50+ Women for the Month of April

Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Welcome to the thread for Women in their 50’s (or thereabouts). Actually, any woman is welcome. We are a group of women who wanted support and encouragement for others who are facing some of the same challenges. This has turned out to be a very helpful tool for me and hopefully for many others. So once again, welcome!

What are your goals for the month of April? We can help each other be accountable. Visit daily to encourage and to get encouraged. We’re here for you!

Happy April and HAPPY EASTER!


  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Welcome to the thread for Women in their 50’s (or thereabouts). Actually, any woman is welcome. We are a group of women who wanted support and encouragement for others who are facing some of the same challenges. This has turned out to be a very helpful tool for me and hopefully for many others. So once again, welcome!

    What are your goals for the month of April? We can help each other be accountable. Visit daily to encourage and to get encouraged. We’re here for you!

    Happy April and HAPPY EASTER!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Following is the post from last month:
    For the month of March it was suggested to have a group weigh in at the end of the month and see who can reach their goal for the month. Set your own goals and go ahead and weigh in weekly if you want but on March 31st we will all weigh in and report our loss and what other milestone we have met such as no eating late at night, making better choices of snacks, etc. You decide what those goals are.


    How did you do in March?

    Let us know what your goals are for April.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I'm just opening up my eyes with my black coffee.

    I wanted to start the thread again.

    :heart: Kathy
  • I'm excited to join. My weight this morning is 166. My goal is 145. Have been using calories to win this battle and for me it works. I read that people who write down what they eat are more successful and have done that since day one. It gets easier and easier. I have my own shorthand and know the calories by heart. I check the menu before I eat out and have found that so helpful. When I go to Disney I carry my own snacks,so I don't get hungry and eat fattening foods. I eat 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks a day. Lots of volume foods which help fill you up, salad,soup, watery fruits (melons, grapes, berries). Protein and fiber
    foods are helpful too. The main thing I am working on now is breaking the habit of going to food for comfort. I now stop and think first, most times I can be successful and find something else to do instead of eating. I find a warm drink, hot chocolate,diet of course, tea etc. helps. My new thinking is that food never made me happy, it just made me fat. When I ate until I weighed 264,I couldn't believe it. My health suffered a lot. Counting the 4lbs I lost since joining MFP I have lost 98lbs. Anyone who thinks it can't be done,is wrong. If you put in the hard work, you can do anything you set your mind to. While I don't like excuses (this means me too) , I believe in forgiving yourself for a slip and moving on. My favorite saying is NEVER GIVE UP. I wish everyone a happy journey to a healthy weight.
    Grammymax, thanks so much.

  • Hi Kathy,

    Glad you are still trying. Never give up. The only people who fail are those that stop trying.
    April is a new start. Think strategy instead of willpower. It helps so much to have a real plan.
    Wish you the best result ever for April.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

    Great to have you on this thread. We have so many great ladies.

    You are another inspiration that we need to have.

    :flowerforyou: Ladies

    I just know it is my weekend eating choices that have prevented me from losing weight. I have a large family and we surround ourselves with food. I do attempt to eat the healthy choices, then I go right back to eat the things I should not. The weekends are my biggest down fall.

    SO, for the month of APRIL I am WAGGING WAR on Weekend choices. I want to find a name for it but I have not figured it out yet. My brain is still sleeping. :bigsmile: Any suggestions????

    Weekend Weight Loss War???

    :heart: Kathy
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Good morning friends I am looking so forward to April the weather will warm up we can get out and be more active outside in the fresh air and beautiful sunshine. I am an out door girl love the fresh air sunshine gardening. My goals for April are to:
    1. stick to my plan of logging all food even if I cheat :mad: that keeps me accountable and I can see how it affects my weight loss.
    2. I plan to start the p90x plan for the next 30 days will see after that if I need to continue for the other 60 days.
    3. I will drink all my water 8 plus glasses every day 7 days a week.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    4. lose 5 lbs this month:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    If anyone puts something else up that I need I will add to my list. Again I can not begin to thank everyone in this group as silly as it sounds during my moms 10 day stay in the hospital I read this site almost everyday and even if I didn't have the energy to enter in to discussions or add anything I was receiving encouragement and support by what you were saying to each other. I am very thankful for you all.:blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    fitforlife - First, I love your title. That's what I want to be is fit for life! Welcome and it sounds like you are totally on the right track. :flowerforyou:

    Kathy - I know what you mean. When everyone around you is eating those foods that you crave it is so hard to stay away from them. I am going to try to convince myself that it is not THEIR body I'm trying to get healthier - it's mine. And what they eat can't hurt me but....what I eat can and I want to choose to eat the healthy foods for ME!! I'll be right there beside you. :smile:

    I_mahloy - Good goals. We're in this together.

