Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • hazelmichling
    Julie, thanks for the offer. One of my friends on FB took the time to figure it out for me. I would be happy to share the recipe and see if you come up same. She just got like an estimate on calories only. I will see if I can "copy" it from her face book where I sent to her and then try to "paste" it in here to you. But tomorrow. It's late already and I think i need to get to bed.

    My future son-in-law is here working on something but I will let my DH take care of him. I fed him dinner, gave him dessert and he is full. My job accomplished. Ha.

    I want you to know, why you are so specail. You don't mind doing stuff others don't. you will come out smelling like a ROSE in the end. Keep on being you and doing all that you do. I know, I for one, appreciate what you do for us gals here on our Motivation and Support board. I am soooo glad I found you. LOL. I spend too much time searching for this and that but end result..... I made it.

    Debbie, Lucy and Cindy .... hope your evening is going well and we will look for you tomorrow. Bebe, listen to sister Julie and don't stay out too late.

    Kath, again, welcome, and you too Toni. Get well soon, Toni.

    Night all....:heart::heart: :heart: :love: :yawn: :yawn: :smile:
  • hazelmichling
    Here is the recipe, Julie.

    24 oz (2 cans Fat Free Less Sodium) Chicken Broth
    8 oz orzo pasta (about 1 cup)
    8 oz calamari, whole bodies and tentacles
    8 oz shrimp, peeled and deveined
    2 zucchini, sliced lengthwise, about 1 inch wide
    1 Japanese eggplant, sliced lengthwise, about 1 inch wide
    2 Roma tomatoes,havled lengthwise
    1 (15 oz) can cannellini (white kidney beans), drained and rinsed
    3 cups Spinach
    3/4 cups chopped fresh basil leaves
    1/4 cup chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
    2 lemons, juiced
    2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil (I think this can be cut down some)
    1 1/2 tsp kosher salt (also can be reduced)
    1 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • hazelmichling
    Good morning all. Today is a brand new day to put our best smiles on our faces and our positive attitudes in front of us looking at our healthy goals and smaller dress sizes. YEAH!

    Debbie, I pray you are feeling much better this morning after applying the cold and hot compresses on your calves last night. Hope you had a great night's sleep and ready to take it a little easy on your legs today giving them some rest. I like to take motrin to help relieve any pain I may get.

    Julie, I did enter my points on the spreadsheet but didn't know the formula to get my totals. it's been too long since I worked spreadsheets, I guess. But perhaps it's because my brain is in RETIREMENT mode. LOL. Would you please check that if I did it right and then put in my formula for me. THANKS.:heart::heart:

    Need to get off the computer and get my day started. Daylight is breaking....wonder if i can get myself out that door and walk some. Oh, no! Still too dark for me. Maybe I should start with my breakfast.

    Waving to Lucy, Cindy, Bebe, Kath, Toni, Debbie and Julie and all that follows....:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Good Morning Heeters, well feeling a little better this morning, but going to take it easy. Rain is to settle into our region this afternoon so going to get my errands ran beforehand. Was reading an article this morning and want to share it with you, and its on the importance of dairy, and getting that milk that is great for your metabolism into your daily intake. So here is what I found:

    Research has proven that following a workout over a 12 wk. study of two groups of participants those that drank milk verses those that drank sports drinks of equal calories gained 63% more lean muscle. Rehydrating with low-fat or fat-free milk (even chocolate) provides an ideal mix of nutrients for repairing tiny muscle tears and replenishes electrolytes so you feel rejuvenated fast. Wow! So get that dairy in, especially following your workout, because it does your metabolism good.

    Quote today: "Life is a process with a framework of comprehension, communication and involvement" Kair Kuman Keeno

    The key phrase I want everyone to grasp with this quote today, is "Life is a Process" takes time, and we have to work through and push through to acheive our goals. Anything worth having is definitely worth fighting for. We would fight for our families, our jobs, our church, our neighbors, our children, our friends, our homes, the causes we have a connection to and believe in, why not do a little something for YOU.....believe and accept, adopt and adapt the concept that YOU ARE WORTH IT.....YOU ARE WORTH THE FIGHT, THE STRUGGLE, THE SACRIFICE......GET THE PAYOFF YOU DESERVE......WRITE THAT PAYCHECK TO YOU....WHAT ARE YOU WORTH....WRITE IT DOWN AND PUT IT WHERE YOU WILL SEE IT EVERYDAY....

