50+ Women for the Month of April



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    Hello Everybody---we went out to a meeting tonight about15 miles away and rode both ways in the red car with the top down. It’s about 50 degrees and I wore my winter coat and a wool hat but it was great fun.:heart::heart:
    Anne:bigsmile: :bigsmile: ---I agree about the glass half full---I write a short gratitude list every morning to stay focused on what’s right about my life—there’s always a lot:heart:
    :flowerforyou: Zaza—I can’t have ice cream in my house either---I know how to live in a house without ice cream and I know how to eat the whole half gallon, but I have no sense of moderation (the same is true for M&Ms, chocolate chip cookies and a lot of other stuff)
    :flowerforyou: Julie---we started making a big salad with our main meal every day and having 2-3 servings of whatever vegetable we have----that makes for lots of veggies every day---I used to not do well with veggies either—your vacation sounds like fun but maybe a challenge for eating right
    :flowerforyou: Lynn—glad to hear from you----that going out to dinner with friends is a challenge for me too----even though I don’t drink, I can’t find anything that I like on the menu that doesn’t have tons of calories
    :flowerforyou: Becky----don’t give up 5 minutes before the miracle---you’ll be better just not as soon as you’d hoped---wow, snow!!! Congrats on your water drinking---I knew you could do it:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Healthier4me—you’ve got the biggest row of hurdles—just jump them one at a time and all the festivities will be great—you can do it---your soup sounds great

    :flowerforyou: Elli---I agree that this journey is a lot easier in a house with no ice cream or junk food calling to me from the frig or cupboard

    :flowerforyou: Beetlebug, you are so right, this is better than any group out there because we’re here for each other all the time----I love reading what everyone says and learning new stuff from people who have been successful at losing weight----hope your pain continues to be manageable, it’s no fun feeling bad and not being able to exercise

    :flowerforyou: Heather---good to hear from you again---what a great idea to talk to yourself about better behavior---I need to tell my head to think some different thoughts---congrats to your son and his band—what instrument does he play?
    Suezz---I hope you cheer up soon---how about some cheerful music that you can sing and dance along with?

    :flowerforyou: Becky47----I can’t help weighing myself several times a day---I even weighed myself on the dog scale at the veterinarian:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Kathy---you continue to inspire and entertain me---your husband sounds like mine, handing out directions from a sick-bed---I tried your trick of cutting and pasting---now I’ll really be long winded---thanks for sharing your secret---so did you do more exercise after you went over your exercise calories
    :flowerforyou: Chowhound---It’s helpful to plan your food ahead of time so if you have to make changes you can do it before you eat---it takes practice, but it’s worth it
    I can’t believe I’ve gone on and on like this---you all add so much to my life and I can’t thank you enough
    Sleep well---tomorrow is a new day with new adventures and new opportunities:heart::heart:
    Barbie :love:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Morning...Today's my weigh in at work ( there's a weight loss program the hospital sponsors) hope that pound i lost stays lost!!! :laugh: I've got to up the exercise, i've been lazy last couple of days.:frown:
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Mornin' to all,
    Been away for a week. My Dad died last week and spent the time with my mother in the family home. Friends and neighbors brought in yummy food and I indulged. I gave myself permission and enjoyed it w/o too much guilt. Also didn't get in any exercise.

    I gained 2 lbs, but it's what I had expected. So, beginning Monday when I got back I restarted and hope it won't take too long to get back to my weight. It probably means that I won't reach my goal weight when I go to visit my daughter in Saipan at the end of May. But you know.....I'm just not going to beat myself up.

    Stay tough everyone and find a laugh everywhere you can. Diane
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Mornin' to all,
    Been away for a week. My Dad died last week and spent the time with my mother in the family home. Friends and neighbors brought in yummy food and I indulged. I gave myself permission and enjoyed it w/o too much guilt. Also didn't get in any exercise.

