Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • julie i dont count calories myself,i eat wholesome food on most days.that is when im not :drinker: .like you said i need to eat when im drinking and would you beleive that it worked.i drank and still lost inches cuz you know that the scale and i are enemies :mad: ,he tells me i am always crushing him everyday,10 times a day at times.i really need to start adding in some dairy,because i dont eat cheese or drink milk of any sort,so that there will be a big one for me.fishand ckn i love,i dont eat red meat much because i like it rear and for some strange reason it doesnt digest in my tummy,so i dont bother at all,i guess its a mind thing.
    dinner tonight is baked snapper with fresh vegs and plain ole white rice,with a glass of alcohol for 2 days now,im behaving until friday.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ok, just finished a nice and healthy dinner and am heading off to the shower... you not drink milk because you don't like it? I hated milk most my entire life (except with cereal when I was a kid). You couldn't PAY me to drink a glass (even as a kid) until I discovered Fat Free milk. It's real, ummm, watery??? I know that sounds gross but I'm comparing it to whole milk, which I would never, ever drink in my lifetime again. I can't even get down 2% these days. What about Soy Milk? Do you get that on the islands? DH and I LOVE Silk Chocolate milk. I haven't yet tried the regular Silk. And cheese??? You don't eat cheese??? If I were stranded on a desert island with only a few things to take cheese and potatoes would be at the top of my list. I can't live without cheese. What about yogurt? Can you eat yogurt? That's a great dairy for most people. I don't care for it, in any way, shape or form but most people love it! If you're not eating dairy are you taking calcium supplements? You need to do something for your bones to help keep you strong!

    Well HEETers, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see who's posting. Tomorrow is weigh in for me...wish me luck. At the very least, I'll take a maintain...:ohwell: again....:ohwell:

    What is your theme for tomorrow? I'm gonna think on it and let you know mine in the morning...Nitey Nite All!

    Julie :flowerforyou:
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Hi all, I am back and just wanted to post before i get to working out during BL tonite....

    Julie~~I too just finished a very healthy dinner, I got the chicken recipe off of this site and i love it!!! had that with some brocolli florets seasoned in italian seasoning...they were great!!!!~~I have slacked up big time with the working out, i have gained a back the 10 pounds i lost from the beginning of the year and very frustrated about it~~the kids are doing great, the oldest graduates in June and is headed into High School...can you belive that LOL

    Lucy~~thanks for pointing me in this direction, i love it here...

    Bebe~~Julie is right you have to get calcium in one way or another....I hope you do take supplements...My issue is the opposite...i love whole milk and can get down to 2% but not less than that..the watery milk makes me gag LOL...I did however find this milk that it fat free but its creamy darn cant think of the name of it off the top of my does cost a lil more but it beats drinking whole milk everyday.

    I am doing the 200 sit-up challange with my sister and i have to do my initial evaluation today, to see how many i can get done...

    have a great evening everyone

    :heart: Yari :heart:
  • good a heeters didnt get to do any walking for the week now,hope to get some done later after wrk.but im using my easy shaper and doing some weight lifting.
    my theme for today is DO GOOD AND GOOD WILL FOLLOW.,thats just what im gonna do.
    julie and yari i can have milk while eating cereal which i dont usually a plain jane type a gal.i hate bread also.yes im taking caltrate for calcium,which fruit/veggie is high in calcium so i can eat more of thoes?i dont like cheese,yogurt nor milk all of them will spoil in my fridge with ease.but i love a good butter.and if i wer on a dersert island pls throw me a case of beer :bigsmile: i dont need any food LOL,well looks like most of us had a healthy dinner,so whats for breakfast ?i dont know as yet,but itwill be something strange.maybe some eggs and casear salad,i have a bag of c salad and it almost on its way out,and it kills me to throw away food when so many people out there dont have a thing to most of my meals today will consist of c salad.i hope i have some uninvited guest over today to help us out with this stuff.
    yari im doing 30 sit ups a day on my ez shaper,200 will be a major step for me,how many did you started out with at first?and thoes 30 i do are in stages,so kudos to you
    will be back later during the afternoon
    julie i pm you monday with my info did you get it?if not let me know ok
  • Hi everyone...HI YARI...OMG I am soooo glad I found you! Anyway, Matt turns 18 today...I promise I will post birthday pics today too. For now I have to get my son's BD on track.

    Julie - Really quick, Korma is an Indian dish and its come in veggie, chicken, pretty much anything. I will post a recipe later today too...I promise!!!!