    Mine says, $145.00 and it represents my goal weight 145 lbs., not based on statistics, but what I want for myself....and where I would be content with myself. Perhaps your check will represent the amount of weight you want to lose....(that's okay too) that case mine would be 152.00 the amount I would need to lose originally before beginning my journey. So with that said, I would be giving myself a little raise.....that's okay too. So what I am doing now, is for every pound I lose I am putting a dollar per pound in a jar, and when I reach my goal I am writing out that paycheck to myself and I am serious. Why? Sound silly? Perhaps.......but I"M WORTH IT!!!!

    I thank you all for sharing in my journey, never before have I felt so determined to turn my life around. I told myself this is a Journey with no End. No U Turn, No turning back......only a process of moving forward.

    Think about it....and have that glass of milk after that work out, it does your body Good!!!!

  • hazelmichling
    Oh, Debbie, you did come through!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I was waiting to hear what wisdom you might have for us today. What a great quote and great statement from you. Regarding putting that $$ for each lb you lose,that is a great idea too since we will need new wardrobe when we get to our goals. Of course, it won't be enough, but it will help. You have a wonderful day and keep that music playing.:heart::heart: :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    And,good hint on that milk. I will start doing that as I struggle with my dairy products. You won't believe how much you gals are helping me.

    I already logged in my breakfast and 1 glass of water thus far. :smile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters. I hope everyone is having a good morning. Debbie I hope you feel better. :happy: Hazel did you figure out how to change your calories? I think this might be easier. Click on help at the top of this web page . Now scroll down to goals. It will explain what to do. I have both my workouts planned. I already logged in all my food for the day. I like logging all of it in the morning so I can see how my calories are going to be for the day. I can adjust if I need to that way. I can't believe it's Thursday already. Time flies when you're having fun! :bigsmile: Have a great day everyone! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Cindy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone, running around today and it must be 68 outdoors, the sun is hot!!! Nice though and the rain is on its way so I'll enjoy the sunny day for now. Did my errands, and got my seeds to plant next week so feel I'm making progress I feel. That's a good feeling. :smile:

    Hazel your recipe sounds good, though I don't know what some of those things are. I love trying new things. Going to try some asparagus this weekend, I've never had it before so if anyone has some tips or recipes please share with me. What is hummus? What's it taste like, bitter? sweet? never had it either......since we are all on the path to eating better I crave trying new things, anyone else feel that way?

    Well need to go get Kayleigh, then off to dinner with the family, but I'll be back later this evening.
    Take care all, love and hugs, Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, Hummus is chick peas , sesame seed paste and olive oil mashed together with seasonings like garlic, roasted red peppers. It is like been dip almost. YUMMY! :tongue:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey everyone, where was Julie, Lucy and Bebe today~well today is almost over and I 'm sure glad. It was a Gone Overboard Day for me today. Didn't start out bad but I just blew my calorie count, sodium and fat out of the water I tell ya. So............alls forgiven.....I enjoyed myself....and once in a great while perhaps we all need to allow ourselves the privledge, but I am ready to begin again, tomorrow ....

    Well see you all tomorrow, just wanted to pop in before going to bed and see if anyone was around.

    nite, Debbie:yawn:

    P.S. thanks Cindy for explaining about Hummus, I see people talking about it alot and didn't know what it was. I'm not a bean dip fan myself, so will probably not be something I will try.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Hey Everyone, Well how is everyone this morning. I am good. No more of the same (yesterday's disaster of meals), I suffered all night. I think I needed it and I know that sounds stupid, but I had been true to myself for 9 wks. and would not eat anything I didn't log. I learnt alot yesterday. As much as we may think we are making wise choices it can be very difficult to know that what we choose is truly OK., not just caloric wise but good for our bodies. I had a cup of sausage gravy and 2 biscuits at bob evans yesterday morning and didn't think it was all that bad a choice. Boy was I ever wrong. The biscuits alone, just about blew my sodium for the day. Now I know I could have gotten other things but I got what I wanted, I said to myself I'm worth it. And I enjoyed it for the most part, til an hour or two later when I was running the the bathroom.

    Then dinner last night with DH and daughter, I got chicken tenders and a baked potatoe and caesar salad, (NO Dessert). I didn't like there chicken tenders, and when the meal was over, wished I had just had the salad. I'm glad I had my Off Program Day. Now you all think I've gone crazy....but ya know I learnt alot yesterday and it just re-confirmed for me that our bodies respond so much better to a healthlier plan. I am so glad I have that as an alternative. The way I ate yesterday was much of the old way and believe me I don't miss it. And that's a great feeling. I like my new life of healthy eating and exercise and I'm glad it was 9 wks. into the plan to see the difference. So I intend to journal all the lessons I learnt yesterday and read over it from time to time to remind myself...but I won't be going overboard any time soon. It was just a day and what a day it was, but I'm not mad, beating myself up or even ashamed.

