My response to people that say humans HAVE to eat meat...



  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    In the end, we are human and we have a choice in what we eat, so any argument suggesting that one way of eating is 'right' will have its opponents and proponents. I'm a vegetarian because I know that it isn't necessary to kill animals to survive and I believe that if you can minimize suffering in any capacity, you should. That is my philosophy on eating, but I also understand not every one shares that sentiment - and I don't base whether I eat meat or not on whether or not we have incisors or a short digestive tract either. Like all humans, I eat based on what I believe it is appropriate to eat in my social context. Whew!

    Can I just say that you are awesome for your entire post? I really wish that more people, both omnivores & veg*ns shared this philosophy on how to treat people regarding what they eat. Whether someone eats meat or not has ZERO effect on anyone else. The only ones it effects are the animals they are consuming, and it's up to each person to decide if that conflicts with their morals or not (and contrary to popular belief, you are not morally superior or inferior based on if you eat meat or not, you just have different morals than the other).

    If you are seriously completely basing whether you eat meat or not off of what people billions of years ago ate (oh no, people used to eat more vegetation than meat because the bear you might have eaten would MAUL YOU TO DEATH if you tried to hunt it down, guess I can't ever eat meat again!), what your teeth look like (oh no, I have canine teeth, guess I have to tear into a piece of meat now!), how long your digestive track is, etc. I hope that you some day develop the ability to think for yourself and formulate & follow your own personal philosophy, whatever it may be. Does it really matter if humans were "meant" to eat meat or not? No. They can, and they can also choose not to. Both can be valid, healthy ways to live.
  • Indy_Mario
    The fact that I am literate makes me civilized. And by the way, the vast majority of the human race does NOT eat meat. In most countries in the world, particularly the third world, meat is too expensive to be part of the diet.

    The fact that I don't eat meat makes more more ethical.

    Ok, now this is total bull-*kitten*. My family comes from one of those "3rd world countries" and we eat more meat than people eat here!
    Oh yeah, we die due to crime...not due to meat eating, in my 3rd world country

    Okay, what is the name of your third world country. I want to remember never to visit there.
    How about Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, all of the Caribbean, Most of South America... To the point people waste not a single once of animal protein. What cannon be eaten (like tail bones) is made into soup or stews.

    Don't talk *kitten* about countries "inferior" than the US, we don't give a frack about this type of crap when you're making 2 dollars a day. We eat what's available and are happy and thankful. Quote all the pseudo science you want, but don't extend your ignorance to geography and ethnic studies. It's obvious you're out of your depth as it is.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't understand the need to preach beliefs about what you think people should eat. Why do you care if I eat meat? I just finished a chicken burger from Trader Joe's and had a huge delicious steak last night. I can't wait for chicken and shrimp stir fry tonight. MMmmmmm!!! I also work out 8-10 hours a week doing intense cardio and weights. I think I am pretty darn healthy. (there's my pic right I look ill?) I work in a family medicine office very closely with often very sick patients. I am rarely if ever sick. Neither is my family. (knock on wood)

    Go eat what you want, embrace it, and leave others alone. lol
  • VegesaurusRex
    The citations are all linked from the article you described as "an opinion piece".

    It is an opinion piece. Any article that does not appear in a peer-reviewed journal is an opinon, not a serious article. Sorry.

    If you want to be like that, every article is an opinion, as no person is without bias. An intelligent reader/researcher will look at the citations for any article they read and decide from there whether or not it is worth reading and trusting, they will not simply ignore it because it is not in a journal.

    If you say so. But at least his peers will agree with him.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Wow, can someone just kill this thread now? it's obviously causing fights, and I thought we didn't allow that here?
    What I chose to eat is totally irrelevant to you, just like what you chose to eat is totally irrelevant to me.

    I see polite disagreement, not 'fights' here.

    If you don't care about the topic, then why come here?
  • VegesaurusRex
    I don't understand the need to preach beliefs about what you think people should eat. Why do you care if I eat meat? I just finished a chicken burger from Trader Joe's and had a huge delicious steak last night. I can't wait for chicken and shrimp stir fry tonight. MMmmmmm!!! I also work out 8-10 hours a week doing intense cardio and weights. I think I am pretty darn healthy. (there's my pic right I look ill?) I work in a family medicine office very closely with often very sick patients. I am rarely if ever sick. Neither is my family. (knock on wood)

