Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hello Heeter Sistahs; Julie, Cindy, Bebe, Hazel, Lucy, Yari and all that follow............just wanted to drop by and tell you all I have missed you and love you all very much. glad you found the group, good to see you sweetie!!!

    Wonderland.....still on my mind and in my heart as well.....

    May I say that all is going good. Have some friends here for the holiday and having a good time. My journey is going well, making healthy choices and feeling good. Is chilly and rainy here today so we have Soup (Chili) on to warm on inners :smile:

    Thank those of you that have emailed me personally and kept in touch and showing concern and giving me encouragement, its meant more than you could ever know.

    I really just wanted to wish you all a beautiful fun filled Easter Holiday with your loved ones and may the message of Easter live in your hearts and you know the love God has for each of you. He hears and knows our needs, may his enternal love shine in your spirit and live in your hearts and may you all be blessed in your journeys. I thank God for the blessings of your friendships and may they be everlasting.

    Love to all,
    Debbie:happy: :smooched: :blushing: :smile: :happy: :heart: :smooched: :blushing: :smile: :laugh: :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, It's so good to hear from you. I'm so glad things are going well for you. Thank you so much for the Easter greeting. I wish the same for you. Have a blessed Holiday. Cindy :heart:
  • Gosh Debbie, good to hear from you! I'm glad you are doing well and its fun to have family over. You and your family have an AWESOME Easter as well.

    Lucy :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Debbie, it is so wonderful to see your message posted. Happy Easter back to you and whatever your reason for dropping, I'm glad that we are still a part of you and you will come back to us when all is truly well. We will trust in God as He is in control. Remembering you this Easter and just remember always, He LIVES. Yes, indeed, Jesus is resurrected.

    Continue your journey for a healthy lifestyle, enjoy your friends there and come back to us anytime.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, How is everyone this evening? I'm super proud of myself. I babysat until 5.30 pm so I didn't get to do my 3 mile watp workout. I was sitting on my behind watching Tv around 7 pm. I thought I would just skip today. Then I decided I wanted to do it. I got up and did it! Yeaa me! I hope everyone else did something they can be proud of today too. I drank all my water today and ate all my fruits and all my veggies and stayed within my calories. I LOVE this way of life! :heart: Lucy, did you do a watp workout? If so which one? Did you like it? I can not follow most workout dvd's. I'm hopeless. But I realy like the watp workouts. Ok gals, Have a super, duper ,great night! :bigsmile: TTFN- Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Morning HEETers!

    I took the day "off" yesterday. When DH got up to go to work for a couple hours I dediced to stay in bed for a bit. Well, that bit turned out to be 12:30 in the afternoon! Then I showered, put on a clean night shirt and went back to the bed and read my book most of the day. Then DH went and got dinner (chinese :blushing: ) and we ate and I went back to bed with my book, LOL!! I did absolutely NOTHING the entire day and I LOVED it!:bigsmile: Anyway, I now have tons of stuff to do and need to go take a shower and get busy. Looks like everyone had a good day yesterday and that's AWESOME! Waving to Debbie. Thanks for the Easter wish.

    Later Gators,
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good Morning Heeters, How is everyone this morning? I just got back from the grocery store. Ughh. I hate grocery shopping! It seems like I have to go twice a week to stock up on fruits and veggies and water. At least the stores werent crowded this morning. :smile: It's overcast and dreary here today. I think we might get some rain. Julie I might follow your lead and snuggle down in bed with a good book. :bigsmile: First I have to find a place for all this water I bought. 4 -30 bottle cases and 5 gallons of water. I love sun tea! I drink my gallon of plain water every day and then I let myself enjoy 1 or 2 glasses of sun tea. Okedokie ladies, I hope everyone has a great day ! ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Waving to all my HEETER sisters ... Julie, Debbie, Yari, Lucy, Cindy, Bebe, Toni, Kath, Steph and all that follow.... Happy Easter weekend, all.

    Let's continue to focus on our goals as we celebrate. Enjoy spending time with family and friends as we celebrate the resurrection and proclaim yes, indeed, Jesus is ALIVE and well.

    Yesterday was a busy day for most of us, and I am so glad Julie, to hear that you took time out for yourself and was able to spend all day in bed reading. How awesome is that? We all need days like that, I say.

    Cindy, you are so faithful to your focus of healthy eating and exercise and my hats off to you. Such determination and focus .... will you please send some of that my way? Weatherwise, you can keep all bad weather and not send any to me :-).

    I was able to drink H2o yesterday, but sorry to report only 7 glasses. Like the saying goes, "almost only counts in horse shoes". Today is another day and will try harder. My schedule was off yesterday on my eating, meds and everything else. Had busy day BUT, happy to report another 1.9 lb weight loss. Hooray! Hooray! Keeping my dairy logged so that seems to be in place for my April goal. I will work harder on exercising and taking in my water. Eating more healthy too.

    Have you all heard of "Flat Out bread" bought some yesterday at Costco and tried it for the first time. It is a whole grain flat bread and to my surprise it actually tasted good. Wrapped a Hebrew Kosher Beef frank in it for lunch and it was delicious. Added some cucumber to the wrap with minimal Kraft miracle whip and Grey Poupon mustard. For dinner we had left overs of chunky chicken soup and flat out wrap with Hebrew Kosher beef frank.

    Today, I am planning on trying to fix mahi mahi fish encrusted in pecans. Sounds yummy eh? Veggie will be fresh asparagus stir fried in olive oil. Planning on fixing some chicken with that orange mandarin sauce for lunch tomorrow to be served with spinach. This recipe comes from my diabetic cook book so it should be good.