    I don't wish any of you to have that Off The Wagon Day.....but I do wish for you that if and when you do....(it will happen) I hope it comes at a time when you can really do alot of comparison and healthy evaluation and can see exactly what I am trying to put into words. I am so proud of me....and eating healthy is sooooooooooo much better for our bodies and self-esteem.

    So looking forward to being on program today and wish the same for all of you.

    bbl Debbie
  • lucyfan2009
    Hi everyone (Bebe, Debbie, Julie, Cindy, Hazel, Toni...and all)

    Sorry its been a very hectic few days. I've been trying to keep up with reading and I'm afraid I might miss congratulating someone's milestone so if I did, please forgive me and CONGRATULATIONS! :flowerforyou:

    My birthday is tomorrow, 44, can you believe it!!! OMG...and Matt is turning 18 on 4/8 and I'm trying to figure out what to do for him...still don't know...since he's shipping out in Sept. I want to be careful but thoughtful with what I get him!

    I've been keeping up on my walking and eating okay (most of the time). Debbie, I love your description of "yesterday's diaster of meals", I don't think its funny, but a very good description of how I've been feeling for the last week probably. I also like the quote you just posted about life being a process. It is, and I'm so tired of feeling guilty about everything...!

    Andy has worked a whole week again, Praise the Lord (PTL). It turns out that 6 drivers were voluntaryily layed off and 2 other drivers were moved to the night shift...again PTL we really needed the break!

    Julie- I want my "gumption" back now, as soon as possible. :happy: Also, I wanted to explain a little about advanced hygiene. I'm sorry its taken me so long. Accordng to Jordan Rubin, advanced hygiene is going thru extra steps in the morning and at night to clean out the mucus membranes in your body (eyes, nose, ears, etc.) to help rid your body of any germs you may have picked up during the day. I know it sounds kind of neurotic, at least it did to me, but in his book "The Great Physicians RX for Health and Wellness" he explains it so that it doesn't sound so bad. Does that help? This link will take you to the product description and explains better . I don't do it using these products, but I do try to practice it the best I can with what I can afford.

    Anyway, Debbie, you have a good way of explaining yourself and how you are feeling. I've been talking with my DH and we have decided that we are going to try to eat the biblical way as described in the book named above so we can be better and have a guide. I was glad that he agreed, because he normally balks at anything I try to do that might involve him, at least when it comes to eating.

    I'm currently trying to plan Matt's Open House in June. I was blessed that I found the last all white canopy in my area to reserve. From what I could find, there were no school colors for his HS left. I was starting to worry. We are going to have cake, ice cream sundae bar and cookies with punch. Now I have to figure out the rest of the stuff. Fortunately, we are splitting everything up cost wise with Matt's BF George so the money won't break our bank!

    Boy I have a lot to Praise the Lord about! :laugh:

    Try to post again later,
  • hazelmichling
    Hey there HEETERS! How are ya'll this morning? It is nice and sunny this morning and so far, the wind is light. I have been to the gym and done with my exercise of cardio and strength. Hooray! It is such a beautiful day I am thinking of walking to my Jenny Craig weigh in session about 8 blocks. I know I can do it because I have in past but not recently.Hopefully, my 3 lbs. gain last week has come off. I have certainly given it a good heave ho and good attempt at it.

    Yesterday was a off day for me. Off in everything. I didn't post, I didn't log in my food diary, didn't exercise. I think I over did it day before as I had gone to the gym in am and then to the pool and did water aerobics for an hour. my body was rebelling and letting me know about it. I was still hurting a little in my hips and thighs but managed to do my workout this morning. Concentrated on upper body. Good thing.

    Debbie, I like your willingness to try different kinds of food. Normally I do too. Sometimes I don't know what they are and I am apprehensive to try them. With my recipe, what didn't you know or recognize? About the asparagus, it took me many years to learn to enjoy them because I didn't like the texture and taste of the canned asparagus. But, once I had it fresh in a salad and I have enjoyed them eversince. I have stir fried them with some butter, steamed but not til they were soft...I like them still very firm and the other night I tried them stir fried with carrots and it turned out good, but got too overcooked for my taste.