    P.S. BeBe you are keeping up better then you are too fast!!! LOL :laugh: Talk later!!! I'm so happy!!! :happy: :happy: :heart: :smooched: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers!

    Wednesday Weigh In reports a ..........maintain. Second week. NOW, having said that, I know I'm losing some inches. I can feel it in my clothes but I don't measure again until the 15th. So, all in all, not too bad. I would bet if I stay on track this week I'll see a 2 pound loss next week. That seems to be my pattern lately. Maintain for 2 then lose 2. It alll averages out to a pound a week so I'm good with it.

    My theme for today is Whole Wheat Wednesday. Gonna have a serving of triscuits at lunch and whole grain pasta for dinner.

    Find a theme, focus on something and DO IT!! We can do it HEETers! :flowerforyou:

    At the office so no time to chat but I'll read and post later this afternoon...

    Julie :bigsmile:
  • Good morning HEETER gals. You all ROCK. Keep going and share your motiviation with me. Just popping in to say I'm here. Off to doctor appointment this a.m. will post later.

    Welcome, Yari.

    Go, Lucy! Enjoy Matt's 18th birthday. It is a big one for him and I want to wish him a Happy Happy Birthday with the sun shining today. Hooray!

  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Good Morning heeters!! :happy: How is everyone doing? I am doing well, I got up this AM and did Day 2 of the 200 sit up challenge, I feel great!!! I managed to do thefour sets that they have and then the last set you go for as many sit ups as you can, I managed 10…which gave me a total of 49 sit ups…yesterday I managed 30….I have packed my gym bag and I will hit the gym during my lunch break for some cardio..I have lost 1 pound since joinging yesterday LOL….I also pack my healthy lunch snacks and breakfast…

    Bebe~~Hi whats easy shaper?? … well at least youre getting your supplements in..i don’t know what fruits and veggies are hgigh in calcium, but can def find out for you…I had my special K with a banana for breakfast, a cup of coffee and some water~~I went on line and found this challenge called the 200 sit up challenge…it starts you off slow,so for my initial test I came in at 19, according to that it figured that on my first day I can do 30 sit ups with 60 second rest in between. Day 2 which was today, I managed to do 49 sit ups again with rest in between….

    Hi lucy!!!!! I made it girl LOL I :heart: :heart: it here btw…even the home pages are cool!!!! Wow 18 we had my nephew turn 18 this year…it wonderful to see them growing into wonderful men…congrats hun and a big happy 18th birthday to Matt:flowerforyou: ~~looking forward to that recipe hun….

    Julie~~great job with maintiaing…I am having whole wheat pasta for lunch with grilled chicken and broccoli….

    Hazel~~Thanks for the welcome

    My theme for today IS WATER WATER WATER….I am slacking big time in that department…it used to be where I could drink up to 160oz easily and now I am struggling to even drink 20 oz…not good….SO TODAY I WILL CHUG CHUG CHUG :drinker:

    Well back to work for me…Have a great day all

    :heart: Yari :heart:
  • Weigh (way) to go, Julie. Good going and keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to us all.

    Yesterday was a bummer for me. Busy with Bible study and eating too much snack and killing my calorie count. Picked up chicken pot pie for a friend who is recovering from pneumonia and toe amputation and ate 1/2 of mine for lunch and left over for dinner with creamed spinach all from Boston Market. Way too much sodium for me.

    But, she introduced me to South Beach Living dark chocolate covered soynuts. Yummy and it would cover my chocolate fix. Calories 100.' Fat cal. 160, total fat 6g. trans fat 0. total carb 9g. So I had 2 new things tried yesterday. Will not return for the pot pie because of sodium. Mary is her name. She is a very intelligent person and I think I can learn a lot from her about diabetic diets, carbs and exercises I need to do. She knows pilate and is willing to teach me. I am excited to learn how to use the pilate ball as I bought one a few months back and it is still in its original box. :frown: :huh:

    Today, Wednesday, I promise to log onto my food diary which I have done for my brunch at IHOP. Boy, I know now, I cannot eat there on a regular basis. 700 plus calories for the one meal. But, I am full though I must admit, I felt guilty while enjoying my food. Therefore, it really wasn't an enjoyment completely though I was sharing a meal with DH.

    We had a doctor appointment for follow up this a.m. and report was really good. Pound loss since last month's visit so that is good. every scale seems to be different, huh? Oh well, as long as it is headed in the right direction, that is good. My blood sugar last month was good and we didn't do blood test today but had a change in medication dosage on Byetta. That should decrease my insulin injections and hopefully will result in my getting off of them totally. wouldn't that be awesome? Think once I am off those injections, the weight loss should be better. It is so hard to lose with those injections.

