Like We Don't Know This Already!



  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    I love Diet Coke...LOVE LOVE it. And drink it in moderation. I guess that means a few things. I am uncaring of animals and my family, I will lose my teeth, I'm lazy, I don't want to be healthy and I will live a short life filled with all manner of diseases.

    Makes so much sense, why didn't I see it before??
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I call it pop.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.
    Oh please. This is exactly the type of attitude that turns people away from your viewpoint. You're honestly going to suggest that drinking soda means that you don't care about your family? Really? :noway:

    Think what you want. I know people that truly care for their family and themselves will have their family eat, drink and care for themselves in the most healthful manner possible.

    I feel so sad for so many people on this website that don't even care what is in the food they eat, the evil corporations they are supporting and you all are only making them richer while you will eventually degrade your bodies.


    Please do not feel bad afor me because I DO care, but in all honesty shopping organically at a grocery store is WAY too expensive, farmers markets here only last until about November (If we are lucky) and growing my own food can only take place during the summer and I do not have time to do canning and *kitten*... so I shop where economically fesible which means no orgaincally grown foods... and OMG chemically abused animals... and even better sometimes it is MECHANICALLY SEPERATED because I do not have time to cook so I eat FROZEN meals... and you know what?? I am 100% healthy - other than my weight my blood tests are perfect...

    So think what you will about me but do not feel sorry for me.

    You may only seem healthy for now. Until you get sick one time and end up having to take way stronger antibiotics because your body is immune to the standard antibiotics from ingesting factory farmed CAFO meats.

    I suppose you don't care how animals are treated before they go to slaughter? You don't care the source of your food and such.

    This attitude is precisely why Cargill, Monsanto and all these other companies are winning. Because people don't care.

    I hope one day people will wake up and see that these food manufacturers don't have anyone's best interest at heart, only their bottom line. Maybe when 90% of all people have dimentia, diabetes and cancer - people will then wake up.

    And the part about not having time, is a cop out and an excuse.
    Did you miss the part where she mentioned that she can't afford to eat organically? A lot of people can't. Sometimes it has nothing to do with caring. If it comes down to your family eating ramen noodles or not eating at all, ramen noodles are still the healthier option.

    No one said that vegetables and fruits need to be organic...............

    I am talking about basic cooking a REAL meal, not some frozen or boxed throw in the oven or microwave crap. It is excuses to say that eating Mc Donald's or a frozen pizza is cheaper than cooking a real meal.

    That is an excuse and not true. I don't eat 100% organic, but you best believe I don't have any boxed, packaged or frozen ready to eat meals in my freezer, pantry or refrigerator.

    I buy frozen or fresh fruits and vegetables (Coop and CSA), meats that are raised in their natural habitat and treated humanely.

    Everyone has busy lives. If I can make time to work full time, run a business part time, go to school, exercise, spend time with my husband and dogs and still have time to cook, clean and take care of everything else in my house, then others should really sit down and make their priorities straight.

    I was brought up in a household that my mom and dad felt that people that won't even take the time to make something from scratch and instead will bake a cake from a box or make a meal from a package really don't care.
  • MrsAbbott18
    I only drink Sprite or Sierra Mist every once in a while... like once a month or every few months...
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.
    Oh please. This is exactly the type of attitude that turns people away from your viewpoint. You're honestly going to suggest that drinking soda means that you don't care about your family? Really? :noway:

    Think what you want. I know people that truly care for their family and themselves will have their family eat, drink and care for themselves in the most healthful manner possible.

    I feel so sad for so many people on this website that don't even care what is in the food they eat, the evil corporations they are supporting and you all are only making them richer while you will eventually degrade your bodies.


    Please do not feel bad afor me because I DO care, but in all honesty shopping organically at a grocery store is WAY too expensive, farmers markets here only last until about November (If we are lucky) and growing my own food can only take place during the summer and I do not have time to do canning and *kitten*... so I shop where economically fesible which means no orgaincally grown foods... and OMG chemically abused animals... and even better sometimes it is MECHANICALLY SEPERATED because I do not have time to cook so I eat FROZEN meals... and you know what?? I am 100% healthy - other than my weight my blood tests are perfect...

    So think what you will about me but do not feel sorry for me.

    You may only seem healthy for now. Until you get sick one time and end up having to take way stronger antibiotics because your body is immune to the standard antibiotics from ingesting factory farmed CAFO meats.