    Go eat what you want, embrace it, and leave others alone. lol

    Honestly, you can eat arsenic if you want. I don't care. I just don't want to be sattled with your medical bills when you develop colon cancer or heart disease. This is why we need to get rid of Obamacare so people like you can eat what you want, and I don't have to pay for it.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I don't understand the need to preach beliefs about what you think people should eat. Why do you care if I eat meat? I just finished a chicken burger from Trader Joe's and had a huge delicious steak last night. I can't wait for chicken and shrimp stir fry tonight. MMmmmmm!!! I also work out 8-10 hours a week doing intense cardio and weights. I think I am pretty darn healthy. (there's my pic right I look ill?) I work in a family medicine office very closely with often very sick patients. I am rarely if ever sick. Neither is my family. (knock on wood)

    Go eat what you want, embrace it, and leave others alone. lol

    You are expressing a point of view (pro-meat), even if you think you are coming across as neutral. This is not as 'live and let live' a statement as you may think it is.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Honestly, you can eat arsenic if you want. I don't care. I just don't want to be sattled with your medical bills when you develop colon cancer or heart disease. This is why we need to get rid of Obamacare so people like you can eat what you want, and I don't have to pay for it.

    Perhaps the most ignorant thing I've seen on this site yet to date.
  • VegesaurusRex
    The fact that I am literate makes me civilized. And by the way, the vast majority of the human race does NOT eat meat. In most countries in the world, particularly the third world, meat is too expensive to be part of the diet.

    The fact that I don't eat meat makes more more ethical.

    Ok, now this is total bull-*kitten*. My family comes from one of those "3rd world countries" and we eat more meat than people eat here!
    Oh yeah, we die due to crime...not due to meat eating, in my 3rd world country

    Okay, what is the name of your third world country. I want to remember never to visit there.
    How about Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, all of the Caribbean, Most of South America... To the point people waste not a single once of animal protein. What cannon be eaten (like tail bones) is made into soup or stews.

    Don't talk *kitten* about countries "inferior" than the US, we don't give a frack about this type of crap when you're making 2 dollars a day. We eat what's available and are happy and thankful. Quote all the pseudo science you want, but don't extend your ignorance to geography and ethnic studies. It's obvious you're out of your depth as it is.

    Gee, you get two dollars a day and can buy steak every night. Amazing! Can you tell me how you manage to do that?
  • VegesaurusRex
    Honestly, you can eat arsenic if you want. I don't care. I just don't want to be sattled with your medical bills when you develop colon cancer or heart disease. This is why we need to get rid of Obamacare so people like you can eat what you want, and I don't have to pay for it.

    Perhaps the most ignorant thing I've seen on this site yet to date.

  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    How is my post not live and let live? Please explain. I didn't push meat on anyone. I simply said I like to eat it and WTF should anyone care?
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Yeah, well, I guess that is the difference between living in a civilized place and living in a jungle.
    Indeed. The majority of Western civilization still eats meat. The fact that you don't doesn't make you any more civilized.

    The fact that I am literate makes me civilized. And by the way, the vast majority of the human race does NOT eat meat. In most countries in the world, particularly the third world, meat is too expensive to be part of the diet.

    The fact that I don't eat meat makes more more ethical.

    *sets aside sarcasm just to say*
    If you want to think you're more ethical because you can read and quote things at me, that is fine. You can live your morally and ethically superior life and not kill and eat the fowl, fishes, and beasts of the field. Just don't try to take away my *freedom* to do so and enjoy it. You'll be paying more for the obese who have to have gastric bypasses surgery and heart transplants because they didn't decide to lose the weight than you'll be paying for my bike riding, mountain hiking self (hopefully for many, many years to come), so the Obamacare argument is moot.

    Unfortunately, we all have to die from something. The vegetarian and vegan roads do not lead to immortality any more than eating meat does so we'll just find our way to our own graves however we see fit.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Unfortunately, we all have to die from something. The vegetarian and vegan roads do not lead to immortality any more than eating meat does so we'll just find our way to our own graves however we see fit.

    *Clapping* :)
  • Indy_Mario
    Gee, you get two dollars a day and can buy steak every night. Amazing! Can you tell me how you manage to do that?

    Have you ever heard of the wonders of capitalism? Free markets work by providing commodities to the masses and charging them as such. In open air markets there is no distinction between prime USDA beef and Angus. You pay for the cut you want, that's it. Food in other countries is viewed as a necessity. Neighborhood stores abound and produce is fresh and in season every month of the year.

    As I said, your ignorance shows thoroughly on your pseudo-science responses. Don't continue to humiliate yourself in things too complex for your B-12 and iron deficient brain. :flowerforyou:
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    We aren't carnivores. We're OMNIVORES.

    Define OMNIVORE in a way that it cannot mean either a tiger or a mouse.

    What? :huh:

    Mice can be omnivorous.... tiger's aren't.