    I gained 2 lbs, but it's what I had expected. So, beginning Monday when I got back I restarted and hope it won't take too long to get back to my weight. It probably means that I won't reach my goal weight when I go to visit my daughter in Saipan at the end of May. But you know.....I'm just not going to beat myself up.

    Stay tough everyone and find a laugh everywhere you can. Diane

    I m so sorry for your loss. It was the right thing for you to do - stay with your mom and spend time with her. How is she doing? You are exactly right - don't beat yourself up. Be good to yourself and by getting back on track is one way to do that.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    My Dad died last week and spent the time with my mother in the family home....

    I know what that's like. (((((HUGS)))) Susan
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I'm not sure where I've been or why I've missed so much of the posting but I'll have to come back and read all of them. I have been busy but have been doing okay with the eating and exercise. I am trying to figure out a light menu for Easter so that I don't fall off the wagon and bump, bump, bump down the road! We are having ham, salad and don't know what else. My family really likes the mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, pies, etc...... I hate to deprive them but gotta think of something that they will like that if I have a little won't send me the wrong direction.

    Off to workout . I'll be back later to catch up!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Alright...Barbie, Anne and Kathy...you all are taking notes or you have photographic memories. I am not even going to try to remember everyone this morning. I am not feel well again. (What new, right?) I am going to doctor in about a hour.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Today is going to be a better day even though my allergies are still giving me fits! I think I finally shook off the yuckies that have been trying to pull me down and get me off track.

    It's supposed to be gorgeous outside today so I'm hoping to walk the dog in some fresh air and sunshine later. My new exercise DVD came in yesterday's mail; I'm about to go try it out.

    I just weighed and measured for the first time in a week. I haven't lost even a fraction of an inch and have put back on the pound I lost last week. Grrrrr! :mad:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning ladies! Seems like we have lots going on. I'm not as good as Kathy or Barbie at remembering everyone but you all have an influence in my day! I appreciate the heck out of ALL of you!

    Alice - how's your foot? I had plantar fasciitis, heel spurs and fallen arches. I was in chronic pain (not HORRIBLE pain, just always there) for about 4 years until i got it all figured out. It's SO difficult to stay upbeat through that. Keep on talking to us and trying to figure out ways to get rid of/manage the pain.

    And Becky - so sorry you're not feeling well, I'm glad you're going to the Dr. today. Please try and stay as upbeat as you can - i know it's HARD:indifferent: but we're all here pulling for you.

    Anne and Barbie - I agree with you both so much about having an attitude of gratitude. Sometimes i forget and then i feel so BAD! I have so much in this life to be grateful for.........including all of you!:blushing: Good planning for Applebees Anne! You and Barbie both do so well with that!

    Mnichol - how did your work weigh in go?

    Diane - so so sorry about your Dad. I'm glad you spent time with the family. It's good that you didn't worry about what you were eating during that time - it's also good that you're starting back up. I think sometimes when bad stuff happens it's just too easy to adopt the attitude "well what does my weight matter when life sucks?" And ultimately it DOES matter - it's all about our health, physical, mental and emotional. Hang in there.

    Heather - congratulations to your sons band!!!!!!!!

    Julie - i do the same thing Kathy does. I eat a big salad almost every day for lunch. I put lots of veggies in there - lettuce, kale, spinach, mushrooms, peppers, celery, cucumber, broccoli......i make it as colorful as possible. Add some protein, fat free dressing and i pretty much get all my veggies in! Then i usually have some at supper as well. I make the salad about twice a week and always have a big bowl of it in the fridge.

    As far as water - has anyone tried Sport Tea? It's GREAT stuff - all natural - i use it as water and it's EASY to drink a quart a day.

    Sue - glad you're feeling better after your depressed day - that can be the WORST and really drive me to eat.

    Becky47 - i'm having the same trouble as you right now - wanting to weigh every day. I weighed this moring and swore OFF the scale until Monday morning!

