Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers!

    I shouldn't be doing this right now but just had to share...Boss DW has been in a pretty good mood lately. We've got some pretty good things happening. They are either gonna make us - or break us, for the most part - but they are looking promising so far. Anyway, today he's in one of his best moods and he has also been on his own health kick. When he gets ON IT, he's really on it and he watches what I eat like a hawk. I call him my Personal Food Police. :bigsmile: He and I both weigh in on Wednesday so we always share and talk about what we are doing exercise and eating wise....So I was just out back smoking and he came out of the garage where his office is. He says to me..."I think I'm gonna get some bicycles for us to keep here at the office. That way if we want to run down the street for a cup of coffee or a coke or just take a ride to the beach for 20 minutes or so to clear our heads, we can." Now how cool is that??? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I've mentioned before that this office is a house in a residential neighborhood. We are about 4 blocks off the ocean in a quaint little Seaside Village. Sometimes I walk around the block or across the street to the bank or down the street to the attorney but I'd LOVE a bicycle here to take a quick spin. Heck, I'd even buy my own if he'll let me use it!

    How Cool! :tongue:

    Later HEETers. I'm buried in Spreadsheet and Data Hell right now and will post again as soon as I can...


    ~~Waving at and I were posting at the same time~~
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, Great job on your workout! If you go to your home on this site and click goals you can set your calories by choosing custom. Have a great day! Julie, Thats sooo cool! I want to buy a bike ASAP. Where you work sounds beautiful. Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Julie that's awesome news, glad your boss is in on making the most of his life and eating and exercising. Now just get the rest of the office gang involved. My niece and her office staff signed up on the Biggest Loser Pound for Pound Challenge. For every pound they lose, a pound of food goes to the local food banks to help families. I think it is a great cause and added incentive to do all one can for the good of others. If your boss would ever go for that maybe we Heeters could be included.

    Nonetheless having the bicycles at the work place for breaks and a little recreation is an awesome idea.

    Lucy glad you are feeling a bit more optimistic. Its a new month and the game is on everyone, we can do this.....when the going gets tough, we're here, when you feel the need to cave to a crave STOP, ask yourself 'do I really want that? What's my better choice, or got get busy, take a walk, run an errand, give yourself 20 minutes and see if the craving to your body, are you hungry or bored, hungry or depressed, if your not hungry.....change your mindset....You are worth it.....Nothing Taste As Good As Thin Feels!!!!! Remember that.

    bbl Debbie
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone, was reading an article in my prevention magazine and wanted to share this important info with you.

    It is recommended that 2 hours before your workout drink 15 oz. of water.**(note tip below to make sure you are drinking enough*) Nearly every cell in our bodies is composed of water, without water they do not function properly during exercise. It was proven in research done at California State University that without the water you'll fatigue faster and your workout will feel tougher than it should. In the studies it revealed that those for instance doing strength training completed 3-5 fewer sets as they were dehydrated. **Dehydration decreases the body's levels of anabolic hormore that are necessary for strong muscles.

    :drinker: :drinker: ON YOUR WORKOUT DAYS:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Tip***drink an oz. of water for every 10 lbs. you are in body weight, example 15 oz. of water if you weigh 150 lb.*** Then keep sipping during and after your session to replenish what you lose through sweat.
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Going for my walk, bbl for dinner and more of YOU!!!:wink:
    "Don't Sacrifice, Satisfy"
  • blackchick38
    u ladies move so fast,i cant hardly read all the post im at wrk and sneaking to c whats up.will be back after wrk
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, hope your all having a good day. Have to go back and read all your post. Just getting in from my walk and am in so much pain. I believe I am living proof that when you don't drink enough water before a workout or sipping during a workout that you are going to pay for it. I began my pace a bit too fast before allowing my muscles to stretch and warm up, secondly I don't feel I had enough water in my body as I was only 10 minutes into the walk and was in pain. Middle way through I was in so much pain I didn't know if I would make it back, I did a few stretches and talked my way through and pushed through the pain. My calves are still burning and I've been home about 20 mins.

    With that said, I will make sure from here on out, I have my water in and some with me, and stretch before hand, and start with a leisure pace and build momentum and then cool down.
    It sure is easy to get so comfortable in our routines that we just take off and go and if we forget one little thing, then another and another, before we know it what was enjoyable and something we looked forward to becomes something we dread.