    I suppose you don't care how animals are treated before they go to slaughter? You don't care the source of your food and such.

    This attitude is precisely why Cargill, Monsanto and all these other companies are winning. Because people don't care.

    I hope one day people will wake up and see that these food manufacturers don't have anyone's best interest at heart, only their bottom line. Maybe when 90% of all people have dimentia, diabetes and cancer - people will then wake up.

    And the part about not having time, is a cop out and an excuse.
    Did you miss the part where she mentioned that she can't afford to eat organically? A lot of people can't. Sometimes it has nothing to do with caring. If it comes down to your family eating ramen noodles or not eating at all, ramen noodles are still the healthier option.

    No one said that vegetables and fruits need to be organic...............

    I am talking about basic cooking a REAL meal, not some frozen or boxed throw in the oven or microwave crap. It is excuses to say that eating Mc Donald's or a frozen pizza is cheaper than cooking a real meal.

    That is an excuse and not true. I don't eat 100% organic, but you best believe I don't have any boxed, packaged or frozen ready to eat meals in my freezer, pantry or refrigerator.

    I buy frozen or fresh fruits and vegetables (Coop and CSA), meats that are raised in their natural habitat and treated humanely.

    Everyone has busy lives. If I can make time to work full time, run a business part time, go to school, exercise, spend time with my husband and dogs and still have time to cook, clean and take care of everything else in my house, then others should really sit down and make their priorities straight.

    I was brought up in a household that my mom and dad felt that people that won't even take the time to make something from scratch and instead will bake a cake from a box or make a meal from a package really don't care.

    Yes we know you're better than the rest of us. Please stop your preaching already. We get it.

    Personally I think if you haven't raced a Half Ironman or longer distance you're lazy...
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    in all fairness my sister lost her front teeth due to coke, you seen what it does to a coin and we use it to clean the loo, better than any bleach :tongue:

    A coin, radiator etc have no saliva or bodily fluids that change, liquify, clean,and filter what we eat and drink. Yes soda, lemon etc have an effect on your teeth that is why you brush them after drinking soda, eating lemons, raisins etc anything with acid or that stick to your teeth will rot them. Also teeth can become weakened during pregnancy and with the use of antibiotics and other medicine.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    So, everyone...

    Do you call it soda, pop or something else? I understand that some places call it all Coke.

    I grew up calling it pop, but now call it soda.

    In MN, it is pop. :-)
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.

    Whoa. Lack of knowledge/awareness or even difference of opinion DOES NOT mean people care less about themselves or their loved ones than non-soda drinkers. Come on, now.

    If you cared, wouldn't you educate yourself?

    I put this in the same boat as people that are too lazy to make sure their kids eat healthy whether at home or at school.

    Lack of understanding and education is downright lazy. Being lazy shows signs of a lack of caring.

    Well, you definitely seem to be a caring person. Downright lovely, even. I'm better for having read your posts.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    So, everyone...

    Do you call it soda, pop or something else? I understand that some places call it all Coke.

    I grew up calling it pop, but now call it soda.

    I refer to all of them by their name.

    When I ask for a Coke in a restaurant they better not even think about giving me Pepsi instead. If I want a Pepsi, I'll ask for a ************ Pepsi. :angry:

    If I ask for a Coke and you say "will Pepsi do instead?", I'm going to ask you "will Monopoly money do instead of real money?"
  • ericabrothers
    So, everyone...

    Do you call it soda, pop or something else? I understand that some places call it all Coke.

    I grew up calling it pop, but now call it soda.

    In MN, it is pop. :-)
    I live in TN and its all coke to me :smile:
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.

    Whoa. Lack of knowledge/awareness or even difference of opinion DOES NOT mean people care less about themselves or their loved ones than non-soda drinkers. Come on, now.

    If you cared, wouldn't you educate yourself?

    I put this in the same boat as people that are too lazy to make sure their kids eat healthy whether at home or at school.

    Lack of understanding and education is downright lazy. Being lazy shows signs of a lack of caring.

