Not what you thought it was............



  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    A coworker told me that when she first met her husband he called his underwear panties................he didn't know that panties was a term just for women LOL , she broke him of that real quick. I asked if english was his first language and she said yea born and raised in va lol

    omg............... :laugh:
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    these are too funny.. I learned a few things
    When my yougner daughter was really little she couldt pronounce certain words and it was embarassing when she wanted somethign peanut butter..
    She always said penis butter instead...
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    Sir Mixalot's "Baby Got Back", I always thought it was rumpelstiltsken instead of rumpo smoothskin!!! LMAO

    OMG! Me too!!!! There's no way I'm going to be able to re-train my brain - it will always be Rumpelstiltsken!!! That's hilarious!!!

    I finding out so many "I didn't know's" about myself!!!!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Sir Mixalot's "Baby Got Back", I always thought it was rumpelstiltsken instead of rumpo smoothskin!!! LMAO

    OMG me too. Up until 1 minute ago.

    HAHA, I thought it was rub her smooth skin. LOL!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    My oldest son's family nickname is "Boo Boo." When my younger son was little, he couldn't say "Boo Boo" -- so he calls his beloved brother "Doo Doo." Luckily my oldest is 8, and sincerely loves his little brother, so he doesn't seem to mind at all.

    The grandparents, on the other hand, are APPALLED. :laugh:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    That is so funny, your son will never live that one down. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    How bad is this -- I've never heard of this, so I actually had to Google It. YIKES. I'm never doing THAT again -- wait, GOOGLING it, not DOING it. :blushing: Whew.

    I'm just gonna shut up now. :huh:

    I had to ask my 15 yr old son!!!!!
    OK, so it's not just me?
    I swear, everybody made me feel like the village idiot.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    She always said penis butter instead...

    I've got a whole new picture in my head now. Eek.
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    these are too funny.. I learned a few things
    When my yougner daughter was really little she couldt pronounce certain words and it was embarassing when she wanted somethign peanut butter..
    She always said penis butter instead...

  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    OMG - this is good. lol
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    Sir Mixalot's "Baby Got Back", I always thought it was rumpelstiltsken instead of rumpo smoothskin!!! LMAO

    OMG me too. Up until 1 minute ago.

    HAHA, I thought it was rub her smooth skin. LOL!

    LOL someone corrected me in high school that it was rub her smooth skin, but i looked up the lyrics and that wasn't the case either!!! :laugh:
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    "'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy...." - Jimi Hendrix

    bwahahahahaaaaaa pure genius!

    Until I was about 23 I thought ravens were male crows...and mind you I was in veterinary school when I found out :embarassed:
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 784 Member
    When they were kids my husband had his little sister convinced that Nintendo was Japanese for "little idiot box"
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    My partner works with developmentally disabled adults. Sometimes they can say things that are inappropriate. One day, one of her clients kept saying, "hairy bottom old penis" over and over. He was very excited that he was going to see a movie that night, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    "There's a Bad Moon On The Rise" by CCR was "There's a bathroom on the right" to me

    Ha! I always thought it was "There's a bad man on your right."

    Song used to scare that crap out of me when I was a kid.
  • CarolineSuzanneSmith
    "In New York, that's where you get fried green tomatoes..." not "In New York, that's where dreams are made of."

    I was always confused why people would go to NY for fried green tomatoes..
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    LOL I did not know they were not! LOL!!!
    My daughter thought "Like a virgin" my Madonna actually said "Like a bird yeah". It was cute to hear her singing it that way. lol.

    And my wonderful mother taught her that the "Alice in wonderland" movie was called "Alice in Chains". She always asked to watch Alice in Chains. lol
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    When I was a kid, I always thought that the lyrics "secret agent man" was "secret asian man". I always imagined some really handsome asian man in a suit doing spy stuff. I was a strange child.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I thought muscle weighed more than fat.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    LMAO... kinda fitting, though.