    So one of life's lessons learned today.....and I will not let that happen again!!!! heeters promise :sad: :cry: :sad:

    bbl Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great day! Debbie, I'm sorry about your pain. Yep, you learned a valuable lesson. Water is not an option ladies. It's a must!!!! Drink, drink,drink that water! I feel much better today. I did my 3 mile watp and burned 420 calories. :smile: I will also do my 2 mile power walk later on tonight. I'm soo glad I'm back in the groove. Whats everyone having for dinner? We're having whole wheat spaghetti w/ homemade pasta sauce and turkey meatballs. :tongue: I try to only make pasta once a month. Julie, I don't think I'm going to participate in the points system. I can't get the spreadsheet to work . I have so much to do with homeschooling my daughter and girl scouts that I just cant keep track on my own. I guess I'm spread a bit too thin right now. :ohwell: I will however keep up with the Heeters group and my healthy lifestyle. Ok guys, I must go do laundry now. :grumble: I'll talk to eveyone later. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers...made it home but we have severe weather right now. Thunderstorms and lightning. Already experiencing Florida Flicker and Flash so I may get cut off...

    Debbie, that recipe sounds awesome. I may make that when company gets here in a couple weeks. I'm gonna copy and paste it then print it off. It reminds me of "Push Ups" (Orange Creme Sickles) that I used to get from the Ice Cream Truck! :love: are doing fine with all the computer technology! You found us and you're posting. Did Cindy's explanation help you with your calories? If not, ask it again. We'll help you figure it out.

    HEETErs, I never did tell you...I actually DOUBLED my time on the Elliptical this morning! (20 minutes :blushing: :blushing: ) I just found a groove and kept going. I didn't even care if I was late to the office (even though I wasn't) because I was in The Zone! It's like my body finally said, "Oh Well, get used to it and go with the flow." I earned an extra 120 calories this morning. Gonna need it tonight. It's steak night. I always try to eat my heaviest meal right after weigh in so I have the rest of the week to work it off. On the bright side, I bought some fresh beets and am going to roast them. Never eaten fresh beets before but DH loves them and they are supposed to be super healthy so I'm gonna give them a try. I'll let you know what I think.

    Bebe, I know what you mean about all the posts...

    ***Note to everyone*** When I'm at the office I can read the posts and keep up with what's going on but I usually don't have time to post due to my limited schedule right now. In addition, due to that limited schedule I don't want to get caught typing away in the forum. I don't want them to think I have too much time on my hands because I certainly don't! They are stretching me to the brink as it is. So, I'm always keeping up with what's going on because I keep the board minimized on my desktop, just can't post too often. :sad:

    Well, think I'm gonna get off here for a bit. Seems our storm has blown over for the moment but I'm not sure what's behind it. Looks pretty bright outside though so I think the coast might be clear. I'm gonna read up on my Elliptical and try to figure out what some of the displays mean. There's all kinds of things on it that I have no idea what they represent! LOL!


    Edit...Oh my word...we've already moved on to the second page. There were some posts while I was posting. DH came home and interrupted me for a bit...gonna go back and read...:bigsmile:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ooooh! (((Debbie))) sorry about the calves! As much as I hate to say it, you may have to take a day or two off. Muscle pain from exercise is due to small tears in the muscle tissue that is a result of a gas given off when our body starts using more oxygen. I can't think of the gas right now but I swear it's on the tip of my tongue. Basically we are burning oxygen faster than our body can get rid of the waste by-products and in an effort to escape it starts tearing holes in the muscles. Creepy, huh? You should let your muscles heal or face a lengthier recover time. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy, no sweat on the points. Really. I'm not sure how dedicated I'm going to be to it but it's something that is there for me, and anybody else who wants acces to it, to use a reference. Being a SAHM (Hazel - that's Stay At Home Mom) and home schooling is probably pretty time consuming. And you're on the right track anyway. Just keep it in mind if you need a jumpstart some day! :bigsmile:

    Edit again...Cindy, have to tell you...I used that Greek Spaghetti Sauce and stuffed it in to red peppers the other night for dinner. I didn't even add rice to it which is something I typically do. I just stuffed the peppers. They were SOO good. I've got 1 or 2 left and gonna freeze them for lunches. YUMMY!!

    Ok, now i'm offf...