    I'm not sure what you even mean.

    Are you saying tigers can't eat berries? Please be very precise because I would have to bring in a bunch of studies to show you don't know what you are talking about based on a misunderstanding.

    Also, why don't you address Dr Roberts defintiion of herbivore. I respect his definition far more than that of a 3/4 Ph.D. who apparently has no idea how to cite articles defending her position.

    I will tell you my point up front. If your defintion of "omnivore" is so vague as to include every member of Animalia, then it is totally useless. I gave you several cites and precise definitions. I told you physiologically what the difference beween a carnivore and a herbivore is. You have given me nothing so far except your ex cathedra statements. I am not interested in arguing with the Pope. I want scientic answers, not opinions.

    If you are saying tigers are able to eat berries then you are wrong. Tigers cannot eat berries. If you fed cats a vegan or vegetarian diet they will get sick and die a horrible death. Cats cannot produce the amino acid taurine on their own, the only way they can get this amino acid is in meat. Omnivores which is us, pigs, dogs are able to make this amino acid with a balance diet that includes animal by produce. Cats can't live off just animal by product it has to be pure meat because of this amino acid. This is why they are a true carnivore since no meat for a cat equals death.

    First, virtually all carnivores eat berries or other plants when meat is not available. While I would not want a Tiger to try to live on blueberries, they can get nutritiion out of them and this type of food can sustain them..

    Cats have only a LIMITED ability to synthesize the essential amino acid taurine from sulfur-containing amino acids. Therefore, a cat's diet must provide taurine. It also helps for the diet to be rich in sulfur-containing amino acids. Diets low in protein, and therefore sulfur-amino acids, are more likely to induce taurine deficiency. Therefore, even though cats CAN synthesize taurine, they would likely suffer and or die without meat. That is why they are carnivores. That is also why we are NOT carnivores.

    Go make that argument to veterinarians that have to treat cats with detached retinas from owners who try to give their cat a vegetarian diet. BTW, the synthetic taurine causes cancer and no they can't not sustain on berries. Okay, you even state they will suffer and die but then you say they can sustain on berries :/. We are not carnivores, we are omnivores but that does not mean we are herbivores and can live from a vegan diet. Maybe a vegetarian diet we can but its a lot easier to meet our protein needs with meat which we are able to use but a vegan diet we could not live on properly since it excludes animal by product.
  • VegesaurusRex
    How is my post not live and let live? Please explain. I didn't push meat on anyone. I simply said I like to eat it and WTF should anyone care?

    I only care in so far as when (not if) you get colon cancer or heart diesease or some other chronic disease related to meat eating, that you are going to go to the public fisc and I am going to have to pay for your health care. I want you to live and die with your choices as I will live and die with mine. Health care is such a disaster in this country because of meat, and I for one am sick of paying the bill.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Honestly, you can eat arsenic if you want. I don't care. I just don't want to be sattled with your medical bills when you develop colon cancer or heart disease. This is why we need to get rid of Obamacare so people like you can eat what you want, and I don't have to pay for it.

    How anyone could think that witholding medical care from someone because they can't afford it is the right thing to do is horrific. Everyone deserves to receive medical care, whether they can or can't afford it. You can whine about being "sattled" with someone elses medical bills, I'm thrilled my taxes pay for the NHS, it's one of the best uses of taxes that I can think of.
  • dylansmom00
    I recently decided to not eat animals. Not because humans shouldn't eat meat but because of how the animals are treated before being slaughtered. I accidentally came across a video that changed my outlook. Their living conditions should scare us to not want to eat them anyway. So disgusting and with the hormones and antibiotics they are being given does not help humans either.

    This was my decision and I do not enforce my lifestyle on anyone. My family eats meat....I choose not to. Each person can make an informed decision or just choose not to know where the food comes from.. Sometimes I wish I had never watched that video.
    To each their own.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    How is my post not live and let live? Please explain. I didn't push meat on anyone. I simply said I like to eat it and WTF should anyone care?

    I only care in so far as when (not if) you get colon cancer or heart diesease or some other chronic disease related to meat eating, that you are going to go to the public fisc and I am going to have to pay for your health care. I want you to live and die with your choices as I will live and die with mine. Health care is such a disaster in this country because of meat, and I for one am sick of paying the bill.

    I wouldn't want to pay your health care bill from heart disease when you could of been adding some fish in your diet :) Mmm yummy meat.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    The question of animals vs plants... Plants aren't sentient beings and that is the difference.

    Animals, however, are sentient beings. I am against factory farming. If it was like in the days of animals having good lives up until slaughter....I would probably not be a vegetarian working towards vegan.
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