    Now to do some actual housework .... have a fantastic day gals and remember .... water, water, water. Drink, drink, drink.
  • suzinpb
    suzinpb Posts: 8 Member
    Hi again,

    Sorry I was MIA again Julie, but I've been up in Gainesville, My daughter goes to UF and developed a Staph infection in her leg... had to run her to ER and stayed up wsith her until yesterday and brought her home for Easter... I'll be taking her back Sun or Monday.

    Needless to say, I haven't been eating well because of it.. Not overeating, just not eating nutritiously or getting my walks in.

    I'll be back later this weekend before I head back to Gainesville.

  • Hi Sue. Sorry to hear about your daughter's staph infection. This is bad stuff especially if she is staying in a dorm, I have heard horror stories about this and so hard to get rid of. I have a sight I would like to introduce you to ... Check it out. I sincerely believe this product can help clear staph. You can drink it and/or apply topically. It won't hurt to check it out. You can contact me for more information if you want to.

    When we are off our regular schedule, it is hard to focus on our healthy eating lifestyle. I just want to remind you to drink your water as this will keep you going and try to make healthy choices when you can. When your schedule is back to a sense of normalacy, refocus and go from there.

    Just know that we are here for you and would like to encourage you. That's what this group is all about.

    Praying for healing for your daughter and peace and rest for you. Have a good Easter Sunday as we rejoice on the resurrection of Christ. He is in control and we lift you and your daughter and family especially at this time of need.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hello Heeters, Julie, Bebe, Wonderland, Cindy, Sue, Hazel, Lucy, and all that follow. Had a moment and thought I would drop in. All is going well, will be back to you on a regular basis soon. Still eating heatlhy and walking regularly. The weather has been a bit on the rainy and chilly side, so not as much outdoor activity going on here as I would like to have happen, but its typical Ohio Weather.

    How are you all doing? Seeing some good number losses here on some of the tickers!!!! Great Job everyone. For those struggling, enjoy the holidays and get back on the heeter train and get it in motion going the right direction...........right Julie?

    Julie, has your company arrived, and I do hope you and DH have a wonderful visit with them.

    Well haven't read all the post and I apologize if I failed to mention anyone or add to something, but time is limited right now, and do still have company here, so will check in after the holiday is over.

    Thanks for the Easter Wishes, and Well Wishes, and May you all enjoy this holiday with family and friends. Love you all, Debbie

    Be strong, and take hear, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalms 31:24
    I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Evening HEETers...

    Sue, I'm SO sorry to hear about your daughter! I'm glad she's home with you and hope she heals well and quickly. I'm sure she's a smart girl but make sure she understands the seriousness of the illness. Staph can be really nasty!

    I didn't think I would do it but I just couldn't help myself...I've gone in to cleaning overdrive. Everything. Ceiling fans, light fixtures, pictures, nick nacks, baseboards, dust bunnies behind and under the furniture, A/C vents, etc., etc. If you can see it, and a lot of places you can't's already been cleaned or will be tomorrow. It's a little after 8pm and it's the first time I've sat down all day. Still a pretty big list of To-Do's tomorrow but we'll pull it off.

    Debbie, company arrives on Thursday evening. We'll go to Orlando to pick them up, an hour away, then come back here for a few days. Then they head up north to their condo and we'll hook up with them again the following Thursday through the weekend. We'll all come back here Saturday and they'll fly out early Sunday morning.

    I learned a good lesson know how SO many people say they want to "Put Me first" or "It's MY time", especially when it comes to losing weight and getting fit...I finally get it. I know exactly what that means, on an intimate level. But before I tell you *MY* version, what is *YOUR* version...What does it mean to you to "Put yourself first" when it comes to weight loss??? My insight may not be that profound to you but it's definietely important to me and I just wanted to see what your thoughts were on the subject.

    I know this question may get lost during the holiday weekend or you may not be able to put alot of thought in to it but I think it's important so I'll bring it up again next week. Don't answer hastily. Think about it...but in the meantime...

    Enjoy your Easter weekend and the time you share with your friends and family! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • happy easter heeters,i will be MIA
  • sorry i pressed enter before i finished,i will be MIA until tuesday,i have house guests and this the first time i had a chance to use the computer,they are sending me up early just to be the first one on before the rest of them wakes up.
    debbie glad to see you and hope you come back soon we all miss you :flowerforyou:
    of to do my walking will try my best to be back sometime soon
    have a happy easter
  • Happy Easter all! He is risen indeed and I serve a risen Savior!

    Have a wonderful day with family and friends.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Happy Easter Heeters! :heart: Have a blessed day! :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Happy Easter HEETers!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: Have a Blessed and Joyous Easter Everyone!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
    Go lightly on the easter goodies and stay healthy!!!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Still playing around with Photobucket. Think I've learned a very good and TIME CONSUMING lesson :mad: :mad:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers!

    I hope you all had a great day celebrating in your own special way with family and friends! :flowerforyou:

    DH and I continued on our cleaning spree and I took photos. I needed to do it anyway because I need a new "Hurricane Album". I'm searching for a new homeowner insurer and have bought many new things since my last "album" for insurance purposes. Thought there was no better time to do it since the bathrooms have finally been remodelled and the house is sparkling clean. I'll spare you all the open drawers, closets, etc...and we are still working on our offices and the outside. I'll post thost later...With that in mind...Welcome to my house...:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
This discussion has been closed.