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie- Thanks for understanding. Those peppers sound yummo! I hope your storms don't get too bad. Have a great afternoon. :flowerforyou: Cindy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Debbie, the term I was looking for was Lactic Acid...but you said yours came on suddenly...after reading some more that sounds more like Muscle Strain...too much, too fast, without a proper warm up. Lactic Acid causes the *delayed* onset of pain, you know, when you wake up the next morning and wonder, What in the Heck did I do yesterday??? Still, the healing process is the same. T.I.M.E. Give it some time Sistah. Let your body heal. :wink:
  • blackchick38
    hey there guys ,just a peak to catch up.on my way to dinner.will be back around 10pm if im not to drunk :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: .
  • blackchick38
    that was a joke,im taking it easy of the alcohol this time around..gone again
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Heeters, I'm back. Boy am I ever in pain:sad: sorry for the whining. I honestly don't know what I did guys. I didn't feel this bad when I walked the first day, like eons ago. Now face it if I had felt this bad the very first day I would have said to myself, "boy girl you really are out of shape", but thats not it. I must have started out on the wrong pace....and I'm a paying for it. Big time.:cry::sad: :cry:

    So okay....I've whined enough......sorry...Julie thank you for the sound advise and taking the time to figure out that term and get back with me. :heart: Good going on maintaining, its okay, that beast is in your routine now and those pounds and inches are gonna drop....good for you 20 mins wow!!! Don't over do it.......slow and steady wins the race my dear sistah!!! I swear we are so much alike its scary, I swear we are related. When I found that recipe last night I immediately thought of the ice cream man that use to come through our trailer park when I was a kid and I would get those orange popsicles with the vanilla ice cream inside. Then when I was in my 20's we use to have a restaurant called "the brown derby" and at the restaurant they had this drink called 'dream sicle" and man I loved to go their just to have a few of those fancy their out of business, darn it!! So I am going to make the cheesecake for Easter since its low fat and low calorie.

    Cindy thank you as well and drink that water honey before that power walk.

    Kathy so glad you have joined us. Hazel, Lucy, Toni, hope your all having a great day. Wonderland your in my thoughts up and can't wait til your back in the fold.

    Well gonna put my tired legs up for awhile and dinner was biscuits and sausage gravy and green beans (comfort food) and cup of hot tea. Tomorrow night DH is taking me out for dinner, steak or chicken haven't decided yet and baked potato and caesar salad are in the plan!!!

    Well if I am not back this evening I will see you all in the a.m.
    have a good one gonna do some healing, silly me.............
  • hazelmichling
    Julie, do you have room for me at your office? LOL. What a wonderful environment to work in and what a DB to join in on the program to encourage you. Special people get treated special, so I guess you are one of them. Lucky you.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Debbie, you're right...I was getting my two ice creams mixed up in to one...A Push Up was Orange Sherbet, the other was an Orange Sicle (or however you spell it), Orange Popsicle with Vanilla Ice Cream in the middle. I LOVED those things. In any event, I still think I'm gonna make it for company. Can you take Aspirin? What about Ibuprofen? I'm an Aspirin-Girl for the most part because Ibuprofen absolutely kills my stomach but I do take it in rare instances. They are both Anti-Inflammatory and it sounds like that's what you may need. Get some of the internal swelling down, you may not see it but it's probably there. Use alternating heat and cold as well if you can. 15 minutes of each. Heat to relax the muscles, cold to take away some swelling. Dang Girl! While you may need to stay down for a day or two...don't let it Get You Down!! You know what I'm sayin'. behave yourself! But I hope you enjoy yourself.

    Beets are done. They smell sweet and earthy. Recipe called for 60 - 90 minutes at 400 degrees. At 60 they were still pretty hard so I set the timer for another 30 minutes. Now I have to wait for them to cool to peel the skins off. Gonna be a late dinner. But, here's what I found out about Beets and why I wanted to try excerpt from Men's Health on the 10 Best Foods You're NOT eating and why you should...Coincidentally, or maybe not, Beets were #1 on the list...

    ***Beets...naturally sweeter than any other vegetable. Think of beets as red spinach. This crimson vegetable is one of the best sources of folate and betaine. These two nutrients work together to lower your blood levels of homocysteine, an inflammatory compound that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. Plus, the natural pigments - called betacyanins - that give beets their color, have been proved to be potent cancer fighters in laboratory mice.***

    The article goes on to say that you should eat beets raw. Heating them can kill some of their antioxidant properties. But, I'm not there yet. I want to try them cooked first. If I lke the flavor then I'm probably more likely to try them raw.

    So, I'm doing something healthy for my heart tonight...and DH's. Kind of off-sets the steak and it's aretery clogging properties (saturated fats.) I'm ok with red meat. I just keep it in moderation. Personally, I'm a carb-freak. That's my main problem. I could probably go the rest of my life with very limited meats and be happy. FAT - but happy!! :laugh: :laugh: That's why I am encouraging variety in everyone's meals. We all probably have a food weakness. Sweets, Carbs, Cheese, Protein, whatever or maybe it's just portion control. We have to be continually searching for new foods and new ways of preparing foods so we can find better alternatives to those choices and foods that got us here. It's the long haul for me HEETers. If you're in this for a quick fix, 10-15 pounds lost, that's fine. But I've got a long way to go and don't ever want to start this process over again. Ever. I want to reach my goal and continue to move forward in my healthy *Life Vehicle*.

