My response to people that say humans HAVE to eat meat...



  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This is why I'm still reading.
    It's stuck on the recent forums, I'm bored and it's such a drama-fest that I can't see,m to look away. we must have a different opinion on what is considered polite, if this is a "polite discussion" it seems to be all preaching and finger-pointing to me.

    Are you saying that I have been preaching and finger-pointing? I'm honestly trying not to do that.
    Not at all, I've just been reading this thread since it came up and I've seen a lot of it from people in the thread, not everyone, though.

    Ah, long as I'm not going overboard. There is some interesting stuff here! I actually like that these discussions help me find some new friends. Surprisingly, some of them are on the other side of the discussion sometimes.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The question of animals vs plants... Plants aren't sentient beings and that is the difference.

    Animals, however, are sentient beings. I am against factory farming. If it was like in the days of animals having good lives up until slaughter....I would probably not be a vegetarian working towards vegan.
    Factory farming is best.

    When an animal suffers, when an animal is panicked in the slow death of the slaughter process, it releases numerous stress hormones that give the meat that fabulous flavor we all love.

    Factory farming is great for this.
  • Indy_Mario
  • rayleansout
    veggie sauras rex!!!

    Why no pic of yourself lets see it and show several different pics of yourself. You know for verification that you did not pull a random one from the net. Show us proof what veggies have done for you!!!

    PROVE YOUR POINT! Words are cheap show us pics of yourself!!! i would love to se your veggie awesomeness, i bet you eat tons of bread and cheese and are as big as a freaking house!!!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    The question of animals vs plants... Plants aren't sentient beings and that is the difference.

    Animals, however, are sentient beings. I am against factory farming. If it was like in the days of animals having good lives up until slaughter....I would probably not be a vegetarian working towards vegan.
    Factory farming is best.

    When an animal suffers, when an animal is panicked in the slow death of the slaughter process, it releases numerous stress hormones that give the meat that fabulous flavor we all love.

    Factory farming is great for this.

    This breaks my heart :brokenheart:
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I am a vegetarian. I am perfectly healthy. Having studied human evolution I have yet to see a single jot of evidence that humans are biologically supposed to be omnivores. Every single bit of biological evidence suggests we should be vegetarian.

    BUT I CBA arguing with meat eaters. Each to their own.

    If we're supposed to be vegetarian how come we have Canine's & molars? they are for ripping & chewing meat.
    While many people in the developing world eat or have available enough food in sheer caloric intake, their diets are severely lacking in micronutrients that can only be derived from animal-source protein. Livestock consumption provides a micronutrient-rich supplement to a staple-plant based diet in developing nations. Animal-source foods (including meat, milk and eggs) are particularly appropriate for combating the range of nutritional deficiencies faced by people in developing nations, from providing them with additional iron, calcium, and zinc, to stabilizing a food supply which often fluctuates seasonally.
    You can't get everything that your body needs on just a plant based diet, most vegans/veggies take supplements that give them the nutrients that meat would.

    Herbivores have molars. Look at cows, horses.....even elephants have canines and molars. Carnivores and omnivores in general DON'T have molars. They are for grinding plant matter.

    Fine, you still didn't come back RE the rest of what I said.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Plants aren't sentient beings and that is the difference.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    See, this is one of those issues that I'm really torn on.

    On the one hand, I like meat, a LOT!!! To be blunt, I'm a fan of most every kind, and most every prep of every kind.

    On the other had, if I had to kill them myself I'd be a vegeterian, due to the whole, "I'm a wuss" thing.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Yeah, well, I guess that is the difference between living in a civilized place and living in a jungle.
    Indeed. The majority of Western civilization still eats meat. The fact that you don't doesn't make you any more civilized.

    The fact that I am literate makes me civilized. And by the way, the vast majority of the human race does NOT eat meat. In most countries in the world, particularly the third world, meat is too expensive to be part of the diet.

    The fact that I don't eat meat makes more more ethical.

    RE: the third world.
    While many people in the developing world eat or have available enough food in sheer caloric intake, their diets are severely lacking in micronutrients that can only be derived from animal-source protein. Livestock consumption provides a micronutrient-rich supplement to a staple-plant based diet in developing nations. Animal-source foods (including meat, milk and eggs) are particularly appropriate for combating the range of nutritional deficiencies faced by people in developing nations, from providing them with additional iron, calcium, and zinc, to stabilizing a food supply which often fluctuates seasonally.
    You can't get everything that your body needs on just a plant based diet.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    How is my post not live and let live? Please explain. I didn't push meat on anyone. I simply said I like to eat it and WTF should anyone care?

    I only care in so far as when (not if) you get colon cancer or heart diesease or some other chronic disease related to meat eating, that you are going to go to the public fisc and I am going to have to pay for your health care. I want you to live and die with your choices as I will live and die with mine. Health care is such a disaster in this country because of meat, and I for one am sick of paying the bill.

    Not everyone who eats meat develops any of these illnesses, let alone dies from them. Gosh.
  • jahzbuttafly
    jahzbuttafly Posts: 175 Member
    I agree on the flowers point. :blushing:
  • Cycl0tr0n
    Interesting post. I mostly agree. But, while most vegans statistically have BMI's lower that a matched non-vegan population, there are fat vegans, who enjoy their food too much because it tastes so darn good. Ask me how I KNOW that!

    Maybe you've had the same super-amazing vegan cupcakes I've had? :D

    Some of my favorite recipes are vegan, and some of them are surprisingly high-calorie!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
  • Cycl0tr0n
    So who are you rooting for today? Pat's hot dogs, or Giants veggie burgers?

    Reminds me. Got to go soon. Superbowl. Since I live in Connecticut, the choice between NY and Boston is not trivial. Geographically I am closer to NY. Brady v. Manning. Like 'em both. I am having a real crisis here trying to figure out who to root for. I guess I just have to ask myself, "What Would Tebow Do?"

    As another Connecticut Yankee-by-birth (I now live in Louisville, KY), I feel your pain.

    My suggestion? If you're not an enormous fan, try to figure out which team more of your relatives are rooting for, and go with that one :) That way, you have more people on your side if a fight breaks out at the next family function!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
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