Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    There's my Beautiful Sistah!! ~~SPANK! ~~~SPANK!~~~ No more disappearing on us! No matter how bad it gets. WE CARE, even if you don't feel like posting. You need to send me your personal information. Lucy and I are keeping track of everybody just in case something happens to anyone. People get sick and accidents happen but those of us on the board would never know what happened...all we'd know is you stopped posting and not know why. I'm the Main Keeper and Lucy is my back-up in case somethng happens to me. Send me a PM with your address and/or phone and email address so I can add you to the list. We don't want to lose you!! (I sent you another PM, make sure you check your mailbox...)

    Sorry to hear you and Cindy are going through TOM (Hazel, that's Time of the Month for the ladies). I don't miss it one single bit!! Even after all the hell I went through with my two surgeries...I donated all my personal hygiene products to a teenage girl down the street then threw away all my panties, bought new ones and had myself a little party!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I went through a period of Personal Summers (hot flashes) but have seemed to level off for the most part. Still get the occassional night sweat and occassional periods of PMS (still have my right ovary) but am holding my own, all without Hormone Replacement Therapy. I just have to keep up with my dairy to prevent Osteoporosis. And the money I save on all those products??!! It should be a crime to charge what they charge for those things! I'm not trying to rub it in...:wink: I'm just happy to be done with it all!

    Well, I think I'll go eat. I didn't realize we had so many leftovers so that's dinner tonight. I wasn't in the mood to cook anyway so it worked out perfectly! I'll be back one more time before I head off to bed...

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok HEETers...last call for me...I've eaten, showered and am ready to read my book...but I wanted to give you something to think about for tomorrow...My *Theme* for tomorrow is Two-Fer Tuesday. One I've used in the past but I really need to do again because I need to increase my veggies. I'm getting good with my fruits now and think I have them under control. So...what's your Theme for tomorrow? Say it out loud and make it something attainable and fun! Maybe you can ispire someone else...:bigsmile:

    Nitey Nite HEETers...Sleep Well and I'll *see* you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    HI Heeters, This is last call for me too. I just got back from my 2'nd 2 mile walk of the day. A stray dog that's been hanging around my neighborhood lunged at me barking viciously and chomped down on my pant leg. :angry: It was dark and I was alone cuz dh is sick. I'm going to have to call the dog catcher tomorrow about him. I have even been feeding that dumb dog now and then. He would follow dh and I on our walks at night. He was ver afraid of us and would keep his distanance. I would bring a treat and toss it back to him in hopes of getting him to trust me. I wanted to call the SPCA and see if they would take him. I just don't know. I wish he hadn't donr this tonight. I feel bad for this dog. You can tell he's been through alot. :frown: Bebe, my 18 pound Sammy eats a ton of cat chow every day. :bigsmile: He's my baby and I love him. :smile: I hope everyone had a great night. :heart: Nighty night - Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Steph, welcome. Is that your baby in your picture with you? How old is your child? Male or female? Want to share your child's name with us? This group is concentrated on Healthy Eating and Exercise so this is not an "instant" thing. We are working on a new lifestyle filled with good health so that we can enjoy ourselves longer. So, get on the band wagon and enjoy the ride. If you need help, have any questions, just list them and Julie, Lucy or Cindy will be happy to give you great ideas. I have just started my new healthy lifestyle a month or so ago so I am new to this but am finally beginning to learn new things and I know it is going to be a fantastic ride to a new me .... healthy and slimmer me. Yea!

    Julie, boy, that SPANKIN did hurt. Thank you for the encouragement. I played with the program a bit today and so I am beginning to learn more things and went to REPORT and saw that I should be losing about 2.3 lbs. per week. With that said, I felt so much better even though I didn't quite make it. I will strive for it this week.

    This morning I went to the gym for an hour, came home, drank my glass of milk and water. Unfortunately, I didn't get in but 6 glasses of water today. Don't know if I forgot to count some. Will try again tomorrow for at least 8 glasses of water. Went back to the gym and did some water aerobics with a friend. That was another hour. Whew! Am I pooped tonight. Will sleep good, I know. Keep those motivational speeches coming. I need it! I did list all my activities for exercise including house work etc. That helped to bring my calorie earned high. I noticed I have 288 calories left for today but that's it for me. That's a bit more encouraging. Do you think I need to eat all those extra calories?

    Cindy, thanks for the hint and I did send you a PM. Did you get it?

    Bebe, it is always good to see you posting. We miss you when we don't hear from you and are concerned but good to know you are still keeping with the program, girl.

    toni and Kath, where are you? Just jump right in and let us know how you are and how you are doing.

    Steph, welcome and you do the same. Looking to hear from all of you tomorrow.

    Oh, BTW, Julie, we are still having this wind. So we have more to send your way. We are expecting freeze later tonight and early tomorrow morning. YIKES! At least, we don't have snow to send your way.

