Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Good Morning HEETers! Old and New!! :flowerforyou:

    Wonderland, so sorry to hear about all your troubles. I have been so looking forward to you joining us and have been meaning to drop you a note. Even if you can't pop in daily please pop in once in a while and give us updates! I totally understand your situation and really wish things were better for you and your son. Poor little guy. :heart: You are in my thoughts and I hope for speedy recoveries for you both.

    Suzi! Hey old friend!! I can't believe you found us! You must have gone back to the old thread on MCC and read the last posts to find us. We are really enjoying this site much better. Food journal is just as easy if not easier (when I actually log my food, lol!) and the message boards are better. Friendlier people with lots more motivation and support. I'm glad you found us but sorry to hear about the scale moving upward. I hope your ski trip was fun though! Are you gonna stick around? We'd love to have you!

    Hazel, I'll respond when I get back home later this afternoon.

    As usual, not much time for me as it's the morning. The alarm didn't go off this morning. It does that rhyme or's never really worked right but my internal clock always gets me up. I wanted to get up early today and get on the Elliptical but I'm running out of time...

    Make it a great day everyone! I'll *see* you when I get home...

  • lucyfan2009
    Good morning everyone!

    I had an awesome birthday thanks to all my well wishers and song singers!!! I will post a picture later of me and my brother, we are twins, and this is the first time in a long, long time we were able to spend our birthday together with no troubles at was awesome!

    I can't post much now but will later today.

    Lucy :smooched:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good Morning HEETERS! Lucy I'm so gald your birthday was so special. A twin? That's so cool! Hazel, oh my friend. Please feel free to ask for help whenever you need it. About the food and exercise logging. I feel it is vital to keep us accountable. I also think it is a must so you can go back and see what you've eaten in the past if you need to. It's very east to do. I like to enter all my food first thing in the morning so I know what I'm eating all day and can adjust if need be. Entering exercise is important too. What do you think your doing wrong? I AM SO PROUD OF YOU HAZEL! You are doing great! I will help you however I can. I'm going to send you my email addy. Please let me know how I can help. Julie, Have a great day friend! Welocome to the new Heeters and waving to Debbie, Bebe, Kath- :flowerforyou: ttfn--Cindy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    HEETER Sistas, good morning. It is a fine morning. It is Monday and the sun is out. It was a bit nippy this morning as I left for the gym and still trying to warm up but I know it is going to be a good day. My mind is trying to stay positive as I look for ya'll's suggestions and support.

    Cindy, if I knew what I was doing wrong, I would change it. I think one of the things is that I don't seem to be able to stay focused or concentrated on one thing for too long. Too many things I would like to do and I am used to putting myself on schedule. When that schedule goes off, everything else seems to go with it.

    Thank you Debbie for the suggestion of drinking water BEFORE going to exercise and drinking that milk AFTER the exercise. I fixed some nonfat dry milk this morning before I left for the gym and did finally remember to drink some just now. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This is for your great suggestions and music along with your quotes, recipes and all that you encourage with. :smile: :smile: :smile: :heart: :heart:

    Bebe, I know it is hard to post when you work. But post when you can... we miss hearing from our Bahama BlackChick Sista. 'kay? Looking forward to hearing from you again real soon.

    Julie, feeling much better this morning, I pray. Take it easy at work and remember, take a deep breath and a walk if need be to stay healthy. Looking forward to hearing from you tonight.

    Today was my last day with the personal trainer so if it's going to be, it's gonna have to be up to me. I have decided to keep my 7:30 a.m. schedule at the gym and learned there is a 6:30 p.m. water aerobics class that is no extra charge at the gym on Tuesday and Thursday so will do that.

    Don't know why I had a bout with drop of my blood sugar this morning. That was bad. Perhaps because I ran out of fresh fruit for breakfast and didn't have any this morning? Hmmmm. Need to get to the market so that won't happen again.

    Still looking for ideas for Easter. it's hard when we don't eat much anymore as there is only DH and myself. Any suggestions anyone? Thought of cornish hen but then he tells me he doesn't like it. Isn't it strange after all these years, he is telling me only now? I love those little things. Shucks!

    Lucyfan, you rascal. How neat is that to have a twin? I am so happy to hear that you had a wonderful birthday celebration together this year. That is sooooo neat! Waiting to see your picture.

    Toni, Kath we would love hearing from you too. We haven't forgotten about you. Just jump on in and share or voice your opinion and suggestions. After all, we are sisters here and we won't beat you up. ha. ha. I can vouch for that. This is a great support group and everyone is very friendly if you haven't learned that by now with reading the postings. Soooo just jump right in and let us know how you are doing.

