Fat Burners...what's hot, what's not???



  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in

    Amen! xoxoxoxoxo
    Exactly, people just don't know how to agree to disagree!
    And, I guess some can't read plain English as outlined in my disclaimer!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sorry, but cardio, strength training, and clean eating ARE fat burners. Anything else is literally throwing money away. Do what you want, but I'd suggest you do some research. Don't you think if "fat burners" worked, no one would be fat? And if you've been around this site for any length of time, you should already know that these forums are not very diet pill friendly.
    Not giving an opinion either way but should your post not say YOU are not very diet pill friendly? Don't speak for the rest of the posters when there are LOTS of forum topics regarding the use of diet pills with lots of different opinion.

    To the OP, lots of the fat burner tablets contain simple ingredients, I eat chili peppers and have good results with them, they are added to some fat burners :drinker:
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Sorry, but cardio, strength training, and clean eating ARE fat burners. Anything else is literally throwing money away. Do what you want, but I'd suggest you do some research. Don't you think if "fat burners" worked, no one would be fat? And if you've been around this site for any length of time, you should already know that these forums are not very diet pill friendly.
    Not giving an opinion either way but should your post not say YOU are not very diet pill friendly? Don't speak for the rest of the posters when there are LOTS of forum topics regarding the use of diet pills with lots of different opinion.

    To the OP, lots of the fat burner tablets contain simple ingredients, I eat chili peppers and have good results with them, they are added to some fat burners :drinker:

    In general, if you read any topics related to diet pills on this forum, most people are pretty adamantly against them. I really don't care either way what you put into your body, so I wouldn't say that I'm not diet pill friendly. It's your money and your health, what you do with it is your choice.
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in

    It's a public forum. Conversely, if people don't want to hear differing points of view, they could create a group or go to a diet pill forum.

    Sometimes, when people reply to a thread, it is to help the people who are reading it, but not necessarily posting in it. Freedom is wonderful, isn't it? :smile:

    Touche! Good point!
    But, I am different. If someone posted a topic about a subject I was solely against, I may be tempted to reply. However, if they asked to keep opposing views out, I would respect it! I am simply just trying to learn other products, without rumbling through posts that don't apply to my needs!
    I can honestly careless about their comments....they are just in the way!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I always heard good things about Hydroxycut. Haven't tried it myself but plan to after I finish my bottle of SlimQuick.

    How are your results with Slim Quick?

    So far all it's done have curved my appetite, which is what most reviews say as well. I haven't notice much on the fat burning side though.

    O ok, and thanks!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    thermo-burn XTR are a good fat loss supplment, I do agree natural sources are the best but I have no issues with people including it in there diets, My friend struggled with his metabolism and was naturally slow, he took thermoburn and it really did improve his performance and fatloss, there is no caffine in these either witch is good too as alot of supplemts include it

    Great! I will research it further. Thank you for the info
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in
    Because there are those out there that may not be as infomed as you are. There are still people on this site that are new and havent gotten past the 'magic bullet' mentality. Perhaps if they hear opinions of those who have also lost signifigant amounts of weight without pills they can weight both options and choose to save their money or spend it trying pills.
    I personally would rather save my money for the new clothes I need after losing 20lbs sans fat burners. :flowerforyou:
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in

    Good luck in your journey. Be sure to let us know in a couple years if the weight you lose with SlimQuick stays off.

    Wow, Kate...u sound very supportive! Awesome job!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in
    Because there are those out there that may not be as infomed as you are. There are still people on this site that are new and havent gotten past the 'magic bullet' mentality. Perhaps if they hear opinions of those who have also lost signifigant amounts of weight without pills they can weight both options and choose to save their money or spend it trying pills.
    I personally would rather save my money for the new clothes I need after losing 20lbs sans fat burners. :flowerforyou:

    Good point, but wrong thread!
  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    bump... and ... if they dont like the fatburns, why did they click on this post??? i think they secretly wanted to bump it without looking like they bumped it ...hahahahahahaha! its ok, we wont even know if you go buy some.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in

    Good luck in your journey. Be sure to let us know in a couple years if the weight you lose with SlimQuick stays off.

    Wow, Kate...u sound very supportive! Awesome job!

    Unfortunately, it's reality. Diet pills don't work, and many are damaging to your health. Again I ask, if there was a diet pill that worked, would anyone be fat?
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    bump... and ... if they dont like the fatburns, why did they click on this post??? i think they secretly wanted to bump it without looking like they bumped it ...hahahahahahaha! its ok, we wont even know if you go buy some.

  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in

    It's a public forum. Conversely, if people don't want to hear differing points of view, they could create a group or go to a diet pill forum.

    Sometimes, when people reply to a thread, it is to help the people who are reading it, but not necessarily posting in it. Freedom is wonderful, isn't it? :smile:

  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Hey MFPs!

    I am a fan of Oxy Elite Pro and have been successful with it for the past few months. However, I would like to try something different to avoid my body getting use to Oxy. I am open to suggestions on other fat burners to compliment my well balanced diet and exercise regiments.
    Do u have any suggestions on other over-the-counter products that delivers...increased metabolism, increased energy, suppressed appetite, and subcutaneious fat burning? :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Oh and if you are against fat burners, thanks for reading the post, but please save your energy and avoid replying! :blushing:


    I would think you have been on this site long enough to know that people are going to give their opinions whether you ask for it or not. Advice-don't post a public thread if you don't want opinions (on both sides of the topic)
  • Elundari
    I honestly haven't tried fat burners - but my GP wants to prescribe me some along with the Alli drug. I'm not saying they are a magic bullet (I already eat very healthily and do cardio for an hour 5 times per week and strength training for an hour twice a week) but hey I could do with all the help I can get! Please keep posting reviews I'm interested to see what worked for people.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You didn't come looking for opinions, you came looking for opinions that agreed with you. Go to a diet pill forum if you're expecting everyone to agree with you.
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    Hey MFPs!

    I am a fan of Oxy Elite Pro and have been successful with it for the past few months. However, I would like to try something different to avoid my body getting use to Oxy. I am open to suggestions on other fat burners to compliment my well balanced diet and exercise regiments.
    Do u have any suggestions on other over-the-counter products that delivers...increased metabolism, increased energy, suppressed appetite, and subcutaneious fat burning? :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Oh and if you are against fat burners, thanks for reading the post, but please save your energy and avoid replying! :blushing:


    I would think you have been on this site long enough to know that people are going to give their opinions whether you ask for it or not. Advice-don't post a public thread if you don't want opinions (on both sides of the topic)

    Good point, but wrong thread! I am looking for advice on fat burners, not advice on forum do's and dont's!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    In my Michael Buffer voice,
    "Some of you have valid points, but this is not a thread seeking advice on forum do's and dont's!
    It is about fat burrrrrrrrrners!"
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    no I do believe I responded to the correct thread!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I honestly haven't tried fat burners - but my GP wants to prescribe me some along with the Alli drug. I'm not saying they are a magic bullet (I already eat very healthily and do cardio for an hour 5 times per week and strength training for an hour twice a week) but hey I could do with all the help I can get! Please keep posting reviews I'm interested to see what worked for people.

    Sure will! And, thanks!