    Last month I only lost 3 pounds but that's better than gaining right? :happy: A new month is here and hopefully the weather will cooperate and give us the opportunity to get outside and enjoy!

    Hope everyone is safe from that nasty 'worm' that is a threat to computer users. Sounds like it could really do some damage.:grumble:

    April Goal.
    To workout at least 4 days a week;
    to lose 5 pounds this month;
    No late night snacks (which is another thread I visit regularly):wink:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning ladies and happy April! It's a new month and a new Spring! Yippeeeeeee!

    Hi Anne - nice to meet you! I love your ideas. I'm especially drawn to the learning to NOT eat for comfort - that's always been my problem. I'm going to try your method - to stop and THINK about it before i put something in my mouth!

    Kathy - you are are Weekend Weight loss Warrior! I'm right there with you - it always seems on the weekend i have something to do that's outside my regular schedule and that can really mess me up. This Saturday i'm the sponser for a group of girls doing a fund raiser for the humane society for a class in high school. We'll be sitting at PetCo from 10 to 4 - so this will definitely be a challange for me. My plan is to pack a small cooler with lots of healthy stuff - veggies, fruit maybe a granola bar, and NOT succomb to "grabbing" something unhealthy!

    Hi Esther - i'm pretty sure i lost 3 pounds last month as well, and that's my goal for this month - another 3 pounds. It gets slow at the end and i don't want to be unrealisitic or set myself up for failure. I'm going with you on working out at least 4 times a week.

    Yay for being outside more Lynn - i'm an outdoor person too. It's going to be hard for me to stay working in my house. I'm not sure if i'll even plant a garden this year. I keep waiting for my son to come over and till it up for me.

    April goals:
    lose 3 pounds
    workout 4 or more times a week
    stop and think before i eat for comfort

    Thanks everyone for all your great ideas and support! I love mfp and this group!!!!!!!!!! :heart: elli
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hi everyone old and new. It sounds like everyone has a plan. That is great. I think that Anne will be a wonder inspiration for all of us. Welcome.
    Kathy...I have so much trouble on the weekends. Actually, I am eating bad while at home period. When I was at work I didn't have time to go get something unhealthy to eat. I only had my healthy snacks close at hand.
    I am going away tonight for my anniversary and I just know that I am not going to eat well. So, I will start over again tomorrow. I want to lose at least six pounds during April.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Last month I did NOT reach ANY of my goals. :blushing: I did however, manage to lose and gain the SAME pound twice before dropping an additional pound that stayed off. Although my weight hasn't changed much, I did manage to lose a total of 4 inches from my target areas: Waist -1 1/2" Belly - 2" Hips - 1/2" so at least I am making SOME progress.

    I have several get-down-to-business goals for April:
    1. Plan meals and snacks a day ahead
    2. Add floor exercises and/or swimming to my workout to target "old woman arm" flabbiness and a belly that is still the largest part of me.
    3. Drink ALL my water :drinker:
    4. Lose at least 5 pounds.
    5. Lose at least 6 inches from my target areas.

    I asked several exercise and recipe questions on other threads yesterday and have gotten some great ideas. I'm so glad to have found encouragement and support at MFP. I'm so pleased to find you all!


    While I was standing at the checkout counter at the grocery store yesterday, I saw this magazine with Valerie Bertinelli on the cover. Two years ago she weighed 182 pounds. Now she's a size 8 and walking 10,000 steps a day. If she can do it, so can we! :flowerforyou: See that big number on your scale? You never have to see that number again!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Grammymax, thanks for starting the April thread. Hi everyone.
    Susan, I feel your pain. I also didn't meet my March goal. In fact, I gained almost a pound. :grumble: But, I'm still trying and I'm happy I didn't gain more!