    But, I am here, I am focused on healthy eating and exercising and am going to the pool this afternoon with my friend for some water aerobics. YEA!!!

    Yari, welcome back. Though this is our first meet, I know you will be happy to be part of this great group. Lucy and Julie, Cindy and Bebe has been awesome motivators and so kind in assisting with my problems. I know they will be able to encourage you as well. We don't focus on the weight gains, but on the losses as they occur. So, come on and jump on the band wagon.

    Toni, Kath, Steph, how are you gals doing? We would love hearing from you. Spring is here and so we will all have a spring in our step. Come on now, we can do it all together.

    Have a wonderful "over the hump" Wednesday. We are headed to the weekend and a busy one at that with Easter Sunday coming up fast. No meal figured out yet.:heart::heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi HEETERS! I'm late today on everything. I am here and doing well. Healthy foods and tons of water. I am going to go feed the birds and do my 3 mile watp workout. I'll post more later. Have a great day! Cindy :heart:
  • Great idea, Yari. Chug Chug Chugalog....drink that H2o I need to do that today. I am really struggling with getting in my 8 oz. So here I go .... singing .... CHUG CHUG CHUG A LOG ......:drinker: :drinker:
  • Hi girls!

    I've uploaded my birthday pic with my twin brother Nathan. We turned 44 on 4/4, neat huh! :smile: Anyway, while I don't particularly like my pic, I like the whole pic of us...we don't have very many and this day was particularly nice which is why this is my favortie picture. :heart:

    Cindy - Sorry to hear about the dog situation, I think that is ridiculous! I agree with Julie about the mace or something to protect yourself. Good for getting your walking in though and this whole problem you didn't loose your focus, YAHOO!!!

    Julie - My goal for today is the same at Yari's. I need to drink water and make sure I get my fill. Here is a link for veggie Korma, I thought it would be easier than typing it. It is one of my favorite dishes of all time.

    I got my hair done and it looks pretty good I think. I wanted something funner because I was feeling dull. So I got chunkier highlights and cut a little shorter.

    Hazel - thanks so much for the PM about Matt. He said to tell you that was "nice". You are doing great in your goals, don't let little things discourage you, plus bible study, that's great!

    Yari - I'm so glad you came over. I was really missing you!! Is the 200 sit-up challenge something you and your sister made up? if not, where did you find it?

    For Matt today, we went shopping and opened up his first checking account. I need to help him with learning all that stuff before he ships out in Sept. We then went to McD's where I ate some french fries (oops) and the apples/grapes/yogurt snack. I didn't eat the walnuts because of my allergies. It was 50/50 good for me. :embarassed:

    During our shopping trip, I bought a book entitled "The Gospel of Food: Everything You Think You Know about Food is Wrong" by Barry Glassner. I can't wait to read it. I'll let you all know about it when I'm finished, hopefully it is interesting and informative...LOL, I'm not being sarcastic either.

    Anyway, I'll check back later!
  • Lucy, nice picture of you and your brother. I can see the love that you share that is so very special.

    Think spring is in the air with us girls having to have our hair fixed for spring. I had mine done last week and boy, does it feel good. No more gray. oops. I got is with highlights and it looks very good plus wearing my hair slightly differently styled with some whispy bangs. Like it for now.

    Drink water....that's what I need to do .... now. My friend won't be able to meet me at the pool and DH is home. My schedule feels awkward right now. What to do. What to do. Think I will go and drink some water.

  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers,

    Bebe, glad you are getting some calcium. It is *really* important Salad for breakfast? Interesting. I've never thought of it. I wouldn't be able to handle a ceasar salad that early buy maybe something else. I'm gonna have to think on it now! :happy:

    Yari, sorry to hear you gained so much back but with the way you work out I'm sure it will come off again real soon! Way to go for Chug A Lugging!

    Hazel, I hope you got your water goal in today. Keep on chugging. Add some lime juice or lemon juice, maybe that will help. What about some tea? Decaf, no sugar of course, but green tea is fine and very healthy!

    Cindy, sorry things are so crazy for you right now. Slow down and focus so you can get yourself back on track and you can accomplish all your daily tasks.

    Lucy, great pictures! I think your brother is cute! And the background...Michigan all the way. I could almost smell it! Tell me what you think of that book when you're done. I'm intrigued. Also, I couldn't wait for your description of Korma so I researched it. Indian...lots and lots of ingredients and something I haven't mastered yet. I like *curry* type dishes but haven't been able to create anything at home that I would consider *good*.

