldn't count Alaskans as part of that group...but anyway on that point I also wanted to say I live in the South and if I had a penny for every time I heard the Civil War referred to as "The War of Northern Aggression" LOL

    HAHA the War of Northern Aggression? I have actually never heard that before lol. Yankees are people who fought in the civil war against the south by definition in the US, however it refers to ANYONE from the US when you are talking to people from outside the US. It has somehow gotten lost in translation I suppose.

    The "line" as far as I know is the Canada/USA border!!! anyone south of the line in a Yankee and anyone North of the line is a Canuck...
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Because I am a woman, I must love to shop. It is, in fact, probably my least favorite thing on the planet. I think I'd rather have my teeth pulled without Novocaine. I *hate* shopping.

    I'm well outside the usual stereotype on this one. If I'm dating someone, I actually have no problem going shopping with her. For clothes, shoes, whatever. I will walk around the mall all day and watch you try on clothes as long as you make sure I'm fed first (otherwise I get grumpy). :)

    It's traditionally been difficult for me to convince a girl that I AM SERIOUS. Yes, I REALLY DO like shopping. Their reaction tends to be " hate shopping. Aren't you hating this?"

    I think it's funny.
    My hubby doesn't hate shopping either. He likes it a lot more than I do, certainly.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I have ALOT of piercings, occasional crazy colored hair, and listen to metal. I have a very conservative family. Reunions are always fun. I'm the devil worshipper. Don't stare or i might cast a spell. Bippity, Boppity, BOO!
  • darcy1235
    I'm Italian...therefore I must be like the people on Jersey Shore. Not even close.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Just because I homeschool and am Christian, doesn't mean that I'm a conservative fundamentalist, or even that I'm homeschooling for religious reasons.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I am actually very quiet (you just would not know it here!!!)... people take my silence as being stuck up or a bit**.... I just do not make casual small talk for the sake of having something to say. When I have something to say I do.

    Now....give me 2 glass's of wine....and just try to shut me up! :wink:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    that i have 4-6 kids because i'm hispanic...

    i have 0.

    OMG.....ppl are always surprise when I tell them I have 0 kids. Almost as if because Im Hispanic im some sort of Baby making robot. Don't get me wrong....i like to practice making babies but no vajaja has ever been hurt by the soldiers penetrating its walls


    Was that too much? Its true. No uterus has ever been destroyed by my Soldiers of fortune

    OMG, you're still going..
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    that i have 4-6 kids because i'm hispanic...

    i have 0.

    OMG.....ppl are always surprise when I tell them I have 0 kids. Almost as if because Im Hispanic im some sort of Baby making robot. Don't get me wrong....i like to practice making babies but no vajaja has ever been hurt by the soldiers penetrating its walls


    Was that too much? Its true. No uterus has ever been destroyed by my Soldiers of fortune

    OMG, you're still going..

    Why? Did I just get you pregnant from reading my post? DAMN THESE HISPANIC GENES!!
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Brilliant.... I love it, thanks for sharing
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am actually very quiet (you just would not know it here!!!)... people take my silence as being stuck up or a bit**.... I just do not make casual small talk for the sake of having something to say. When I have something to say I do.

    Now....give me 2 glass's of wine....and just try to shut me up! :wink:
    I get the same thing, except rather than stuck up, I am "stand-offish" and "unfriendly" - really I'm just kind of shy... until I have a bit of alcohol (margaritas are the best, although I rarely drink anything at all and am a total lightweight these days) and then I am Miss Social Butterfly and VERY entertaining.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    I'm "Racially Ambiguous." I'm Hawaiian, Italian, Japanese. People assume I'm Hispanic, black, etc, etc. I lived in the South for 6 years. I didn't get jobs because of my skin tone. I got spoken down to, spoken Spanish too and that's just the beginning.

    When I live in NC I had a boyfriend and worked in Human Resources. My boyfriend was a mechanic he referred to my job as "Women's Work" and "Not real employment" but I made more money than him.