    If i forgot anyone, please forgive me!!!!!!!

    I worked in my house yesterday after work - cleaning up plaster..........it was probably good exercise! I was shoveling it up - hauling it down the stairs and outside onto the 6 wheeler - then driving that over to the dumpster. Then i went to the gym, came home and ate cereal with yoghurt, fruit and nuts. My favorite supper - yummmmmmm! so i'm in a great space right now - the nice weather is helping me SOOOO much!

    Happy Wednesday everyone! :heart: elli
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hi Ladies!

    I don't normally post from the office but I'm taking a break! Ugh!

    Wednesday Weigh In gave me a maintain this week. Second week in a row but this seems to be a pattern I'm developing. Lose 2 pounds then maintain for 2 weeks, then lose another 2. I'll take it. It still works out to average 1 pound a week.

    Anne - yes, I'm taking baby steps and setting small daily goals. Each day I have a "theme" to keep me focused. Eventually all my little steps will turn in to habits, that's the plan anyway. Today is Whole Wheat Wednesday. I had some Low Fat Triscuits as part of my lunch and am fixing Whole Wheat spaghetti tonight.

    Diane - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My sympathies to you and your family. :flowerforyou:

    Swiss - I hope you get encouraging news at from the doctor today. Hang in there!

    Sue - sorry about the gain. It will come back off with all the gardening you are doing!

    Esther - I make a wonderful fruit salad you could try on your family instead of pies or the like...mix the fruits of your choice and combine 1/4 cup Honey, 1/4 cup Lime Juice and 1/4 cup fresh chopped Mint Leaves. You may have to adjust the amounts depending on how much fruit you have. Your fruit shouldn't be swimming in the stuff, just lightly coated. It's fabulously refreshing and a great hit at potlucks.

    Kathy - thanks for the info. I'm gonna play with the cartoons tonight when I get home.

    I know there's more but I'll have to touch base again later when I get home. I need to get back to work...

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh JEEZ - i just ate way too much for lunch:explode: just because i had some crackers and put some raw nuts on my salad.........it was like a 500 calorie lunch! DARN. OK, i think i'm going to hot yoga tonight!

    Julie - cool idea to have a theme! You seem to be on a good pattern there - rather than gaining at all, just losing and maintaining.........i seem to do more of a gain, lose, maintain, lose, gain.....etc.:grumble: oh well - as long as there's more gaining i won't complain!

    I'll try and check back in tonight after i work this lunch off at yoga!:bigsmile:
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your kind expressions. This is a great group of people.

    You're right, Elli. It is too easy to say what does weight matter compared to all of these other huge issues. But, the fact is, health helps us through a lot of situations, giving us the stamina to endure.
    Thanks also to everyone for reminding me that the important part is to get back on track. I actually missed my exercise time! I never thought I would say that. Keep on, Diane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    I did not take the “naughty dogs” to the dog park this morning because they ignored me for 20 minutes yesterday when I called them. Instead I went to the grocery store and bought a lot of fruit, non fat yogurt and veggies to eat during Passover when we have to do without bread, cereal, and rice which are some of the mainstays of our usual eating plan. This is the first year we’ve ever tried to count calories during Passover, every other year we’ve eaten too much of the wrong stuff and gained weight.:explode:
    Today was the advanced line dance class with lots of fun,:heart: fast, :heart: and tricky dances. I had a quick lunch---apple, crackers, cashew butter (no more grains for awhile, so I splurged by eating crackers) then changed my clothes and took the dogs to the dog park. It was 44 degrees and drizzling so no one else was there.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I bought myself a present today----Sweatin’ With the Oldies DVDs.:bigsmile: :heart:

    Diane---I’m so sorry for your loss. I understand eating at this time. When my mom died, my husband and I stopped at the store on the way home from the hospital and bought two half gallons of ice cream and ate them right out of the carton as we sat up all night making lists of what we had to do and who we had to call. I know you’ll be back to your good healthy habits right away

