50+ Women for the Month of April



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I can't help but reply again. Sorry I'm am hooked. All I can say is what inspiration we have here. I am surely determined for the month of April.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Pearl so nice to have such great ladies.:flowerforyou:

    :angry: :angry: :angry: The Weekend Weight Loss Warrior's first battle:angry::angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    OK this Saturday I am having my kids and grandkids over for my husbands 62nd Birthday. The consensus is hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. I usually make potato salad and beans. That is like a standard we have for a cookout. I will make a huge salad and maybe grill some chicken breast for the salad. Then comes the cake. Should I just buy a small one for the kids to eat. I would like to make a big fruit salad also for the adults? What do you think?

    :heart: Kathy
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Your food ideas sound great! Maybe make an angel food cake for the adults to eat with their fruit....
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Your food ideas sound great! Maybe make an angel food cake for the adults to eat with their fruit....

    I was thinking of that. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

    sorry I'm in between laundry.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I can't help but reply again. Sorry I'm am hooked. All I can say is what inspiration we have here. I am surely determined for the month of April.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Pearl so nice to have such great ladies.:flowerforyou:

    :angry: :angry: :angry: The Weekend Weight Loss Warrior's first battle:angry::angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    OK this Saturday I am having my kids and grandkids over for my husbands 62nd Birthday. The consensus is hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. I usually make potato salad and beans. That is like a standard we have for a cookout. I will make a huge salad and maybe grill some chicken breast for the salad. Then comes the cake. Should I just buy a small one for the kids to eat. I would like to make a big fruit salad also for the adults? What do you think?

    :heart: Kathy
    I know it's hard to find the fresh strawberries right now but a strawberry shortcake with light whipped topping is so much safer for me than a cake with frosting. Maybe it's because I'd rather just eat the frosting:laugh:
    Do you have a Trader Joes by you? I know they have some low fat "healthy" hot dogs and also for burgers I use the Don Lee Veggie Patties for my burgers (without a bun). Not sure you could do that on the grill though :smile:

    Oh duh - I just read what Susan said - so yeah, diddo! :blushing:

    Happy Birthday to your hubby. Mine turned 62 this last December!

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Wow, there's so much to read and I don't have time----line dance in the AM, lunch with hubby, meeting with a friend for tea in a few minutes.

    I'll read all your good stuff when I get home.

    I met my goals for March although a little light on the strength training.

    I lost 8 pounds
    my goal was 4 pounds :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My goals for April:

    *keep on doing all the good stuff I did in March:bigsmile:
    *add squats to my daily workout (I read that on another thread and it seemed like a great idea)
    *lose 4 pounds (more would be better but I don't want to set myself up for failure):laugh: :laugh:
    *stay grateful:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll read everything you've written later. You have all helped me so much. Welcome to all the new women on the thread. This is a great place to be.:bigsmile: :heart:


    Good job. I wish I had your determination and commitment. You deserve the loss girl.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I've been here about 3 weeks, doing all the right thing, but only lost one pound. I'm determined to lose 5 lbs this month. I'd like to lose about 10-15 overall. There's a weight loss program at work where i weigh in one a week, that's helpful. I'm 52 and developed overactive bladder last year and now take detrol, so drinking a lot of water is a problem for me. anybody else dealing with this?? It's hard not to let age be an excuse for holding onto the weight and difficultly exercising!!!:ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: I've just finished reading all of today's posts. April promises to be a fabulous motivating month:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the new ladies, Anne, Patricia, Pearl, mnichol, Fitforlife----I hope I didn't miss anyone:bigsmile: :bigsmile: you've come to the right place:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Happy Anniversary, Becky, I'll bet you find something wonderful to eat at the restaurant that won't set your calorie count back too far.:flowerforyou:

    Susan, losing inches is amazing. The number on the scale doesn't go out the door with you, but smaller clothes or better fitting ones walk everywhere with you. Thanks you posting that inspiring photo. I saw it in the grocery store and had the same feeling that if she can do it, so can I
    although even if I get down to 120, I won't be posing in a bikini on the cover of a magazine:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Good luck to you, Kathy, the Weekend Weight Loss Warrior as you wage war on weekends---you can do it.:bigsmile: Make a big salad with all your favorite veggies and keep a mental picture of all of us cheering you on as you "just say no" to the stuff that will interfere with your goals.

    Elli, losing 3 pounds in a month when you're so close to your goal is a bigger deal than you realize---that 25% of what you want to lose:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Zaza, you're a work in progress and I know you'll keep going one day at a time and take baby steps on your journey to reach your goals:bigsmile: :bigsmile: just keep coming back for encouragement:bigsmile:

    Heather, isn't it great to have a bunch of friends like us who will listen to your fears as you sort them out.!! Life isn't always sunshine and roses. Stuff happens especially when you have a family. I'm glad to hear that some of the stuff is sorting itself out for you. Raising kids is a great challenge.

    Lynn, reading this thread every day has helped me so much just like it helps you. I need a daily reminder. You're so right about logging your food every day---it sure opens your eyes about what you eat.

    Esther, thank you for taking the lead with this thread and continuing to encourage everyone.

    Enough from me. you are all great and you help me so much:heart::love: :heart: :love: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • Cindy41
    Cindy41 Posts: 5
    I'm glad I found this thread. I'm 55 and am determined to lose this weight and get healthier. When I go to the gym, I am surrounded by young athletic woman who do the elliptical at twice the speed I do. I just continue to work out at my slow and steady pace. I guess one advantage of getting older is that I really don't care what others might think. I just go and do my thing. But I am looking forward to being able to do more as I get better at this diet and excercise regime!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    he everyone! Welcome all you new people! Sorry i didn't post today, and now i'm too tired! Went grocery shopping after work and then did hot yoga. By the time i got home, unloaded the car, moved the dogs from the yard to where i'm staying, fed them, took a shower, fed me................whew - it's time for bed!
    Kathy - something i do that really helps is i ALWAYS have a huge bowl of salad ready to go - i usually get 4 salads out of it, so if i'm hungry for something i always have a healthy alternative. you ARE the weekend weight loss warrior:angry::angry: :angry: You can DO IT!!!!!!!!! I like the idea of angel food cake! Just eat one piece, save some for your hubby but send most of it home with someone else. I try and do that with stuff i know is going to sabatouge me! Send it home with one of the kids!:drinker:
    Welcome new people! I'll try and get everyone straight tomorrow when i'm not so tired:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    Barbie - thank you so much for your encouragement! Yea, i'll be happy with 3 more pounds in April. I'm still blown away that you lost EIGHT!:bigsmile: you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!
    OK, sorry ladies - i've got to go to bed.:yawn: have a great night - talk to you tomorrow! :heart: elli
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread. I'm 55 and am determined to lose this weight and get healthier. When I go to the gym, I am surrounded by young athletic woman who do the elliptical at twice the speed I do. I just continue to work out at my slow and steady pace. I guess one advantage of getting older is that I really don't care what others might think. I just go and do my thing. But I am looking forward to being able to do more as I get better at this diet and excercise regime!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Cindy:bigsmile:
    You have found the right group:bigsmile: This is the most encouraging, friendly group of women. We share ideas and keep each other on the right path. Check in with us every day and your life will change.

    You can do it. Just take it one day at a time and take baby steps.

    Barbie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    GOOD MORNING LADIES:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Doing some cardio this morning. I am going to focus on strength training today.

    I watched the Biggest Loser last night. I DVR'd it. I was amazed that they brought Nichole back. She lost "it think" 87 pounds at home in 12 weeks. But, when she came back to the ranch for one week, she was stressed about playing the game. I know she worked out. BUT, SHE GAINED 5 pounds. Bob, said it could have been from the stress. I did not realize how stress can do that much damage. I guess it is something to think about.

    :heart: Kathy
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Kathy...I keep forgetting to watch Biggest Loser. I guess I need to write myself a note.

    Cindy...To bad you don't live close to me. When I go to the gym I am usually the thinnest person there. I also do not see the heavy women return. That says a lot about why they are that large. There is one really tiny girl who runs on the treadmill at full speed for about an hour. She is about the size of a 12 year old. Very petite

    Barbie...Too late. I was a bad girl last night. I vow to do really well for the rest of this week. No, wait, for the rest of this month and beyond !!.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I watched the Biggest Loser last night.... I was amazed that they brought Nichole back. She lost "it think" 87 pounds at home in 12 weeks. But, when she came back to the ranch for one week, she was stressed about playing the game. I know she worked out. BUT, SHE GAINED 5 pounds. Bob, said it could have been from the stress. I did not realize how stress can do that much damage. I guess it is something to think about. :heart: Kathy

    Yep. My doctor said stress is one of the reasons I am in the shape I am in now. I tried unsuccessfully to lose weight for the five years my parent's care was my responsibility but always seemed to be losing and regaining the same 3-5 pounds. I was a member of Curves for 3 of those years.... The day my Daddy died he asked me why I couldn't seem to lose weight. At that time I had no idea stress had anything to do with it. If you'd have asked me at the time I would have even said I didn't feel like I was under an unusual amount of stress. Now that I'm virtually stress free, I'm finally seeing progress.... Not that it is melting off effortlessly, but I am seeing progress.


    Since we don't have a gym here in the dusty little West Texas town, I ordered an exercise video from Amazon yesterday, "Strong Body, Ageless Body". It had lots of great reviews, so I'll let you know how it goes.
  • Exqitblkprl
    Exqitblkprl Posts: 28 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you all for such a nice warm welcome. I'm keeping with the progrm this time around. My new moto is: I'M IN IT TO WIN IT AND MAINTAIN IT TO STAY FIT. Some time ago, I was feeling sorry for myself and complained about my weight constantly to a friend. I told her how miserable I was and how my back hurt and about all the aches and pains I had. Usually when I started this banter she would be so understanding and have words of compassion and comfort. But babbbbbbby, let me tell you, my sister girl turned, looked me square in the eye, and her exact words to me were: Stop your whining and throwing your pity parties. Hear me good, this is the last one I will attend. AIN'T NOTHING TO IT BUT TO DO IT, SO GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND BEGIN! Well, needless to say her response hit me like a ton of bricks. I got mad and wouldn't speak to her for a month. WRONG MOVE, she was just giving me the tough love I really needed at that point. Once I had finished licking my wounds and realized she was right, I called her and had a good cry while apologing for being a PITA! Since starting my new journey I have lost 7 pounds and I'm happy as a lark! I will check out the other forum on emotional/nightime eating as I'm sure it will be helpful.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning all!

    Pearl - that is a true friend that will tell you like it is! I'm glad you came around after the month and had a good cry with her and got on the right path! She just may have saved your life!!!!!!! There will definitely be ups and downs on this journey - i've lost and gained the same 40 pounds probably 4 times in my lifetime. This is the FIRST time i finally got it together to STOP before going all the way back up! It feels really great and i know if i can do it anyone can do it!:flowerforyou: You deserve so much credit for hopping on the bandwagon!

    Sue-z-q, i've heard the same thing about stress (between the time my son enlisted and left for his first iraq deployment i think i gained about 30 pounds), and the other thing is lack of sleep. Has anyone else heard that? The more/better you sleep the better chance you have at losing weight. I think our bodies are just a machine and when ALL the parts are running well we have a better chance of reaching our goals. something like that anyway.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Cindy - what will be really fun is that as you continue to work out you won't see as big a difference in what those young girls are doing and what you're doing! Yes, they're going to have youth, but you'll be amazed how you start to tone up and get healthier with each work out. Just be kind to yourself and take it one day at a time!

    Kathy - have a fabulous day! The weekend is coming up and i just know you're going to do GREAT! I'm a non meat eater - and there's always the option of a boca burger or something like that on the grill. There are also "light" burger buns - but i just use orowheat lite bread - 40 calories a slice - with my burgers!

    I have the dentist this afternoon:grumble: i'd rather give birth..........i have the million dollar mouth - sooooooo much work and it's like they just keep falling apart:sad: Oh well - i don't mean to complain, other than my teeth i have such great health! I'll try and post again tonight. Everyone do GREAT today! It's the second day of April and gonna be a great month for us ALL! hugs - elli:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: drink lots of water!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • Exqitblkprl
    Exqitblkprl Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you all for such a nice warm welcome. I'm keeping with the progrm this time around. My new moto is: I'M IN IT TO WIN IT AND MAINTAIN IT TO STAY FIT. Some time ago, I was feeling sorry for myself and complained about my weight constantly to a friend. I told her how miserable I was and how my back hurt and about all the aches and pains I had. Usually when I started this banter she would be so understanding and have words of compassion and comfort. But babbbbbbby, let me tell you, my sister girl turned, looked me square in the eye, and her exact words to me were: Stop your whining and throwing your pity parties. Hear me good, this is the last one I will attend. AIN'T NOTHING TO IT BUT TO DO IT, SO GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND BEGIN! Well, needless to say her response hit me like a ton of bricks. I got mad and wouldn't speak to her for a month. WRONG MOVE, she was just giving me the tough love I really needed at that point. Once I had finished licking my wounds and realized she was right, I called her and had a good cry while apologing for being a PITA! Since starting my new journey I have lost 7 pounds and I'm happy as a lark! I will check out the other forum on emotional/nightime eating as I'm sure it will be helpful.
    Edited by Exqitblkprl on Thu 04/02/09 06:56 AM
  • Exqitblkprl
    Exqitblkprl Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you!!! Please forgive my blunders, still learning how to navigate the site, lol.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    PEARL - Welcome to a great group of motivated ladies! We all need friends who will tell us the truth, especially when we don't want to hear it.

    ELLI - You are right; lack of sleep is also a weight loss enemy. I never slept through the night once in the 16 months between my Daddy's unexpected death and the day we buried my mother without first taking a sleeping pill. Depression will also cause some (like me) to gain while others lose. I literally slept for 3 weeks after her funeral barely waking to eat and bathe. Three months later we moved 700 miles from our daughter and 1600 miles from our son to be near my husband's parents in their twilight years and I put on another 30 pounds! (You can see pics of my family in my profile if you like.) So if those pounds just aren't coming off no matter what you do, examine your stress level and see if there's anything you can do to relieve it.

    I just finished my treadmill time and meal planning for the day. So far I've drank 3 of my 8 glasses of water for the day. I just realized if I can lose 1 1/2 pounds a week instead of 1, I can be at my goal weight by my next wedding anniversary in January. Hubby says he'll' take me to the beach when I reach my goal (even though he hates water) so now I am REALLY motivated to get toned and healthy again.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning all,
    I just had my workout and really feel it! It feels so good to feel tired after working out. Now I'm ready to get going on my chores.

    Barbie: I love your signature quotes at the end of your posts. They are inspriring.

    Cindy & nmicol - welcome. You have found the right thread to encourage and inspire you. There are a lot of great women on this thread.

    Elli - good job on your workouts.

    Kathy & Elli - Yes, I've heard that stress and lack of sleep do have an impact on weight control.

    Susan - If my body EVER looked like that picture I would be sooooo thrilled ! :laugh:

    Exquitblkpl - Good for you. We all need friends like that who will tell us what we need. And good for you to have a good talk with her after you licked your wounds. That's a true friend also. Be glad you have her.

    Susan - You have been through a lot of emotional ups and downs. Hopefully this is the start of a new and happier road. The trip to the beach is a good incentive for you to work harder. That's a good way to reward rather than a dinner out!

    Hope you all have a great day. Come to this thread when you need some uplifting. Like Susan's cat in her tracker!?!?

    By the way, I just read that sniffing peppermint oil when you're bored or craving food can help. I haven't tried it but I'm wondering if it's something to look into further? Anyone else hear or read that?
