T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team ~ Week 9 ~ 4/2-4/9



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Anita, this was at PIR in 07 (April) - When junior went to Hendrick, this guy had some altering to do :laugh: (bottom right)


    What just happened? No lug nut, then Junior can't find his pit box??? Aw too bad. :tongue:

    edit to say: I knew I shouldn't make fun of Jr. Now he's leading and JG is #2 argh..Gaah.gif

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ella Sopia gets to join Daddy in Victory Lane!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • indianagranny
    Hi Everyone

    Just checking in before I go to work. It has rained hard here all day and been about 50 degrees. Next two days snow and no higher than 34 - life goes on.

    LI4G - if I forget to post have a good trip. WTG on the window shopping spree. I love Old Navy.

    CM - not a big Jeff Gordon fan but happy he won I had him in the pool we have. thanks for the reading material - I will get to it tomorrow. work is calling here soon.

    Kristi - you have been missed tremendously. I would like to see those whales, too. I enjoyed watching them when we went on our cruise.

    Anita - hope you enjoyed your quiet day.

    Adopt4 - my first 5 pounds were from my boobs and face. All I heard is where did your boobs go?

    Well had a good day today - worked out to all 4 of the Walk Away the Abs tapes and done almost two miles on treadmill. Manage to stay within the calories too and got in 8 GLASSES OF WATER!!!!!!YEAH

    Everyone have a good night and talk in morning when I get home from work

    Good night
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    I have 900 calories left and I'm not hungry. What should I do adopt4???????? :tongue:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Hey gang - I'm exhausted!!! Worked outside allllll day - tore down a small barn and hauled all the debris away - save the frame to make myself a greenhouse:bigsmile: Got scared by a really BIG snake:noway:

    Anyway, wanted to check in and tell you about this awesome site I found:


    It's a free fitness site with a MENU PLANNER!! The planner is great - gives 30 day plan with shopping list and you can get it for the day, the week, the month, etc... It plans for 4 small meals and two snacks ~ perfect. I'm going to be using it this week so I'll let you know how it goes. I'm soooo happy to not be wracking my brain tonight trying to plan my meals for the week!

    ta-ta for now.

    edit: oh yeah, AND it gives you a grocery shopping list!!! Yipppeee:bigsmile:
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hello! Sounds like everyone has been working hard! Great job! Sorry about being MIA. My boyfriend plays softball and we were at the fields a good portion of Saturday and then I met a friend for a dog walk. It was really really windy here Saturday and I was exhausted when I got home. But the good news is I managed to stay within my calories! I was happy about that. I wrote everything down so I could log it later. :smile:
    As for yesterday it was beautiful here! I should try this boot camp class, though I don't know if I would be able to walk afterwards.
    Have a great Monday! Hope everyone has a 4 day week! :glasses:
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I have 900 calories left and I'm not hungry. What should I do adopt4???????? :tongue:
    I feel you CM! After dinner last night I had 800! I ate some frozen yogurt and an all natural granola bar and called it a day. I know it wasn't enough to get the 800 but it was too late to eat more. What did you end up doing?
  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    Good Morning Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend, I know I did! My husband and I worked in the yard all day yesterday, and I'm afraid all of my hard work may be in vain. We have a freeze advisory for tonight and tomorrow, and maybe some snow...so hopefully my little plants will survive this! I'm pretty dang sore, I can tell you that much! :sad:

    I bought one of those monitors that tell you how many steps you take, or the distance you walk in a day, and I'm pretty excited about that. Trying to walk off some poundage here! :tongue:

    I'm super duper excited to find out that my parents are coming down to visit in a few weeks! Plus, my dad has agreed to play a show with Tony and I while he's down. I'm really looking forward to that! I know most of you won't know who I'm talking about, but I'm going to mention it anyway, LOL In the world of bluegrass, there are some definite "old timers" who really have paved the way for artists these days. One such brother duo is Jim & Jesse McReynolds. Jim is now deceased, but Jesse still plays music all the time, and he's going to play mandolin with us too! Mainly because he likes my husband(he's had him play guitar on his last 3 projects). So anyway, I'm just really looking forward to it! Then later that night, my dad's going to play the Opry with Tony...so it should be a fun weekend. But mainly, I'm super excited that my parents are even coming for the weekend!!! :bigsmile:

    OK, enough ranting, time for work. Hope you're all well!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have 900 calories left and I'm not hungry. What should I do adopt4???????? :tongue:

    Sell them on eBay?

    (just kidding!). To add to your article on starving and still obese, the binges are a factor in the whole wicked cycle in that they are triggered by an overwhelming hunger urge brought on by the constant fasting. (see Garth Fisher, phd, "How to Lower Your Fat Thermostat").

    And, Li4g, in my human biology class, I learned that those gurgles in your tummy are happy gurgles! Sorry about your poor butt. Maybe it needs a couple of ibuprophen or a massage.

    Hi everyone! Weighed this morning to see what damage may have been done on vacation. (note: I was actually quite indifferent to the results, just mildly curious). No change, so its all good.