    Ingredients for Asparagus & Carrots Stir Fry
    24 Asparagus Spears, cut 1 inch diagonally
    6 large Carrots, peeled and cut 1/4 inch thick diagonally
    1/4 cup Water
    1 tablespoon Ground Ginger
    1 tablespoon reduced sodium Soy Sauce
    1 1/2 teaspoon Sesame Oil
    1 tablespoon Roasted Sesame Seed
    Cooking Spray

    1. Coat large skillet with Cooking Spray. Over high heat stir fry carrots for 4 minutes, stirring constantly.

    2. Add Asparagus and water. Stir and COVER for 2 minutes until veggies are barely tender.

    3. Add Ground Ginger. Stir fry until water evaporated. About 1-2 minutes.

    4. Add Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil and Sesame Seeds until veggies are evenly coated.

    Asparagus & Carrots Stir Fry: 98 Calories; 3g Fat

    Lucy, tomorrow being Saturday, hope I don't forget..... but event that I do, i want to take this time to wish you a very Happy Birthday filled with all the special blessings Jesus has just for you. I can see he is already blessing you with your DH being able to have work so many days in a row. I would think if he is a truck driver, he would have plenty work. Does he do cross country driving too? That would be stressful,, I would think. I bet your Matt is excited about graduation, his party and joining the service. It is such an exciting but could be scary part of life. I pray he knows Jesus and can always trust that Jesus will be there for him and guide him with wisdom.

    Well, think this is where I need to go if I am going to walk to my appointment. TTFN.

    Waving to all ... Julie (where are you?), Bebe, Cindy, Kath and Toni. :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile:
  • hazelmichling
    Hey there HEETERS! How are ya'll this morning? It is nice and sunny this morning and so far, the wind is light. I have been to the gym and done with my exercise of cardio and strength. Hooray! It is such a beautiful day I am thinking of walking to my Jenny Craig weigh in session about 8 blocks. I know I can do it because I have in past but not recently.Hopefully, my 3 lbs. gain last week has come off. I have certainly given it a good heave ho and good attempt at it.

    Yesterday was a off day for me. Off in everything. I didn't post, I didn't log in my food diary, didn't exercise. I think I over did it day before as I had gone to the gym in am and then to the pool and did water aerobics for an hour. my body was rebelling and letting me know about it. I was still hurting a little in my hips and thighs but managed to do my workout this morning. Concentrated on upper body. Good thing.

    Debbie, I like your willingness to try different kinds of food. Normally I do too. Sometimes I don't know what they are and I am apprehensive to try them. With my recipe, what didn't you know or recognize? About the asparagus, it took me many years to learn to enjoy them because I didn't like the texture and taste of the canned asparagus. But, once I had it fresh in a salad and I have enjoyed them eversince. I have stir fried them with some butter, steamed but not til they were soft...I like them still very firm and the other night I tried them stir fried with carrots and it turned out good, but got too overcooked for my taste.

    Ingredients for Asparagus & Carrots Stir Fry
    24 Asparagus Spears, cut 1 inch diagonally
    6 large Carrots, peeled and cut 1/4 inch thick diagonally
    1/4 cup Water
    1 tablespoon Ground Ginger
    1 tablespoon reduced sodium Soy Sauce
    1 1/2 teaspoon Sesame Oil
    1 tablespoon Roasted Sesame Seed
    Cooking Spray

    1. Coat large skillet with Cooking Spray. Over high heat stir fry carrots for 4 minutes, stirring constantly.

    2. Add Asparagus and water. Stir and COVER for 2 minutes until veggies are barely tender.

    3. Add Ground Ginger. Stir fry until water evaporated. About 1-2 minutes.

    4. Add Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil and Sesame Seeds until veggies are evenly coated.

    Asparagus & Carrots Stir Fry: 98 Calories; 3g Fat

    Lucy, tomorrow being Saturday, hope I don't forget..... but event that I do, i want to take this time to wish you a very Happy Birthday filled with all the special blessings Jesus has just for you. I can see he is already blessing you with your DH being able to have work so many days in a row. I would think if he is a truck driver, he would have plenty work. Does he do cross country driving too? That would be stressful,, I would think. I bet your Matt is excited about graduation, his party and joining the service. It is such an exciting but could be scary part of life. I pray he knows Jesus and can always trust that Jesus will be there for him and guide him with wisdom.

    Well, think this is where I need to go if I am going to walk to my appointment. TTFN.