    So, my goal for April is to go from 138.8 to 134. I know it can be done - I've done it before. I just have to make the effort.
    My other goals are to drink one more glass of water/day (I barely drink 2 glasses a day) and eat one more vegetable a day (I barely eat one a day).
    My eating habits are a work in progress - an uphill battle. But, it's April and I'm up for the challenge.

    Thank you ladies for being there.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning All

    Extremely busy in my life right now. I have not met my goal either. I'm kind of annoyed with myself but I'll have to deal with me later!! Mother nature decided to give us one more shot of winter and dropped upward of 30 cm of wet, heavy snow on us. My home is completely socked in - obviously my car too. The thing is that my daughter and her grade eight class have been at the outdoor education centre about 25 miles out of town since Monday morning and the school busses are not running. So far I have walked to work in snow up to my knees, thankfully I only live 1 mile from work, and I'm hoping someone I work with shows up and can take me to the school to pick her up this afternoon. If that's not bad enough, my son is travelling to Chicago, Ill tonight by bus to participate in the Heritage Music Festival They are leaving here at 11:30 p.m. and scheduled to arrive in Chicago at 2:00p.m.. I just keep telling myself that it will all work out and they will make their destination safely. Obviously if the conditions worsen they will cancel the trip. That would break alot of hearts, but save alot of worry! This is their high school senior concert band and for my son its a wonderful opportunity because he has never been anywhere - at least not without his mommy:cry:

    So keep good thought for my kids please. Oh and also for my stress level:laugh:
    My husband will be laid off this Friday. I sure hope its not for too long. He has only worked there for 6 months He was unemployed for almost two years because the paper mill where he worked for 30 yrs shut down. So now the challenge ahead of me is to get out from under this darn black cloud. Try as I might to ditch it, it just keeps finding me!

    Goals for the month

    Exercise with more frequency
    eat only what I have planned
    drink water

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi All,

    Before I went to the gym, my hubby & I went to Kohl's to buy some new sports cloths. Boy what an eye opener. I so need to keep going. I got a little depressed with myself for letting my body get so out of shape, but my husband kept on reassuring me that I look a heck of a lot better then I had a few years ago. Plus, I am doing something about it. That made me feel better. I want to get rid of my rolls.:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I am going to be the:angry::angry: :angry: "Week-end Weight Loss Warrior"!:smile::smile: :smile:

    No more playing around with fatty foods. I can't believe how hard I work last month and gained. 2 back.

    We sure do have a great group. So, many positive people.

    Yea, for April

    :heart: Kathy
  • Exqitblkprl
    Exqitblkprl Posts: 28 Member
    :flowerforyou: GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE!!!:flowerforyou:

    Hello all of you wonderful people! My name is Pearl and I'm here because I'm an emotional night time eater. Which has landed me in the horrible shape that I'm in now. I'm making 2009 mine. I'll be 54 years old this year and for years I've kept telling myself I can't be a fox when I get older if I don't start taking necessary steps now. Well, older is here and I'm not the fox I want to be. So I'm taking charge now. I've said enough is enough and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am so done with being the fat girl. I want to rid myself of 80 to 100 pounds of artery choking fat. My sister found and joined this site and shortly after told me about it and viola!!! here I am. I love the tools this site has and I hope to make loads of friends who know first hand the struggles of losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I wish each and every one on this site the very best of luck and happy healthy living!!!


  • Thanks to everyone for welcoming me. I wanted to think about what my goals for April will be. They are as follows:

    lose 4lbs
    drink 5 glasses of water (a huge problem for me, just do not like water) every day
    stop and think before I eat at irregular times, ask myself if I am really hungry
    keep walking one mile at least 4 days a week

    Heather, you have a lot on your plate and I don't mean food. Try to remember that you are important and take the time for yourself. You can always be there for your family if you take control of your stress and your food. You will be happier and they will too. Wish the best for the family and for you.

    Kathy, you sound so determined, you will surely make your April goal. Good luck.