    Good night all.:heart:
  • blackchick38
    HEETERS good morning,im so disapointed woke up at 5.30am to do my walk with a bit cramp and all,and its pouring rain.well its good for my plants and we really needed the rain,so im thanking god for it.just have to walk up and dow at wrk today.
    JULIE i hate it every month also when TOM arrives.,between the cramps,pimples on my face,mood swings and swollen knee etc,yes the products are very expensive down and my BF we usually shop in florida and buy every non perishable items to last a year ,its so costly here.
    CINDY sorry to hear about that stray dog incident,you really have to call your dog pound for him.have he seen ur cat it works out ok.
    HAZEL AND LUCY how are you guys this morning.hazel send some of that wind this way,it has been muggy for the past few days,we have a tiny cold front passing today and that should be better.of to the shower
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Two-Fer Tuesday morning HEETers!

    I got up early this morning so I could post and get on my Healthier Me Machine. I'm just letting my breakfast settle a bit and drinking my first bottle of water before I get on it...

    Just a reminder...we are in the first full week of April...what were your goals for this month? We should repeat them each week so we don't lose sight of them. I misplaced mine over the weekend while I was De-Stressing but I've found them again. Mine is to lose 5 pounds this month so I can break the 10 pound mark. That means I need to get SERIOUS!! I've got 4 weigh-ins until the end of the month and I know I will probably see another maintain. PLUS, we have company coming that will surely challenge my eating habits. I REALLY need to get serious! Eeeeks!! :frown:

    Cindy, sorry to hear about the dog. I wouldn't hesitate to call the catcher on a viscious dog. You may be saving the life or limb of a small child in your neighborhood.

    Ok, ladies, time is ticking and I need to get busy. I'm going for 20 minutes this morning. I only did 10 minutes yesterday morning because the alarm didn't get me up in time...

    Two Vegetables for me today! How about you???

    Today I will eat Healthy, Exercise and Be Proud of Myself!!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey! Where are all the HEETers?? I could use a little "HEET" right now, lol! The wind is whipping and our high is only supposed to be 64 today!! Hazel and Cindy...don't send me any more or your cold windy weather!!

    I'm doing good...drinking my water and am getting my veggies in today! I'll have more with dinner tonight so I think today might be a success! :drinker:

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, I called animal control this morning and they are coming to get that dog today. As I said before I do feel bad for this dog. :frown: I hope everyone is having a graet day! My day is going to be weird. Dh is still not feeling well. My daughter Avery is outside playing right now. I think I might let her take the day off lessons. We are way ahead and she will be done with Math and Grammer and History the first of May. I like to stretch our school year to somewhat match the public school schedule. I need to go to the grocery store today sometime and stock up on fruits and veggies . I also need to pick up a few Easter basket items. I will get my exercise in and healthy eating too. I hope everyone has a great day! :bigsmile: Cindy :heart:
  • lucyfan2009
    Hi everyone,
    I'm so glad to see Bebe back!!! but sad to see Debbie go...

    This morning I ate my Nutty Flax cereal w/2% milk. For lunch I had yogurt, Vegetable Korma (yummo) and an orange.

    My goal for this month is to make sure that everything I put in my mouth is a whole food.

    Tonight I get my hair done and I'm looking forward to that. Finally get rid of the gray for at least 7 weeks :laugh:

    Tomorrow, Matt turns 18...I can't believe it!

  • katemac
    katemac Posts: 9
    New here. HI!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey Kate! Welcome! :flowerforyou: I'm at the office and don't do much posting from here but I like to read the posts through the day...I'll catch up with you when I get home this afternoon.
  • blackchick38
    hey heeters just a sneak here at wrk,will be back later.
  • lucyfan2009
    Guess what!!! I found Yari...hopefully she'll show up here soon!

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    LOL at and I do the same thing...Drive-By postings in Stealth Mode! :laugh: :laugh:
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Hi all!!!!!!!!!!:smile: Lucy found me and here I am, I am looking forward to continuing this journey with you gals..How is everyone doing???

    Yari :flowerforyou:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    OMG!!! Yari!!! (((Hugs)))!!! Welcome aboard!! What have you been up to? Are you still working out like a Clazy Lady? :tongue: Last I remember you had lost about 26 pounds or something like that...are you still doing well? Kids doing good? I have to say, we have a great bunch here and I like this site much better than MCC! I hope you stick around with us because you are a real motivation!

    Thanks Lucy!! :flowerforyou: Where are your birthday pictures?

    I am doing really good today. Probably my best yet. Got on the Elliptical for 20 minutes this morning, ate super good during the day and got all my water in already. Tonight is Orange-Almond Cod with sauteed zucchini and yellow squash. My last veggie for the day. That should round me out to about 3-4 depending on how much I eat.