    I’ve been feeling good about all the new stuff I’m doing and now I realize that I’ve completely forgotten the squats and strength training that are part of my goals----I guess it’s like trying to keep a dozen ping pong balls underwater at the same time. I moved the weights off the dining room table when we had company and now that they’re out of sight I don’t remember them.
    Thanks, Julie, I guess my theme today will be “Back to Basics”
    Thank you all for all your encouragement,
    Barbie :love:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    elli...it is better to eat the most calories early in the day. So, your lunch may be the thing to do. But, now you do have to watch what you have for dinner.

    Barbie...I did walk my dog.:smile::smile: He took off so I followed him with his lease and away we went.

    I have bad news. I am having surgery again on May 18. The doctor has to adjust some of the things he did to me on March 5. I am still not allowed to do anything but walk. Still can not lift more than 10 pounds.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I feel like I am back on track now. I've been fighting an allergy headache all day, but the cravings have subsided and I was more than satisfied with a more reasonable amount of food for both breakfast and lunch. Maybe someday I'll learn NOT to be an emotional eater!

    Thanks for all the support. Tomorrow is another chance to begin again.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hello Ladies!

    Kathy - Sorry to hear you had a little binge last night. I've been a little hungrier than usual the past couple of days but I think it's because of this whacky cold front that came through the other day. I think the colder weather makes me want to eat more. I haven't given in though but if I'm starving tomorrow I just might. I'm really trying to determine if I'm *truly* hungry or not. :ohwell:

    Chowhound - I forgot to log a pear the other day and was totally shocked to see how many calories it had! Hope you enjoyed your walk.

    Healthier4me - your exercise is amazing!! Good grief, 20 minutes on the Elliptical and I'm over it!

    Anne - I don't practing breathing exercises but sometimes I do some meditative breathing just before falling asleep. It helps me drift off faster and I sleep better. Each breath I inhale I take in some kind of *goodness* and each breath I release I let go of some kind of *badness*. Good job on preplanning that meal out. I hope you enjoyed it and time with your friend.

    Barbie - I laughed out loud when I read that you had weighed yourself on the Vet scale! Too funny!! Sweatin' to the Oldies? Your talking Richard Simmons, right? I had that tape on VCR and bought it as soon as it came out. Guess you could say I've been at this for a while! :laugh: Glad I could motivate you to get "Back to Basics". That's what it's all about!

    Mnichol - good luck with your weigh in. I hope you achieved what you wanted!

    Elli - please tell me about falling arches. I think mine are but refuse to go to a doctor yet. When I bought this house about 7 years ago I gutted it from top to bottom and was working on a Terrazzo floor (it's like smooth concrete - very popular in Florida back in the day) wearing only my Keds. It took me 8 months and now I have wood laminate floors. I've never had problems with my feet but they have hurt me ever since, every single day and sometimes I have to change shoes a couple times a day to help alleviate some pain. The pain runs along the entire flat of my foot but mostly feels like it's coming from behind the balls of my feet. Does that sound familiar?

    Swiss - I am SO sorry to hear you have to have another surgery!! That's the 2 year anniversary of my Hysterctomy. While I ponder that (which I will :ohwell: ) I'll be thinking about you for sure. Please take care in the meantime and keep positive thoughts. You need to get your mindset in a positive mode to help with your recovery. :flowerforyou:

    I just had a small victory...this is gonna be hard to explain...my bedroom is large with a lot of wasted space but with it's funky layout I have one tight spot. My bed is very tall/high and the posts at the foot are about 3 1/2 feet tall. At the same end I have a tall sweater chest tucked in to a corner. I used to have to turn sideways to get through. I just walked through there and realized...I didn't turn sideways!! I actually went back and walked through it a couple times just to make sure! I still *touched* the bed post and the chest with my hips but I didn't have to squeeze through or turn sideways! Isn't it crazy the silly things we get excited about? But I guess that's part of what keeps it fun! :laugh:

    Well, I think that's it for now...I hope you all had a great day! I will check back later this evening after supper.