    Waving to all ... Julie (where are you?), Bebe, Cindy, Kath and Toni. :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile:
  • lucyfan2009
    Hi Hazel,

    No, Andy doesn't drive over the road he is home every night. He used to drive the 11 western states and would be gone for weeks at a time. Matt was a baby then. Actually Andy's company relies heavily on other business for work so in this economy, they are having a tough time. But this company is family owned for over 100 years, that says something to me and we have been blessed because of it ( think). You are right, we praise Jesus everyday for his blessings and providing for us.

    You are right too, Matt is looking forward to moving on into adulthood. I pray daily that he has made the decision to follow Christ.

    Your asparagus recipe sounds yummy...I'm going to try it...this is one of my favorite veggies and I'm excited because this year I have a source for free asparagus all I want! I can't wait.

    Anyway, we all have days like your yesterday so don't worry, just get up, brush yourself off and go on again. (I need to tell myself that.)

  • hazelmichling
    Lucy, my sister. Yes, we are going to keep on praising for all our blessings. I am so happy you are receiving your dosage of blessings. Thanks for the encouraging words. Pick myself up and brush myself off and keep on. That's what I do.

    Well, gals, I did it! Walked to my weight in. Didn't lose last week's gain, but did lose 1.9 lbs. Hmmm. Think I need to drink my milk like Sister Debbie suggested.

    Hey, where is everyone? I haven't heard Julie, Kath, Toni, Cindy and Bebe on since a couple of days ago. Am I doing something wrong with my little knowledge of computerise? Come on sisters, I am missing you.

    I'll check back later. Today is stay at home day for me now that I have my exercise done for the morning. Time for housework, laundry and all the fun stuff like that. Yuck! I would rather go shopping for windows.

    TTFN. Love you gals. Come on back soon, you hear? :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :smile: :smile: :smile: :sad: :sad: :sad: missing you.
  • lucyfan2009
    Yeah, where is everyone? I'm feeling weird about this?
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters. I see everyone is having a graet day ! GO HEETERS! Lucy , happy birthday to you* happy birthday day to you* happy birthday fellow Heeter * happy birthday to you ! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am an April baby too. Debbie, I'm so glad you learned from your "mistake". Picking healthy foods and doing what's good for us is a learning process. Hazel, Walking to your weigh in after you already hit the gym and did your cardio. YOU ROCK!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Where is everyone else? What's going on with Julie? Hugh. I hope everyone is ok. Well Heeters, I plan to do both my workouts today ,drink my water and eat healthy foods. I need to get some heavier weights and a strength training poster or something. I can for the life of me NOT memorize moves to do with free weights other than bicep curls. :frown: I need to add strength training ASAP. I have an 18 pound kitty cat named Sammy demanding my attention now. SOOOO ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, good to hear from Hazel (thank you for the Asparagus Recipe, and fine endearing complements :smooched: ), Lucy for doing the right thing and re-focusing because you know you are so worth it, Cindy thank you (for all your well wishes and encouragement.

    Now where is Julie? Think we need to send her an SOS~~ Bebe, how are you my dear?

    Well went to the grocery and saved 22.64 with coupons and instore purchase sale items. DD and I are going after school to another where much is on sale. In today's economic times, I am finding it rather fun to bargain hunt and cash in on the savings. Last month for instance I got about $200.00 of groceries for $90...takes time, but you know what they say, time is money, and to save it you have to plan, sorta like counting calories.......LOl

    It is pouring down the rain outdoors, suppose to clear off later tonight and I am hoping a much better day for us tomorrow. Not much on my agenda for the weekend. Going to go over some recipes and work ahead on planning out next weeks menu and thinking ahead to Easter as we are having company and I really want to fix a healthy and delicious Easter Dinner. Bought our ham today, on sale., so I am half way there. Going to do the recipe that hazel gave me for the asparagus and do the Orange Cheesecake for Dessert, and add a few other items but those are the highlights of the meal I am planning thus far.
    What are you cookin up for the holiday?

    bbl Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, Way to go on those savings! I need to become a coupon clipper. Here in Tx things are much more pricey than where we were in Ohio. Milk is close to $5 a gallon here. fresh fruits and veggies are priced way too high. I did get some green grapes for $1.00 a pound last week. I never buy green only purple grapes but I must say they were yummy. All our family is back in Ohio so Easter will be just the dd's and dh and I . I plan on ham and some kind of veggie,deviled eggs ohh mashed sweet potatoes and I think I'll make a suger free cheesecake. I still need to pick up a few things for the Easter baskets. I'm getting ready to give dd her spelling test. ttfn- Cindy :heart: