Question for women



  • wee_wolfie
    wee_wolfie Posts: 40 Member
    Ideally a man like Arnie in the Conan days, but failing that I would rather a chap that is huge and bulky than a dude that is more slender but has loads of definition. I am assuming bulk to mean muscle and not fat btw. Fat does not float my boat!
  • rachielyon
    My man has broad shoulders and muscular arms, chest and legs. (and a really really great butt) :tongue: I honestly don't care about a 6 pack. It looks great w/a shirt off but to be honest I like to have a strong back to support me and strong arms to surround me. He is more "bulky" but not chubby. That's perfect for me!
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    As long as he's got strong arms and no gut, I'm happy :)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i think you can look good either way. :3 my bf is personally bulkey>lean. but he's not tall, and has square hips, so its befitting. not to mention all his muscle build is either natural, or from martial arts.
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    I prefer a man who is bulky.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member



    Really? Personally I find both those men too small. And I don't mean muscular wise, I mean build wise.

    THIS is a man for me!! . :love:


    I like a guy with muscles but mostly I like a man who is just built like a brick **** house. Broad chest, broad shoulders...tall. YES YES YES.

    My bf now has a 46" chest and he doesn't even work out. I just want to lay on it all day hehe :heart:
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Depends on the person in my book an what looks good and what there Body type is
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member



    Really? Personally I find both those men too small. And I don't mean muscular wise, I mean build wise.

    THIS is a man for me!! . :love:



    I like a guy with muscles but mostly I like a man who is just built like a brick **** house. Broad chest, broad shoulders...tall. YES YES YES.

    My bf now has a 46" chest and he doesn't even work out. I just want to lay on it all day hehe :heart:
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    On a magazine cover I like it more cut/less bulky.

    For a guy that I'm with I would be really happy that the guy is healthy and cares about himself!

  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    a tad bit more bulky & slightly less cut makes for a good cuddle..strong but soft at the same time. :D I wanna see some nice muscles, just not too many.
    ^^^ This
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Posted already but got missed:

    What's wrong with bulky and lean?

    We body builders seem to have a bad rep - why is this?

    The reason I say is I never had as much attention from women til I got bigger. Is it always a case of what this thread goes or does looks and personality go hand in hand?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Posted already but got missed:

    What's wrong with bulky and lean?

    We body builders seem to have a bad rep - why is this?

    The reason I say is I never had as much attention from women til I got bigger. Is it always a case of what this thread goes or does looks and personality go hand in hand?

    Personally I don't mind and it's really going to vary from person to person.. Like some men prefer women with bigger boobs, smaller boobs, big booty, skinner/larger/curvier it just comes down to personal taste. I think whatever works for you and makes you happy and healthy is great. I don't think it's right of people to make fun of bodybuilders for wanting to be physically stronger/fitter etc. There is a stereotype however, that guys who spend loads of times working on their muscles are dumb/meatheads. Of course, a stereotype is a stereotype and not applicable to every guy.

    Physically, I actually prefer sort of chubby guys, not too big, just a bit on the chubby side and taller than me. I also go for guys who are smart and funny and personality trumps looks a million times over for me.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Does anyone know any Body Builders (BBers) that are dumb meat heads or is that just a pure stereotype? Most BBers I know are as soft as you like and chatty and friendly giants. Just sayin' :happy:
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    Hmm.. I would say ..less bulk more cut.. Nice definition ... But what's inside counts the most for me :)
  • nhorton5
    nhorton5 Posts: 32 Member
    I dont care if theyve got a body like yours :P

    :) I prefer more bulky, less cut

    I have to agree with this :)
  • wee_wolfie
    wee_wolfie Posts: 40 Member
    Posted already but got missed:

    What's wrong with bulky and lean?

    We body builders seem to have a bad rep - why is this?

    The reason I say is I never had as much attention from women til I got bigger. Is it always a case of what this thread goes or does looks and personality go hand in hand?

    As I already said, Arnie a la Conan is the ideal man. In the real world though, such gents are in short supply and you need to be a pretty stunning female to attract one. Also, I believe there is a perception that body builders live in the gym and have no time for outside pursuits. It takes a lot of work to get that big(assuming they are not ultilising chemical help), so it is like a vocation. The strict diet and exercise regime probably wouldn't allow for going out on the rip on the weekend, although this may be a misconception. Not to mention, how would you meet such a man? I certainly wouldn't approach one in the free weights area, eventhough I have really wanted to ask some questions about form and isolation exercises - imagine how much more awkward it would be to try and chat them up!
  • jwalker30
    thanks to everyone for the comments. I was surprised to see how long this thread went
  • lgoss87
    lgoss87 Posts: 30 Member
    My perfect body is actually where you're at in your pic, too many muscles really put me off! though, any less muscle/tone doesnt bother me, just as long as their healthy :)
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    I love all men! Just got out of a relationship with a body builder type, but, I like the cut look too as long as they're not too skinny.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    As I already said, Arnie a la Conan is the ideal man. In the real world though, such gents are in short supply and you need to be a pretty stunning female to attract one.

    Most women misunderstand what stunning is. A good body only goes so far...