    Julie :flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    It's National Walk Week. (I heard that on TV this morning at the gym)

    :flowerforyou: Anne, my husband loves the weight watchers menu at Applebee’s. I do the same thing (when I’m good) I go on the internet and look up the nutritional values on the food I want to eat. To bad Applebee’s only breaks down a few items. I would like to see more info on other choices. Water, water, water, I am working on that also. Good for you on not having an asthma attack. I also have asthma but it is under control at this point.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie your red car sounds like so much fun. We have a motorcycle . But, I really would like a convertible. I keep hoping my husband will want to sell some day, so we could get a convertible. But, cycling is fun. I love the wind in my face. It’s fun to look in my husbands helmet and see my skin on my face flap in the wind. :noway: :noway: :noway: I love your naughty dogie stories also. I wish you a Happy Passover.

    :flowerforyou: Mnichol I wish you luck with your weigh in at work. I hear you about feeling lazy. I was lazy for so long. Now, I am scared when I can’t exercise. Funny how things change.

    :flowerforyou: Dricotta1,I mean Diane ((((((HUGS))))) to you on your lose of your Dad. So, so sorry. Don’t worry about your 2 lbs. It might be stress and water weight gain. Baby steps. You will do fine. Do not beat yourself up. :smile: Good advice on finding a laugh. I have to or I would go crazy. Glad you are getting back on track. It will be good for you.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, I sure miss you. Glad to see you are back and doing great. To funny with the bump, bump bumps. I don’t want you to get hurt. You might just tell yourself to have half portions for Easter. Julies fruit salad sounds like a great alternative. Eat tons of green salad to fill you up. We are having a New England Clam Boil. I am bringing my won spray butter, and a huge salad. I love clams so I know I will be eating them.

    :flowerforyou: Swiss (((((HUGS))))) Sorry to hear you are going back in surgery. Boy have you had it tough lately. Best wishes

    :flowerforyou: Sue, I have to go for injections for my allergies. I hardly ever know I have them now. Glad you are feeling better. Hope you got to take the dog for that walk. What kind of DVD did you get?????? Don’t get discouraged. It might take some time, but you will see results if you stick to the plan. I hear you about emotional eating. I use to eat for every emotion good or bad. Log your food, drink your water, exercise and eat your allotted calories. Now, if I can totally stick to that advice I would be doing something. However, I am almost there.

    :flowerforyou: Elli cleaning up plaster is not an easy task. I have done it a few times myself. You bet it was good exercise. I can’t believe you went to the gym after. Way to go.

    :flowerforyou: Becky47 how are you doing with your friend the scale????

    Chowhound. Log that food in. It will really help. I think I’m addicted to it by now.

    :flowerforyou: Julie, Thank God my feeling like eating everything only lasted for a short amount of time. Your story about fitting between your bed and you sweater chest. I use to feel my door ways got smaller. I always seem to hit the door knobs with my hips. I haven't hit a door knob in a while. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If I missed someone please forgive me. That could happen. I will check later.

    What a great group of women here:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Well, for me I had a great day at the gym. Feel terrific. The day is partly cloudy and cool. Life is good to me today. I wish all the best for today.

    Summer is just around the corner.

    :heart: Kathy
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Kathy...How do you go online to find the calorie count for restaurant foods? Do you google it?
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Yes I google the name of the restaurant that I am interested in going to. Some are really good with adding the nutritional info some aren't. It is pretty handy

    :heart: Kathy
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Kathy, Hooray for doorways finally getting Bigger!! :drinker: Here's to no more hitting things with our hips!! I just demonstrated to DH how I could *fit* between the bed and the chest and he High Fived me! Silly, but I have to take my victories when and where I can get them! :laugh: :laugh:

This discussion has been closed.