    So let me guess, if I showed you a container with this ingredients list on it, you'd pass right?
    Water, glucose, fructose, galactose, phenolic glycosides, 6-deoxyaldohexoses (fuctose and rhamnose), saccharose, galacturonans, (1-4) linked D-galactopiranuronic acid, pectin, pectinic acids, polygalacturonic acids, pectinestarase, Citric Acid, L-Malic Acid, D-Isocitric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Succinic Acid, Malonic Acid, Quinic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid, 2-ketogluratic Acid, praline, asparagines, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid and arginine. oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases and lyases, isomerases and ligases, glucosilglucerides, Carotenoids, tetraterpenes, limonin, aslimonoic acid A-ring lactone, neohesperidosides, flavones (3-hydroxyflavanones, 3-dydroxyflavones, O-glycosyl, aglycones C-glycosylflavones, Anthocyanins, (hesperidin, naringin, poncirin, neoheriocitrin, neohesperidin, rhoifolin, rutin, diosmin, sinensetin, auranetin, tangeritin, hydroxyethylrutinosideres, nobiletin cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidina-3.5-diglucoside, peonidin-5-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, petunidin-3-glucoside, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Pholacine, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantotenic acid, Vitamin A.

    Can't say I blame you, a lot of scary sounding and scary looking chemicals in there, like aspartic acid, definitely something to avoid, right?

    It's the "ingredients list" for an orange. As far as the human body is concerned there is NO SUCH THING as a "one ingredient food." Eat an orange, and the body sees it as that ingredients list is, it doesn't see "orange." It doesn't recognize "soda," "steak," "carrot," or any other food, it only recognizes the chemical components that make up what you eat on a molecular level, and treats those chemicals the same way, no matter where they come from. Sugar from a soda is broken down and burned in the exact same way as the sugar from an orange.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.
    Oh please. This is exactly the type of attitude that turns people away from your viewpoint. You're honestly going to suggest that drinking soda means that you don't care about your family? Really? :noway:

    Think what you want. I know people that truly care for their family and themselves will have their family eat, drink and care for themselves in the most healthful manner possible.

    I feel so sad for so many people on this website that don't even care what is in the food they eat, the evil corporations they are supporting and you all are only making them richer while you will eventually degrade your bodies.


    Please do not feel bad afor me because I DO care, but in all honesty shopping organically at a grocery store is WAY too expensive, farmers markets here only last until about November (If we are lucky) and growing my own food can only take place during the summer and I do not have time to do canning and *kitten*... so I shop where economically fesible which means no orgaincally grown foods... and OMG chemically abused animals... and even better sometimes it is MECHANICALLY SEPERATED because I do not have time to cook so I eat FROZEN meals... and you know what?? I am 100% healthy - other than my weight my blood tests are perfect...

    So think what you will about me but do not feel sorry for me.

    You may only seem healthy for now. Until you get sick one time and end up having to take way stronger antibiotics because your body is immune to the standard antibiotics from ingesting factory farmed CAFO meats.

    I suppose you don't care how animals are treated before they go to slaughter? You don't care the source of your food and such.

    This attitude is precisely why Cargill, Monsanto and all these other companies are winning. Because people don't care.

    I hope one day people will wake up and see that these food manufacturers don't have anyone's best interest at heart, only their bottom line. Maybe when 90% of all people have dimentia, diabetes and cancer - people will then wake up.

    And the part about not having time, is a cop out and an excuse.
    Did you miss the part where she mentioned that she can't afford to eat organically? A lot of people can't. Sometimes it has nothing to do with caring. If it comes down to your family eating ramen noodles or not eating at all, ramen noodles are still the healthier option.

    No one said that vegetables and fruits need to be organic...............

    I am talking about basic cooking a REAL meal, not some frozen or boxed throw in the oven or microwave crap. It is excuses to say that eating Mc Donald's or a frozen pizza is cheaper than cooking a real meal.

    That is an excuse and not true. I don't eat 100% organic, but you best believe I don't have any boxed, packaged or frozen ready to eat meals in my freezer, pantry or refrigerator.

    I buy frozen or fresh fruits and vegetables (Coop and CSA), meats that are raised in their natural habitat and treated humanely.

    Everyone has busy lives. If I can make time to work full time, run a business part time, go to school, exercise, spend time with my husband and dogs and still have time to cook, clean and take care of everything else in my house, then others should really sit down and make their priorities straight.

    I was brought up in a household that my mom and dad felt that people that won't even take the time to make something from scratch and instead will bake a cake from a box or make a meal from a package really don't care.