    Ya'll have a super fantastic day. I need to get off and do something constructive around this house for a change. :smile: TTFN. BBL.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, I am sorry if I sounded harsh. :flowerforyou: I do want you to email me . I would love to help you stay on track if I can. We all struggle from time to time. I know you can do this! I believe in you! Like Julie says " The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time." I love this quote. :smile: It's soo true one bite at a time. Take it day by day ,step by step. Life's a cinch inch by inch. You Can go to the gym by yourself:smile: . Time with that personal trainer taught you what you need to do on your own. In regards to logging your exercise. All you do is go to your exercise page for the day and search for the exercise you did and put in the minutes you did it. It will show you how many calories you burned. Then click on add this exercise. It should show you the exercise you just did plus your weekly exercise calories burned and time totals. Just play around a bit with this web site . You'll get the hang of it. :smile: It's just myself and dh and 2 kiddos for Easter this year. I'm making a small ham, Mashed sweet potatoes and some kind of veggie. I'm also making a sugar free chessecake . I love , Love , Love sauted cabbage with ham cubed up in it. The leftover ham will go in that. :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Thanks so much, Cindy. Do not have your email address. If you send it to me, then I will add to my address book. You are such a sweetie. I need to get ready to hit Walmart for a Easter card and gift card to mail to my daughter and then to the pool I go. TTFN. Hazel

    P.S. Posting as I go on my diary log. Hope this helps. Here's to my first day with a brand new attitude.:laugh: :laugh:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, I sent you a message on this site with my email addy. Go to your home page on this site and you should see a pink link that says you have 1 new message. Click on it. Great job on the pool! Go Hazel Go!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, Glad everyone is doing well. It is with much sadness that I have elected to leave the group. There are some personal things going on in my life right now and frankly I don't know where I am going to be or what I am going to be doing.....but there will be changes.

    I am glad for the friendships I have made here and before with some of you that followed me here. I want you all to be excited about your life and the journey of good nutrition and embrace the rewards. You are all doing a wonderful job and I know you are going to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

    I still intend to continue on my journey as well, and will continue to log, and journal I just don't have the time to devote on the message boards at this point in time.

    God Bless each and every one of you.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Ohhh Debbie, I am so sad to see you go. I pray you are ok. Please pop back in off and on if you can. We will miss you! :frown: Cindy
  • hazelmichling
    Debbie, I am so saddened by your news. Do what you must, but don't ever say never. Continue on your journey, I know you can do it because you have so many bright ideas and great motivational information and tips for us plus that music that I loved to listen to. Really hate to see you leave just as I am getting to know you.

    With that, I like to say, "just say is not goodbye; just until we meet again." Come back at anytime you are ready to join us again or post from time to time to let us know how you are. Take care of your health and always remember your HEETER Sistas.

    Love you. Happy Easter and remember, Jesus died for you and will be with you no matter where you are physically and spiritually. We will celebrate because .... HE Lives. How do I know He lives? He lives in our hearts. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :sad: :sad: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Cindy, sorry, I did what you said ... Home page ... no pink link found. :sad:
  • stephelliott
    Hello everyone! I would love to be a part of your group, as I am having a difficult time seeing any improvement on my weight! I just started basically a week ago, but I want instant results lol.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hello HEETers!!

    ~~Spank, Spank~~ Hazel!! :tongue: I went back and read your post from late yesterday. You are doing an AWESOME job!! You lost almost 2 pounds in 1 week! The recommended amount is NO MORE than 2, anything more than that and you are likely to regain it, and then some. This is what happens with "Dieters". They lose it fast by doing some gimmick thing then when they stop the gimmick they regain everything and usually more. That's why you have to have a change of have to realize that this is a life changing event, but one that can be painfree and enjoyable. One that will TAKE TIME and LAST over time. Retrain your brain. Never give up any certain food, just turn it in to something healthier. One of my favorite examples is pizza. We never gave it up. It's our end of the week treat. We just gave up all the fatty meat toppings and now eat Ham, Pineapple and extra Tomato Slices. We did this because we can live with it forever without feeling guilty *or* deprived. Look at all the exercise you are doing! You are an amazing MACHINE!! And you are building muscle. Muscle is the furnace that burns fat. People either don't realize this or they refuse to accept it. Muscle is the mechanism in our body that actually raises our metabolism, even during rest. The more muscle we have the more calories we will burn, even in our sleep. Muscle weighs more than fat. As you increase your exercise your body will be *transitioning* as you lose the weight and gain muscle mass. Trading one for the other. Does that make sense? Are your clothes fitting better/looser? If they are then that's undeniable PROOF that what you are doing is working and the *transition* is taking place. This is why it is SO important to measure. The recommendation for measuring is every 6-8 weeks. I choose once a month on the 15th because it's easy for me to remember. Measure your neck, bust, right arm (in the middle between your shoulder and elbow), waist (around your belly button), hips (around the biggest part of your butt), right thigh and right calf. Try to get a good mental picture of where you measure and try to hit the same spots everytime. In addition, you are already seeing good results with what you have done so far. You said you have gotten your sugar under control. That is HUGE and is a great accomplishment in and of itself, regardless of anything else. Lastly, if you are having trouble logging all your foods here go to MyPyramid.Gov and get yourself a personalized food pyramid. I think it's pretty generic and I find the calorie count a little on the high side but I'm not a *strict* counter anyway. I'm just shooting to cover the basics everyday, you know, a couple fruits, a couple dairy, a few veggies, lean protein and whole grains. Between the basic food groups and your exercise there is NO WAY you can fail!! And WE WON'T LET YOU!! :love: :love:

    Lucy, so glad to hear you had a terrific birthday. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures. And a twin? How fun!!