    As lulu would say, later gaters! (Utah has no fun animals to rhyme about. So I must borrow the gaters.)
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    So I think maybe I have my brain wrapped around the calorie thing.... the calories I need to be concerned about are "net", correct? Net = total cals consumed - exercise cals... I guess how MFP displays it doesn't make it intuitive to me. Or I'm dumb. Whichever.

    I ate a huge dinner last night, not usually wanting to eat that many cals in a meal, but hubby went all out. And it was good stuff. No dessert (not that I had room for dessert, anyway!) Sodium still a bit high but getting better, and the extra water I'm drinking seems to even it out a bit with water retention.

    I'm still nervous about how much I'm eating, because LI4G's HRM said I'm burning way more than the elliptical says, so I'm using MFPs numbers instead which is still lower than the HRM said... guess I need an HRM so I can stop being so nervous about which number to use. The HRM nearly doubled what the machine said.. I thought everyone said those machines run high? Maybe they do for smaller people, I don't know. I couldn't believe li4g's numbers the first time she wore it, I figured it must be wrong - but now she's losing weight like crazy so obviously not!!!

    My little toe is purple and swollen, but I can move it now and it only hurts a little, no noise when I move it, so I just bruised the crap out of it and didn't break it. Whew. Should feel better in a few days with just a bruise.

    Off to the gym!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hey gang - I'm exhausted!!! Worked outside allllll day - tore down a small barn and hauled all the debris away - save the frame to make myself a greenhouse:bigsmile: Got scared by a really BIG snake:noway:

    Anyway, wanted to check in and tell you about this awesome site I found:


    It's a free fitness site with a MENU PLANNER!! The planner is great - gives 30 day plan with shopping list and you can get it for the day, the week, the month, etc... It plans for 4 small meals and two snacks ~ perfect. I'm going to be using it this week so I'll let you know how it goes. I'm soooo happy to not be wracking my brain tonight trying to plan my meals for the week!

    ta-ta for now.

    edit: oh yeah, AND it gives you a grocery shopping list!!! Yipppeee:bigsmile:

    Hi Lulu.. I've been following the menu plan for a few weeks now.. I wonder if you get the same as me??
  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    I FINALLY Cracked in the 15lbs to go!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me 3 weeks to crack that "15" to go mark :grumble:.
    Just had to shout that out really really really loud when I weighed myself this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    :happy: Goal here I come!!!!!!!!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Congrats tiff! Happy dance for you!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    I have 900 calories left and I'm not hungry. What should I do adopt4???????? :tongue:
    I feel you CM! After dinner last night I had 800! I ate some frozen yogurt and an all natural granola bar and called it a day. I know it wasn't enough to get the 800 but it was too late to eat more. What did you end up doing?

    :laugh: :laugh: Jamie - I was playing a joke on adopt4 who refuses to believe the whole "Eat your exercise calories" thing.

    I eat every four hours, whether I'm hungry or not. I ate all but 28 of my calories yesterday. And it was all healthy stuff, no sugar or processed food (except cheese - I dry the line at drinking my milk directly from the cow..:noway: )

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Well CM you'd be happy to know that I ate all my calories yesterday except for 78 of them... I was full full full and it was all healthy stuff as well...

    Today I am feeling a bit bloated again so we shall see what I eat tonight.. I am thinking it was the brocolli salad I ate on Sat at Koles funeral.. Who knows.. I am tired of the bloated feeling.. Any ideas? Anyone??
  • healthymom2009
    Hurray for Monday! :wink: I know not everyone likes them but after a weekend of celebrating and birthday cake for a 3 year old, I am happy to be back to the routine. I missed my exercise on Friday so it felt so good to be at the gym today. I went on the elliptical after a 30 day absence. It was a bit strange. Really have to watch my posture on that thing.

    I am going to be staying home and opening a home daycare. I am getting excited - two families are committed and one more coming to look Wednesday. It will be so nice to stay home with my daughter and get paid!

    CM - your ticker moved! Congrats!

    Anita - So glad your weekend went "well".

    tiff1632 - :flowerforyou: Way to go!!!!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    It's important to know that foods are about more than just taste. As a part of my fitness journey I am trying to learn the properties of foods and how they impact our bodies. This is an article I found very interesting and thought I would share it.... There are several on the team who have issues with bloating/pms and such ~ so it may be helpful. Also, if you find yourself dehydrated, this may explain why if you are eating too many of these foods.

    Natural Diuretics

    Many people are turning to natural foods and herbs with diuretic properties instead of over-the-counter and/or prescription diuretic pills. Natural diuretics can aid in removal of excess fluids from the body and aid in treating sciatica, kidney stone, lymphatic swelling, PMS, liver disorders and high blood pressure. Moderation and caution should always be used for natural foods and herb diuretic. If taken indiscriminately, diuretics can lead to serious consequences such as dehydration and potassium deficiency.

    Diuretics are prescribed for people suffering from-Edema-accumulation of fluids in the body tissues, high blood pressure and heart diseases. PMS symptoms such as bloating, women are often advised to take diuretics to rid the body of excess fluid retention and diuretics are taken to Lose Weight.

