Fat Burners...what's hot, what's not???



  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    You didn't come looking for opinions, you came looking for opinions that agreed with you. Go to a diet pill forum if you're expecting everyone to agree with you.

    I came looking for opinions on different fat burners that work, not opinions of those against! Duhhhhhhh
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    However, I would like to try something different to avoid my body getting use to Oxy.
    Try NOT taking diet pills. Most of us are trying this method.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The majority of OTC "fat burners" are garbage. If you were really deadset on using one and had your diet in check, EC is the most effective by far
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I'd go with meth. It works pretty damn well.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I discovered a often overlooked secret to amazing fat burning.
    It's called....shhhhh:wink:
    ...cardio and resistance exercise balanced with proper diet.

    Nothing better, and it's free for the taking - as much as you want!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Fat burners = caps loaded with components that upper the body heat : google for thermogenesis - Caffeine, Tea, Red Pepper are thermogenic for instance =)
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    OP, don't want to answer my question? I've asked twice now.. And if you could give me a legit answer, I'd go right ahead and retract everything I've said up to this point.

    I'll repeat it for you one..more..time.

    If diet pills worked, would anyone be fat?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I don't see why people need to throw curve balls on a thread like this. If you don't believe in fat burners then go vent about it in your blog. The title of this thread is about fat burners, not asking advice on what you believe in

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    OP, don't want to answer my question? I've asked twice now.. And if you could give me a legit answer, I'd go right ahead and retract everything I've said up to this point.

    I'll repeat it for you one..more..time.

    If diet pills worked, would anyone be fat?

    Are you sure you're in the right thread? Maybe you are looking for the "Answers to Excellent Questions" thread. That's downstairs, near Abercrombie and Fitch and across from the food court.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    My trainer and nutrionist recommends ON Thermal Cuts. I have a few weeks of Oxy Elite Pro I'm going to finish up then moving to Thermal Cuts.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    You can't come on a Fitness Forum and expect people not to post their dissenting opinions. Just saying "Don't post here if you don't agree," only encourages more arguing. I would never have posted on this if not for the OP's argumentative, controlling style. :laugh:

    Exercise and healthy foods within a reasonable calorie deficit work just as well as Fat Burners.

    I've tried several. They do curb your hunger. You can't take them forever. They are expensive, and deprive you of needed nutrients.. Much smarter just to learn to control your eating in a natural way.

    I would never take them again.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Diet pills don't work for everyone. Neither does just plain ol' exercise and eating right. Trial and error
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Diet pills don't work for everyone. Neither does just plain ol' exercise and eating right. Trial and error

    show me a person that can't lose weight with "plain ol' exercise and eating right" and i'll show you someone that isn't trying hard enough.

    “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    i am new here.

    I am here because I am 258 (now).

    I am 258 because I took diet pills to get to 172 (my high range for normal) and It curbed my appetite. I stayed there until I was in the hospital and forced to make a decision. Eat right, or die.

    The weight came back on twice as fast, and it is twice as hard to get off now.

    I hope this works for you, but I cannot see how the pills work in the long term. I just cant.

    Good luck to you.
  • TamsinEllis
    I can't be much help with fat burners in pill/liquid form, but I can say that (and my mum read this in the newspaper - The Telegraph, in case anyone asks - so I can't guarantee I've read it or that it's true) probably a year or two back the newspaper had an article saying how eating half a grapefruit in the morning boosts your metabolism more then eating the average breakfast (once again not saying it's true, but it's worth considering if you like grapefruit isn't is), now I don't actually know what a fat burner is, but I can imagen it does something along those lines. And like another poster said chilli's are another natural fat burner (or once again what I would consider to be a fat burner). And I'm not sure, but in Holland and Barrett (UK health food and supplement store) they sell something with apple cider vinegar in to aid with weight-loss, once again don't know if it was for weight-loss or fat burning (and don't know the difference either sorry) so I'd imagen you could buy some apple cider vinegar and if you liked it use it as dressings on salads, and if you disliked it used it in cooking, although someone did mention on a thread about vinegar's that they are acids so they can (and will in the long run) do damage if consumed excessively.

    Now before you say that I ignored your disclaimer I didn't, but you didn't post about whether you wanted natural or chemical enhanced fat burners so I figured I'd give my very small two cents anyway. And also I don't hate natural weight loss aids, I don't use the one I use because it's a weight loss aid, I use it because the ingredients in it work like prune juice, and I hate the taste of prunes but need them (doctors did prescribe me chemicals to take but as soon as my mum and I found something all natural that would work instead of them - Chinese herbalist thank you - I switched). And I just tried to make that last sentence as un-embarrassing as possible, didn't really work!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Diet pills don't work for everyone. Neither does just plain ol' exercise and eating right. Trial and error

    show me a person that can't lose weight with "plain ol' exercise and eating right" and i'll show you someone that isn't trying hard enough.

    “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

    That's because people are inherently lazy. Everyone wants the easy way...
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Diet pills don't work for everyone. Neither does just plain ol' exercise and eating right. Trial and error

    show me a person that can't lose weight with "plain ol' exercise and eating right" and i'll show you someone that isn't trying hard enough.

    “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

    That's because people are inherently lazy. Everyone wants the easy way...
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    So I was going to quote engineman for truth as for real, anyone eating right and exercising that isn't losing weight isn't trying hard enough. My step mother has been doing Jenny Craig since before I got married about 3 years ago. She'd been going to Curves since years before that. In that time, she gained at least 50 pounds on her 5' frame. Recently she had back surgery and has had several joints replaced due to her obesity. Must be that Jenny Craig and Curves don't work cuz she tried them a long time, didn't she? You sure as sheet can't tell her that maybe she needs to not see the awful Jenny Craig meals as appetizers for her Outback Steakhouse ridiculousness. Or that, if she gets a vent mocha frappa-whatever it is on the way back from Curves where she really didn't break a sweat, she's missing the damn point.

    Any one who exercises and eats right will lose weight. You aren't losing weight, then you have to look at whether you're kidding yourself about one of those two things. That's why tracking food on MFP, getting a HRM, signing up for an event, following an exercise plan, following some hare-brained or not-so-hare-brained food plan, all of these things can help. But you have to want it enough to do the work. If you're still wanting to do the work only enough to sort of say so ["I went to curves today" she says while downing In-N-Out] and have the rest of the work done for you by downing some magic pill. Go ahead. I don't know you, and based on how you interact with people on this thread, I don't like you very much. Take the pills.

    So that's what I was going to say. Then tmfpartyof4 said what she said. Now all I can say is that she gave you a gift by sharing that, and a bit of human kindness towards you returned fleetingly so I can say, I hope you listen to tmfpartyof4.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    strength training! i do about 30 mins, 3x a week. Works wonders.

    i also take gnc's multivit for women. it helps with my appetite. for some reason, i used to be hungry all the time despite how unprocessed i ate.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I take a Green Tea Fat Burner supplement when I feel draggy and not in the mood to work out or I need an energy boost at school or something. If I take one 20 mins before a workout, I'll workout like a badass and feel great! They're super cheap - like 9 bucks for a huge bottle at walmart. I don't think I could make myself spend a bunch of money on a diet pill. Oh and it says on the bottle to take 2 in the am and 2 in the afternoon, but I just take one a couple times a week to kick my butt into gear if I need it and that's plenty for me. :)