3 simple questions



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    1. You walk into a public restroom w/ 4 stalls (for the boys, there are no urinals). The first three are regular, the 4th is handicapped. Someone is in the 2nd one. Which one do you use?

    2. You have $20 you have to spend right now. What do you buy?

    3. If you were offered to get just one of the following services for free for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
    - personal trainer
    - chef
    - masseuse (sp?)
    - house cleaner

    1. The handicapped, no matter which other(s) is(are) occupied. I walk with a crutch and have trouble turning around in the little ones.
    2. Music or a movie, from Amazon.
    3. A masseuse. Massage helps my pain.
  • ashmarie419
    ashmarie419 Posts: 26 Member
    1. 4th stall- yeah its the handicapped but its one away from the in use one and i'll be there for less than a minutes.

    2. Gas or groceries

    3. Masseuse! nothing beats a good back rub
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    1) The first, I don't use the second anyway because everyone uses the second.
    2) Man, I don't have the burning desire for anything right now. So I guess I save it, sorry that's a lame answer. :-/
    3) I don't use any of those services. No house cleaner, she'd be too likely to find the bodies. I don't mind cooking. Massages seem too...close...but a personal trainer would be interesting for at least a while and just because it's free doesn't mean I'd have to use it forever.

    I think the point is you have to spend the twenty dollars right now--you know, like Brewster's Millions? Saving it isn't just lame, it's cheating on the game.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    1. The cleanest stall which hopefully would be the 3rd stall
    2. I'd buy homeless people food with the 20$
    3. Definitely a chef - I rather clean my own house, hopefully my future husband one day can be my personal trainer and provide massages whenever I want lol... Oh and can always help me clean :)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    1. The handicap one lol. I personally don't care but I like to give the person some room in case they do.

    2. You have $20 you have to spend right now. What do you buy?
    So hard. Probably buy dinner out somewhere then spend the rest on a book or clothing!

    3. Chef
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    first stall
    lotto tickets