    Well, I just wanted to pop in and say Hi to Yari and so glad Lucy extended the welcome and that she found us. I'll be back a little later...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, Ughhh I'm having a bad day! That stupid dog~! I called animal control ,they said they would come right out. They never showed. I decided to call another animal control number and they said that they only service the city and do not come out to where we live. I was told to call the sheriff. I did and a deputy came out. He said he couldn't do anything but told me I could shoot the dog. OMG! First of all we live 15 minutes from the heart of downtown Midland and Odessa. What do they mean there's no one who will come take care of this?????:mad: We have lived here for 2 years this June and let me tell you TEXAS SUCKS! I have never heard of such nonsence! Soo now I guess I just wait for this darn dog to do some real damage. :mad: OK enough of my rant. I did walk 2 miles in 29 minutes. I plan to do it again tonight. I've been right on track with my eating and water too. I hope everyone else is having a great day! :bigsmile: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Just a pop in for me...

    Cindy, just between you and me (:wink: ) my Village Idiot (crazy lady on my street - and I *seriously* mean crazy) has a Chow-Mix that she keeps chained in the front yard to ward off the "Perpertrators". I took our puppy for a walk a couple weeks ago and that dog broke her collar and charged us, snarling, growling, barking and snapping the whole time. I thought for sure Tia was a gonner (remember, 6 pound Chihuahua) and thought I would get mixed up in the middle of it. I started screaming and charging back at the dog at the same time I was dragging Tia by the neck to grab her and put her in my arms. I was only 2 houses away and the screen door was open so DH heard me and came running out. I love animals but I told DH I will not hesitate, not one second, to *pack my heat* next time and blow that dog away if I feel my safety or that of my dog is threatened. I'm licensed and legal and I don't think there is a cop in this town or a judge for that matter who would blame me with all the "pet violations" she has and the history of the dog. If your town won't do what they are paid for then take matters in your own hands. Carry some Mace at the very least. You have a right to walk down your street! :mad: :angry:

    Ok, back to dinner...:bigsmile:

  • blackchick38
    hi there yari and welcome.cindy sorry to hear about your delima,i know you are afarid to go walking,can you like take a stick when you go,just to scare him away and glad to see that you are doing well with eating and drinking the h20.
    julie good for you,dont it just feels great when you do good?yeah drive by posting is what i have to do at work ,my boss doent know that the office computer has internet and has had internet for about 5yrs now,we gals at wrk keep some good secrets.dinner sounds delecious,you are so just learning now how to make healthy dishes it makes eating so much better.
    i havent as yet set any goal for april ,started it of great and if i had set a goal i probaly would not had gone on the partying spree,well today is a new day and i do feel 98% better.
    THIS APRIL I WILL DO MY BEST TO EAT AS HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE,in which i have been great at doing,i came along way because i have never drank h20 for days and now these days i drink 100 ozs with ease along with 5 servings of veggies and fruits,so baby steps is the way to go,thoes fad diets just dont cut it:noway: :noway: :noway: . will be back later doing my laundry
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Alright HEETers, I'm just gonna sit down and post. DH is not ready to eat yet and I refuse to eat cold fish. Frankly, I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet anyway...

    Lucy, thanks again for finding Yari! Please share...what is that vegetable dish you had...Karo or something like that. What is it?? I LOVED your goal. Whole Foods. Something that strikes a personal chord with me. This is why I'm not a *strict calorie counter*. I don't care if I go over my calorie limit if I'm eating whole foods. I totally understand the science behind calories but if I'm feeding my body *whole* foods, with portion control in mind, then it's all good with me. Fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, lean meats...nothing bad about that in my book. Even when I *dress* things up, I'm doing it myself and can control the ingredients.:bigsmile: I SOOO need to do something with my hair. I'm 6 months (yes. months) overdue and thought I was committed to letting it grow out again. I'm still torn. I just HATE to spend the money on it right now...<sigh> But I don't want to look like a Goof when DH's family gets know...all the pictures. Ugh. And again...where are your birthday pictures??

    Where are the new gals? Steph? Kate?

    Bebe...that is hysterical about the internet secret! And yes, it does feel good when you know you are *hitting your mark*. It's been almost 2 months for me and through my baby steps I've about got my water, fruit and lean proteins under control. Now I need to keep working on my veggies, dairy and whole grains. Baby steps. Today I had 1 serving of Low Fat Triscuits (whole grain) with some Fat Free Refried Beans (lean protein) and very carefully added some Low Fat Cheez Whiz to each and topped each with a hot pepper. Microwave for 30 seconds and I had a great, tasty, zingy lowfat lunch with my salad. Just like Nachos, only my Healthified twist. :bigsmile:

    Cindy, keep on keepin' on. You're doing an awesome job.

    Hazel... I know you're busy with your church group today. A ladies meeting of some kind if I remember correctly. Post when you can and I hope you had a great day!

    Ok...guess that's it..I'm ready to *cook* dinner now. If he ain't ready to eat that's his problem. :bigsmile:

    I'll try to check back one more time before heading off to bed...