    Foods that can cause water retention

    Foods like salt and sugar may cause the body to retain considerable fluids that can lead to bloating and water retention. Also, inadequate protein in the diet can lead to fluid retention. When the body does not get enough amino acids or B-vitamins, it may accumulate excess fluids.

    Natural diuretic

    Natural diuretics are natural foods or herbs that will increase flow of urine and aid in the removal of fluids from the body. While using natural diuretics or synthetic to aid in removal of excess fluids from the body, it can also mean loss of very important vitamins and minerals too. It is essential that you supplement to prevent loss of vital electrolytes.

    *Green tea is a natural diuretic food that has been in use for centuries in China.
    * Cranberry juice can aid in removal of excess fluid retention.
    *Apple cider vinegar exhibits natural diuretic properties and in addition maintains the potassium levels. It can be added to the salad dressing.
    *Dandelion is often used as a natural diuretic.
    *Nettle has natural diuretic properties that facilitate good cleansing.
    *Dandelion leaf tea aids in detoxification and has a beneficial effect on those suffering from cystitis and urinary tract infections.
    *Fennel has carminative and diuretic properties and is frequently used in seasoning food.

    Diuretic food with high water content

    watermelons and cucumbers help increase urination and flushing out of toxins. Cucumbers are rich in sulfur and silicon that stimulate the kidneys into better removal of uric acid. Watercress and artichokes are also natural diuretic foods.

    *Asparagus contains asparigine - a chemical alkaloid that boosts kidney performance and improving waste removal from the body.

    *Brussels Spouts help in stimulating the kidneys and pancreas. This helps in better cleansing of cells.

    *Beets are natural diuretic foods that attack floating body fats and fatty deposits.

    *Oats contain silica-a natural diuretic.

    *Cabbage is known to aid breakage of fatty deposits, especially around the abdominal region.

    *Carrots are a rich source of carotene that speeds the metabolic rate of the body and hastens removal of fat deposits and waste.

    *Lettuce aids better metabolism and flushing of toxins.

    *Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C that aids the metabolism and release of water from the kidney to flush out waste.

    *Horseradish, raw onions and radish speed up your metabolism.

    Remember, Moderation and Caution should always be used for any Diuretic. This information is for informational purpose only, and is not intended to replace the advice or care of your doctor.

    Sooooooo, I think I'm gonna eat a lot of cabbage!!!!:bigsmile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok, I think Im officially dying... or close to it!

    Sunday I decided not to sit around on my butt and stiffen up. After a drive to visit my MIL for lunch (she forced german food on me again!) I decided I would borrow the neighbors lawn mower and tackle the HUGE job of mowing my overly tall and unruly yard. 3 1/2 hours later at 5:00pm I was FINALLY done with mowing the BACK yard.

    Got up this morning, sore and tired... decided not to sit on my butt and went to the gym to do the elliptical for 45 minutes. Once that was done and over with I was all reved up and decided to mow the front yard and weed eat all the areas I couldnt reach with the mower. Got about 1/2 way done and broke the stupid weedeater. So... I rake up all the grass in both the front and back yard area's that the mower wouldnt bag. Got a blister on my thumb ... even tho I wore gloves.. LOL Decided I was hungry for lunch and went to Chevron for Nachos with EVERYTHING on it and a giant slurpee... I know.. I know....SO needed the calories and thier nachos are fresh. Had them use regular cheese instead of nacho cheese and it ended up being more like a taco salad cuz I had her put tomatoes and lettuce on it. Once I got done eating, I spent the next 3 hours pulling weeds. LOTS and LOTS of weeds! Needless to say I wont be working my arms at the gym this week. Im only about 1/4 of the way done with all the weeding, but once its done.. its only maintaining it, which is easy enough with some roundup.

    So... for all you guys who are stiff and sore from working in the yard this beautiful sunny weekend (today it was 73 here!!!) I feel your pain... literally! Im gonna go to the gym now and soak my aching muscles in that jacuzzi.. :laugh:
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Evening Team,

    I have to catch up with all the post I havent had the internet in a few days since we started moving.. well we are for the most part all moved in only a few small things to get but other then that all is good hubby unpacked the kitchen, livingroom, and family room.. so all I have to do is the bedroom so I have been elected to cook easter dinner..

    well My cable and internet is on in the new house as of Today.. I havent been able to get to the gym since Friday but I am going tomorrow just so I can sit in the damn hot tub cuz my back and feet are killing me from standing on them and doing to much...

    well miss you all so much hope all is going well and glad to see kristi is back from vacation.. hope you had a great time kristi... by the way Kristi while you were away I hit my under 300 I am now 297 pounds... yay...

    talk to you all tomorrow going to bed and take a muscle relaxer.. hope it helps!!!

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi, gang! Good to be back on-line! Though I am trying to type, and my cat, Fiona is making it impossible! She appears to be hunting the mouse or something! cat_mouse-1.jpg
    Sheila! glad you are moved, and BIG CONGRATS on getting below 300. Happy dance for you!

    Got the whole crew dancing!