    Yes we know you're better than the rest of us. Please stop your preaching already. We get it.

    Personally I think if you haven't raced a Half Ironman or longer distance you're lazy...

    It's official. I am lazy.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    This has GOT to be the funniest thread ever. I am only sad that there are only 5 pages of someone telling me I dont care about my family. I have a few more hours at work left, so if you dont mind, I'd appreciate it if you could continue telling me how lazy I am and how little I care. I could use a few more laughs today.
  • dwtouch4
    Look, one should be careful in criticizing the lifestyle choice of others. You can always look in the mirror and ask more of yourself first. Like, why am I not out helping feed the poor or homeless instead of using electricity burining fossil fuels that pollute our earth typing on a message board.

    No one's a saint and no matter how much you care about this or that there is someone who is doing more than you who thinks the reason's you give to not do more are a mere copout as well.
  • ericabrothers
    This has GOT to be the funniest thread ever. I am only sad that there are only 5 pages of someone telling me I dont care about my family. I have a few more hours at work left, so if you dont mind, I'd appreciate it if you could continue telling me how lazy I am and how little I care. I could use a few more laughs today.

    like :drinker: I had a ****ty night. i need some more entertainment to keep my mind off of stuff. keep it rolling
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Every day tbh :) No reason not to, unless you like believing all the scaremonger stuff out there.

    It is not scare mongering stuff. These chemicals, preservatives and crap are obviously not good for the body. Too bad people don't care enough about themselves or their loved ones to stay away from this crap.

    Whoa. Lack of knowledge/awareness or even difference of opinion DOES NOT mean people care less about themselves or their loved ones than non-soda drinkers. Come on, now.

    If you cared, wouldn't you educate yourself?

    I put this in the same boat as people that are too lazy to make sure their kids eat healthy whether at home or at school.

    Lack of understanding and education is downright lazy. Being lazy shows signs of a lack of caring.

    So let me guess, if I showed you a container with this ingredients list on it, you'd pass right?
    Water, glucose, fructose, galactose, phenolic glycosides, 6-deoxyaldohexoses (fuctose and rhamnose), saccharose, galacturonans, (1-4) linked D-galactopiranuronic acid, pectin, pectinic acids, polygalacturonic acids, pectinestarase, Citric Acid, L-Malic Acid, D-Isocitric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Succinic Acid, Malonic Acid, Quinic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid, 2-ketogluratic Acid, praline, asparagines, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid and arginine. oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases and lyases, isomerases and ligases, glucosilglucerides, Carotenoids, tetraterpenes, limonin, aslimonoic acid A-ring lactone, neohesperidosides, flavones (3-hydroxyflavanones, 3-dydroxyflavones, O-glycosyl, aglycones C-glycosylflavones, Anthocyanins, (hesperidin, naringin, poncirin, neoheriocitrin, neohesperidin, rhoifolin, rutin, diosmin, sinensetin, auranetin, tangeritin, hydroxyethylrutinosideres, nobiletin cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidina-3.5-diglucoside, peonidin-5-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, petunidin-3-glucoside, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Pholacine, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantotenic acid, Vitamin A.

    Can't say I blame you, a lot of scary sounding and scary looking chemicals in there, like aspartic acid, definitely something to avoid, right?

    It's the "ingredients list" for an orange. As far as the human body is concerned there is NO SUCH THING as a "one ingredient food." Eat an orange, and the body sees it as that ingredients list is, it doesn't see "orange." It doesn't recognize "soda," "steak," "carrot," or any other food, it only recognizes the chemical components that make up what you eat on a molecular level, and treats those chemicals the same way, no matter where they come from. Sugar from a soda is broken down and burned in the exact same way as the sugar from an orange.

    I disagree. My body recognizes steak. Definitely recognizes it as pure deliciousness.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Well, this one certainly went off the rails.....heh heh. I'm surprised!

    I like Pepsi. . . and I call it Pepsi.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    that are raised in their natural habitat and treated humanely.
    Yes we know you're better than the rest of us. Please stop your preaching already. We get it.

    Personally I think if you haven't raced a Half Ironman or longer distance you're lazy...

    It's official. I am lazy.

    No you've run a marathon, I'll give you a pass this one time...
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yes we know you're better than the rest of us. Please stop your preaching already. We get it.

    Personally I think if you haven't raced a Half Ironman or longer distance you're lazy...