    I have 2 degrees, graduated with honors and speak pidgin (Hawaiian Creole).

    I have tattoos and purple hair but i am the nicest person you will ever meet.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    that i have 4-6 kids because i'm hispanic...

    i have 0.

    OMG.....ppl are always surprise when I tell them I have 0 kids. Almost as if because Im Hispanic im some sort of Baby making robot. Don't get me wrong....i like to practice making babies but no vajaja has ever been hurt by the soldiers penetrating its walls


    Was that too much? Its true. No uterus has ever been destroyed by my Soldiers of fortune

    OMG, you're still going..

    Why? Did I just get you pregnant from reading my post? DAMN THESE HISPANIC GENES!!


    sterio type! people are shocked to hear my name is NOT maria... =/
  • I am actually very quiet (you just would not know it here!!!)... people take my silence as being stuck up or a bit**.... I just do not make casual small talk for the sake of having something to say. When I have something to say I do.

    Now....give me 2 glass's of wine....and just try to shut me up! :wink:

    Same here! It's such a painful stereotype sometimes!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im naturally like beach blonde, but with dark roots.. So looking at me people assume that i have dyed my hair blonde.. Which gets me all sorts of comments like fake, barbie, plastic, etc, etc.. When im really not.. And i have tried dying my hair brown to match my roots, but the new hair comes through blonde so then from a distance it looks like i have a bold spot.. So its something im stuck with. :angry:

    Also because iv got fat stumpy legs, i wear heels everywhere to try and make them look more appealing.. Alot of people look at me and are like omg shes a slut, or stuck up, etc, because im like in the supermarket in heels, when everyone else just wears trainers.. (Its just because im so self conscious.. completely the opposite of being stick up and thinking im better than others).

    Hmm im not sure if that is stereotyping.. but it is people judging me because of how i look..
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I hate people so everyone thinks I'm a B.. ugh not fair!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    People automatically assume that just because I call myself an *kitten*, that I'm really a nice guy underneath it all.
  • pirate4hire
    Myself, I'm a teacher but I look very young (especially since dropping 40 lbs last year). My first day on the job (I was 24 at the time) I overheard lots of "Who's the new kid?". No matter how professionally I dress I never fail to get those people and students who show a lack of respect because I "look too young" to be a teacher, therefore I must not be any good at it.

    It's ok though. Once they get to know me the stereotype is usually lost AND as a bonus, I know in 20 years I'm really going to appreciate looking nearly 10 years younger than I actually am! :drinker:

    I get this a lot with people thinking I'm ~10 yrs younger granted being short doesn't help it either. It sucks to not be taken seriously in business but I'll take the good genetics any day.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member

    It's so funny how we stereotype people based on the way they look.
    I'm often stereotyped as a brainiac control-freak just because... oh, wait. That's a valid stereotype. Never mind about me. :bigsmile:
    There are, however, lots of people who are stereotyped because of their appearance or reputation when they are, in fact, not like that at all.
    Any stereotypes you've been placed into that just don't fit?

    Umm... I don't get the joke. Am I dense? They're both convicted felons. I think Snoop's last felony conviction was in 2007...

    okay then, the fact that their BOTH convicted felons is still pretty funnyyyy!!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am really young looking (baby face) and even though i don't mind getting guessed a much lower age, i hate how there is an expectation that i don't know what i'm doing or how to make decisions because i am young looking. especially because i am also a parent so sometimes i think the teachers think they can talk down to me because i am young looking and they assume i have nothing going for me but youth and appearance and that they are more educated. wish i could walk around with a sign that says "yes i look young, but i am in fact 32 and have a master's degree"...
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Hmm, let's see... I'm from Mississippi so some might automatically assume:

    an ignorant hick
    unintelligible southern drawl
    love country music

    However, I am neither one of these things. Not in the slightest.