    HEETERS! I need some new breakfast ideas. I eat my egg every morning because I need the protein but I'm kind of getting bored. I don't do Protein bars or shakes so what can you throw out my way that has a lean protein? I'm gonna do some Egg Muffins with a slice of cheese and tomato for a while and see how long that works but I need something else to fall back on. Any ideas? I have plenty of lean pork and chicken...whatcha got??

    Well, that's about it for now...I'll check back a little later...

  • Julie, check out the link I posted earlier, the recipes aren't as hard to follow as they seem. I don't grind the whole seeds and stuff if I don't have to, I just buy them already crushed or ground or whatever. I just love Indian food and once even made it for our Easter was great! I was encouraged when I found a store that sells nothing but Indian food ingredients so I'm not spending a whole lot of $$ either. Anyway, because we are into healthy foods, Indian food is VERY healthy, another reason why I like it so much I guess.

    I think I got gyped in the looks department as far as twins are concerend. Nathan is good looking and thin too, why me???

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    :heart: Hi Heeters, Things are great with me! I hope you all can say the very same! :smile: I did my 3 mile watp before lunch. I think I'm going to up my outside walk to 3 miles a day starting tonight. I love exercise! :heart: So has everyone been drinking their water today? How about eating your fruits and veggies? I plan my meals first thing in the morning so I can be sure I'm adding and eating all the healthy things I need to eat. Julie, Have you tried Jennie-o breakfast turkey sausage? I love this stuff. Hey guys, have you tried any new foods lately? I bought an avacado last night that I'm going to slice up to try with turkey taco salad. I also bought some Fage greek style yogurt. I'm going to mix some triple berry blend berries into it for tonights snack. I love yogurt and eat it every day. Many people on mfp seem to think Fage is super yummy . We shall see. :smile: That darn dog is still looming. If I have to go walking without dh again I'm carrying a baseball bat. Dh is feeling better and I don't seem to be catching it . :smile: I'm all ready for Easter now. Dd 10 still believes in the Easter Bunny so I do it up BIG! :heart: Ya know what,:bigsmile: I'm going to be 36 in a little over a week and I still love coloring eggs at Easter. :blushing: I hope everyone is having a great day! I'll be back later on, Cindy :heart:
  • Julie - Also, this website I posted for Indian food has some breakfast ideas. I think I'm going to try some soon. Let me know if you do.
  • Julie - have you tried baked eggs?
    In a custard cup you put in

    1/4 t butter,
    1 slice thin deli ham,
    1 egg,
    sprinkle cheese over top
    Put cup in pan with hot water about 1/4 to 1/2 way up the custard cup. Bake in hot water bath for about 15 min. or until you like it. I think its on 350.
    Top with fresh chives when you take it out. It is good and pretty easy. They also keep pretty well so baking in morning and taking to work for later has worked well for me too.

    I will let you know about that book too.

    Cindy - congrats on getting all of your walking done. I tried Fage for the first time yesterday with some honey and it was awesome. I was planning purchasing some on my next shopping trip. I love avocado by itself and with anything. Have you tried artichokes? those are a fav too and easy to make. I just trim them and then steam them. Yummo.

    I haven't yet decided on an easter dinner yet. Not sure what we are going to do.

    Welp, I think I've broken my record for number of posts in a day. I'll probably be back later too! :laugh:

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Lucy, I have never had an artichoke. What does it taste like? I like most veggies. I want to start trying 1 new thing a week. Cindy :heart:
  • Cindy - you have to try an artichoke then. I'm not sure how to say it tastes it is unique. But very yummy. Don't try the frozen or canned or anything though, those taste way different than fresh. The artichoke is actually the flower bud of a thorn plant! (just some trivia) I can't wait for you to try it and let me know what you think.

    To prep, you want to trim the bottom stem off so it will sit flat. Trim off the thorny points so you don't poke yourself when you are eating. Put in a pot of water about 1/4 to 1/2 way up and bring to boil, once boiling, turn down to simmer and cover. It usually takes about 20 min or so to be finished but doneness depends on your own taste so you will have to experiment with it. But it is totally worth the effort and experimenting.

    To eat, you would take off a leaf and scrap along your bottom teeth. The bigger the leaf the more you get. Once you reach the choke part, which you can't miss, they are like little hairs that will choke you if you swollow them. You need to cut that out, which takes practice, and then eat the heart, which is the best part. I dip in melted butter and my son loves to dip in a little mayo, but not alot.

    I'm want to refer my directions to Julie though because I think she has a better handle on techniques. but this is pretty much how I do it and I've never been disappointed.

    Let me know what you think!

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