    So heres to New Foods, New Finds, Healthier Alternatives and HEETers! I'm gonna go grab some beets!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • OKTBear
    OKTBear Posts: 7
    Happy April Ladies,
    Sorry I haven't posted much. Headache is a little better, 1 more week til I see the doc and find out what he wants to do.

    Welcome Kath. I am new to the group, but these ladies have been wonderful.

    Well, don't have a lot of time to write, I'll try to check back later.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • hazelmichling
    Debbie, so sorry to hear of your pain. Have you tried putting a ice pack and or hot pack on them? You can alternate it with cold and hot. The idea is to relax those muscles and you will be walking sooner than you may realize.

    Julie, Cindy and Debbie ... you too, Bebe, I am really enjoying reading your postings. I have and am having a fantastic day. Despite April fool's day.

    Went to the gym at 7:30 as scheduled, returned that grill I bought the other day, came home, cleaned me some celery to place into the refrig for a fast grab on snack, did my day's Bible study lesson, cleaned one bathroom, had my health lunch (left over calamari and shrimp salad), logged my food diary, went back to the gym and did an hour of water aerobic with a friend, came home, fixing dinner for my DH and future son-in-law who is due here any minute now. Whew! Am I tired or what!

    That dessert you are planning on, Debbie, I know what you mean. Dreamsicle icecream. Yummy! I have a "Creamsicle" cake recipe that tastes like that ice cream made with white cake mix, orange jello and instant pudding mix with cool whip for frosting. YUMMY! But don't know calorie count. Guess I could figure it out. It is very easy to prepare as well and I have made it for pot lucks and such but never to just have at the house. I may eat it all by myself. DH is not very fond of cake.

    Preparing a new veggie dish for tonight's side. It is carrot with asparagus stir fried and has an Asian flair to it. I am praying the guys will like it as it is being served with pork chops and Kashi pilaf. This is new to me and them too, I think. LOL. Nothing like making them guinea pigs eh?

    I have not added to the ss yet. waiting for end of the day so I can see what I did. But, looks like I am getting in my 8 glasses of water today. Hooray! Calorie count looks good thus far too.

    Yes, I still need help, Julie and Cindy regarding changing my profile to read 1500 calories instead of the 1200. April's goal is to be more consistent in doing diary logging and exercise. PLUS healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle. I have decided if I continue to do this, the weight will eventually start coming off and so will the inches. Somehow it all works together doesn't it? This is so different from my old habits so I have to digest it all. Remember, I am not as young as ya'll. :sad: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Julie, do you have room for me at your office? LOL. What a wonderful environment to work in and what a DB to join in on the program to encourage you. Special people get treated special, so I guess you are one of them. Lucky you. made my night! Seriously!! :love: :love: Thank you so much! You really have no idea what I'm going through right now. Have you ever seen Mike Rowe on Discovery Channel? Dirty Jobs? That is exactly who I have been *identifying* with lately. The guy who cleans out your septic tank or scrubs the sewer pipes. The guy you never know is there but in the back of your mind you know somebody is *taking care of the dirty business* to make your life easier? That's me. Doing all the dirty work, with no glory or recognition. Hopefully I can explain more in the future but for now, your words have struck home with me and I thank you for that. Sometimes we forget, We Are Special. All of us! :heart: :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Options more thing...I have a Cook Book program, MasterCook, if you can retype the recipe you have I can type it in to my program and come up with the nutritional value. There is actually a way I can "Import" it but I'm not sure I know how to do it but am willing to try. It would save me all the steps of re-typing it in the program. If you post it, I'll play with it and tell you how it comes out.

    With that being said My Sistah!! You may have turned a few more pages on your personal calendar but I hardly think any of us are wizards when it comes the the internet so age has nothing to do with it! :laugh: :laugh: As far as I'm concerned, you probably have most of us beat as far as your stamina goes and your *youthful* zest for life! So, young or old, between the bunch of us, we can figure things out. I haven't played with my calorie counter yet. Like said before, I cross checked it and it was right on. Soooo.....

    Cindy!!! Help a Sistah Out! How does she change her calorie counter??

    I'm off HEETers...we had a few good April Fool's jokes around the house. DH's family is just too funny some times! Gotta rest up for tomorrow. Hope you all have a great night!


    Eh Hem...Bebe...You are expected home no later than 10PM!! It's a Work Day tomorrow! No Hangovers! LOLOLOL!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: