Like We Don't Know This Already!



  • A couple of things:

    First off the journalistic integrity of yahoo is non-existant. I read this article a few days ago. If I see a claim that is extraordinary I research it further. One of the claims in the article 'Artificial sweeteners and food dyes have been linked to brain cell damage and hyperactivity' is quite dubious. I did a simple google search on 'aspartame brain cell damage'. At the top of list are artticles written by James Bowen and Joseph Mercola. Google these names and you will find that they are considered quacks and charlatans in the medical and scientific community.

    As for the coke and the penny thing check out this link:
  • I gave up all carbonated beverages, such as Coke, I think it made a significant difference in my ability to lose the weight and keep it off. Too much sugar for me!

    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>
  • *sigh* pretty soon breathing is going to be bad for you. I will drink a Diet Coke or Sprite Zero every once in a blue moon, I'm just not a pop person anymore. We as a society have survived on everything that is out there to consume for I'm not overly concerned. If it tastes good, I will eat/drink it damn it LOL
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I didn't read the article, but uhhh... isn't liquid, as a rule, flame retardant??

    This makes me thirsty for a Coke.

    Lighter fluid, diesel, alcohol... sorry love...
  • *Yawn*. Can we talk about something worth it? Like beer? :heart: :drinker:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    A couple of things:

    First off the journalistic integrity of yahoo is non-existant. I read this article a few days ago. If I see a claim that is extraordinary I research it further. One of the claims in the article 'Artificial sweeteners and food dyes have been linked to brain cell damage and hyperactivity' is quite dubious. I did a simple google search on 'aspartame brain cell damage'. At the top of list are artticles written by James Bowen and Joseph Mercola. Google these names and you will find that they are considered quacks and charlatans in the medical and scientific community.

    As for the coke and the penny thing check out this link:
    Thank you for bringing a dose of common sense to the discussion.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.

    Not everything we eat HAS to be GOOD for us. Pretty much anything in moderation our bodies can cope with. The issues start when we overdo the non-good stuff. If i only ate things there were GOOD for me, id probably have died of starvation by now, or certainly fallen off this wagon and regained the weight. And i think that would be rather unhealthy, no?
    Researchers asked participants to drink either regular soda, milk containing the same amount of calories as regular soda, diet cola, or water every day for six months.

    And they didn't say anything else about what to stick to in the diet? Talk about flawed...

    I suppose if you not concerned for you health and your future, then what you are saying is true. The human body is not designed to handle chemicals, excess sugar and other toxins. It is stored in the fat cells and eventually will try to be metabolized unless tumor growth happens first.

    I don't eat for pleasure any longer. I eat for the fuel that it provides me and that is it. I do savor and enjoy the food I do eat, but non of it is or will ever be again junk food of any kind.

    Neither milk nor soda are good for us. I don't consume either. Raw dairy in small amounts in the form of grass fed butter or cream is all I will consume.

    So what you're saying is the liver doesn't actually do what the liver actually does? Ya know, filter and remove toxins. The kidneys do that, as well. The human body is actually extremely well adapted to removing chemicals that it can't use and eliminating them, especially seeing as 99% of these "scary junk food chemicals" occur naturally in foods all the time, in various forms. Things like aspartame for example (aspartic acid and phenylalanine, 2 amino acids that are in EVERY single protein source you eat, every day. You consume far more "aspartame" from meat, nuts, beans, avocados, etc. then you will ever get from a diet soda.)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.
    Oh please. This is exactly the type of attitude that turns people away from your viewpoint. You're honestly going to suggest that drinking soda means that you don't care about your family? Really? :noway:

    Think what you want. I know people that truly care for their family and themselves will have their family eat, drink and care for themselves in the most healthful manner possible.

    I feel so sad for so many people on this website that don't even care what is in the food they eat, the evil corporations they are supporting and you all are only making them richer while you will eventually degrade your bodies.


    Please do not feel bad afor me because I DO care, but in all honesty shopping organically at a grocery store is WAY too expensive, farmers markets here only last until about November (If we are lucky) and growing my own food can only take place during the summer and I do not have time to do canning and *kitten*... so I shop where economically fesible which means no orgaincally grown foods... and OMG chemically abused animals... and even better sometimes it is MECHANICALLY SEPERATED because I do not have time to cook so I eat FROZEN meals... and you know what?? I am 100% healthy - other than my weight my blood tests are perfect...

    So think what you will about me but do not feel sorry for me.

    You may only seem healthy for now. Until you get sick one time and end up having to take way stronger antibiotics because your body is immune to the standard antibiotics from ingesting factory farmed CAFO meats.

    I suppose you don't care how animals are treated before they go to slaughter? You don't care the source of your food and such.

    This attitude is precisely why Cargill, Monsanto and all these other companies are winning. Because people don't care.

    I hope one day people will wake up and see that these food manufacturers don't have anyone's best interest at heart, only their bottom line. Maybe when 90% of all people have dimentia, diabetes and cancer - people will then wake up.

    And the part about not having time, is a cop out and an excuse.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I didn't read the article, but uhhh... isn't liquid, as a rule, flame retardant??

    This makes me thirsty for a Coke.

    Lighter fluid, diesel, alcohol... sorry love...

    Yeah, but we don't DRINK all of those. You make a very good point, but I still think that using 'flame retardant' as an argument against soda is a bit far fetched.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.
    Oh please. This is exactly the type of attitude that turns people away from your viewpoint. You're honestly going to suggest that drinking soda means that you don't care about your family? Really? :noway:

    Think what you want. I know people that truly care for their family and themselves will have their family eat, drink and care for themselves in the most healthful manner possible.

    I feel so sad for so many people on this website that don't even care what is in the food they eat, the evil corporations they are supporting and you all are only making them richer while you will eventually degrade your bodies.

    well you enjoy your life on your soapbox while the rest of us corrode away our insides :wink:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    *sigh* pretty soon breathing is going to be bad for you. I will drink a Diet Coke or Sprite Zero every once in a blue moon, I'm just not a pop person anymore. We as a society have survived on everything that is out there to consume for I'm not overly concerned. If it tastes good, I will eat/drink it damn it LOL

    The leading cause of death is life!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I think Coke tastes bad. That's the extent of my opinion.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I've been looking for a cult to join, do you have any good recommendations?
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.
    Oh please. This is exactly the type of attitude that turns people away from your viewpoint. You're honestly going to suggest that drinking soda means that you don't care about your family? Really? :noway:

    Think what you want. I know people that truly care for their family and themselves will have their family eat, drink and care for themselves in the most healthful manner possible.

    I feel so sad for so many people on this website that don't even care what is in the food they eat, the evil corporations they are supporting and you all are only making them richer while you will eventually degrade your bodies.

  • curvyniki
    curvyniki Posts: 48 Member
    I rarely drink soda, b/c I don't really care for it, not because it's bad for me. Occasionally I'll crave it, and give in.. or else in a mixed drink like jack and coke :)
  • Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    in all fairness my sister lost her front teeth due to coke, you seen what it does to a coin and we use it to clean the loo, better than any bleach :tongue:

    In all fairness, how much was she drinking? A moderate amount? As for the coin, its a bit of a silly argument. Do you hold coke in your mouth for hours, with no saliva and no dental hygiene routine?

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    This thread is pointless and so are the arguments about it being "bad for you because it's just chemicals." Your scaremongering is baseless.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member

  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    in all fairness my sister lost her front teeth due to coke, you seen what it does to a coin and we use it to clean the loo, better than any bleach :tongue:

    Are you sure she didn't lose her teeth due to poor dental care?

    I know someone who had a deviated septum due to coke.

    lol, that's probably a different type of "coke"

    Would anyone want to drink soda if it was not flame retardant?

    Bahaha! Winning
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member

    But for me, I gave up sodas years ago as I personally think they are unnecessary as they do not provide any positive nutritional value.

    This for me too. There are much better tasting things with better nutritional value I can use up my calorie allowance on.