    Zaza, If you don't like veggies, try making some fast casseroles. You can use a low cal sauce for them and just a few noodles and load up on the veggies. You can fry the veggies with just spray butter,0 calories and a little italian bread crumbs. Look up some sites where they show a mom how to get her kids to eat them. If you are not liking them, they can be doctored up. Give it a try. Good luck.

    Susan losing inches is wonderful. Don't let the scale become too important. You are seeing results, that is what counts. Good luck.

    Becky, If you are eating too much at home and the foods are high calorie, see if you can get the family on board and bring only healthy foods home from the super market. If not, place things you will be tempted by out of sight as much as possible. Stay out of the kitchen unless you have to be there.If you are giving in to temptation often, stop and ask yourself why you want to eat the particular food that will ruin your diet. Think about how hard it will be to lose the weight it will cause you to gain. Ask yourself, Do I want to wear this? It just is not worth it Becky. Please don't let food run your life. You run your own life, you take control. It's your choice. Best of luck.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi again - I'm never usually on more than once a day but I reread my post and realized I was kind of 'oh poor me' in it and wanted to apologize for that:flowerforyou: I want to just sit and have a good blubbering cry but that won't help so I have decided to find the good and here it is:

    My daughter is home safe and sound
    My son's trip is still scheduled and road reports once outside of our immediate area are good.
    My husband will qualify for employment insurance after two weeks.
    Most of all I walked through the snow for about 30 minutes and it felt great!!!!

    I didn't meet my goals for weight loss or for exercise in March but I will try again for April. In previous attempts would have given up long since but this time is the last time and I will keep trying no matter how trying times can be!

    My downstairs work out area is coming along. I just have to get rid of the piano and the ping pong table. Neither have been used for a long time but as soon as I mentioned getting rid of them - you know how it goes - everybody want to keep them. -- To bad, so sad As soon as I can find takers they are both going out the door.

    Welcome to Pearl and to Anne you will be a wonderful addition to our great group of ladies. Holy Moly Anne you have already lost 98 lbs.

    Pearl your post is very inspiring and kind of got me some of my kick butt attitude back that went missing. We are going to be smokin hot some day:laugh:

    take care

  • Welcome Pearl.

    Emotional eating seems to be one of the major problems of overweight people. I can eat from anger, stress, sadness, you name it. It can be night or day. I am trying to realize what I am doing and stop myself. It's a bad habit and habits can be broken. Each time I am successful,I feel stronger and know that I will be the winner, not the food. Lots of luck. You sound very motivated.

    You have made an excellent plan and that is what it is all about. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
    Wish you success.


    Keeping a journal of what you eat is the best tool we have. You are right,it keeps you accountable.
    Best of luck on your weight loss journey.

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Susan...isn’t it the inches that we’re really going for? That’s great for you to have lost 4 inches. The muscles are weighing more than the fat did!!! :flowerforyou:

    Good goals zaza. You can do it. Is it easier for you to get your water intake up in the warmer weather? If so, it’s on the way - soon I hope:happy:

    Heather - Glad you daughter got home safely. I will remember your son in my prayers - and you too He will be safe! Also for your husbands job situation. These are hard times for so many people right now. But hey, look at you girl - 30 pounds lighter! :wink:

    Kathy- determination is going to win. :flowerforyou:

    Pearl - welcome to the site. There is another thread that deals with NOT eating late night snacks. You can join us there too if you want www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/47740-april-no-more-late-night-snacking

    Anne - you are already encouraging us all. good thoughts. Thanks

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Wow, there's so much to read and I don't have time----line dance in the AM, lunch with hubby, meeting with a friend for tea in a few minutes.

    I'll read all your good stuff when I get home.

    I met my goals for March although a little light on the strength training.

    I lost 8 pounds
    my goal was 4 pounds :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My goals for April:

    *keep on doing all the good stuff I did in March:bigsmile:
    *add squats to my daily workout (I read that on another thread and it seemed like a great idea)
    *lose 4 pounds (more would be better but I don't want to set myself up for failure):laugh: :laugh:
    *stay grateful:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll read everything you've written later. You have all helped me so much. Welcome to all the new women on the thread. This is a great place to be.:bigsmile: :heart:

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