Not what you thought it was............



  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    "There's a Bad Moon On The Rise" by CCR was "There's a bathroom on the right" to me

    So yes!! I can not sing that song without saying that!!
  • lesliemifflin
    "hold me close i'm tired of dancing" hahahah. i can't believe i thought those were the lyrics "hold me close, my tiny dancer"
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Peter Peter pumpkin eater, had a wife but couldn't EAT her!!! . My day of enlightenment was during a baby shower with a game called "Complete the Nursery Rhyme". Well, I VERY confidently AND loudly attempted to finish it, and got many blank, bewildered stares, before the bursts of laughter began. OH MAN... talk about embarrassing. :embarassed: :grumble:
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    I should not have read this at work.. I am laughing so hard my eyes are watering!!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Jingle Bells..... My son had hearing problems when he was little but Loved to sing. He sang this one..... oh wa fa and OPRAH rides on a one horse open sleigh.

    Play that funky music...... play that funky music MY boy.

    He also sang Way down yonder on the hootchie cootchie instead of the Chattahoochie....embarrasing coming from your 5 yr old.
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    When I was much younger I remember watching the news and they kept talking about "Youth in Asia". The story really didn't make any sense so I asked my dad. "what have the youth in Asia got to do with this?". Well, it turns the story was on Jack Kevorkian and euthanasia!
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Her(singing): We are, we are youth in Asia
    Me: Uh, youth in Asia? You mean like little kids in Asia or assisted suicide?
    Her: Um, I don't know whichever?
    Me: Uh, no neither...Youth of a Nation!!!!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    "in the garden of eden" actually --> "an a godda davida"

    WHAAAT?? lol I never knew this..
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    These made my giggle. I'm sure I had a few, but the only thing I can think of is that I have always - and probably always will - pronounced "aspartame" as AS-PART-A-ME, because no one told me the right way until that was already in my brain.
  • grahamckas88
    grahamckas88 Posts: 129 Member
    I was on a road trip with my friend and she thought the center medians were called mediums! So the rest of the trip I kept asking is that a large, is that one a small?!? lol
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    God I've loads

    In Oasis' Don't look Back in Anger, I always thought it said "So pelican way, she knows it today"

    My fiance always thought the Coca Cola christmas commercial (Holidays are coming) song said "Hmmm the trees are coming"

    My nephew thought his dog could whistle, he said "When I pull Colly's ear he whistles" lmao!
  • mom2bryson
    Here's a classic for you, being from the south of course my parents listened to a lot of old country. The George Jones hit, "He Stopped Loving Her Today", until I was in my late twenties and heard somebody singing it live I thought the words were: 'they placed a wreath upon the water' instead of 'they placed a wreath upon the door'. (It must have been the Possum's twang). I just always assumed the guy stopped loving her because he was lost at sea and they put the wreath upon the water... Geesh! :-)

    ***Also, once at a restaurant one of my best girlfriends ordered the chips and kwayso (queso), I was floored, now we all say kwayso and kwaysedillo (quesadillo). This is also the friend that though Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean' said: 'Billie Jean is at my door' instead of 'Billie Jean is not my lover'... :-)
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    "Here I again on my own....going down the only road I've ever a "twister" I was born to run alone".

    Husband: Yeah hun, those are not the words.

  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Friend Dad's Thought, "Gotta move my jacket" Moves like Jagger" lol
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I totally hate to admit this but until I was in 10th grade I always thought Alaska was an island. In elementary and middle school I always saw maps like this with Alaska down in the bottom like an island...

    It wasn't until 10th grade until I saw a map like this and I realized that Alaska is not an island...
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I know someone who thought Pontius Pilate was called Ponchus Pirate, and was actually a pirate...
  • klross
    klross Posts: 49 Member
    My son and i went to a Chinese restaurant and he wanted an egg roll, but he ordered a Chinese Chimiganga!!!
  • cheetosandburritos
    Until about 6 months ago, I thought 1080p TVS were 10ADP.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Ok I have no idea what this means and I am not about to google it or ask my child. I guess I'll just be in the dark.
    You can look it up on Urban Dictionary if you want a definition without pictures. It's not that bad.
  • abetterliv
    abetterliv Posts: 50 Member
    I used to think Mick Jagger's name was just one name (like Madonna or something) and it was McJagger... my best friend has never let me live that down.