    Debbie, sorry to hear you have decided to leave the group. I hope things work out for you and yours and you are always welcome here. Pop in on us when you can and let us know how you are progressing. Keep up all the good work you've already done these past couple of months and blessings on your journey to a new you. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy (and Hazel) you have sent your wind this way! It is incredibly windy today! And supposed to be worse tomorrow. Unfortunately, it's a hot wind so I can't turn the air off but it's supposed to cool down tomorrow after our rain moves through this eveneing.

    I heard from my doc this some test results back...blood work is A-OK, sort of. Sugar is normal but my Cholesterol is a little high. Not in the *danger* zone, just in the borderline region, and I mean *just*. Within a few points either way. My bad is high and my good is low. Nothing that can't be fixed through proper diet and exercise so I'm relieved about that. Still waiting to hear back on the EKG and Chest X-Ray, but like I said, I'm not expecting anything too serious out of those either.

    Well, DH just got home so I think I'll go visit with him for a bit and maybe get dinner started. I'll check back later this evening...

    Hugs to my HEETers!!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey Steph!! Welcome to our Group! You and I were posting at the same time. Pull up a chair and sit a while with us! We'll keep you motivated and you'll see that scale moving in NO time! :laugh:

    Hazel...just above where I am typing this message there are blue *tabs* running across the top of the screen. Right next to where it says myfitnesspal, the very first one will say "My Home". Click on that one and it will bring you to your "Home Page". Like Cindy said, you should see a flashing pink box that says something like " have 1 Message". All you have to do is click on it. OR you can go to your home page (like described above) and underneath the My Home tab will be some more links. I think one of them says Mail, or Messages or Inbox...something like that, I can't remember. You can access your mail box from there as well. Any problems let us know...

    Off to chat with DH for a bit...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi GUYS ! Hazel I'm going to resend my email addy. Let me know if you get it. You have to be on your home page to access your mail. Julie I'm soo glad your test results are good. Keep up with this new way of life and your cholesterol will be in check in no time. Welcome Steph! Julie we MUST have sent you the wind because it's only a tad breezy here today. DH is sick with a cold so I went for my 2 mile power walk this afternoon after lunch. I had my toddler in a stroller and DD 10 was on her scooter and I did the 2 miles in 29 minutes. Wow was I in the zone. My monthly "friend" has stopped by so I didn't feel up to my watp workout. I did do some free weight reps and I plan to walk again tonight. I get terrible cramps with my TOM but this month I don't feel as bad. It must be the healthy eating and exercise. I'm sad Debbie is leaving us. I realy hope she's ok. Well Heeters I'm going to go play with the kiddos. :smile: I'll be back later on. Have a great afternoon everyone. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Cindy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • blackchick38
    hey there guys ,sorry i was MIA
  • blackchick38
    hey there sorry that i was mia,was a bad bad girl for those few days.was on a balling spree and i tend to go missing when thoes spells hit me.julie i need spanking.thank god for all the weight training that i had been doing because thats what keept the weight of.TOM is visiting me and came with bad cramps,so im nursing myself.going to take a warm realaxing bath after i finish reading the post that you guys have been so busy doing.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Bebe, I can totally relate on the TOM thing! It sucks! :frown: Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, I though of an easier way to get to talk to ya via email. Click on my username cindysunshine to the left above my picture. When you get to my profile click send message at the top of the page. Send me your email addy and I'll send you a message and voila! We can communicate via email. :bigsmile: Cindy :heart:
  • blackchick38
    wow its so sad to see debbie go,she was so motavational and kept me in track with her quotes on the day.each day i looked forward to reading them to keep me going.debbie you are loved and will be missed :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    wonderland i pray that baby boy gets better very soon,its so painful to see your own kids get sick. :cry: we will be here for ya girl.
    happpy belated bday goes out to lucy and your twin,hope you live to enjoy many healthy more.
    julie how are you feeling today,you try to ease up on smoking and work stressing and i will do like wise with the ALCOHOL:bigsmile: .rest rest and more rest take advantage of it
    cindy a 18lb cat,what in the world do he eat?you and my mom are alike,she loves amimals.she has 5 dogs,7puppies and 4 cats 3 kittens.and TOM does sucks :sick: .
    hazel how are you,thank you for the weights tips,i usually take mines to work,no i can add in thoes one you posted.
    going to read some more cuz i know i missed a few.